LPS#6 Feedback thread

This was from saurora
#1 sherstone - Zantedeschia
This shot is my winner. Everytime I viewed this shot I found something else to be impressed with. It is such a beautifully subtle shot that slowly takes my breath away. High scores in originality in terms of use and control of light. Scored for originality in how the light fills the flower like a vessel, enhancing the elegant curves, and emitting a glow of purity at the opening. This photo scored an extra bonus point in 3 categories in my criteria.
#2 Greensquared - Original Sin
I hate snakes and I wouldn't hang this on my wall, but I love this shot! High scores for me in use of lighting, originality, and visually stunning colors. Fascinating shot that is hard to stop looking at!
#3 faxhiznitsngrins - Morning Sun
Absolutely delightful! This one won me over immediately for it's unexpected originality. Was it by chance, was it planned? Doesn't matter...ithe surprise factor works like a charm.
#4 strikeslip - Archway
Has the Wow factor. This shot fascinated me immediately. I felt it would make my top ten the first time I viewed it. This shot had the ability to suck me right into the scene for what felt like a E-ticket ride to the very end. High marks for technicality.
#5 tentacion - Under the Boardwalk
This photo appeals to me on many levels. Scored high for the wonderful, calming muted colors so reminiscent of the oceanside. This is a shot I would proudly hang in my house or office. Great composition and lots to view as your eye travels at an angle toward the opening at the end. I love the ocean and piers and this shot appealed to me emotionally.
#6 NanaMo - Spectrum
Another Wow shot. Visually stunning colors and very high marks on theme. Great title.
#7 Kevin - Hints of Propellors
Visually beautiful and I loved the attention to such a small piece of detail. A wallhanger in my opinion. Wonderful, vibrant colors with pleasing composition.
#8 bfjr A Timid Wave
This nature shot scored in unusual ways for me. High in theme for the repetition of the wing shape and the landscape. Pleasing composition and placement of subject, not centered as many nature shots can be. Difficulty factor weighed in as I know it's hard to shoot birds at all, let alone in a way to meet a challenge theme. Also the beautiful colors and lines strongly appealed to me.
#9 equinox - Rear window
This one scored extra points with me for use and control of light combined with originality. Shows that the tools for a good photo can be right under our very nose. Strong composition and theme. Love the punchy colors and the black. I can see this as a an ad in a home magazine.
#10 nikos - Chevy
What a sexy, curvy, fun car! Funny how this car with it's rusted bumper and grill,and peeling fenders, seems to light up and say "look at my curves!". Use of light brightens up this relic and brings it out of the past. Great shooting angle exaggerates almost personifies this vehicle and brings high points to theme. This shot has high visual appeal and makes me grin.
Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
You sure know how to make a guys night, day and week!
Thanks, saurora for the fabulous feedback.
In general, this was the hardest one yet to judge as I pulled out many photos on my first pass. But I was disappointed to see so few people photos. The curvy theme was just begging for it. And seeing as how the top point getter was a people shot, don't discount that in the future. And now on to the specifics...
Post# - Photog - Title
3 - douglas - Whats up under the gazebo
Angular for sure, but also a bit blah.
4 - DI-Joe - "A drop with a story to tell..."
Feels more about color than shape, it is interesting, but didn't grab me.
5 - fashiznitsngrins - Morning Sun
Fantastic! The lines of sunshine make it perfect and really highlight the curvy nature of the babies body.
6 - DaveK - A Bug's Life
I like the repeating pattern, but feel it could have been stronger if the yellow bug were at a more pleasing angle to see more of its curvy-ness. I feel like I am missing out.
7 - sunione - Hotel Sculpture
Very nice and it made my first round, but a vertical crop may have looked stronger.
8 - tlee - Timeline
Love the concept, but is lacking something for me. Maybe if the line were a little closer to the bottom. I don't know, hard to pinpoint.
9 - chertioga - crowded
Too crowded. I loose the angular message.
10 - kingmamaof2 - A Nightly Transformation
All the action seems to take place in too small an area. Too distant for me.
11 - Aurora - Cosmic Energy
Cool, but has a "been there done that" feel to it.
12 - LiquidAir - Bending the Rule
Love it!
13 - chandi - The Devils Predator
It's a cool shot for sure. But I didn't get the feeling of curvy. Maybe because the details of the curving smoke are too distant to register for me.
14 - Dalantech - Hunting Dragon
It feels too far away and the curvy nature feels lost on me and I am not getting enough of an angular feel to make up for it. Just playing, consider a 45 degree to the left rotation and a vertical crop.
15 - photogmomma - Meandering through the valley
This made it into my first round picks. I like how the river is really highlighted with the reflection of the sky, but the right half of the photo dosn't add much and pulls it down a bit.
16 - bgaras2001 - deminishing odds
Fantastic concept, but the feel I get is not angular. I wish it were because I love the photo.
17 - PaulThomasMcKee - Subtly Sensual Sinuous Sheets of Silky Shiny Saffron Steel
Very cool, could be mistaken for a macro, which I think is great.
18 - Kevin - Hints of Propellors
Needed more hint for me. It is pleasant and pretty, but didn't push my theme buttons.
19 - laraflites - turning a new leaf on life
Beautiful photo.
20 - Lex - "Faces of the Sun"
Too distant, has more of a tall/height feel to it.
21 - GREAPER - Around The Bend
A classic composition. I like the fog. A bit plain, a car in the frame would have been sweet.
22 - Strikeslip - Archway
Holy macaroni!
23 - NanaMo - Spectrum....
Awesome, love the color and repeating pattern.
24 - adpace - Polished silver
That swirl in front of the lens is hogging the scene. It should have been made the in focus subject.
25 - The Hobbyist - Turtle shell
Sweet, you made a run of the mill object look new and interesting.
26 - Smashtoad - Exit Orange
An angled shot does not an interesting photo make. The photo needs more than the angle for me.
27 - Xia_Ke - Take Me Home, Country Road
The top half of the photo is pretty blah. I like the color though.
28 - gypsy77360 - rock garden
This has potential, but the shot needs product styling to make the element look appealing and not just thrown together.
29 - rgbivens - Strength
One of the few people photos, bravo! Work on the lighting, with better rim lighting this could have really stood out much better.
30 - bfjr - A Timid Wave
Beautiful. Love how the wing looks so translucent.
31 - VisualXpressions - Helix
Cool shot. Also consider a version with a tad more brightness and saturation.
32 - Tentacion - Under the Boardwalk..
It feels too tightly cropped for me, I want to look down, but rotated 90 degrees looks really sweet. Love the color.
33 - photman - Reflection
The figurine by itself or perhaps the hand/arm by itself would have worked stronger, but together it doesn't work for me.
34 - quark - Angles of an orange
Sweet mercy!!!
35 - snr - All in All...
Great angle, but the subject didn't hold up in comparison to some of the other entries.
36 - richtersl - Emulating Escher
Strong theme development and I like the colors.
37 - pemmett - Fallen
Great color. And a sweet composition too.
38 - Dizzy - Totally Tubular
A little too jumbled and close set for me. But I do like the idea and the bright chrome.
39 - Selina - Spoked
Too pedestrian or common of a view. It didn't grab my attention.
40 - davev - Included Angle
Very sweet, but didn't hit my theme button. Picky, I want to see more ground and less featureless sky.
41 - f00sion - Candlelight
Candlelight in the title but only secondary in the composition. Suffers from identity crisis hehehe.
42 - rparige - Natural Curves
I do enjoy the reflection, very web 2.0, but the lighting and subject are lackluster for me. Too many fruit?
43 - JFreeman - Spring Fresh
44 - Tessa HD - Abstract in Steel
Too much of a good thing? The number of beams may be diluting the angular effect. I like the photo, but find myself passing it by.
45 - Greensquared - Original Sin
Love the setup and kudos for the snake. But this could have been boffo if there had been more shoulder or hip or something suggestive of a curvy body. The title screams for that but isn't delivered.
46 - Green2 - Faceted
Great angles there, but looks like it was poorly dropped in via image editor.
47 - Mitchell - Sunrise
Cool concept, but a sunrise never happens on a black background. Jazz it up with red/orange and you may be surprised at the transformation.
48 - nelsonstuff - Center Pivot
If I were asked if one could make a compelling photo of a sprinkler, I would have had to say no! But this photo proves me wrong. Wow! Great job!
49 - Robert - Stairway
A riot of angles, but surprisingly, it does not get lost in the jumble. Love how it developes as you move right. Wonderful!
50 - sherstone - Zantedeschia
So soft and gentle, it guides you along the curve as smooth as silk. Beautiful and evocative!!! Love the lighting.
51 - Rhuarc - The Puget Cranes
Too many? Feels cluttered which also makes me pass it by quickly. Perhaps focusing on fewer would help, or better yet getting one in action and not slumbering.
52 - klphoto - The Tower
Nice, but why, and it feels too tight. Needs some visual context to help fill in the who, what, why, etc.
53 - MaxThompson - Soul of a Woman
I comes across as angular, but the image quality is pulling me away.
54 - amy wilburn - see rock city
A beautiful scene, and could even be a set for Battlestar Gallactica with the slight burn out. Consider a 10:4 pano crop to compliment the scene.
55 - Ed911 - untitled
The right bottom half of the photo is dragging down the rest. Consider a 10:4 pano crop to compliment the upper part of the photo.
56 - peterst6906 - Erasmus
Very nice composition. The B&W needs a little more pop though.
57 - annnna8888 - Musical lines
Beautiful with a human feel to it. Nicely done.
58 - sunita - Abstraction
Love it
59 - seastack - Blue #2
It didn't hit me for the theme, but despite that, I love the photo in it's subtle lighting/vignette and color.
60 - Swartzy - Alluring Contour
One of the few people photos!!! Bravo!!! It feels a little too tightly cropped though. A bit more room on the sides and shift down so a part of the head is cut off (just above the part in the hair) and the area below the breast is visible I think would enhance the curvy nature of the photo.
61 - pyroPrints.com - Sexy
Too much contrast? A softer look may help. Maybe a little fabric? Worth some more experimentation for sure.
62 - JillG - Icelandic Poppy
Love the lighting but the theme development is a little weak. But otherwise a wonderful photo.
63 - Vince - Curves
64 - drdane - Rain Machine
Love the repeating pattern and the lighting looks great too.
65 - vandana - "The Cloudgate"
I like the concept, but it feels more like "distorted" rather than "curvy".
66 - Baron von Kiper - Mine Elevator Wench. Comet Ghost Town, Montana
Too much detail? Get closer to highlight the theme better? I am having trouble with this one trying to figure out what isn't getting me about it.
67 - padu - USA-Mexico Border on the Pacific
Cool beans. Consider a 10:4 pano crop as another possibility.
68 - urbanaries - Meet George Jetson
I loved that show! Consider cropping off the right half of the photo. The minds eye can easily fill in the missing curve, but it would give more emphasis on the left half's crazy angular stuff going on. Or crop off the left half and let the curves take prominence.
69 - mwgrice - Snake
I am having trouble with this one. Perhaps it is too close.
70 - traunerk - Fractured Degrees
As an experiment, consider shooting this a bit out of focus. It looks partially there already, but needs more. That would add an interesting view I think.
71 - HoofClix - Mrs. Rhett's View
The small framing pulls the photo down. It grounds the shot in a pedestrian view. Whereas if the frame were not there, it might feel as if the viewer were flying. It would be nice to see the tops of the chimneys.
72 - eoren1 - Coming about
A nice scene, but doesn't hit my theme button. Would work great as a citgo ad though.
73 - shatch - A Winding Climb
Love the staircase, but too tight, or not tight enough?
74 - zeveck - Lost Marbles Found
The out of focus marbles in the foreground steal attention away from the subject marble. Pulling some of those out of the way may have worked better.
75 - SimonTALM - Scissor Arch Wells Cathedral
Sweet! But just a tad too far away? If the cables had come to the edge of the frame, that might have worked better. Love the view.
77 - Ann McRae - Georgia
Has more of an irregular look to it rather than curvy. Feels too tight too.
78 - scas - Edge Of Reality
Your photo is very colorful, but lacks a clear message of either curvy or angular. It focuses on effect more than substance. If I were to make a suggestion it would be to base your photo on a better shape before applying the effects so that when you are done, the theme still resonates with the viewer.
79 - nikos - Chevy
Honk honk! Bold photo coming through. The curves almost look sensuous.
80 - jwear - Anglers
I like the play on words. Consider a 10:4 pano crop.
81 - latoga - *flation
Closer to the action would have knocked this one in orbit. Love the lighting and angle. Just needs to be closer.
82 - ultravox - 13:35
I don't get it.
83 - babylemke - :-)
Close but needs more body to offset the riot of tree and branches.
84 - indiegirl - Homecoming
Glad she is back, but the image quality and framing are too poor. A viewer not knowing the story behind the photo would be lost.
85 - tsk1979 - 7,120m above sea level
Doesn't strike me as either angular or curvy. I would guess angular was being shot for, but it is not very strong a theme. I do kind of like the grain and low image quality though. Looks very vintage.
86 - Agila - Wheel
Consider cropping out the top half. The minds eye can fill in the tire shape, but the bottom half is a much stronger composition.
87 - mwalters - Bleeding Hearts
Too much of a good thing? Exploring the curves of a simgle flower may have more impact. And choosing a flower that had a smoother curve would help too.
88 - elmo - Where's my yoyo
Consider a 10:4 pano crop. You don't need the legs. Also consider a contrast/saturation boost.
89 - Ristyz - Fish Outta Water
Love it.
90 - flybynight - Before The Judgement
The theme I get is vertical. Cool processing.
91 - Flyinggina - Softly Sensuous
I am getting too much granular texture to feel it looks softly sensuous. Perhaps a lighting angle change and using a softer light would have worked to those ends better.
92 - 3phase - Windblown Dandelion
Holy Frijole!!!
93 - Eric&Susan - Climbing to new heights
94 - equinox - Rear Window
Very graphic arts! Love the visual contrast too.
95 - dlscott56 - Wheel of Light
Perhaps too abstract. I see angles and a curve, but they don't register with me.
96 - docphoto - Bridge abstract
Too many angles? Visually kind of hard to look at.
97 - speedracer04 - leaving the curves behind
Great curve and I like seeing the car in there for context.
98 - jkenzie - Age
Rough and irregular more than curvy for me.
99 - laswift - GameSetMatch
I don't get it.
100 - Nikolai - Ticonderoga Venti
I like the pattern, but it feels a little too contrived or forced maybe. The shadow is a nice touch, but as a whole it doesn't work for me.
101 - jmearns - SFO Landing
Cropping out the left half makes this photo much stronger.
102 - Little Wombat - One Step At A Time
Cropping out the bottom half makes the image much stronger. Another option is to crop away the top half. Visually there are two images here.
103 - Dusty Sensiba - Trestle
Consider a 10:4 pano crop of the top.
104 - Stormdancing - SSSSSSSsssss!
Nice shape, would love to see the snake looking at the viewer though. That would add an element of danger and attention.
105 - snapstacks - My Entry
I like the scene, but now it needs a person in the frame to fill it.
106 - arctic-moose - Rigidity
This is the better of the bridge shots because there is more emphasis on the shapes. What might help it further is to dodge the background elements out a bit so the two prominent vertical X's would stand out better. Easy to over do it, so be careful.
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Here's my feedback on those who didn't make my top ten. Believe me, that many of you almost did! I had a huge first cut with so many great images. Elimination was sometimes just a seemingly small reason and sometimes I just had to make a gut decision. I'm offering a small bit of feedback in hopes it will answer some questions for some of you. (My Top Ten are not included in this list). Hope I didn't miss anyone, lots of cutting and pasting going on here!
#3. Douglas - Under the Gazebo
Nicely composed image that meets the theme. Nicely angled, but I felt it just lacked a certain something to make it special.
#4. DI-Joe - A Drop with a story to tell
A pretty image (I like the colors) that does not scream curvy to me. I think it would perhaps fit a different theme better.
#6 DaveK - A Bug's Life
I like this shot a lot. Neat execution of theme. Wish the colors were stronger or placed differently.
#7. sunione - Hotel Sculpture
Definitely fulfills the theme in a grand way. Lovely building and use of light. Wish the crop were more exciting to show it. I wondered about using a 2-frame pano on this one.
#8. Tlee - Timeline
Meets the theme in a minimalist fashion. Just not as strong as others for me. I would crop the out-of-focus foreground as a possible improvement.
#9. Chertioga - Crowded
I felt the over-crowded angles languish with the flat sepia tone. Angles could be made more prominent with some bolder contrast.
#10. Kingmamaof2 - A Nightly Transformation
Meets theme. This was hard to put my finger on. It may be that the comp did not enhance the curviness by having the foreground oof. Nice B&W conversion.
#11. Aurora - Cosmic Energy
Neat image but not as strong in theme as others.
#12. Dalantech - Hunting Dragon
A beautiful image. Great colors. A tighter crop, slightly tilting so the twig and body are the same length (creating a wishbone shape), would accentuate the angle and make this much more interesting. Just missed my top 10.
#13 - chandi - The Devils Predator
A neat image, I'm not sure that it conveys curvy to me. Made my first cut.
15 - photogmomma - Meandering through the valley
Meets the theme well with the wildly curving river. Made my first cut, but missed the final just barely. Surrounding landscaping seems to lack depth. I think a darker brown tone (as opposed to the sepia) would work more effectively.
16 - bgaras2001 - deminishing odds
I love the motion in this shot. Great title and concept. Didn't quite make my final cut.
#17. Paul Thomas McKee - Subtly Sensual Sinuous Sheets of Silky Shiny Saffron Steel
This was hard to critique. Curvy but the composition was a little confusing and busy for me. As a suggestion for improvement, maybe a closer shot and less curves? As a personal preference, I like the foreground colors, but the dark areas did not appeal to me.
19 - laraflites - turning a new leaf on life
Beautiful shot. Nice use of theme. Made my first cut. Just not enough originality or "wow" factor to pull through to the top ten.
#20 Lex - Faces of the Sun
Awkward feeling angle as shot - too far away.
#21 Greaper - Around the Bend
This type of shot has been done before and I think it needs something or someone in the shot to bring some added interest. A person, car, .....a motorcycle cop with a radar gun. As it stands it's not a grabber.
#24 Adpace - Polished Silver
Definitely curvy but did not work for me. The out of focus section right smack in the middle of the frame is the first thing I see and is distracting. Better control of depth of field needed.
#25 The Hobbyist - Turtle Shell
Neat image and title, and I have no clue what it is! I really like the metallic color. It does meet the theme and I keep looking at the lines and angles trying to figure out what it is. An interesting shot, but didn't make my top 10. Improvements? I dunno...
#26 Smashtoad - Exit Orange
It does have angles in the letters, but that's not what jumps out at me in this shot. Just not as strong in theme as others.
#27 - Xia_Ke - Take Me Home, Country Road
Nice execution of the night-time shot. Great lines/title/theme. Made my first cut. Needed something more to advance and I wasn't sure what that was.
#28 Gypsy77360 - Rock Garden
I don't see the theme in this as being angular. To me it is more jagged. Perhaps it is because I think of glass as being sharp and jagged instead of angular.
#29 rgbivens - Strength
This shot just narrowly missed my final cut. Better control of lighting would have brought it home. Great use of curves!
#31 VisualXpressions - Helix
Great subject matter. For me the lighting missed slightly, as it's a little cool and uninviting. Use of a warming filter if not better light would help. Still just missed my top 10.
#33 Photman - Reflection
Curvy but just way too busy and doesn't work for me.
#34 Quark - Angles of an Orange
Very unique concept. A lot of work and thought went into this. I would allow the viewer to discover the connection (it's pretty obvious) to the angle theme without using it in your title, as it's already in the formula. Give the viewer something to uncover so they will keep looking. Still an impressive image.
#35 SNR - All in All
Not as strong in theme as others. I think I would crop lower and lose the sky, it seems to focus the attention more on the angle of the ledge and the angle of the shot itself becomes more strongly apparent. I like the tones you achieved in this.
#36 Richtersl - Emulating Escher
I love the colors and idea, just didn't make my final cut.
#37 - pemmett - Fallen
Neat, simple idea and I loved the strong colors and textures. Just didn't quite make my final cut.
#38 Dizzy - totally tubular
Definitly angular in design. Too straight on perhaps. The textured wall in the background did not appeal to me.
#39 Selina - Spoked
I think you should push the envelope more with your processing on this one. Coloring is a little flat.
#40 Davev - Included Angle
A heart-breaker for me as it is so beautiful. It missed out on my cut as it wasn't as obvious in theme as others. As a viewer, I would have to rely on the title for this one.
#41 F00sian - Candlelight
The curviness is there, but doesn't reach out and grab me. Needs simplification. Black and white perhaps?
#42 Rparige - Natural Curves
I really like the sensual texture and color you achieved with the fruit,it has a wonderful glow about it. Small things, such as the reflection of the first fruit being clipped, crumbs on the counter would be improvements. Cropped a little tight for my tastes.
#43. JFreeman - Spring fresh
Nice image, interesting plant. Just not as strong in theme as others.
#44 Tessa HD - Abstract In Steel
Definitely has the angles! The one-deminsionality of the image didn't excite me though.
#46 Green2 - Faceted
Meets the theme, but not as strongly as others. Good job of capturing the faceting - made my first cut.
#47 Mitchell - Sunrise
Curves are there in the petals and repeated in the half circle of the nicely titled 'sunrise'. Didn't make my top ten. Lacked something special for me.
#48 Nelsonstuff - Center Pivot
This is a nice image with great lighting happening here! The angles in the irrigation equipment repeat with the inverted spray of the water, and the 'God beams' so dynamically splayed across the scene. Sorry, it missed my cut and I can't think of a good reason why except there were so many good images.
#49 Robert - Stairway
Another neat image that didn't make my cut. The lighting has created a wonderful,dramatic shadow, but your processing was too safe for my tastes. I would punch that shadow up with deeper blacks and add some depth to it with a very slight dark brown tone.
#51 Rhuarc - The Puget Cranes
The theme gets lost in the landscape crop. I suspect you did not have access to shoot closer, as that would be my suggestion.
#52 klphoto - The Tower
A nicely sharp and saturated image. Nice tones in this. Orientation too close and centered.
#53 MaxThompson - Soul of a Woman
Subject too close and centered, needs breathing room. Camera shake - image appears to suffer from a large crop.
#54 Amy Wilburn - See Rock City
A fun shot. Strongly meets theme in an unusual setting. I feel like I'm Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz while viewing this emerald city. Made my first cut. I would, in fact, like to see a Dorothy or Toto on this path.
#55 Ed911 - (No title) boats in marina
(Welcome to the forum Ed!) Theme is met but not jumping out and grabbing me. Too busy. Converting to a B&W or toned image possibly would help simplify. Tighter pano crop might also help to zero in.
#56 Peter6906 - Erasmus
Meets the theme strongly. I like the composition of this one and the strong lines. Made my first cut.
#57 Annnna8888 -
Nice composition, meets theme and very pleasing lines. Missed my final cut barely.
#58 Sunita - Abstraction
Nice attempt, original but did not grab my interest.
#59 Seastack - Blue #2
I'm drawn and fixated on the blue painted-over gouges. The mixed theme of angle and curve dilutes the theme for me.
#60 Swartzy - Alluring Contour
Not a strong contender in theme. Seems to be more of a snapshot (watch your backgrounds) than a challenge contender.
#61 PyroPrints.com - Sexy
Pretty image, not sure about the floating effect, but did somewhat speak sexy.
#62 JillG - Icelandic Poppy
A nicely lit shot, it just isn't as strong as others. The curve is a little abrupt and more like a bend, kink or irregularity to me.
#64 drdane - Rain Machine
Good use of light and great theme material. The angles formed by the sprays of water and the repetition in the wheel spokes work nicely. Was not in my final cut, but came very close.
#65 Vandana - The Cloudgate
Neat but too busy and confusing for me. I tend to focus on the people and not the curves in the reflection. Possibly an angle showing more of the shape of the Bean itself, which is somewhat lost here.
#66 - Baron von Kiper - Mine Elevator wench.
Needs simplification...too much information.
#67 - padu -USA-Mexico Border on the Pacific
Didn't really speak the theme for me.
#68 - Urbanaries -Meet George Jetson
Neat building and fun title - just didn't make my cut.
#69 - mwgrice - Snake
Meets both curvy and angle theme. Maybe too centered. Didn't make my cut.
#70 - traunerk - Fractured Degrees
Title works well with image. Not sure about improvements.
#71 - Hoofclix - Mrs. Rhett's View
The leaning porch column distracts alot.
#72 - eoren1 - Coming about
I wish the sails could have been more complimentary in position to the Citgo sign.
#73 - shatch - A Winding Climb
Nice curves. I like this alot, just didn't make my final cut.
#74- zeveck - Lost Marbles Found
Random composition, uninteresting color. Watch your backgrounds.
#76 - Art Scott - Cable Suspension Bridge
Nicely done, I really have no criticisms or suggestions. Just didn't make my final cut.
#77 - Ann McRae - Georgia
One of my favorite flowers. Needs a more interesting angle or closer shot. Background not particularly complimentary.
#78 - scas -Edge of Reality
The processing did not do much for this image for me.
#80 - jwear -Anglers
Nice shot. Tough to execute, I know! Just not as strong composition wise as others.
#81 - latoga - *flation
Great balloon, but not-so-great background.
#82 - ultravos - 13:35
Out of focus foreground and color combination did not work for me.
#83 - babylemke - Ladder to Nowhere
I found this to be an interesting image. Caught my attention and held it while I tried to figure out what was happening. Made my first cut.
#84 - indiegirl - Homecoming
The heart should be much curvier, but I sure understand where you were going!!! Glad she's home.
#85 - tsk1979 - 7,120m above sea level
More jagged than angular for me, also the composition and processing are not working.
#86 - Agila - Wheel
I like the punchy colors and processing in this. It was in my first cut.
#87 - mwalters - Bleeding Hearts
Needs more interesting depth of field and composition.
#88 - elmo - Where's my yoyo
The color is weak and lacks pop. Suggest a more interesting angle to shoot from.
#89 - Ristyz - Fish Outta Water
Great title and interesting piece of metal! Lighting seems harsh, blue background seems overdone. Shoot for a different time of day and better quality of light.
#90 - flybynight - Before The Judgement
Very nice. I like the processing. No reason other than too many other stronger images.
#91 - Flyinggina - Softly Sensuous
Pretty but lacking something special. Lighting seems to be not quite as flattering as it could be.
#92 - 3phase - Windblown Dandelion
My eyes head for the stem in the background immediately.
#93 - Eric&Susan - Climbing to new heights
I like vines, but this one was just not that interesting.
#95 - dlscott56 - Wheel of Light
I think it would be more interesting if I could see at least part of the car.
#96 - docphoto - Bridge abstract
Tones are very flat, the shot lacks depth and the ability to engage my interest.
#97 - speedracer04 - leaving the curves behind
Race cars can be so sexy and this one is not getting there. Needs some pizzaz in several areas.
#98 - jkenzie - Age
Nice attempt. I like the way the tree seems to stoop over with age. Could use prettier lighting.
#99 - laswift - GameSetMatch
Image is not sharp and lacks pop. Too centered.
#100 - Nikolai - Ticonderoga Venti
Another nice entry that just didn't make my cut. Small nit - the design on the cup handle. I like the background and the lighting set up. A zippier container perhaps in red or black?
#101 - jmearns - SFO Landing
Meets theme well, colors were odd. I wondered about using black and white or toned.
#102 - Little Wombat - One Step At A Time
Needed something to draw me into the scene.
#103 - Dusty Sensiba - Trestle
Whole shot appears to be leaning and that is what catches my attention first. Just doesn't work for me.
#104 - Stormdancing - SSSSSSSSssssss!
A nicely done image, with great color. Just not as strong for me as others.
#105 - Snapstacks - Over the River
The angle of the shot isn't working for me, I feel like I'm falling. The bridge is rather plain and uninteresting to hold my attention.
#106 - artic-moose - Rigidity
Meets theme and appropriate title. The shot just doesn't grab me and I wish I could put my finger on it better for you as to why.
i know by now it's lame as everyone says it, but I have to say it at least once as well, and then i wont crowd this any more, please know that this counts for the past, present and future: thanks a lot for the feedback, even a small sentence hides a learning. your time taken is highly appreciated and is the main reason why i came quickly between two other things to check if feedbacks are on
thank you!
You just made my year! ...and I almost left the barbie there to see if it made you laugh - now I suppose I'll never know.
I'm very honored to be amongst so many talented people and great entries!
Thanks for the feedback judges...it's nice to know where you stand even when you don't make the cut.
Lenses: Nikkor 50mm f/1.8, Nikkor 17-80mm f/3.5-4, Nikkor 70-300mm f/3.5-5.6, Lensbaby 2.0
Accessories: Nikon SB-800, (2X) Old Flash Units, (4X) Poverty Wizards, GF Lightsphere, (3X) Lightstand and umbrella, Sandisk Extreme III 4.0 GB, Sandisk Ultra II 2.0 GB, Transcend 1.0 GB
My Gallery
"Challenge yourself! You will have days of discouragement and days of success, but the only way to fail, is to quit!" - Emily (Greensquared)
And thanks so much to Saurora and Shay, for the wonderful feedback! It's the feedback that holds the ultimate value, and such thoroughness is to be commended. It truly allows the entrants to know that someone cared enough to look at their shot, consider it and respond.
Thanks for the feedback.
Re: the comment on colors - these are the actual colors of the salt flats that you fly over coming into SFO (San Francisco). I know they look fake, but they're not. That's what caught my eye - not just the curvy lines, but the surreal, abstract nature of the shot.
A friend of mine was flying back from Rhode Island and snapped a pic of the salt ponds and I was amazed. I since googled and found other photos of the salt evaporation ponds. The colors and shapes are amazing. The water is very shallow, from what I understand, and when the salt evaporates it turns a rust color. Depending on light and height, you've captured what can be seen from the air.
I appreciate all the time you spent on this contest.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
89 - Ristyz - Fish Outta Water
Love it.
From saurora
#89 - Ristyz - Fish Outta Water
Great title and interesting piece of metal! Lighting seems harsh, blue background seems overdone. Shoot for a different time of day and better quality of light.
thanks much for the feedback! Greatly appreciated.
about Fish Outta Water: One HUGE chunk of metal that they had just taken out of the ground from under a highway. Part of a damaged culvert they had to replace. It had been ripped out & smashed by a trackhoe before being lifted to the bank. Then men were using cutting torches and metal cutters to make it smaller to haul it away. By chance they had just started on this one when they quit for the day. I explored the leftover junk pile for about an hour and a half with my camera that evening. I quit right after sunset (so light quality didn't get any better) Skies really are almost that blue here in the desert but I did bump the saturation some, a bit too much perhaps! (I love saturation). Then next morning that hunk of metal was cut up and moved. I'll miss it in a way.... I have been riding my horses under the highway through those culverts for over 20 years. Fish Outta Water was a nice tribute to the culverts' final day.
A much appreciated thank you to all the judges. I found the comments, all the comments, to be a learinng experience.
- Gary
at smugmug since May 2004
I knew my shot wasn't a strong contender for this challenge, but it was all I really had time for. I thought about cropping it into a panorama, but the 800 pixel count holds me back from doing shots like that. Oh well, maybe next time.
Thanks again.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Sometimes less is more
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Thank you for the comments on all of the entries!. Having 2 windows open and looking at the photo being critiqued and reading the critique is a great learning experience.
Saurora and Shay, thanks for the kind comments! Glad you enjoyed the picture. And I did read some other kind comments...think it was in "what's in your top 10 list".....thank you to those who commented and put me in their top 10!
#7 is certainly going to be an interesting challenge!! So many things come to mind but they are probably the same things to most people's minds....so creativity is certainly a big component of this one!
Good luck!!
My submission is not a composite image. The focus was on the embedded facets through the face of the stone. Brightness, contrast, and some minor retouching are the only alterations to the image. The out of focus elements are the surface facets with years of wear and tear.
Thank you for the feedback and dedication to this endeavor along with the other judges. I know how much time it takes. It really does help us all improve.
Ahhhhh! That makes sense. Thank you for the correction.
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
You betcha. What makes good photograph is a rather elusive thing which can only be honed in on by chipping away at the edges and reading 200 opinions on 100 photos is a great way to learn. Thanks Saurora and Shay for taking the time two write up your thoughts. Yours crituques, along with all the others in this forum, are a fantastic resource.
Your generosity in voicing your ideas and suggestions in all the images is very much appreciated. Every one of your comments is useful to all of us.
I know that you guys have plenty of other things to be doing, so I really wanted to join the other voices and say how much the feedback is appreciated.
The competition seems to be getting better and better each round, so having the feedback really helps to identify areas for improvement.
Sauroa and Shay...THANX for the feedback. Congrats to all the winners!!!!
Thanks for the feedback. I never looked at my shot that way. Now, I have a new perspective on what to look for when shooting.
Educate yourself like you'll live forever and live like you'll die tomorrow.
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
Many thanks for your feedback it is always appreciated!!
Warmest Regards,
Good Luck, and I can't wait to see everyone's entry in round 7
I anticipate many
Looking for tips on macro photography? Check out my Blog: No Cropping Zone.
What makes this competition interesting to me is learning to deal with a theme. I took so many pictures this time, I can easily put together an exhibition on the theme ‘stairway’ alone. And one day I will, but first I have to get my own printer.