NEW!!! "For Hire" Sub-Forum
Hey dgrinners,
We're going to try something new... There has been enough request to warrant trying out a "services" subforum here in Flea Market. Basically along the lines of "FH (for hire): wedding photographer seeking work in Boston, MA" - or better yet, we all love photography, but its hard to shoot your own wedding "WTH: wedding photographer in Boston, MA." This won't be limited to photography, other services are fair game as well, retouching, photo-website design, etc.
We do NOT want this to turn in Craigslist and we do not want to detract from all the good sharing of info here. This is first and foremost a place to discuss, share, and learn more about photography.
Let's see how it goes.
We're going to try something new... There has been enough request to warrant trying out a "services" subforum here in Flea Market. Basically along the lines of "FH (for hire): wedding photographer seeking work in Boston, MA" - or better yet, we all love photography, but its hard to shoot your own wedding "WTH: wedding photographer in Boston, MA." This won't be limited to photography, other services are fair game as well, retouching, photo-website design, etc.
We do NOT want this to turn in Craigslist and we do not want to detract from all the good sharing of info here. This is first and foremost a place to discuss, share, and learn more about photography.
Let's see how it goes.
Since 2004...
I'm sure the initial quirks will sort themselves out quickly once everybody understands what is it about
But really, that's kind of the idea. We're not looking to bring in new folks with this sub-forum, its more for you guys, that have been around forever, to slightly more formally "advertise" and connect with each other. It's great to talk on the forum, but sometimes a little official help/service/get-together can go miles further.
Newest baby: R.Gonzalez PHOTOGRAPHY or HERE
My rambling addiction: Crunchy Monkeys
facebook fan page: R.Gonzalez photography
Yes, of course.
The latter - post enough detail to initiate a private interaction with another photog.