The Backprinting Thread (Tips, and Questions)

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SmugMug Help - Backprinting
OK One tip is, how to enter the © symbol on with your keyboard? It's very simple:
PC: Hit Alt+0169
MAC: Option-G
Another tip, from AnneMcBean
SmugMug Help - Backprinting
OK One tip is, how to enter the © symbol on with your keyboard? It's very simple:
PC: Hit Alt+0169
MAC: Option-G
Another tip, from AnneMcBean
AnneMcBean wrote:If you want to do backprinting differently for a gallery, run it through the cool preview and keyword features in the control panel backprinting first. That way you know exactly what to expect when you plug it into the customize gallery backprinting.
Sorry Andy, I couldn't get it to work.
Another question: The backprinting window is blank in the individual galleries. Is that just for customizing that gallery or did my control panel blurb not take?
Basic but makin' changes
ALT 0169 do not use the + key
The gallery backprinting will override anything in your control panel, for that gallery.
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I see that you've released a bunch of stuff - I'll have to take my time opening my presents...
Of course, you know you ruined the first mild Saturday in a couple weeks. I coulda been out playing in the sun.
Basic but makin' changes
First off, I love this feature.
Is there a way to have multiple lines on the backprinting or does everything end up as a single line? Just curious how much I can cram on there...
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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One line. 40 characters.
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Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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What he meant to say was "Hold down the ALT key and press 0169".
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Basic but makin' changes
And remember, it works only with the numbers on the key-pad!!
- Press the ALT key and hold it down.
- Then press the 0 on the key-pad/num-pad.
- the 1,
- the 6,
- the 9,
- and release the ALT key.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Is there any possibility for the siteowner to check the backprint for specific pictures in the cart before shipping an order? I would like to see if my used variables give me the result I expect.
How about giving us the option to create user defined variables with our own content (filtering other variables using regular expressions)?
SmugMug Support Hero
Can we get a SMUGYEARTAKEN in addition to the SMUGDATETAKEN? I think it would be useful for some to have the {© "year"} as a copyright notice. (motorsports)
Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
Sony F717 | Hoya R72
I was looking for this one too. For now, i hard-'coded' the year, but your suggestion would be very handy.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Another request for that.
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Just to make sure...
If I fill in the backprinting area in my control panel than ALL prints will be backprinted no matter what... even if I leave the gallery level blank where it requests what we want on the back???
Hi Cindy,
I am pretty certain that if you set the backprinting up in the control panel that it will be applied to all photos sitewide. The options at the gallery level allow you to override the site wide settings for a specific gallery.
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Thanks for confirming guys
Just a side note on the alt-0169 © symbol. The actual backprinting prints the copyright symbol as (c), not the actual symbol, which was trivially (is that a word?) a little disappointing to me. This also makes me wonder, if I use the alt code, then use the remaining 39 characters of text space, would the last two characters be cut off, as the printhouse needs three characters to represent the alt code? Hmm! I also understand from a customer that the print is really tiny for both our backprinting and the EZprints #.
Still, it's great progress!
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
Thanks Steve, we're looking into that (c) thing.
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Is the copyright symbol going to print (it shows up in the preview)? If so, is it legible?
I'd really like to place a valid copyright notice on the back of my images.
The copyright notice must contain three elements:
1. The symbol © (the letter C in a circle), or the word “Copyright,” or the abbreviation “Copr.”; and
2. The year of first publication...
3. The name of the owner of copyright in the work, or an abbreviation by which the name can be recognized, or a generally known alternative designation of the owner.
Example: © 2004 Jane Doe
Most people aren't going to know how to enter the "circle C", so I think a new backprint keyword is needed (e.g., (C) or COPR).
We also need a SMUGYEARTAKEN keyword (the only other date option gives a full date).
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Any news on this yet Andy?
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