Mini Challenge #299 - Artists/Musicians or Instruments of Art/Music

This challenge is about artists (any kind) and/or their instruments. So, could be a performer of any kind or the instruments they use to create their art. For a musician this could be someone performing, practicing, their instrument, etc. An artist painting or a study of their brushes.
I think you get the idea.
The challenge will end on May 26th at 0600 EDT.
Here is a link to the latest rules:
Hope you all have fun with this. I can't wait to see your work! Here are a couple that come to mind of my own work.
Great theme for a mini. However, I don't have many normal musician or artist fare in my galleries. So bear with me as I describe a favorite bit of history.
. Courting candles were American Colonial-era candle-holders used by fathers as time-keepers marking the length of time a suitor could visit. Even though I have no daughters at home, I have two Courting Candles in the house - just because they're cool.
I think Blacksmiths can be considered artistic when making Courting Candles
First step in making the holder - winding and spacing the iron

Final steps - fashioning the base

Final Product - the one in the middle is the normal style.

Not for mini - this shows the holder with a real candle and the small lever at the bottom to use to move the candle up or down.

Book 2:
Very good! Thank you.
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This will definately be a challenge! I encourage those who do not have anything in their past photos to go with this, go out and shoot something new!! You might surprise yourself!
Here is all I can find at the moment, I will try hard to spend some time to shoot something new.
Great theme. I love artists, especially when they perform in the street
1: Sound that trumpet

2: Singing along

3: I wonder how I will look when she's done

My SmugMug
Meditative player

Guitar Hands

Olde Tyme Players

NYC Musician, Upper West Side
NYC Musician, West 34th Street
Feel the Music! Washington Square, NYC
1) Christmas Eve in Tirol. We (the guests at the Pension) have traipsed in torchlight out onto the neighboring field for a concert of Christmas songs and the blessing of the creche in the little hay stall. The poor musicians are freezing their hands and lips off! It was lovely.

2) Alphorns at rest. We were in the deepest corner of Bavaria for a long weekend of bike riding, but as often happens here in June , it rained so we had to seek other methods of entertainment. Lucky (??) for us there was an Alphorn festival taking place that weekend.

3) Impromptu concert. Shortly before midnight on our last evening in Malaga, Spain we were partaking of our departing glass of wine and were suddenly serenaded by a folkloric group who had been taking part in a music festival on that day. It was fantastic - everyone in the square was suddenly crowding around and many even sang along.

Not for consideration... the washer women. At the midieval festival in Nabburg, Germany a group of women had a "washer women" stand, and often broke into song with their handcrafted instruments.

Joyce, Pieter, Kurt, Graham, Sara
Awesome! Love all of these.
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Love yours too, Dave!
1) High School Marching band drummer (in the Veterans Day Parade)

2) Artist sketching in Nuremberg (1964)

3) Waterford Glass

Nice grandmaR!
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Nice shot DanC137. And welcome to Digital Grin!
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Great theme Dave! Lots of artists represented - & lots of great shots!
Mandolin reflection

Dancers painting

Rosin or ... Sound? Which Came First?

A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
I had plans... but life is what it is so here are a couple from the archives and one new image
2 Quito dancers
Dave Gillespie
Ok, I believe time is up for this one. I'll get the review done soon. Thanks to everyone for participating!!!
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Have I missed the review?
I think he is writing them up. I will pm him to see how things are going. It has been 4 days. He might just be busy.