Advice on selling bunches of prolab darkroom equipment
Hi, I work at once was Cies Sexton Photo lab in Denver, CO. We still have a bunch of old darkroom and photo gear collecting dust. There are Chromega D color enlargers with timers. Ilford BW enlarger. Tons of lenses for these (Nikkor, Schneider, Rodenstock), film carriers. Some studio lighting and gear we used for copying artwork. A huge Durst 8x10 enlarger. 8x10 Calumet film camera. Tabletop Forox copy system. Anyone have suggestions as to a good way to sell this stuff? I imagine ebay may be the best, but some of this stuff we do not know the working condition anymore so it would seem having people come by in person might be the best way. I dunno. Thanks in advance.
Best/peace, Steve
College idea is good idea. Craigslist could be hard manage with all the stuff I'm not doing the actual selling and will pass it on to those who are. And yup we realize there's not much money to be made, but the stuff is usable to film buffs...hate to throw it out. I've been at this place long enough to see, at one time, a $200,000 E-6 film processor get thrown in the trash because there was no market. (I still run a Durst Lambda Digital Photographic Imager there though). Thanks again.