CSS element problem - need some help please

I have used CSS customisation successfully with my site since joining SM.
Admittedly, most of this has been trial and error! (I use WebDev toolbar to identify the elements to be customised).
From various postings, there are recommendations that elements are addressed as:
.sm-user-ui .etc.
There are many examples on the excellent contribution from Aaron:
If I use this prefix, my CSS does not work. Omitting the prefix allows the CSS to work.
Can anyone explain this behaviour? (I've not seen any postings mentioning this problem).
Where might I be going wrong?
I shall be most grateful for any help from the experts - thank you.
Admittedly, most of this has been trial and error! (I use WebDev toolbar to identify the elements to be customised).
From various postings, there are recommendations that elements are addressed as:
.sm-user-ui .etc.
There are many examples on the excellent contribution from Aaron:
If I use this prefix, my CSS does not work. Omitting the prefix allows the CSS to work.
Can anyone explain this behaviour? (I've not seen any postings mentioning this problem).
Where might I be going wrong?
I shall be most grateful for any help from the experts - thank you.
i see very weird stuff on your site
this is what i see , in several lines
if its no virus , then you copied something that dont belong in CSS
I do have a virus scanner. Fully protected by Trend Micro for years - no evidence whatsoever of virus on my setup.
I think that what you are seeing are chunks of CSS which I copied from:
The Sherlock CSS does as expected. I was intrigued at the time by the long strings of code in his CSS.
You can see them on Sherlock's posting (link above).
so , you use webdev
have you tried using the entire element ?
sometimes that seem to work better
example ; #yui_3_8_0_1_1379071052014_179 .sm-user-ui .etc.
This does not, however, answer my original question. Why is it that CSS such as:
/* Lightbox: Add the word "Close" next to the X */
.sm-user-ui .sm-lightbox-tools .sm-lightbox-close:after {
content: ' Close';
font-size: 18px;
is advocated, yet will only work for me (and perhaps many others) if the initial .sm-user-ui is stripped out?
Any CSS experts able to help? Many thanks.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
My technical knowledge does not stretch to an understanding of HTML tags and the true nature of .sm-user-ui
I find this behaviour somewhat worrying; maybe I should not!
However, having used some of your impressive CSS (without the .sm-user-ui) the desired effect of the CSS is achieved.
Should I be concerned about this? Might it be due to SM with the move to the new site?
FWIW, I just tried adding the mod you used in your example (Close after X in Lightbox). As quoted, the mod did not work. But once I deleted .sm-user-ui from the CSS code, it seems to work fine. I haven't a clue as to why, just sharing experience.
if you inspect it with webdev-tool , you dont see .sm-user-ui either
The plot thickens!