If you go look at other contests, alot of them will have the scoring detailed down to a list of percentages, i.e. 10% Originality, 30% Technique, then the judges don't have to choose favorites, but instead ranking them on individual factors...
It may not be what it is right for our contests, but it is a thought...
I think you take the beauty out of the work by compartmentalizing it. Who's to say technique is worth more than originality, or that composition is worth more than something else?
That's why you have more than one judge. Each person will differ in what they feel makes the photograph work within the theme of the contest, but in the end, it will even out.
You should never base your future work on the scores of judges and thinking what they like is what should be the status quo for good photography. Master the bascis, shoot, shoot, and shoot some more. You'll develop a style that's yours.
I would prefer someone to recognize a photograph as mine because of my style than to win a contest. Though, don't get me wrong, winning and recognition are nice, but it's even better when you did it without concentrating on what someone might be looking for. Save that for client jobs. Contests are all about you and your creative glory. Have fun with it. Don't dissect it.
[...]Since photography began we are all copying somebody. I try to copy Yuri all the time. It isn't that I am trying to "steal" his stuff. It is that I think his (and others) photography is OUTSTANDING and I want to have my photos look like his, yours, our others.[...]
wholeheartedly. I've got a folder on my desktop labled "To Emulate" where I save pictures that have moved me in one way or another, to later study and learn from. Even if it's not everything about an image, we're all at least copying *part* of something we've seen or read about in the past to produce our own end goal.
Well...here's what I've learned and what you all should know for round #2.
Don't come up with your own ideas. Wait for other's to do so for you. Then you can just copy them while telling the artist you stole it from what a horrible idea he/she had. I'm not pointing fingers but you I am calling you out. If this was a face to face type club you'd have very little face left. Promise.
Don't post your images for critique. If it's any good the vapid masses will copy it for themselves as they are too friggn lazy and stupid to think of anything new.
Don't expect better judging than that of any other challenges. Clearly the same banal and ignorant process is still in effect and I fully intend to honor this tradition here at dgrin for round #2. Don't worry if your photos lack color, clarity, a proper B&W conversion, focus or even a subject. At dgrin these things are accepted as minor annoyances rather than the marks of a a talentless photographer.
I do accept bribes in the form of either money or sexual favors, though a PM is probably a better way to discuss this than here in public.
I know this post was a long time ago but I found it funny that someone too scared to use their real name on a message board said, "If this was a face to face type club you'd have very little face left. Promise."
I know this post was a long time ago but I found it funny that someone too scared to use their real name on a message board said, "If this was a face to face type club you'd have very little face left. Promise."
Actually, Chad Spector's dgrin account was deleted for the content of some of his posts ... that's why his screename is an orphan (he was warned and I don't question this decision). Unfortunately, his Smugmug account was also deleted for his activity on Dgrin and he was given just a few days to move his content - a decision i strongly disagreed with (that's just the way I see it) but that's just what it is ... I ended up in the midst of that within a few weeks of joining Dgrin, not the best intro ... Chad is (was) a good photographer, if a bit acerbic (some would say this is an understatement), but he was always pushing the envelope. Your (or should I say y'alls) work reminds me of his ... nice, edgy, new, different, like it. I really think this forum needs more of that ...
Actually, Chad Spector's dgrin account was deleted for the content of some of his posts ... that's why his screename is an orphan (he was warned and I don't question this decision). Unfortunately, his Smugmug account was also deleted for his activity on Dgrin and he was given just a few days to move his content - a decision i strongly disagreed with (that's just the way I see it) but that's just what it is ... I ended up in the midst of that within a few weeks of joining Dgrin, not the best intro ... Chad is (was) a good photographer, if a bit acerbic (some would say this is an understatement), but he was always pushing the envelope. Your (or should I say y'alls) work reminds me of his ... nice, edgy, new, different, like it. I really think this forum needs more of that ...
Ahh, so I take back my comment
Thanks for the compliment. We really try to create something different. Something people will stop and look at. And we really do feed off the compliments!
New to Smug and DGrin but I'm really liking it. The people here seem very friendly and open. I think there's a pretty good mix of professional and casual photogs on here. Maybe a little more casual then places like dpreview or dpchallenge but maybe we can add something new to the mix here
I think you take the beauty out of the work by compartmentalizing it. Who's to say technique is worth more than originality, or that composition is worth more than something else?
That's why you have more than one judge. Each person will differ in what they feel makes the photograph work within the theme of the contest, but in the end, it will even out.
You should never base your future work on the scores of judges and thinking what they like is what should be the status quo for good photography. Master the bascis, shoot, shoot, and shoot some more. You'll develop a style that's yours.
I would prefer someone to recognize a photograph as mine because of my style than to win a contest. Though, don't get me wrong, winning and recognition are nice, but it's even better when you did it without concentrating on what someone might be looking for. Save that for client jobs. Contests are all about you and your creative glory. Have fun with it. Don't dissect it.
Congrats to the winners -some really excellent photos!!!
Looking for tips on macro photography? Check out my Blog: No Cropping Zone.
I know this post was a long time ago but I found it funny that someone too scared to use their real name on a message board said, "If this was a face to face type club you'd have very little face left. Promise."
Actually, Chad Spector's dgrin account was deleted for the content of some of his posts ... that's why his screename is an orphan (he was warned and I don't question this decision). Unfortunately, his Smugmug account was also deleted for his activity on Dgrin and he was given just a few days to move his content - a decision i strongly disagreed with (that's just the way I see it) but that's just what it is ... I ended up in the midst of that within a few weeks of joining Dgrin, not the best intro ... Chad is (was) a good photographer, if a bit acerbic (some would say this is an understatement), but he was always pushing the envelope. Your (or should I say y'alls) work reminds me of his ... nice, edgy, new, different, like it. I really think this forum needs more of that ...
Ahh, so I take back my comment
Thanks for the compliment. We really try to create something different. Something people will stop and look at. And we really do feed off the compliments!
New to Smug and DGrin but I'm really liking it. The people here seem very friendly and open. I think there's a pretty good mix of professional and casual photogs on here. Maybe a little more casual then places like dpreview or dpchallenge but maybe we can add something new to the mix here