dkapp owes fish a dollar

well, i did it. i purchased a power mac. the 2.5ghz big-boy, and the 30" cinema display :lust :lust :lust
i saved a ton of money
, if anyone's interested, just pm me. oh and i'm buying the ram from crucial not apple, that also saves about $500 or so.
dave, you owe fish $1 payable in coin of the realm :lol3
a very sincere thank-you to pathfinder, dkapp, patch, fish, davidto, tmlphoto, lynnsite, cmr, david_s85, sam, pyogenes (stay away from alienware!), dj, pdg, mhjs, rutt (that ibm display is so cool!), ian and rob...
and i cannot forget gubbs, humungus and sid for heckling me from the sidelines
in this very long thread where i tried to make up my mind.
enjoy (switching brands after twenty years) photography,
i saved a ton of money

dave, you owe fish $1 payable in coin of the realm :lol3
a very sincere thank-you to pathfinder, dkapp, patch, fish, davidto, tmlphoto, lynnsite, cmr, david_s85, sam, pyogenes (stay away from alienware!), dj, pdg, mhjs, rutt (that ibm display is so cool!), ian and rob...
and i cannot forget gubbs, humungus and sid for heckling me from the sidelines

in this very long thread where i tried to make up my mind.
enjoy (switching brands after twenty years) photography,
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
yeah, you really like throwing my cash into that fire, dontcha?
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Congrats...yer gonna love it.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Very, very cool. Congratulations. That's a wonderful set-up. Just remember, you didn't switch, you upgraded to a Mac!
Here's my $.02 on the care and feeding of your Macintosh. Those steps should keep you trouble free and happily computing.
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thanks david, i'm starting a file on mac stuff.
1) what about my browser favorites? how do i import them from pc to mac? i use avant browser...
2) my external drive is formated ntfs, i'll have to offload, and reformat for fat32, yes?
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You'll have to wait for someone else who upgraded to Mac to help you with those, I'm afraid. I can help you with most thing Mac, but I have little knowledge about that stuff.
Lynnesite can also answer those kinds of questions.
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I can't believe you were brave enough to get a Mac!!!!!! I'm so proud of you
Let's see a photo of this setup when you have it all together. My daughter got her Mac and 23 inch display through the friends and family discount plan! :-)
See, now you have the best of both worlds! -- Oh, and why not get Virtual PC for your Mac so you can salvage some of your PC software, or keep your favorites until you discover new Mac programs. With your super power and speed the slower Virtual PC probably won't be noticed...
Congratulations! And I hope you learn to love your Mac.
Sorry I can't help you with any of the technical stuff since I've only ever had Macs in my family, but I'm sure others will be able to help out. Oh, and don't forget the Mac forum on PC review, they are a very helpful bunch and can answer some of your questions, I'm sure.
Andy with a Mac?
Stay away from VPC. From what I hear it's nothing but headaches, and opens your Mac (at least the VPC part) to the same attacks that plague peecees.
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I haven't used Virtual PC in years and am not sure how the Mac firewall would work with it -- protects it or not?
If Andy were just using software on it, and not getting e-mail, would he still be vulnerable?
Personally, I think going cold turkey is best -- just use the Mac -- but it's a huge transition so I thought VPC would help in the transition. Didn't intend to give bad advice.
nah, apple's gotta build it i guess, takes 1-2 wks, that's okay. i'm in london this coming week and then california the week after, so i won't have time to mess with it until janaury 16th anyhow
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silicon valley, mostly. los gatos area.
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I always kept an external CD with a copy of my favorites and cookies from Windows Internet Explorer in the XP world..
You can export them from IE in XP by clicking File>Import and Export> which gets you to the Wizard and then it is just a matter of exporting your favorites and your cookies to a CDR.
When you get your Mac you can then import the favorites into Safari or Firefox. I downloaded Firefox from for the Mac and imported my favorites and cookies into it. I left Safari bare with only the new favorites I am adding in the MAC world. That's just the way I do it, but there are lots of others I am sure.
Congratulations and welcome aboard Matey
Apple hard drives are formatted with HFS+. If your external drive is Fat32 OS X 10.3 should be able to read it. It wil not read NTFS I think. I just use a seperate backup drive for the Win XP machine and keep the LaCie for the mac.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
details...we need details. i would love an opportunity to get some candids of you embarrassing yourself. Oops...I meant I would love an opportunity to capture your inner beauty in a set of flattering portraits.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
i'm really slammed for the week but i expect to get out on monday night 1/10 and shoot with steve, and eat dinner. hell, we usually just eat, b/c it's so damn dark
one plan, if i'm lucky, i'm free at 3pm and we haul butt up to the city. innerested????
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Yep, let me add my voice to the chorus--I helped my client order just that setup today, with 4 gb of RAM.
Safari import--yeah, export your favorites to favorites.html. On the Mac, open Internet Explorer, show favorites, file/import and add them.
The first time you open Safari, it looks for and imports IE favorites. They're stored in a bookmarks folder called "Imported IE Favorites". If you want to do this later and have opened Safari already, go to Users/you/Library/Preferences and kill the Safari.plist file.
Path's idea sounds pretty good though.
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
Lets go to Starbucks, my treat. Looks like I owe you a dollar
Dave (gallery)
I looked at the G5's and the powerbooks. Out of curiosity, I opened an image
of a polar bear, re-sized to 2000 px then applied a 100% spin radial blur using
the "best" setting. All I can say is that the lowest end box I looked at makes
my PC look dog slow (it is).
Not sure when I'll pull the trigger but it's probably going to be soon. I want to
confirm that the PS license transfers. Some time back, I'd heard that once you
activate the PC version, you could not exchange it for a mac verison.
One other thing I noticed is that certain image manipulation programs offer
better color control on the mac platform (C1).
i sure hope so
thanks for your help
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I always tell my clients to get the "middle" of the three towers usually offered. The machines on display may not have additional RAM, and some of those powerbooks come with only 256! You know how that wouldn't work so well with PS.
According to Adobe's site they are cross-platform exchangeable.
and the entry level aluminum G4 PB w/ 1 GHz & CS
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wearing the requisite black clothing or maybe it was the baseball cap?
Couldn't get anyone to help me if I beat them with my wallet. Seriously.
Even after I asked. I must have waited about 15-20 minutes before leaving.
Needless to say, I won't be buying a mac from the mac store as that was
one of the worst shopping experiences I've had recently.
Anyway, there are cards next to each machine with three or four options.
Instead of choosing from the list, I think they encourage you use the configuration tool on the website (how to up-sell 101). There are more
options available to you than the card. Plus you get the latest list of
available stuff--so this would seem to be an advantage.
I'll shop around a bit for a better price (we have a employee purchase
agreement with a couple of vendors that are good for 10% or so).
Thanks for the PS update! That's the one thing I can cross off the list.
Hang in there Ian. I did the radial blur filter that you describe on the FMiranda website. My time was 20 seconds. Dual processors rock!
I am sorry that you had that experience. I had just the opposite in Indianapolis. A young man spent almost an hour and a half answering my questions and finally told me that the configuration of a G5 that I wanted was not available in the store and suggested that I order it online which is what I did. I suggest reviewing the options online at rather than taking something off the shelf unless you get a lot better price or something. Apple does give discounts to students and to teachers.
Like I said above. The stores tend to have the basic configurations in stock and if you want the RAM maxxed or the Hard drives raided I think you are better off online. The stores are a good resource for information. Usually. The Indy store has presentations almost every day - I wish I was closer to Indy to take advantage of their presentations, they seem quite helpful to newbies and to old pros.
When I spoke to Adobe support for my MAC version, they asked me if I wanted to transfer my XP license to MAC and I told them that I still wanted to use it on my laptop. If/When I buy a G5 Powerbook I plan on swapping my license to the MAC then.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I sure hope my experince is unusual. But as I said, there are several
options. Including, gulp, Fry's
Don't go to Frys. The guy that sells you the mac may have sold shoes yesterday. And they don't stock many configs.
That's an atypical Apple store experience; their satisfaction rate is quite good from buyer reports. I met a customer there before Christmas to buy an iMac G5 and iPod, and had a good experience as usual.
Have bought 90+ percent of the Macs from Mac Zone, dealing with a corporate rep the whole time, as a way to not pay retail on anything except the Apple-branded stuff, and to get better customer support. It was really great in the years that they didn't charge sales tax! :-)
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again, I hate Fry's and really only go when I have to.
That's good to hear. Maybe I should look for another one?
Thanks again for the help!
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Woo-Hoo, party at Casa de Andy this weekend.