Unveiling the new SmugMug



  • brocotbrocot Registered Users Posts: 165 Major grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    Great ! Fantastic, thank you for all the work you have done Smuggers.

    one question : i can not find the "map this" button
    these are geo tagged http://erikgodderis.smugmug.com/Holidays/CAMBODIA/Silk-Island
    Nikon Z5 - D7200/Nikon AF-S DX Nikkon 10-24mm/10-24dx/105mm prime/Nikon 200-500sb900/
    Hello, :thumb Mi Smug :
  • PBolchoverPBolchover Registered Users Posts: 909 Major grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    Unfortunately, the webcast archive is hosted in a location that is blocked in China. Any chance on hosting a copy something that isn't blocked? (Radical idea: on Smugmug itself...)
  • juanherediajuanheredia Registered Users Posts: 345 Major grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    It was a great launching, but as expected there are many questions without an answer.
    I've already migrated my site. What I miss a lot is the option to put JavaScript to make more customizations.

    BTW. I've read comments about the communities. It's a shame that the communities have an uncertain future.
  • pmbpropmbpro Registered Users Posts: 236 Major grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    I'd left it running when I went to bed (I was backing up some hard drives anyway).
    I woke up, had breakfast, checked and noticed it was finally done. The email said 1:50AM (nearly 7 hours total). I haven't tried anything with it yet.
    pmb images
    Film/TV Stills Photography
    "When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
  • sylviasylvia Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    PBolchover wrote: »
    Unfortunately, the webcast archive is hosted in a location that is blocked in China. Any chance on hosting a copy something that isn't blocked? (Radical idea: on Smugmug itself...)

    Turn on your VPN. I watched it earlier today no problem. I can never access smugmug without it though.
  • derfderf Registered Users Posts: 49 Big grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    Mine has been migrating since yesterday at 4:30, that puts it at just over 25 hours
  • KennySKennyS Registered Users Posts: 85 Big grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    Fred is twitching over here. Someone please help him before he contracts me to assault garden gnomes!
  • VacuBlasterVacuBlaster Registered Users Posts: 6 Beginner grinner
    edited July 31, 2013
    moose135 wrote: »
    There's about a million people (well, not really, but you get my meaning) all trying this at the same time. I migrated my site this afternoon, shortly after the announcement, and it took about 3 minutes.

    Here's a post from Zac in another thread about migration times:


    Good for you, mine took 10 hours and there are people that have waited 25 hours. Well, if you have a big launch and make everyone wait then you should expect everyone to try it at once wouldn't you and not post on the screen message that it would take a few minutes???
  • rpcrowerpcrowe Registered Users Posts: 733 Major grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    Can I stay with the old format
    Is this a fait accompli thing like Windows Vista or Windows 8 (at least I had the option of not joining those debacles)? Or am I going to be able to remain with the old system which I was very happy with, thank you very much...

  • rpcrowerpcrowe Registered Users Posts: 733 Major grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    PilotBrad wrote: »
    I am taking credit for this... After wanting and waiting, I grew impatient and just a week ago spent $100 on a hosting account and wordpress theme. Had I not, we'd surely still be waiting for an annoucement. Sigh.

    I am looking forward to the launch!

    Pilot Brad,

    I will probably bail out from smugmug. Can you give me some information on the hosting account and wordpress theme?

  • johncnajohncna Registered Users Posts: 6 Big grins
    edited August 2, 2013
    Why are the thumbnails no longer displaying properly on my original account? Some do, some don't. It has something to do with the web design. They display OK using the mobile app on my tablet and phone.
  • jmphotocraftjmphotocraft Registered Users Posts: 2,987 Major grins
    edited August 6, 2013
    Thank You
    Just wanted to say that as both a photographer and a software engineer, the new SM blows me away. It's beautiful, fast, AND they've invented their own CMS (content management system) to make it fully and easily customizable. This is bleeding edge web technology, gracefully implemented. I can now do away with my separate web site and hosting service. THANK YOU SmugMug!! Excellent work.

    An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
  • chrisjohnsonchrisjohnson Registered Users Posts: 772 Major grins
    edited August 7, 2013
    just wanted to say that as both a photographer and a software engineer, the new sm blows me away. It's beautiful, fast, and they've invented their own cms (content management system) to make it fully and easily customizable. This is bleeding edge web technology, gracefully implemented. I can now do away with my separate web site and hosting service. Thank you smugmug!! Excellent work.

  • jwashburnjwashburn Registered Users Posts: 476 Major grins
    edited August 7, 2013
    Looks like they put a quick hold on current migrations to help current customers that have already migrated. Thats personal attention. Nice work SmugMug. I was just about to start converting a site and got this message

    "So sorry! We’re pausing the migration process to give personal attention to customers currently in the queue. Please return here August 19th to start your migration. Thanks for your patience!"

    That shows the type of great customer service SmugMug has. They realize a problem and address it.

    Great work
  • rustybladesrustyblades Registered Users Posts: 120 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2013
    Just wanted to express my thanks on the new environment. I'm not a web guru but what you have come up with is simple, easy to use and intuitive once you've customized it a few times. I started migration a week ago with no clue as to what I was doing and one week later I am very pleased with the end result. There's still a few hiccups but that's to be expected with a change of this magnitude.

    Great Job

    my new site; http://paultavares.smugmug.com/
  • johnlogukjohnloguk Registered Users Posts: 137 Major grins
    edited August 15, 2013
    But the new Smug still doesn't work at all for many/most of us, and even the ones who did change over successfully are still finding bugs. Also, because all the heroes and engineers are spending all their time fixing bugs in the new layouts, the legacy Smug is now falling apart too. I'm glad some people made the transition apparently painlessly, and equally glad that some people love the new layouts and customisations. But many of us don't like the new look and were perfectly happy with the old set-up. Of course change brings pros and cons, but this is quite a shambles Smug have created, and it is costing some of us a lot of money too while we wait for it to be sorted out. Who will pay for all that lost income?
  • bartman01bartman01 Registered Users Posts: 33 Big grins
    edited August 16, 2013
    jwashburn wrote: »
    Looks like they put a quick hold on current migrations to help current customers that have already migrated. Thats personal attention. Nice work SmugMug. I was just about to start converting a site and got this message

    "So sorry! We’re pausing the migration process to give personal attention to customers currently in the queue. Please return here August 19th to start your migration. Thanks for your patience!"

    That shows the type of great customer service SmugMug has. They realize a problem and address it.

    Great work

    It doesn't appear to be a 'quick' hold to me, still getting that message a week and a half later. If great customer service means that new customers get the new designs, while old customers have to search to even FIND where to convert their site and then just keep getting that message with no way to 'get in line' so we don't have to just keep going back day after day then I hate to see what poor customer service looks like.
  • carolinecaroline Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited August 16, 2013
    Is it really fair to say the new Smumug doesn't work for many/most of us? I don't think so.

    It's inevitable there will be bugs and hiccups along the way and Smugmug is no different to anyone else in this respect, and it's hardly a shambles. Smugmug do their very best and even under this strain the customer service is still good.
    johnloguk I would be interested to see your site but can't as you don't have a link to it - perhaps if we could see it then maybe some of the gurus here could offer advice about how to embrace the new Smugmug.

    Mendip Blog - Blog from The Fog, life on the Mendips
    www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+

  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2013
    caroline wrote: »
    Is it really fair to say the new Smumug doesn't work for many/most of us? I don't think so.

    It's inevitable there will be bugs and hiccups along the way and Smugmug is no different to anyone else in this respect, and it's hardly a shambles. Smugmug do their very best and even under this strain the customer service is still good.
    johnloguk I would be interested to see your site but can't as you don't have a link to it - perhaps if we could see it then maybe some of the gurus here could offer advice about how to embrace the new Smugmug.


  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited November 18, 2013
    johnloguk wrote: »
    But the new Smug still doesn't work at all for many/most of us, and even the ones who did change over successfully are still finding bugs. Also, because all the heroes and engineers are spending all their time fixing bugs in the new layouts, the legacy Smug is now falling apart too. I'm glad some people made the transition apparently painlessly, and equally glad that some people love the new layouts and customisations. But many of us don't like the new look and were perfectly happy with the old set-up. Of course change brings pros and cons, but this is quite a shambles Smug have created, and it is costing some of us a lot of money too while we wait for it to be sorted out. Who will pay for all that lost income?

    This is the reality I see with the new smugmug.

    caroline wrote: »
    Is it really fair to say the new Smumug doesn't work for many/most of us? I don't think so.

    It's inevitable there will be bugs and hiccups along the way and Smugmug is no different to anyone else in this respect, and it's hardly a shambles. Smugmug do their very best and even under this strain the customer service is still good.
    johnloguk I would be interested to see your site but can't as you don't have a link to it - perhaps if we could see it then maybe some of the gurus here could offer advice about how to embrace the new Smugmug.

    This is a different universe compared to my experience.

    I was a smugmug fan boy once. The price increases and dumbing down of features has ended that.
    Months have gone by and the long list of bugs is not getting fixed. The promise of adding the JS features back in code hasn't happened.
    There are few responses from smugmug in the forum anymore. It's all a big step backwards.

    See my gallery at http://www.dennismullen.com
  • LPCLPC Registered Users Posts: 481 Major grins
    edited November 19, 2013
    Originally Posted by caroline View Post
    Is it really fair to say the new Smumug doesn't work for many/most of us? I don't think so.

    It's inevitable there will be bugs and hiccups along the way and Smugmug is no different to anyone else in this respect, and it's hardly a shambles. Smugmug do their very best and even under this strain the customer service is still good.
    johnloguk I would be interested to see your site but can't as you don't have a link to it - perhaps if we could see it then maybe some of the gurus here could offer advice about how to embrace the new Smugmug.


    I would have to agree. I find new SM to be a huge step forwards. If I felt strongly any other way then I would be foolish not to have found an alternative months ago when the transition happened as by now I would be happily ensconced elsewhere and would not have wasted so much spirit by constantly moaning and griping about the changes rolleyes1.gif
  • pilotdavepilotdave Registered Users Posts: 785 Major grins
    edited November 19, 2013
    This is the reality I see with the new smugmug.

    This is a different universe compared to my experience.

    I was a smugmug fan boy once. The price increases and dumbing down of features has ended that.
    Months have gone by and the long list of bugs is not getting fixed. The promise of adding the JS features back in code hasn't happened.
    There are few responses from smugmug in the forum anymore. It's all a big step backwards.


    I agree. The drag and drop customization is cool... it's definitely easier to create a nice looking site now than it was before. But overall it's far less customizable than it used to be and html/css code is still required for all but the most basic layout changes. They didn't even give text formatting like we have right here on dgrin.

    But the thing is most of us customize our sites once and then leave them alone. So easy customizing is nice to have but not something I'll use often. What they did to the every day site management is what gets me. They scattered tools all over the place and generally made things less efficient and harder to use.

    The bugs will be squashed eventually. I'm not too worried about that. The time it's taking is really hard to comprehend, but they no longer give any insight into what's going on behind the scenes.

    The fact that they came out with this amazing huge launch after working on it for 2 years and BARELY touched any of the long standing feature requests is inexcusable. I can't believe they took away more features than they added. I'm amazed so many people like the new system! I was so happy to see the organizer demonstrated during the live launch event, but after playing with it for a few minutes I realized it is way too limited and confusing. STILL can't copy photos from one gallery to another... only able to move them. Can't use the organizer to do so many bulk tasks that look like it was meant for them.

    It kills me that smugmug is SO CLOSE to being what I want, but they just seem to be veering farther and farther down the wrong path for me. They don't care what I need. They care what will satisfy 99% of their customers who don't even know the organizer exists or that a bulk keywording tool is available.

    I don't know why smugmug doesn't want to be better. They seem happy with what they've got. And it's sounding more and more like they just don't want to hear from us about what could be better anymore.

  • samwisesamwise Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
    edited December 10, 2013
    I haven't published my new SM site yet (still legacy for everyone) as all of the standard themes Ive previewed so far just look nasty to me. I like the legacy look....

    I'm not a pro, I just use SM for hosting my pics for family, friends and forum use, but it'd be impossible to change all my forum links to a new host, so I guess I'll be screwed at some point..
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited December 10, 2013
    samwise wrote: »
    I haven't published my new SM site yet (still legacy for everyone) as all of the standard themes Ive previewed so far just look nasty to me. I like the legacy look....
    You might want to take a look at the tutorial titled "Get the Legacy Look in the New SmugMug" - http://school.smugmug.com/SmugMug-Tips/Get-the-Legacy-Look.

    --- Denise
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited December 10, 2013
    samwise wrote: »
    I'm not a pro, I just use SM for hosting my pics for family, friends and forum use, but it'd be impossible to change all my forum links to a new host, so I guess I'll be screwed at some point..
    All the old legacy links will still work. But I'd recommend switching to legacy for any new links until you unveil.
    Also do all your new gallery creating in legacy otherwise NewSmug has no idea what cat and/or sub-cat it
    goes in and throws all new galleries into a category/folder named /SmugPreview.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
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