"Irrational Exuberance"
Got Title...Need Image.
My schedule is such that I don't have nearly as much time for shooting as I do for thinking. So, I find myself pleasantly daydreaming about potential images and associated titles.
Does anyone else ever think of a title before the image?
p.s. I changed out my picture thingy because the previous one just seemed too dour (which I'm not).
My schedule is such that I don't have nearly as much time for shooting as I do for thinking. So, I find myself pleasantly daydreaming about potential images and associated titles.
Does anyone else ever think of a title before the image?
p.s. I changed out my picture thingy because the previous one just seemed too dour (which I'm not).
P.S. I am keeping my picture because this pretty much is my posture these days.
"Look, I'm not an intellectual - I just take photographs." -- Helmut Newton
I'll say... First time (except for silhouette) we get nouns instead of adjectives.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
I think this challenge has the potential for some of the most interesting shots yet, but I also feel it will be difficult to "fake" emotion.......Not impossible, but difficult. Alot of 'thinking' going on right now about how to achieve this, I'm sure!
If you came up with that one before you took the image then I bow to you.
As far as thinking of a title before an image -- I've never tried that. I need to study the picture first and then see what pops up.
So. While I can get their joy and sorrow fairly easily, I'm trying to break outside my box.
I do think of titles before images but mostly I think about the quality of light or tone I'd like and brainstorm from there.
"Look, I'm not an intellectual - I just take photographs." -- Helmut Newton
Hmmm. So, how far is despair from sorrow? Perhaps a self portrait?
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
You mean like this?
Way ahead of you there
"Look, I'm not an intellectual - I just take photographs." -- Helmut Newton
Looks like Saurora and I are in the same boat here. Great shot by the way, go pinch the kid and reshoot
"Look, I'm not an intellectual - I just take photographs." -- Helmut Newton
I shot a dead deer (with camera) on the way home from work thinking it might invoke some sorrowful feelings... The Wife said it was just gross...
Do pictures of dead animals make anyone feel sorrowful?
How many of you with young children are considering the Jill Greenberg approach - i.e. Give them a sucker; sit them in front of the camera; take away the sucker and start shooting?
"Mostly we did it by giving them something, a lollypop, and then taking it away. Some would just cry for no reason—my daughter did that; she didn't like standing on the apple box I used for a platform because it was a little wobbly. Some just wouldn't cry at all. For all the kids I worked really fast. We would book 12 or so for one day, and see who we could make cry. At the end of the day I was not in a good mood. I don't like making little kids cry" - Jill Greenberg :cry
One of my first thoughts when I read the theme for LPS7 was to capture a Navy Ship's homecoming since I live in a Navy Port town.
I'm absolutely kicking myself for not being more aware of what's happening because I just saw this on the front page of the local newspaper (check out the accompanying pics)...Arg!
Although I don't know if they would have granted access to the base to an ordinary civilian whose only credentials are a nice looking DSLR and lens.
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
Editions of 10
Starting at $4,500
For those of you not familiar with her, here's what Paul is talking about:
This contest is one week late for you. :cry You would have had some dynamite shots for this LPS from that documentary photo series on your daughter.
i'm thinking of taking pics of my dog - he's always so "joyful" to see me! maybe him running towards me with ears in mid-flop, his mouth open and tongue hangin' out...
Ren & Stimpy: "happy, happy, joy, joy!"
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
Oh my. I think I'll stick with "joyful" for the moment. Besides, Greenberg's pictures are too tightly cropped and have no context at all to give them that extra something that would make the top ten. Hehehe.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
If you do not have a baby borrow one or rent one. Offer to babysit somebody's 1 year old for free for a day, so you don't get to pay rent.
If nobody is willing to give you a baby(then you have serious issues man) or you don't know anybody with a baby, buy a pair of largest diapers you can find put a milk bottle in your mouth and grin like an idiot. there you have your winning photo
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
I think I have a case of the "dreaded" photographer's block. :hang
Sometimes I get wierd ideas. You've all probably seen the high-speed photos of a bullet passing through an apple. I decided it would be neat to get that shot, only replace the bullet with a blueberry. Ugh, didn't turn out too great... Hahaha!
My wife took a shot of me taking the shot, which I think is more intieresting,
Anyway, I've gone a bit off topic I think... "Irrational Exuberance"... leads to a pretty specific set of concepts in my mind, like somebody celebrating winning something that the average person wouldn't care about. It's difficult to come up with an example... winning $2 on a lottery ticket?
Nice to see someone else taking some heat from their spouse for a hair-brain idea photo shoot.
To be honest, I think you are on to something and you could still make this work. What if you put a gun in the shot instead of the apple so as to make the idea clearer. Go with a side view and add some air-shock wave patterns in PS post processing plus don't forget to warp the blueberry a bit as it would not be round at such speeds.
Okay, now you have sucked me into this...
"Look, I'm not an intellectual - I just take photographs." -- Helmut Newton
So, here was my one attempt at a non-baby, non-kid idea. I like the idea, but the result was too snap-shotty... (not to mention the VERY distracting white shoes). Oh, and it kinda looks like she's sky-diving instead of jumping for joy.
So now back to the baby and kids