That PC came from the same dealer that Andy used when he decided that G5 Macs were better compute/$$ on the high end.
Ahh, I kind of see it then. It must have been quite a setup though. I mean if he was considering this PC vs a quad proc Apple. What was it, quad Xeons or something? Maybe a pair of dual cores?
What was the date on those numbers? From what I've seen the dual core Intel/AMD procs have come down in prices quite a bit. On the AMD side (which I have been following) the mobos and chipsets have come down in price even more. Like I said, a DIY'er could get quite a bit of mileage out of that money..
It seems to me that the consensus is that 'pro' high end Macs are great but the not-so good lines (like that ones I own) are possibly not the best choice.
/me wonders about a KVM with Mac for emailing, music and web browsing and a PC for photograph work and school work. How does that sound? A healthy 'mix' of the tow :
In the beginning was Word for Mac, for lo, Bill Gates had a vision, and returned to his people and said "I have seen the future of computing, and it is the Macintosh, and we will develop software for it." And it was so. And the Mac thrived, and it was good.
And Bill Gates said to Steve Jobs, "License your OS to me, and I will see it installed in the lowest valley and on the highest mountaintop, and in every office in the land, Macintosh computers will run Microsoft software and the future will be bright, and we shall prosper."
But Steve Jobs was a suspicious man, and he saw no need to give away what was his and he turned from Bill Gates and sent him home with nothing. And Bill Gates found the taste of defeat bitter indeed.
And Bill Gates said to his people, "Give me a Mac on a PC!" And lo, a child was born, and they called the child Windows, and it was an ugly child and the Macintosh laughed at it and called it clumsy, but Bill Gates plotted his revenge and said "For it is written, Windows and cheap PCs will rule the world." And it was so.
There are two ways to slide through life: to believe everything or to doubt everything; both save us from thinking.
I brought my Windows laptop into school today to see how it worked out. I wish I brought my iBook like I normally do. Yes, Macs are better. Sure, PCs may be a bit faster but this doesn't compensate for:
* Weight - I am giving myself a hernia
* Heat - It is cooking my breakfast nicely
* Usability - Don't go there
* Size - It is huge - I had to bring a special laptop case. Never agin.
I'd rather wait a bit longer for a radial blur than use these machines. Sorry guys, I agree with you all. Macs are better : . I'll work out my issues when I get home. Thanks Andy and David
You beat me to this. We had both a Alto and a Lisp Machine at grad school in 1978. But we also had our own home made thing: a unix machine with a GUI. Actually it was a time sharing system with with 6 graphical monitors.
You've got to be kidding. Syncing couldn't be easier for the smarter set:
I have a G5 and a Powerbook. Changes made on either system to my address book, calendar, email, bookmarks - they're all sync'd automagically with .Mac - so, both systems are always up to date.
But fine - you want a Mac but you don't want to use .mac - OK...
I just bought a new cell phone - Motorola Razr - I enabled Bluetooth on the phone, told it to "discover" my powerbook - my powerbook asked me "wanna sync up with that razr?" I said "yes." Powerbook asked "what do you want to sync?" I said, "address book and calendar." Powerbook said, "OK, I'm doing it... " and "OK - I'm done."
I have 23 years of peecee experience (nightmares) and 13 months of Apple nirvana. My PDA syncing experience just took me to super-nirvana.
Andy, you're talking about syncing two Macs, and syncing a phone. Try syncing a real PDA, like a Pocket PC or a Smartphone. Try syncing to other stuff than the Mac supplied iapps. There's two applications you can use: Missing Sync for Pocket PC and PocketMac. Both applications have far more issues than Activesync on Windows.
But there's no way any other PDA can do the stuff my Pocket PC Phone Edition can do, which allowed me to dump my notebook and only use a PDA back when I led a mobile life. And believe me, I've tried all that were available to me (SE, Nokia, Palm, Handspring). So my Pocket PC is pretty essential to me. The bad sync experience I've had with the Pocket PC on a Mac is one of the reasons I've always had Windows on the side.
I've been pretty close to the Windows Mobile developing group for the past four years, and I've been asking for a decent Mac sync for all that time. But so far, no good. I did end up sitting in Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates presentations taking notes on my iBook, so it still was a pretty good experience.
I've been pretty close to the Windows Mobile developing group for the past four years, and I've been asking for a decent Mac sync for all that time. But so far, no good.
Is there any compelling reason for Micrsoft to write this port?
I'm glad the Goggin's worked out the Blackberry sync better than Pocket PC sync. They're actually great guys to deal with, and I wish them best. But their Pocket PC product still is not very polished.
Is there any compelling reason for Micrsoft to write this port?
As in trying to get the Mac community to use Pocket PCs? I dunno. Let me see.... a PDA platform that does multitasking. That has great screens. That had tons of graphics applications. My brother, who is an industrial designer, fell in love with my first Pocket PC. It was exactly what he wanted. Until he found out it would not sync with his Mac. So he didn't get one.
At the time I made my first request, Missing Sync and Pocket Mac did not even exist. I just don't think MS saw enough opportunities in the Mac world. And of course they were right, and I was wrong. After all their platform currently sells better than others do right now, and even Palm went Windows Mobile.
Being with the "in" crowd has its downsides sometimes
You got it backwards, my friend, the "in" crowd is not the ignorant masses, but the select few that have some special knowledge that others are lacking...:D
Darned, and there I was believing that the in crowd was those who used both Mac and Windows, and were fond of their cameras from that different Japanese company.
Darned, and there I was believing that the in crowd was those who used both Mac and Windows, and were fond of their cameras from that different Japanese company.
Oh my, I have the feeling that being "in""in" is not in fashion right now. But enough on Mac and Windows. Rereading what I've written the past days made me realize I look quite cranky. Which I'm normally not. I just am a strong advocate for doing both parties justice (occupational hazard), and don't believe in unconditional enthousiasm for tech products by multinationals.
But I think I've said enough, and I should better shut up on this subject, and let the Mac Lovers (like me) love their Macs, and let the Windows users (like me) use their Windows boxes.
How I wish I had a G4. That's the future to me!
That PC came from the same dealer that Andy used when he decided that G5 Macs were better compute/$$ on the high end.
Was it an actual PC dealer or a department store?
What was the date on those numbers? From what I've seen the dual core Intel/AMD procs have come down in prices quite a bit. On the AMD side (which I have been following) the mobos and chipsets have come down in price even more. Like I said, a DIY'er could get quite a bit of mileage out of that money..
/me wonders about a KVM with Mac for emailing, music and web browsing and a PC for photograph work and school work. How does that sound? A healthy 'mix' of the tow
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Interesting...I guess it is to do with the move to Intel. No good to me :cry
Radial Blur on iBook G4 (1GHz G4, 640mb, Photoshop CS2): 3m49s
Radial Blur on Toshiab A60 (2.8GHz, 768mb, Photoshop Elements 4): 20s
Is this the RAM, Photoshop CS2 vs. Elemts or what? They both had no other applications running! What is up with this !!?!?!
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And Bill Gates said to Steve Jobs, "License your OS to me, and I will see it installed in the lowest valley and on the highest mountaintop, and in every office in the land, Macintosh computers will run Microsoft software and the future will be bright, and we shall prosper."
But Steve Jobs was a suspicious man, and he saw no need to give away what was his and he turned from Bill Gates and sent him home with nothing. And Bill Gates found the taste of defeat bitter indeed.
And Bill Gates said to his people, "Give me a Mac on a PC!" And lo, a child was born, and they called the child Windows, and it was an ugly child and the Macintosh laughed at it and called it clumsy, but Bill Gates plotted his revenge and said "For it is written, Windows and cheap PCs will rule the world." And it was so.
wow...workbench 1.1...that was a trip, tks marlof
Im still mad as hell for paying an extra $280 for 2 meg ram.
I brought my Windows laptop into school today to see how it worked out. I wish I brought my iBook like I normally do. Yes, Macs are better. Sure, PCs may be a bit faster but this doesn't compensate for:
* Weight - I am giving myself a hernia
* Heat - It is cooking my breakfast nicely
* Usability - Don't go there
* Size - It is huge - I had to bring a special laptop case. Never agin.
I'd rather wait a bit longer for a radial blur than use these machines. Sorry guys, I agree with you all. Macs are better
You beat me to this. We had both a Alto and a Lisp Machine at grad school in 1978. But we also had our own home made thing: a unix machine with a GUI. Actually it was a time sharing system with with 6 graphical monitors.
You've got to be kidding. Syncing couldn't be easier for the smarter set:
I have a G5 and a Powerbook. Changes made on either system to my address book, calendar, email, bookmarks - they're all sync'd automagically with .Mac - so, both systems are always up to date.
But fine - you want a Mac but you don't want to use .mac - OK...
I just bought a new cell phone - Motorola Razr - I enabled Bluetooth on the phone, told it to "discover" my powerbook - my powerbook asked me "wanna sync up with that razr?" I said "yes." Powerbook asked "what do you want to sync?" I said, "address book and calendar." Powerbook said, "OK, I'm doing it... " and "OK - I'm done."
I have 23 years of peecee experience (nightmares) and 13 months of Apple nirvana. My PDA syncing experience just took me to super-nirvana.
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You can't compare Elements and CS2
Run CS2 on the Intel box.
Powerbook G4 2gb Ram 1.67ghz:
I ran this test PS CS2 and it came in in 1min 59 seconds.
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But there's no way any other PDA can do the stuff my Pocket PC Phone Edition can do, which allowed me to dump my notebook and only use a PDA back when I led a mobile life. And believe me, I've tried all that were available to me (SE, Nokia, Palm, Handspring). So my Pocket PC is pretty essential to me. The bad sync experience I've had with the Pocket PC on a Mac is one of the reasons I've always had Windows on the side.
I've been pretty close to the Windows Mobile developing group for the past four years, and I've been asking for a decent Mac sync for all that time. But so far, no good. I did end up sitting in Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates presentations taking notes on my iBook, so it still was a pretty good experience.
Bah! I spent the last 13 months using Pocketmac[/ur] with my BlackBerry and has Zero problems. None. Zip. Nada.
And the first 7 of those months was with Entourage. The later months, just Mac Mail, iCal, etc etc
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I'm glad the Goggin's worked out the Blackberry sync better than Pocket PC sync. They're actually great guys to deal with, and I wish them best. But their Pocket PC product still is not very polished.
As in trying to get the Mac community to use Pocket PCs? I dunno. Let me see.... a PDA platform that does multitasking. That has great screens. That had tons of graphics applications. My brother, who is an industrial designer, fell in love with my first Pocket PC. It was exactly what he wanted. Until he found out it would not sync with his Mac. So he didn't get one.
At the time I made my first request, Missing Sync and Pocket Mac did not even exist. I just don't think MS saw enough opportunities in the Mac world. And of course they were right, and I was wrong. After all their platform currently sells better than others do right now, and even Palm went Windows Mobile.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Being with the "in" crowd has its downsides sometimes
You got it backwards, my friend, the "in" crowd is not the ignorant masses, but the select few that have some special knowledge that others are lacking...:D
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I think that puts you in the "in"in"" crowd....
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Oh my, I have the feeling that being "in""in" is not in fashion right now. But enough on Mac and Windows. Rereading what I've written the past days made me realize I look quite cranky. Which I'm normally not. I just am a strong advocate for doing both parties justice (occupational hazard), and don't believe in unconditional enthousiasm for tech products by multinationals.
But I think I've said enough, and I should better shut up on this subject, and let the Mac Lovers (like me) love their Macs, and let the Windows users (like me) use their Windows boxes.
Back to the pictures for me.
Think of the Star Trek computer. Or of Data (also Star Trek). Windows and OS X are much more alike than they are like those.
Just to keep things in perspective (and to make sure that there is an infinite amount of computer design and programming left to do.)