Pro Account increase

SkorriSkorri Registered Users Posts: 110 Major grins
edited July 30, 2013 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
Yikes, just got the email and listened to the explanation. Thanks for that video explanation. I see where SmugMug is coming from. Going to have to give this quite a bit of thought...:scratch


  • supermarvin76supermarvin76 Registered Users Posts: 42 Big grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    I just signed up for the pro account 3 days ago. I watched the video, and the nicest thing I can say is simply.... blaaaaaaaa.
    To be quite honest, I don't care if it's the first time since the beginning of time they raised their prices. It doesn't make accepting it any easier.

    What I would really like to know is since I just paid $150 for year's pro account, do I now need to fork out another $100 to get what I thought I was getting 3 days ago?
    "The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!" -Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945
  • ZBlackZBlack Registered Users Posts: 337 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    I'm in the same boat. I recently upgraded my account to be able to make some sales, and I've had very minimal sales, and that's alright. I don't advertise, nor do I consider myself a pro photographer. So for me, I still like Smugmug, and I like the fact that I can customize the site so much compared to other services where you're stuck with just templates. If this additional money truly does go for more engineers to make changes and features come quicker, that's a worthy justification for me. For now though, I'll be renewing at the portfolio level for the time being. As I continue to become a better photographer, and if the demand is there for sales without me being a middleman, I'll likely upgrade my account to the business option once again.

    I do appreciate the video as well, and understand there are times where a price increase is needed. I work for a very small local cable tv company, one of the few locally owned and operated that still exist, and we've had to up our prices a couple bucks a month recently as well. We're still under $30 a month though and you can't beat the local mom and pop type customer service. Even though Smugmug isn't quite like that, they still have great service, and I have never had any issues. I'll continue to host my photography here, and support the business, but I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be at least looking at other options to see if they are as compelling as Smugmug still is for my needs and taste.

    Hopefully changes and faster iteration will happen as a result of this. If it happens quick enough, I imagine a lot of the angry customers now will feel it was a bit more justified. I think the timing of this isn't the best as a lot of people are getting tired of waiting and waiting for the new overhaul without a whole lot of updated news. If that rolls out soonish, it would go a long ways to justifying the price increase at least in my opinion.
  • ZBlackZBlack Registered Users Posts: 337 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    I just signed up for the pro account 3 days ago. I watched the video, and the nicest thing I can say is simply.... blaaaaaaaa.
    To be quite honest, I don't care if it's the first time since the beginning of time they raised their prices. It doesn't make accepting it any easier.

    What I would really like to know is since I just paid $150 for year's pro account, do I now need to fork out another $100 to get what I thought I was getting 3 days ago?

    My understanding is you won't see any price increase until your renewal date in 2013. Since your purchase date is before October 15th. If you sign up after October 15th, then you will renew or be charged the increased rates.
  • Molotov EverythingMolotov Everything Registered Users Posts: 211 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    I spent the past 2 days moving a bunch of stuff around and reuploading photos because I wanted to migrate a bunch of stuff I had at another website to smugmug because I thought smugmug's extra features were worth the price. If I had known about this price increase 3 days ago, I wouldn't have done it.
  • ParkermanParkerman Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    I just renewed about a week ago at the pro tier again, then I get this wonderful email...

    I'm under the impression that you will be charged an additional $100 come October. I already changed mine to stay at the $150, however now thinking about it, I wonder if I was still good to stay at "Business" for a year since that is technically what I renewed at last week. I'm going to be pretty upset and probably won't renew if I just cheated myself out of a year of what would have been a "pro" account.

    I also love that SM thinks that watermarking, printmarking, backprinting, and pro labs are worth $90 over the power account.
  • scolescole Registered Users Posts: 378 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    I've had a pro account for 3-4 years. I've grown tired of the look/feel of Smugmug galleries and how difficult it can be to REALLY customize the look of your site. I looked into Photoshelter before but they don't offer unlimited storage so I decided to stay with Smugmug due to the $150 level. Now that the price will be approaching the level of Photoshelter accounts, I'm really going to think hard about changing over.

    I'll be paying attention to see if any of the claims in the video about upgrades finally come to fruition. If not, it's time to move on..
  • Rogue 1Rogue 1 Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 150 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    Parkerman wrote: »
    I'm under the impression that you will be charged an additional $100 come October. I already changed mine to stay at the $150, however now thinking about it, I wonder if I was still good to stay at "Business" for a year since that is technically what I renewed at last week. I'm going to be pretty upset and probably won't renew if I just cheated myself out of a year of what would have been a "pro" account.

    No worries on that, Parkerman - Shoot the Heroes and email, let 'em know the situation, and they'll bump you back to Business without missing a beat - help at smugmug dot com -
  • Rogue 1Rogue 1 Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 150 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    What I would really like to know is since I just paid $150 for year's pro account, do I now need to fork out another $100 to get what I thought I was getting 3 days ago?

    No worries, Marvin - the price increase won't affect you until next year's renewal...
  • ParkermanParkerman Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    Email sent.
  • clennyclenny Registered Users Posts: 25 Big grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    Been a smugmug pro user since 2004 and was grandfathered in at $99 until now :(. My renewal date is 4 days before October 15 though. I'm not a "professional" at all but at $99/year back then I thought it was a good deal for my hobby but now I guess I'll get another year to think it over.
  • DesptachesGalleryDesptachesGallery Registered Users Posts: 278 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    100% increase for no functionality? I appreciate Baldy's video, but seriously the thought process behind this is quite foolish. Sure, people upload bigger images, but storage prices HAVE come down. Sure, there's bandwidth cost, but that's a given - you can't tell me SM's bandwidth charges have gone up 100%. Why not keep it $150, but put a limit on the number of uploads (either per month or in total), and if people want to go above that, then slug the extra fee?

    Ever heard of Customer choice?

    So what's this mean for those of us developing or have developed SM sites at considerable effort and expense? We have two choices - stay with SM and pay an additional 67% PER YEAR, or move to another provider.

    Thanks heaps for dragging my company into another business planning session to do a cost-benefit analysis. We REALLY appreciate that. Can I send you OUR invoice for my staff's time?
  • Rogue 1Rogue 1 Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 150 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    Parkerman wrote: »
    Email sent.

    Hi Parkerman - I'm looking for your help email - let's cut through it, shoot me an email direct at sean at smugmug dot com - include your account name etc - I'll get this handled for you -
  • MontecMontec Registered Users Posts: 823 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    I must say this is probably the largest increase I have seen in anything I have been subscribed to or service I pay to use. I have been part of SM since 2006 so I feel they should hear my opinion.

    I thought it was justifiable for the extra features of a pro account at $150. At $250 it's not for me. And the portfolio account at $150 now does not have the features I paid for so I don't see any reason to stay at Pro. I will be down-grading when this contract is over.
    This is disappointing. I was already hoping for more improvements and value for the $150 and then they almost double the price with no added value? Makes for a very easy decision.

    I do have a question. My renewal date is April 15th. Do I still get to have full business plan privileges until then? That is what I paid for. The way one could interpet the email is that we ALL need to renew on Oct. 15th and If I chose not to remain pro and just pay the $150 then I will be forced to pay more on that date to use the pro features? That cannot be correct.
  • The Photo BoothThe Photo Booth Registered Users Posts: 56 Big grins
    edited August 31, 2012
    Will the price increase give SmugMug enough money to finally fix the Custom Domain bug? It is QUITE annoying to go to my site using the SmugMug domain and then be REPEATEDLY prompted to log in again when I click one of my galleries (and, thus, switch to my custom domain). And, sometimes, after logging in again under my custom domain URL, the next click of a gallery will end up asking me to log in AGAIN.

    Going directly to my custom domain from the get-go doesn't help!

  • Rogue 1Rogue 1 Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 150 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    Montec wrote: »
    I do have a question. My renewal date is April 15th. Do I still get to have full business plan privileges until then? That is what I paid for. The way one could interpet the email is that we ALL need to renew on Oct. 15th and If I chose not to remain pro and just pay the $150 then I will be forced to pay more on that date to use the pro features? That cannot be correct.

    Hi Montec - I confess, I can see how the wording could be read that way, but I assure you, you're paid through your next renewal at the new Business level - The meaning there is that the increase goes into affect on that date - and renewals after that point, whenever they may be scheduled for, would be at the new pricing.

    I'm terribly sorry for any confusion.
  • SkorriSkorri Registered Users Posts: 110 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    I just gave my site a make over and dropped some $$$ on a new Canon body. And opened a small gallery eek7.gif SmugMug, can you throw us a bone here and let us in on some of the new upgrades ? I am like many, a loyal customer and just would like to see what we are getting.

    You have a good reputation with me, as far as I'm concerned so I'm willing to stick it out 1 more year.

  • Rogue 1Rogue 1 Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 150 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    Skorri wrote: »
    I just gave my site a make over and dropped some $$$ on a new Canon body. And opened a small gallery eek7.gif SmugMug, can you throw us a bone here and let us in on some of the new upgrades ? I am like many, a loyal customer and just would like to see what we are getting.

    You have a good reputation with me, as far as I'm concerned so I'm willing to stick it out 1 more year.


    I (we) hear ya, Skorri - I've been a customer since '03 - and an employee since late '07.

    As OT posted here, -

    "Tiny little bits and pieces have been leaking out around the edges - the gallery preview, the new search interface, Pricelists, and the new Account Settings. They're all tiny little echoes of a much bigger product shift."

    What's coming will be worth the wait - and we're grateful (I REALLY wish I could think of better words) for you're loyalty, understanding and patience.
  • vince_rossvince_ross Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited September 1, 2012
    You know, I've had a pro account here for several years now, only because it allows me to set prices for my photos. I take pictures for a couple of local high schools and get paid through the boosters program run by the parents. These boosters programs don't have a lot of money, so I don't make that much from them, but I need the ability to set prices or I wouldn't make anything at all. Raising the price to $250 per year will probably cause me to go elsewhere...If it were $35-$50, it wouldn't be so bad, but $100? Too much of a jump too quick and I don't think I can justify it. That's just sad...I really liked SM too.:cry
  • Rogue 1Rogue 1 Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 150 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    Will the price increase give SmugMug enough money to finally fix the Custom Domain bug? It is QUITE annoying to go to my site using the SmugMug domain and then be REPEATEDLY prompted to log in again when I click one of my galleries (and, thus, switch to my custom domain). And, sometimes, after logging in again under my custom domain URL, the next click of a gallery will end up asking me to log in AGAIN.

    Going directly to my custom domain from the get-go doesn't help!


    Hi Mark - I'm very familiar with the issue you've outlined, I have a custom domain myself - it's not a 'bug' actually, it has to do with the way web browsers handle cookies - your logged-in session cookie to be precise - and the way they view your actual domain ( vs your custom domain ( -

    If you're up for it, shoot me an email (sean at smugmug dot com) and I'll be happy to outline some some options for mitigation.
  • SventekozSventekoz Registered Users Posts: 500 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    Rogue 1 wrote: »
    What's coming will be worth the wait - and we're grateful (I REALLY wish I could think of better words) for you're loyalty, understanding and patience.

    I sincerely hope that it is, but I need some information on which to base my decision as soon as possible. I really think it would be best for everyone if SmugMug could release their intentions. I know that in normal circumstances you would want to have a big release announcement, but I think the substantial price increase warrants a different approach.
  • ImageX PhotographyImageX Photography Registered Users Posts: 528 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    Smugmug raises prices 67% to $250 per year! 100% increase for new users to $300!
    Smugmug has decided that after already taking too much commission from loyal and paying members from every single sale... that it isn't going to be enough money for them. So, instead of a small logical price increase, they have disrespected the member base by slamming them with massive 67% and 100% price increases!!!! This is not a joke. How can a company make a decision like this without first fixing a site that is unreliable and always down? Absolutely dumbfounding. There will be a mass exodus at Smugmug and the companies all time worst decision was made tonight. Time to back up files by using the "Download All" tab under "Tools" in each gallery. They are counting on people just paying since it's easier than moving all those files. Don't fall into that trap. To read what other member's are saying, please go here and view "Recent Posts by Others on SmugMug".
  • RobertkRobertk Registered Users Posts: 165 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    Sventekoz wrote: »
    I sincerely hope that it is, but I need some information on which to base my decision as soon as possible. I really think it would be best for everyone if SmugMug could release their intentions. I know that in normal circumstances you would want to have a big release announcement, but I think the substantial price increase warrants a different approach.

    Good luck. I have been waiting over two years. From the very start I problems with corrupted uploads and downtime at the most inopportune times. The it was promises of all of these amazing new features that were just right around the corner. Do a trial a Zenfolio and I bet you will switch. $120 for what Smug calls "business". Lower commissions and more features.
  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    Robertk wrote: »
    [snip]Do a trial a Zenfolio and I bet you will switch. $120 for what Smug calls "business". Lower commissions and more features.

    Absolutely no-one else has the customisation options available on Smugmug. If they did I would be checking them out. $300 isn't a stupid amount, but SMugmug have demonstrated over the 7 years I have been here that they are too US centric, and WAYYYY too slow on feature development. I'd pay $300 in a flash if their feature development increased 10fold like their developer count has.

    Cheers - N
    -- (
  • RobertkRobertk Registered Users Posts: 165 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    TalkieT wrote: »
    Absolutely no-one else has the customisation options available on Smugmug. If they did I would be checking them out. $300 isn't a stupid amount, but SMugmug have demonstrated over the 7 years I have been here that they are too US centric, and WAYYYY too slow on feature development. I'd pay $300 in a flash if their feature development increased 10fold like their developer count has.

    Cheers - N

    You can customize a pile of sh!t but it will still be a pile of sh!t. Zenfolio has the features that everyone has been wanting.
  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    Robertk wrote: »
    You can customize a pile of sh!t but it will still be a pile of sh!t. Zenfolio has the features that everyone has been wanting.

    Wrong, it might have the features a lot of people want, but it doesn't have the features I want... To be able to customise my site to the level that at first glance it's not immediately obvious it's a smugmug site...

    I know experience smugmug users will be able to tell instantly, and I'm sure you are one of those experts, but most people can't tell with a well customised site at first glance that it's a generic photo sharing site.

    So please, tell me what options there are... I've looked and as far as I can see, in this area, Smugmug is the only game in town.

    Just a shame the table stakes got bumped up 100%

    -- (
  • RobertkRobertk Registered Users Posts: 165 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    That big SmugMug in the shopping cart is always a dead giveaway.

    Who cares if I have a site that looks custom if the purpose is to make the pictures the focus and sell prints or digital downloads. They are going to be looking at the pictures as long as the site doesn't get in the way.

    TalkieT wrote: »
    Wrong, it might have the features a lot of people want, but it doesn't have the features I want... To be able to customise my site to the level that at first glance it's not immediately obvious it's a smugmug site...

    I know experience smugmug users will be able to tell instantly, and I'm sure you are one of those experts, but most people can't tell with a well customised site at first glance that it's a generic photo sharing site.

    So please, tell me what options there are... I've looked and as far as I can see, in this area, Smugmug is the only game in town.

    Just a shame the table stakes got bumped up 100%

  • PhotoRaconteurPhotoRaconteur Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited September 1, 2012
    No-brainer, I'll downgrade!
    Pfffft, it's a no-brainer for me — I will not be continuing with a Business account when my renewal comes due. I'll continue to use smugmug as my main portfolio site, but I'll happily downgrade to a Power account and hyperlink my galleries to other sites that I already sell through, and through which a much higher level of my sales occur anyway. Thanks to smugmug for making it a VERY easy choice. Ninety bucks per year back in my pocket, yippee!
  • RobertkRobertk Registered Users Posts: 165 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    Pfffft, it's a no-brainer for me — I will not be continuing with a Business account when my renewal comes due. I'll continue to use smugmug as my main portfolio site, but I'll happily downgrade to a Power account and hyperlink my galleries to other sites that I already sell through, and through which a much higher level of my sales occur anyway. Thanks to smugmug for making it a VERY easy choice. Ninety bucks per year back in my pocket, yippee!

    And you will still cost them as much money in storage! Their reasoning doesn't make sense.
  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    Robertk wrote: »
    That big SmugMug in the shopping cart is always a dead giveaway.

    Who cares if I have a site that looks custom if the purpose is to make the pictures the focus and sell prints or digital downloads. They are going to be looking at the pictures as long as the site doesn't get in the way.

    And as I said, you are the expert so can easily pick up on little things like that... I'm perfectly aware of the Smugmug branding in the shopping cart. I don't know how long you've had an account here, but I've had one since 2005 and have been dealing with the customisations ever since.

    Most other photo hosting sites look absolutely ugly. Changing background colours or adding a banner at the top doesn't fix that.

    You said Zenfolio has the features everyone has been wanting, I'm just pointing out that they don't have the features that everyone has been wanting. Don't tell me my business or what I want.

    Cheers - N
    -- (
  • RobertkRobertk Registered Users Posts: 165 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2012
    TalkieT wrote: »
    And as I said, you are the expert so can easily pick up on little things like that... I'm perfectly aware of the Smugmug branding in the shopping cart. I don't know how long you've had an account here, but I've had one since 2005 and have been dealing with the customisations ever since.

    Most other photo hosting sites look absolutely ugly. Changing background colours or adding a banner at the top doesn't fix that.

    You said Zenfolio has the features everyone has been wanting, I'm just pointing out that they don't have the features that everyone has been wanting. Don't tell me my business or what I want.

    Cheers - N

    Well congrats on your $100 price increase!
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