Portrait Professional Studio
Hi, I wanted to ask you
if you have tried the Portrait Professional Studio. It looks to me a bit amateurish as I think it overdoes corrections.
What do you think?
if you have tried the Portrait Professional Studio. It looks to me a bit amateurish as I think it overdoes corrections.
What do you think?
Web: www.robsirotaphotography.com • www.k9-pix.com • www.rsirota.com
Nikon... All Nikon (D4/D810/Dƒ)
... OK I do have a PhaseOne 645DF+ w/IQ250
Link to my Smugmug site
It doesn't help that the images they show in their advertising are HORRIFIC in most cases. It would scare off many pros. I bought it a few years back to speed up my corrections when I was retouching in bulk. When done well, and with a light touch, it does a nice job. But I have literally seen some people push the sliders to 100% and post the images. I just cringe.