New to Smugmug but why do I have Legacy?
Just got my first smugmug page this week. I have been banging head on desk looking for new designs and the "customize" button. Since I never HAD a smug before, I didn't know what the legacy looked like. Was I supposed to get the new version or do I have to wait? I tried the instructions for migration and pop up said come back Aug 19th. .. am I on the right track or missing something.
Cameras and women. Push the wrong button and its not a pretty picture.
That didn't help much did it?
OK I'll be serious. What instructions did you get when you signed up? The new Smug is available now. Forget the legacy you will never see it.
I just followed the prompts and never saw an option for the ready made "new designs". I didn't know at the time it WASNT the new.. I cant forget what I didn't think I .. if that makes sense
I emailed the Help and asked why no designs and no "customize" button.. all I have is the Easy Customize option which has no "designs".. just options for things on home page etc.
Has the Helpdesk replied to your email? If not, email them again.
If you go into easy customize what does it do?
Easy customize gives me a menu of Basic Appearance, Browser, Header, Background... and etc.. no ready made "designs".. I can change the things that are on my current page, but basically have the choice of a slide show, one image, or the smug mug theme..
and no reply from help desk yet.
There is a message on the help centre saying they are not responding within the hour but to allow 24 hours.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Not sure I understand that one. Gotdenny is a new user so all he is seeing is legacy. But what's the point in him doing anything there when he will only have to change it? Or is that wrong?
Gotdenny -
I'd recommend not doing any customization in legacy smug. Use the time to load some galleries and think through your folder structure. Note that in the old smug you only had 3 levels, category > subcategory > gallery. In the new smug categories and subcategories become folders, and there are more levels available.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Yes, and my apologies to gotdenny for saying he'd never see legacy. I was clearly wrong on that one.
It would have been nice to get a "Welcome to Smugmug" message with an explanation, instead of the video telling me about all the features (the ones I don't have yet) and how easy it is to create a unique .....blah blah.. anyway, I had nothing before, I have something now, and it will be something better soon.. Thanks!!
Welcome to SmugLand!!!
You can migrate to the New SmugMug by going here:
I had already been there, and the link says they are in a holding pattern.. so apparently new subscribers are starting out as legacy subscribers for the time being.. arr.. No explanation as to why, but I suppose he is
Oooo, you don't wanna go there - that's a bad, bad place. Nasty stuff...
You started your trial in early July, so you were on Legacy SmugMug. I can migrate you over now if you wish. Just give me permission and I am on it
Photo Blog
Michael, that would be great! You have my okee dokee to migrate me.. thanks a lot!