Does anyone know if we can make custom drop navbars?

I'm curious has anyone figured out how to make a custom drop down navbar. I am curious because currently I like my nav bar and would really like to keep it (see it here I figured out how to add it using a HTML and CSS box but it doesn't intergrad at all with the new SM. I'm thinking maybe if I added it then did a login only for my main navbar but that seems kind of a round about way to do this. In the old Sm Allen had a very good tutorial for this so I'm wondering if there is going to be the same thing for the new or is just not possible now I don't know. Anyways thanks for any info
KO Photography
html and CSS from the first post of the dropdown thread. I clean up the html some. CSS no change
except for main menu width. Have no idea what different browsers will do with it , FF here.
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I tired adding my custom navbar using the HTML and CSS block but it like I was saying doesnt intergraded very well...I'm having a hard time trying explain it but using the templet navbar I can click on the links and customize my site through that navbar. Though putting in my own navbar those links don't allow that same integration. Does that make since. Mike your site looks really good as always by the way
What is the "header box" and how did you delete the navigation bar? I had a custom head tag and header in the old SM and now I can't figure out how to move the code to the new SM. I tried adding an HTML block, but it won't accept my head tag code. Where do I put head tag code?
Herrington Photography
I guess it wasn't a Header box. I just used a HTML box on the top of the page, where the Logo is, or in my case it used to be (I removed it). There is no head tag on the new SmugMug site.
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Thanks for the compliment, Keith.
If you're using a HTML box for your navigation, then yes it doesn't have the same effect as the standard Nav Bar Box. I couldn't used the standard nav box and make my site look like I wanted, so I used a HTML box for my header, navigation and one for the footer.
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No problem, I understand what you mean I am trying to match my website exactly how I have it now and by doing a HTML box it allows that. I like your idea of putting a nav in my footer too so I still have SM's navbar intergraded. Question though I copied my old code for my navbar into a HTML/CSS box and when I am in edit mode it looks fine though when I get out of it and "publish" what I have it is broken do you or anyone in here happen to know whats going on there? This might be an issue I have to bring up with Smugmug but we all know they are extremely busy.
I don't know if this what you're talking about, but I posted this about 15 minutes ago:
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It sounds the same but I don't see anything wrong with my code in the new SM like that post does. Maybe I should just contact SM about it.
Your code is probably fine, especially if you copied it from your old site. It's a bug on the new SM.
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Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Always thankful for your wiliness to help. So here is my nav bar html code [HTML]<div id='cssmenu'>
<li><a href=''><span>Home</span></a></li>
<li><a href=''><span>Bio</span></a>
<li class='has-sub '><a href=''><span>Fine Art</span></a>
<li class='has-sub '><a href=''><span>Landscapes</span></a></li>
<li class='has-sub '><a href=''><span>Holga</span></a>
<li class='has-sub '><a href=''><span>Miscellaneous</span></a>
<li class='has-sub '><a href=''><span>Wedding and Portraits</span></a>
<li class='has-sub '><a href=''><span>Weddings</span></a>
<li class='has-sub '><a href=''><span>Portraits</span></a>
<li><a href=''><span>Blog</span></a></li>
<li><a href=''><span>Testimonials</span></a></li>
<li><a href='/Clients'><span>Clients</span></a></li>
<li><a href=''><span>Contact</span></a></li>
Let me know if you want the CSS too just a heads up on the CSS I am using a website that generates the CSS for me.
I need the CSS too.
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[QUOTE=Honestly, we have made it possible for you to create a dropdown nav bar through the content blocks." [/QUOTE]
Well, I have built my basic Menu line and looked all around that area and I do not find, honestly, where or how to do it! That quote was part of a SmugMug response. Perhaps someone "not SmugMug" can explain the where and how. Still in Preview, not live mode.
I customized the heck out of my legacy site, so I think I have the smarts for this
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Hey - Did the PM have valuable information??
I am having the same exact issues where I've copied and paste the html/css from my legacy into the NSM and it looks perfect in the edit portion and once you hit DONE it goes all crazy.
"A day is lost if one has not laughed"
The only valuable info in the PM was a link to my test page showing him that the code works, at least on my page. I will say that the only way to find out if your site is displaying correctly is to be logged OUT. I noticed I have a few "issues" on my footer when I'm logged in, but it goes away when I'm logged out.
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oh interesting!
"A day is lost if one has not laughed"
I didn't notice it, but it does work on my testing page.
Images in the Backcountry
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ko04, what kinds of things are you seeing?
The link below is what it looks like while I'm working in the code box....exactly how I want it.....
Then once I hit DONE (or OK) then the codes get all mixed up like this...........
"A day is lost if one has not laughed"
Your links do not work with the .... in the middle of them.
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Okey I will try that....
So weird how into the links!
Revised -
The link below is what it looks like while I'm working in the code box....exactly how I want it.....
Then once I hit DONE (or OK) then the codes get all mixed up like this...........
Edit - Once I hit reply - those ....s are there so I donno....
"A day is lost if one has not laughed"
One example, do them all.
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Thank you Allen! I realized when I pasted it into the NSM HTML coding box...there were like new codes added that I didn't want added. I just cleaned some stuff up and now it's working for the most part. Thanks again!
"A day is lost if one has not laughed"