Where's Andy?

Monday, I'm getting this fixed:

I've got some severe arthritis in my left hip, and so I need to have it replaced :uhoh
It's an immensely successful operation, and I'm having it done at NYC's Hospital for Special Surgery on Monday, Dec 14th. I expect to be down for the count for the week of the 14th, but soon after, champing at the bit to get back to work.
I hope to be playing tennis and leading workshops in 3 months!
If you post a question, and don't get the reply you expect in a timely fashion, please write our Support Heroes with a link to the post.
Thanks folks! :wave

I've got some severe arthritis in my left hip, and so I need to have it replaced :uhoh
It's an immensely successful operation, and I'm having it done at NYC's Hospital for Special Surgery on Monday, Dec 14th. I expect to be down for the count for the week of the 14th, but soon after, champing at the bit to get back to work.
I hope to be playing tennis and leading workshops in 3 months!
If you post a question, and don't get the reply you expect in a timely fashion, please write our Support Heroes with a link to the post.
Thanks folks! :wave
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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thanks Paul!
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... I'm still peeling potatoes.
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... I'm still peeling potatoes.
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If there's anything I can do, just give a holla.
good luck, and break a leg....errr, I mean get a hip replaced.
(seriously though, we will be thinking of ya)
Good luck, Andy!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Good luck, and remember follow the guidelines of the doctors & physical therapists. My thumb can attest to that! My knees.... well I didn't follow those and it feels like rain.
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Best of luck with the surgery, Andy.
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And let the doctor do the job otherwise
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Looking forward to your post operation post!
This is one situation where you'll be doing the post processing of another's work; that of the surgeons.
Here's to a rapid recovery. Keep that healing brush handy.
You'll be back soon enough, I'm sure!
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"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather
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Best wishes for a quick and successful recovery!
Karen Moureaux
Fillmore, California USA
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Best of luck Andy, speedy recovery.
I trust we won't see the hip ball head up on "Andybay" anytime soon!?!
I'll guess that the first two weeks you'll just be trying to get a full or mostly full range on motion in the hip.
After that, the strength training enters into it.
My Physical Therapist had to push me out the door when I had it for the knee.
The harder you work at in the beginning, the better the outcome will be.
They say at the one year mark, it's as good as it's going to get.
Good luck.
Oh yeah, you'll love the staples once they start to itch.:D
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
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