Unable to post in landscapes
I'm trying to make a post in landscapes but after I click submit or preview a blank white screen appears. I can obviously post ok here as this post shows up. Any idea what's wrong?
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www.ericandtaylor.com - Follow our Peace Corps adventure
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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I've tried posting in the thread with no problems. I am continuing to look into the issue.
I logged out and logged back in and that seems to have been the trick. I didn't have to clear my cache or cookies.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
www.ericandtaylor.com - Follow our Peace Corps adventure
What browser/version are you running?
The newest chrome and newest IE, whatever those are
www.ericandtaylor.com - Follow our Peace Corps adventure
www.ericandtaylor.com - Follow our Peace Corps adventure
I've looked as much as I can on this side and see no reason you shouldn't be able to post.
It does seem rather strange that you're able to reply to a thread but not start a new one. Could you scroll to the bottom of the Landscapes page and take a look at the "Posting Rules". It should look something like this:
If it doesn't, can you reply?
Also, others who've experienced this have resolved it by either clearing the cache or deleting the cookies for .dgrin.com
As I mentioned, I was having the exact problem and it resolved by simply logging off and then back in. The weird thing is that when I was having the issue, it was only in the Landscape forum. I tested successfully creating new threads in 4 of the other forums.
Must be aliens.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
I do have all the permissions as you listed above. I've tried clearing all cookies and cache in two browsers, still nothing, just a blank white screen when I either try to preview or submit a new thread. All other forums seem fine.
www.ericandtaylor.com - Follow our Peace Corps adventure
Logged out/back in, no-joy
Checked the permissions in the bottom and I can post new threads
Get the same white screen after hitting Submit, but the post never shows
Can post to an existing thread no problem
Edit to add:
Just logged out, deleted cache for dgrin, logged back in and still can't post a new thread. Get the same white screen with dgrin in the url line where it seems to hang about a third of the way from loading.
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Not a tech-wavy guy so that's kind of foreign to me..... Running a macbookPro with Safari and to my knowledge don't have anything I've installed. I've also had zero issues posting new threads up to this point. Want me to try something specific? Or provide some more information?
Edit to Add #1:
OK, that's weird. I was just able to post this thread up in Other Cool Shots... No problems at all in doing so.
Edit to Add #2:
So I bounced back to Other Cool Shots and was able to successfully create yet another new thread (Product shots) with zero issues. Works like it always has and I've done nothing different.
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www.ericandtaylor.com - Follow our Peace Corps adventure
I tried to post in this forum and move it to the bug forum but get blank page when submitting here also.
This is what I tried to post. Fixed it by moving gallery to another month and then back.
My Website index | My Blog
Shown a blank screen with IE/Chrome/Firefox on Win7 machine.
But I can post a reply on an active thread though.
Any solution so far?
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
I used the same technique as mentioned by anonymouscuban. It works.
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