Here is what I did:
1. Calculate the price of what you want.
2. Double it.
3. Save up that much.
4. Do something SHE wants with 1/2. Pay bills, get a new dishwasher, fly her mother in.
5. Now spend the other half on yourself.
The answer to the question was in the quote above it. You are all really operating with low ISO today
Charles Richmond IT & Security Consultant
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
dpreview has posted some images from a pre-production 350D, here.
Is it me, or do several of the outdoor pics seem to be a bit overexposed? On my (lcd) screen, the lighter areas (esp. whites) seem washed out. It might be the rushed situation with Phil Askey at the PMA show and his not having enough time to put out the best presentation...but they do seem to be a bit of a hiccup to all the previous excitement. As I said before, picture quality is the first and foremost consideration for me as I look toward purchasing my first dslr camera. I'm hoping the second set of pics Phil will be posting from the 350D will either confirm or debunk the notion that there might be something less than desirable about this camera. I really hope my fears are unfounded (she says as the bubble threatens to burst!). I WANT this camera to be everything I hoped it would be...really, I do! :uhoh
Is it me, or do several of the outdoor pics seem to be a bit overexposed?
I noticed that too. Does the 350drebel have set parameters like the 20D? Maybe he used a flat parameter, which wouldn't show that camera in the best light.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Somethings wrong thats for sure...i hardly expect canon would release a camera that shoots worse than its predese...predcess...the one before it.
Maybe some type of prototype ?
Gus, if Canon is planning to have this camera on the market by next month, (and you know they're expecting a huge response from the buying public), then my guess is that they're beyond making just a prototype and well into production on it already. Of course, Canon is also known for having firmware fixes down the road...and it may well be that it was the parameters Phil used to shoot on the fly with. I did notice that some of the pics had a +EV setting (though why Phil would purposely overexpose them doesn't make much sense). I'm still keeping my fingers crossed...
Phil's disclaimer and parameters noted...
From Dpreview notes on the 350Drebel...
"Unless otherwise noted images taken with no particular settings at full resolution. A reduced size image (within 1024 x 1024 bounds) is provided to be more easily viewed in your browser. As always the original untouched image is available by clicking on this reduced image.
Pre-production camera disclaimer: These samples were taken with a pre-production EOS 350D with Firmware 1.01." - Gus, looks like you were right on this one!
Fish, the camera does have a pretty decent feature set of customizable parameters >listed here< ...not sure how they compare to the 20D. You'd be the better judge of that~
Fish, the camera does have a pretty decent feature set of customizable parameters >listed here< ...not sure how they compare to the 20D. You'd be the better judge of that~
Yes, it looks quite similar to the 20D parameters. My guess is they had it set on flat and did little to improve the images. There's a big difference when you set it on parameter 1.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Tks Nee. We get the silver one in March & the black in May. $1900 shekels ($1500 USD !!) QUOTE]
Hmmmmm....can you post a link to where you got that info? On Dpreview and Steve's Digicams they listed the (expected) price for the kit w/lens at $999 US! ($899 without the lens).
They also stated that the black body was the standard color and the silver would be an option in only certain (probably metropolitan) areas. Where did you find your info? I actually hope your wrong on this one, ! I don't want to wait an extra 2 months to get a black one (yeah, I know...maybe a little silly of me, but I prefer the more "professional" look of the black body). :flash
Well...the wait goes on (and on and on)~
Heck, I may just give up and buy the Nikon, !
Tks Nee. We get the silver one in March & the black in May. $1900 shekels ($1500 USD !!) QUOTE]
Hmmmmm....can you post a link to where you got that info? On Dpreview and Steve's Digicams they listed the (expected) price for the kit w/lens at $999 US! ($899 without the lens).
This is a strange land for animals & retail items Nee. Pretty well all the talk on the 0z usernet says the silver is 1st & black due here about May (thats what the dealers on there say anyway).
This is a strange land for animals & retail items Nee. Pretty well all the talk on the 0z usernet says the silver is 1st & black due here about May (thats what the dealers on there say anyway).
We pay dearly for stuff like cameras etc.
Then why buy it there? What about buying your camera off the 'net? Or somewhere else...Europe, Asia, or here in the USA? Is it because of the warranty? Or the type of electrical outlets?
It may well be that you Aussies will be getting the silver first instead of the black. The reviewers did say silver was only available in certain areas...I guess you're in that "certain area", !
BTW, I have an old camera bag you can use to take your US bought gear back to the land of OZ if you need one! Hmmmm...don't you have a famous wizard there? I heard Dorothy found some magical red shoes and she needs a way home~ :giggle
Because i have $1100 credit at a camera shop here that is not transferable so i might as well use it up on a camera because if you think our camera prices are bad....try seeing what we pay for lenses :uhoh
Thanks for the offer Nee but what im actually going to do is take some of my old canon glass with me & declare them on the way out...if they count them on the way out then i post 'em back ...if they dont then they can come back with the new stuff. I will have to see how i get the boxes back...maybe just flatten them & put them separate.
Still some half eaten jam covered bag may help the cause.
Because i have $1100 credit at a camera shop here that is not transferable so i might as well use it up on a camera because if you think our camera prices are bad....try seeing what we pay for lenses :uhoh
Thanks for the offer Nee but what im actually going to do is take some of my old canon glass with me & declare them on the way out...if they count them on the way out then i post 'em back ...if they dont then they can come back with the new stuff. I will have to see how i get the boxes back...maybe just flatten them & put them separate.
Still some half eaten jam covered bag may help the cause.
So, is the credit at the camera store burning a hole in your pocket or what, ? You must have a lot of self control to be able to hold off for as long as you have, esp. without access to any camera at all! I'd be going bonkers for sure! :oogle
Well, the camera bag isn't all that beat up looking (sorry, no jam on it,'ll have to do that yourself, !), but I'll be happy to bring it if you need it. BTW, what will you do with your old Canon lenses? Are they no good at all? Won't work on the new camera? Or will you take them back to the land of OZ as well as your new gear?
So...any idea when will your new camera will finally be revealed? Will it be stylish silver...or basic black, !
Yeah, I're not telling just yet! Me either (still waiting to see how the new Drebel pans out). I just hope we don't have to wait for Yosemite to find out!
Burning a hole in my pocket is an understatement Nee believe me. My old canon stuff is just that ...old. I think there is more mold in them than in my fridge. We have a climate here so humid that would make florida look dry (on the same latitude as chile) They are not worth worrying about.... some old wides & 200mm tele from '83.
The camera ?...:lynn i said you 1st
I will make the phone call next week & order it but i will be sad that i have nothing left to annoy andy with.
Burning a hole in my pocket is an understatement Nee believe me. My old canon stuff is just that ...old. I think there is more mold in them than in my fridge. We have a climate here so humid that would make florida look dry (on the same latitude as chile) They are not worth worrying about.... some old wides & 200mm tele from '83.
The camera ?...:lynn i said you 1st
I will make the phone call next week & order it but i will be sad that i have nothing left to annoy andy with.
Too bad about the old lenses...but they might just be the ticket to get you back home with the new ones instead...
I think you're gonna beat me for ordering your new camera...I'm still waiting to see about the new Drebel (though feeling a bit discouraged about image quality there...). I'm guessing you're gonna get a 20D (you dog!), or you'd be waiting around, too~
Too bad about the old lenses...but they might just be the ticket to get you back home with the new ones instead...
I think you're gonna beat me for ordering your new camera...I'm still waiting to see about the new Drebel (though feeling a bit discouraged about image quality there...). I'm guessing you're gonna get a 20D (you dog!), or you'd be waiting around, too~
~Nee :smooch
Come on Nee...this could be yours in a day or 2 for just $1304 USD
Don't tempt me!!! We have a nice sized credit line at Dell (bought a computer for our daughter from them in December). Their customer service is the pits, though...and they kept sending us the wrong information about our order! We're still waiting for the printer to show up...
Plus...I'm not completely sold on the 20D, either. The banding issues and error 99s have me a bit hesitant (plus how much it weighs! I may be a bit on the *fluffy* side, but I'm not *humungus*, !) ~Nee :smooch
Dee, have you held one? I can't imagine that the camera body weight is an issue. Now, if you buy some bulky 'L' glass, that's a different matter.
Trying toting a 1D or similar. Now that's a weighty camera.
Sid, (Nee here),
The problem is that I'm just a total wimp, ! Yes, I've actually held one...tested it at the camera store. I probably won't buy any big lenses until sometime after I get my new camera...gotta save the $$$ for that!
I'm waiting to see what the new XT pans out to be before I decide which way to go. Give me a couple weeks...I'll definitely be deciding on one before the end of March!
The problem is that I'm just a total wimp, ! Yes, I've actually held one...tested it at the camera store. I probably won't buy any big lenses until sometime after I get my new camera...gotta save the $$$ for that!
I'm waiting to see what the new XT pans out to be before I decide which way to go. Give me a couple weeks...I'll definitely be deciding on one before the end of March!
One of the reasons I like the 20D (one of very many) is that it fits my hand. Probably a dumb reason to some, but no dumber than someone with a smaller hand not liking it because of its large size and weight. Calm & rational switch offSo I am just happy that they (Canon) didn't make me feel like a dummy for getting the 20D instead of waiting for the 350D. It is really a marketing thing. If you could get the 350D with ALL of the 20D capabities, it would kill the 20D. Just like they didn't put all of the 1Ds MK II capabilities into the 20D.
One of the reasons I like the 20D (one of very many) is that it fits my hand. Probably a dumb reason to some, but no dumber than someone with a smaller hand not liking it because of its large size and weight.
Not dumb at all, Mel! If a camera feels awkward in your hands, then how can you ever be happy using it, no matter how good the photos it produces are?!?
I have smaller hands, even for a the 20D felt a bit too big and unbalanced for me (and the 10D was an even bigger monster which kept me from buying it!). Not to say I couldn't get used to it , but the 350 XT would definitely be a lot easier for my smaller hands (and weaker arms, !) to handle. But I'm not ruling the 20D out entirely...esp. if the 350D fails to pan out in the area of picture quality.
BTW, I'm also seriously considering the (gasp!) Nikon D70 . It had a really nice feel to it when I held it in my hands. My fingers didn't have to stretch to reach all the controls like they did on the 20D. I liked the balance and weight of it...and the quality of images is pretty nice, too! I just wish it had a few more options and a little less noise, but you know what they say...if wishes were horses then beggars would ride! Can't have it all, I guess...(well, unless the 350D meets all my hopeful expectations...then the choice will probably be a no brainer, !).
thanks for all the info here. I'm shoppping again and the Rebel XT is on the short list. a friend bought his wife one for christmas. I may have to try to borrow it for a day and check it out.
thanks for all the info here. I'm shoppping again and the Rebel XT is on the short list. a friend bought his wife one for christmas. I may have to try to borrow it for a day and check it out.
Hiya Freak! Let us know what you end up deciding, I'm curious to hear your reaction.
Hiya Freak! Let us know what you end up deciding, I'm curious to hear your reaction.
will do. the kodak dx6490 has done a good point and shoot job. it has enough features to make me realize what I'm missing. and by reading Outdoor Photographer, I'm slowly educating myself to the point of thinking about taking a photography class
will do. the kodak dx6490 has done a good point and shoot job. it has enough features to make me realize what I'm missing. and by reading Outdoor Photographer, I'm slowly educating myself to the point of thinking about taking a photography class
just a photo n00b I'll get there.
You know, I keep meaning to do that. There's so much to learn, especially on the technical end. Funny you should mention landscapes. Andy's organized a Yosemite event for May - should make for some very cool landscapes. I'm looking forward to it.
thanks for all the info here. I'm shoppping again and the Rebel XT is on the short list. a friend bought his wife one for christmas. I may have to try to borrow it for a day and check it out.
I thought the XT was just being released?! Someone already bought one for xmas???
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
Is it me, or do several of the outdoor pics seem to be a bit overexposed? On my (lcd) screen, the lighter areas (esp. whites) seem washed out. It might be the rushed situation with Phil Askey at the PMA show and his not having enough time to put out the best presentation...but they do seem to be a bit of a hiccup to all the previous excitement. As I said before, picture quality is the first and foremost consideration for me as I look toward purchasing my first dslr camera. I'm hoping the second set of pics Phil will be posting from the 350D will either confirm or debunk the notion that there might be something less than desirable about this camera. I really hope my fears are unfounded (she says as the bubble threatens to burst!). I WANT this camera to be everything I hoped it would be...really, I do! :uhoh
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
It's not just you.
I noticed that too. Does the 350drebel have set parameters like the 20D? Maybe he used a flat parameter, which wouldn't show that camera in the best light.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Maybe some type of prototype ?
Gus, if Canon is planning to have this camera on the market by next month, (and you know they're expecting a huge response from the buying public), then my guess is that they're beyond making just a prototype and well into production on it already. Of course, Canon is also known for having firmware fixes down the road...and it may well be that it was the parameters Phil used to shoot on the fly with. I did notice that some of the pics had a +EV setting (though why Phil would purposely overexpose them doesn't make much sense). I'm still keeping my fingers crossed...
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
From Dpreview notes on the 350Drebel...
"Unless otherwise noted images taken with no particular settings at full resolution. A reduced size image (within 1024 x 1024 bounds) is provided to be more easily viewed in your browser. As always the original untouched image is available by clicking on this reduced image.
Pre-production camera disclaimer: These samples were taken with a pre-production EOS 350D with Firmware 1.01." - Gus, looks like you were right on this one!
Fish, the camera does have a pretty decent feature set of customizable parameters >listed here< ...not sure how they compare to the 20D. You'd be the better judge of that~
Still Hoping...
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Little wonder that net buying is becoming so popular here.
Michiel de Brieder
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Then why buy it there? What about buying your camera off the 'net? Or somewhere else...Europe, Asia, or here in the USA? Is it because of the warranty? Or the type of electrical outlets?
It may well be that you Aussies will be getting the silver first instead of the black. The reviewers did say silver was only available in certain areas...I guess you're in that "certain area",
BTW, I have an old camera bag you can use to take your US bought gear back to the land of OZ if you need one! Hmmmm...don't you have a famous wizard there? I heard Dorothy found some magical red shoes and she needs a way home~ :giggle
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Thanks for the offer Nee but what im actually going to do is take some of my old canon glass with me & declare them on the way out...if they count them on the way out then i post 'em back ...if they dont then they can come back with the new stuff. I will have to see how i get the boxes back...maybe just flatten them & put them separate.
Still some half eaten jam covered bag may help the cause.
So, is the credit at the camera store burning a hole in your pocket or what,
Well, the camera bag isn't all that beat up looking (sorry, no jam on it,'ll have to do that yourself,
So...any idea when will your new camera will finally be revealed? Will it be stylish silver...or basic black,
Yeah, I're not telling just yet! Me either (still waiting to see how the new Drebel pans out). I just hope we don't have to wait for Yosemite to find out!
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
The camera ?...:lynn i said you 1st
I will make the phone call next week & order it but i will be sad that i have nothing left to annoy andy with.
Too bad about the old lenses...but they might just be the ticket to get you back home with the new ones instead...
I think you're gonna beat me for ordering your new camera...I'm still waiting to see about the new Drebel (though feeling a bit discouraged about image quality there...). I'm guessing you're gonna get a 20D (you dog!), or you'd be waiting around, too~
~Nee :smooch
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Don't tempt me!!! We have a nice sized credit line at Dell (bought a computer for our daughter from them in December). Their customer service is the pits, though...and they kept sending us the wrong information about our order! We're still waiting for the printer to show up...
Plus...I'm not completely sold on the 20D, either. The banding issues and error 99s have me a bit hesitant (plus how much it weighs! I may be a bit on the *fluffy* side, but I'm not *humungus*,
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
I was shooting an indoor school carnival...even my f2.8 lenses were too ISO3200
Dee, have you held one? I can't imagine that the camera body weight is an issue. Now, if you buy some bulky 'L' glass, that's a different matter.
Trying toting a 1D or similar. Now that's a weighty camera.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Sid, (Nee here),
The problem is that I'm just a total wimp,
I'm waiting to see what the new XT pans out to be before I decide which way to go. Give me a couple weeks...I'll definitely be deciding on one before the end of March!
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
One of the reasons I like the 20D (one of very many) is that it fits my hand. Probably a dumb reason to some, but no dumber than someone with a smaller hand not liking it because of its large size and weight.
Not dumb at all, Mel! If a camera feels awkward in your hands, then how can you ever be happy using it, no matter how good the photos it produces are?!?
I have smaller hands, even for a the 20D felt a bit too big and unbalanced for me (and the 10D was an even bigger monster which kept me from buying it!). Not to say I couldn't get used to it
BTW, I'm also seriously considering the (gasp!) Nikon D70
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
just a photo n00b
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam