Can't upload. Invalid login?

JETAJETA Registered Users Posts: 90 Big grins

Can anyone help me? I can't upload photos to my website from my Macbook Pro. I keep getting a invalid login. I don't have a firewall and can't figure this out for the life of me.



  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited March 28, 2017

    I'm guessing here - have you tried clearing your browser cache? Or tried using a different browser?

    There is some information in the thread Invalid login at upload. Take a look at the post by mrneutron, that may give you an answer.

    If these ideas don't work then it might be worth contacting the help desk -

  • VivPixVivPix Registered Users Posts: 62 Big grins

    Hi JETA,

    Th "Invalid Login" error message can occur if...
    1) you use a custom domain for your SmugMug site and
    2) you have your browser set to block third party cookies.

    You'll t want to check your browser cookie settings and ensure that you are accepting third party cookies.

    In Chrome, you can go to Chrome's Settings > Show Advanced Settings > Content Settings. Make sure "block third party cookies and site data" is not checked there.
    You may also need to click the Exceptions button there, and make sure you site and SmugMug are not listed there.
    Be sure to restart all instances of your browser after you make the change.

    Once you make that change, you should be able to upload without problems.

    You can find more help with checking to see if you are blocking cookies here...

    Please let me know if you have any further questions and have a great day!


    SmugMug Hero
  • JMontesJMontes Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins

    Hi all, getting the same error, please help! I have a custom domain name and I checked, I am not blocking any cookies. Any thoughts what it could be? this just started today.

  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins

    Delete all your Smugmug cookies and try again. Maybe a corrupt cookie.

    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • VivPixVivPix Registered Users Posts: 62 Big grins

    Hi JMontes,

    The "Invalid Login" error message can occur if...
    1) you use a custom domain for your SmugMug site and
    2) you have your browser set to block third party cookies.

    You'll t want to check your browser cookie settings and ensure that you are accepting third party cookies.

    In Chrome, you can go to Chrome's Settings > Show Advanced Settings > Content Settings. Make sure "block third party cookies and site data" is not checked there.
    You may also need to click the Exceptions button there, and make sure you site and SmugMug are not listed there.
    Be sure to restart all instances of your browser after you make the change.

    Once you make that change, you should be able to upload without problems.

    You can find more help with checking to see if you are blocking cookies here...

    SmugMug Support Hero


    SmugMug Hero
  • konacurrentskonacurrents Registered Users Posts: 3 Big grins
    I too have this issue using Safari 13.1. I've tried all the suggestions. Deleting the cookie used to work, but that doesn't work anymore either. I have a custom domain as well.

    At the same time, the SmugMug app for the mac is working. But it too has issues, but I have been successful uploading images.
    My issue with the app:
    (1) when it's busy uploading, the window won't show up with the left click. Sometimes it shows up minutes later for a brief second.
    (2) selecting files using the apps "file browser" - if you do a select all (for all the files in a folder), it only selects say 135 of them that can be see. This is not what the normal File Browser does, instead it shows 999 files (typical nikon folder).

    Please help with the uploading.
  • JenuineJenuine Registered Users Posts: 155 SmugMug Employee

    Safari has become very choosy about what third party cookies they will permit. This is true especially if one is using a custom domain. This causes the browser to lose the "login" cookie and then you get the invalid login message. Here is what is suggested,

    1. Clear your browser history
    2. Restart the browser
    3. Log into the account at
    4. Go into the Organizer
    5. Use the upload feature from within the Organizer.

    Inside of the Organizer the cookie used is .smugmug and that should allow you to keep the login valid for your upload.

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • nevervoidnevervoid Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    Tried all of this, and the best part is I'm able to do everything on other websites as usual. I shall try the other browser though.
  • BeaBea Registered Users Posts: 112 Major grins

    As Jen also mentioned, Apple made changes to the default settings that make it harder for sites to set cookies that use multiple addresses (to avoid sites tracking people).

    Please also make sure to allow third party cookies: open Safari → click on Safari in the navigation bar → PREFERENCES → PRIVACY → make sure that BLOCK ALL COOKIES is not turned ON → click the MANAGE DATA button → search for SmugMug → click REMOVE → restart safari. In privacy settings section there is also an option to PREVENT CROSS TRACKING - please make sure that it is also turned OFF.

    This should keep you fully logged in for ~30 days. After about 30 days (depends somewhat on your usage), you may need to perform these steps again.

    SmugMug Support Hero | My website:
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