Entry mini-challenge #78: Loss
Welcome to Round #78 of the Dgrin mini-Challenges.
This challenge is open to any Dgrin member. It will run from Wednesday, June 17, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5) to July 1st, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5).
The topic ready for your interpretation: Loss
I am a die-hard hockey fan. My picture submitted for the last challenge was taken during my local pro team's inaugural season. We had a good first year but, there were also lots of new hockey fans learning what its like to be a fan of a team and experiencing loss.
I am also a long-time Detroit Red Wings fan. Folks who follow sports know how that went. For those who don't my Red Wings got humbled in a gut wrenching 7th game loss that went down to the wire. My heart and fingernails are still healing.
With loss there is obviously a victor. Most of the time all that is shown is the victor but with loss there is also learning and strengthening of one's spirit.
Before things get too depressing...the picture need not be solely of sports or dying grief - though my only personal examples to date are of sports.
Loss could be of a child with their ice cream melting in the sun...
Loss could be someone saying goodbye to a friend or lover...
Loss is an eagle losing its grip on a fish...
Loss could be a rusted truck in a field of flowers...
Let your imaginations run.
Your Judges:
- Kevin "Kip" Cox ...(humble winner of #77 still shocked that a memory I captured won amongst all the other fabulous posts)
- Beert (friend, photographer and devoted Penguins fan)
Some sports examples: to me the following pictures (my team is the Rapid City Rush...with the big R logo) sum up the feelings of being on the receiving end of an opponent's victory or one's personal learning experience.

Good luck!!
Also, before I forget...thanks BIG TIME to MissB for giving me a clue on what to do after winning the previous challenge.
This challenge is open to any Dgrin member. It will run from Wednesday, June 17, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5) to July 1st, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5).
The topic ready for your interpretation: Loss
I am a die-hard hockey fan. My picture submitted for the last challenge was taken during my local pro team's inaugural season. We had a good first year but, there were also lots of new hockey fans learning what its like to be a fan of a team and experiencing loss.
I am also a long-time Detroit Red Wings fan. Folks who follow sports know how that went. For those who don't my Red Wings got humbled in a gut wrenching 7th game loss that went down to the wire. My heart and fingernails are still healing.
With loss there is obviously a victor. Most of the time all that is shown is the victor but with loss there is also learning and strengthening of one's spirit.
Before things get too depressing...the picture need not be solely of sports or dying grief - though my only personal examples to date are of sports.
Loss could be of a child with their ice cream melting in the sun...
Loss could be someone saying goodbye to a friend or lover...
Loss is an eagle losing its grip on a fish...
Loss could be a rusted truck in a field of flowers...
Let your imaginations run.
Your Judges:
- Kevin "Kip" Cox ...(humble winner of #77 still shocked that a memory I captured won amongst all the other fabulous posts)
- Beert (friend, photographer and devoted Penguins fan)
Some sports examples: to me the following pictures (my team is the Rapid City Rush...with the big R logo) sum up the feelings of being on the receiving end of an opponent's victory or one's personal learning experience.

Good luck!!
Also, before I forget...thanks BIG TIME to MissB for giving me a clue on what to do after winning the previous challenge.
> My SmugMug website
> Inside Dakota Sports
Awesome theme...... Kat
I lost my 21 year old son 4 years ago today(June 16th). The good Lord wanted him back. Photography helps keeps me connected to him. He was passionate about the craft. We used to do competitive rifle shooting together, I have lost the desire for that but photography is still a joy.
This was shot this past Memorial day I was glad my camera was well sealed against moisture that day salty tears were all over it. Shot with 300 mm telephoto, I debated taking it felt like I was intruding. But the photographer got the better of me and could not pass it up.
Loss of Finish
Loss of Finance
I did not mean to imply that grief was not allowed. I meant to say that there could be other options under the theme than just grief and sports loss.
Your photograph is poignant and heartfelt. Let your heart, eyes, and lens take you were they must.
Again...God Bless you, your family and all the warriors who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
> My SmugMug website
> Inside Dakota Sports
I perfectly understand what you had said in the original posting, it is just quite boot to the head for me that this theme would come up today of all days. I put in the disclaimer because I could not help myself not to mention it.
Kevin thank you for your service
My son did not serve,though he wanted to more than anything. He was DQ from serving because of muscular disease he had. He passed from basically his brain stopped telling his heart to beat they could never find the cause. It was unrelated to his condition
The young man in the photo is unkown to me but his intensity caused me great sadness. Both he and I were late to the Memorial Day Services but still had to pay our respects. I wish I could have talked to him and thank him shake his hand but he was there in that spot for over and hour.
The Cost of Freedom,
Family Reunion
and just for fun...
Fish Story
comments always welcome
"It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me
Great posts all. I especially like the second. Was the 'gravestone' naturally brighter or did you PP it a bit?
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In Remembrance
Robin's Egg Blues
Your comments greatly appreciated!
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"It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me
Loss of freedom....
Loss of light....
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
1. Unlivable, Even For Jack ...
2. The Forgotten Stairs
3. Poor Baby
(I don't want to be misleading, Poor Baby is a photograph that was staged by me)
Hey Jeff.
You know how much I like your other Family Reunion shots. this is just as powerful.
I may steal your idea of this and try a shot at my fathers grave.
My mother has given me my dads dog tags from WWII, I think I'll try to incorporate them into the shot as well.
Anyways, thanks for taking these shots. I feel the emotions coming from them.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
There's got to be some more...or is just because of the weekend?
> My SmugMug website
> Inside Dakota Sports
Hi all...
I actually have this posted in "People" for C&C, however, when I read this topic, I knew I had to post here as well.
Loss of memory (but NOT dignity)...
Images of Him Photography
I remember another one from this same series which you had entered into a challenge. Even though these images were staged they are very powerful and difficult to forget.
Lost to the Sandman 2
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
> My SmugMug website
> Inside Dakota Sports
#1 Loss of fun
#2 Loss of interest
#3 Losing gas
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
#2 - Solebury Friends Cemetery, Solebury Twp., PA
#3 - Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia,PA
Did you take this in your previous life?
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
How did you know that I was Matthew Brady in my previous life time?
I had some suspicions...
Now however, I have even more admiration for you... waaah :cool
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook