Make unlisted or private gallery accessible
I have one private gallery that I want to share with just one person (password protected, read-only, downloads allowed). Whatever I set, the friendly URL only returns a 404 Error. How do I configured this?
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From the help page at --- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
The gallery is unlisted now and password protected. "Page not found" ... it doesn't even ask for the password. Here's the URL:
I tried unlisted without password. Same problem.
Permissions - public / unlisted / private flow down the folder hierarchy. You can have a private or unlisted gallery in a public folder and it will act as expected, but keep in mind that if a folder is restricted that restriction flows down to the gallery level.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
First, I had to enable sharing to get the correct link (which is the same with some random letters attached). Then, I had to put the gallery effectively under an unlisted but not private folder. Under a private folder, even though the gallery was only unlisted, it always said I couldn't share because the gallery was private. Which wasn't true, only the folder above was private.
But the message "because the gallery is private" isn't quite correct. It should have said "because the parent folder is private".
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at