Confused on Monochrome...

I have 4 images...but not sure how they relate to monochrome theme...because I don't think I ever do monochrome...:D
Anyone wanna help??



Anyone wanna help??




You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
PS. And I like them all.
#2 is excellent
i'm not so sure about 3 & 4 The Photo Section
both #2 and #3 are very nice.
Have you tried to clone the people out of #3?
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#2 is very nice.
I like 4 the best if you are going for monochromatic.
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Shilliday Photography
I used Google to define monochromatic and found the following few interesting definitions:
[SIZE=-1]A color scheme limited to variations of one hue, a hue with its tints and/or shades.
[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]A color scheme involving the use of only one hue that can vary in value or intensity.
[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Having only one color or the various tonal values of one color.
[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Composed of tints and shades of a single color.
[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]consisting of only a single colour or hue; may include its tints and shades.
[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Containing only one hue.[/SIZE]
This begs the question if "Black and white" or just Black (with all it's shade) is monochromatic?
Does white count as a colour? Does Black count as a colour? Am I worrying too much?
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(also posted in a different thread...sorry in advance for the double entry)
D3, and other Nikon goodies
Shilliday Photography
I guess a solid black frame wouldn't fit. Black is the absense of color, right? So as long as you don't do that...
#1, while dominated by green, is not really monochrome, as it contains white and black. Now if you were to crop in on the part of #1 that is all tree stump and frond, just a bit northeast of the center of the image, you will have there an image that is comprised of total green, even as the trunks are moss-covered (?) they look a shade of green, not brown... Try cropping in and let us see what that would look like in 800 pixels... / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
That's an interesting perspective that a B&W is not monochrome.
I would have thought, since to me it sounds reasonable from reading statements elsewhere on the net, that black and white are shades of grey, because they fit the definition of grey as being equal values of R, G and B. So even though they are at opposite ends of luminosity, the hue is essentially the same.
In a HSB color space for example, you can get from one to the other by adjusting brightness only, without affecting hue.
Am I wrong in thinking that?
Peter, you're not at all wrong to think that. B&W is monochromatic, varying around the color gray by adding or subtracting white and/or black. BUT, as a matter of interpretation, which is very much part of all of this, Donna's #2 in this case isn't really displaying variations of the color gray, variations made by adding black or white. The photo is either pure black or pure white(with the head in there of course). It's indeed a very nice photo, but I see it this way as regards the theme.
I think that the point is, depending on the judges, will they see the definition initially as you do, or as I do. That will be how things are decided. / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
I tend to thnk like Peter....RGB is missing and when you do Monochrome on my puter..the color immediately gets set to "gray"...when hitting the saturation, hue, and lightness, it changes the variations of gray, when I looked at the color code goes from various hues of whitest white to darkest black...
So if I do monochrome in "color" I can only use one color in various shades...
What the HECK is MONOCHROME...I think Shay should jump in here somewhere with an example...of what they were thinking when they asked for MONOCHROME....cuz I'm more confused..:D ...Is anyone else???
OH MY this is REALLY confusing... Thanks everyone for your help, but I can see this is going to be a bit difficult, perhaps, I should just go with COLOR...:D and I was thinking of doing someting different
So black and white is considered "Lack of Color" with white being highest in contrast???
and here I thought, #2 hit the monochrome mark...ha ha ha ha ha
Looking at Hoofclif's comments, then does #3 hit the mark on Monochrome with its various shades of grays????
Feel Free everyone to post your Pics Examples here of what you think Monochrome is, it could help some of us out..
I don't say that a winning entry on the "monochromatic" side will have to be composed purely monochromatically. The art of the shot might be in how we break up the monochromaticity (sounding like The Police here) of the image. For instance, in the last LPS, my entry "Breaking Glass" was an attempt to show smoothness being violently interrupted. This wasn't necessarily noticed, so I ask you, in your #1, does the swiggling wall break up the scene in some theme-busting manner? Perhaps is would do so if you were to crop out the car and building on the left, maybe also some of the white sky at the top. Make it all wall and trees..... / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
..... / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
I think we agree on this and I don't know that our definitions are all that different either.
Do Not Stray From the Path:
(My thought, monochromatic "green" hues with a touch of rule breaking which would be the white path??)
IS monocromatic a DULL hue??? Yeah I played with this a little....Need to replay after viewing here...but I like the crop
Just Lion Around
(as per Peter's/Mark's comments)
Egads...I'm starting NOT to like Monochrome...
Looking at Hoofclif's comments, then does #3 hit the mark on Monochrome with its various shades of grays????
I tend to agree with Hoofclix, and I have a more strict interpretation of "monochromatic" ... 'mono' meaning 'one' ...
Your second picture kicks butt
In that vein, your original #3 and #4 seem more monochromatic (to me). Is that the airport, by the way? It looks like where the crew van used to drop us off
It's interesting to see our different takes on #1 - I totally see it as an example of COLOR! Especially your original variation. Either way, it's a cool picture and if you enter it I'd keep the title ambigious as to your intent
Here is a (blurry) snapshot from this weekend, and what I think of when I hear "monochromatic" - the base color being brown, with a range of browns from uberdark to toffeelight filling the majority of the frame:
Best of luck either way ~ rise to the challenge, girlfriend!
Hey G/F....Yeah...#3 is the Ft. Lauderdale International Airport, #3 Purple Section, "departures" near Air Tran. Too Funny that you even recognized it...Good Eye Good Eye...
I agree with the "Mono" as being One...but isn't "chrome" sort of like a "dull shiny", at least that is what I think when I see think of chrome.
This theme is gonna be a kicker for me, it is burning my brain stem ova here (in my best Boston accent)...although I like my treated version of #2...Thanks for all the suggestions, opinions, comments EVERYONE..
BUTTTTTT on another note...I might go to COLOR since I will be going to the Bahamas next weekend...I will be 20 minutes from Atlantis and Staying at the Crystal Palace....Any suggestions on what to look for....
PLEASE Everyone feel free to continue posting to this thread, and posting your photos as examples of what you perceive of could help all of us...cuz I do AGREE with is fascinating to read the variations of what people perceive.!! (Cuz trust me, I haven't made up my mind yet..just like a female eh?
"White is the combination of all the colors of the visible light spectrum.[1]. It is sometimes described as an achromatic color, like black.
White is technically achromatic, and not a color, since it has no hue."
So now we have a new term - achromatic! I looked up grey on wikipedia and found this:
"Collectively, white, black, and the range of greys between them are known as achromatic colors or neutral colors."
So aparently a Black and White photo is in the Achromatic category, not monochromatic?
Thanks for posting a great example of a monochromatic photo for us...
I really like the black and white Lion's head picture and laughed out loud when I read your title for it. Nice one!
My plan is something like this, with only different hues of blue. (From all white to all black). Have I misunderstood everything about monochrome then?
Canon EOS 30D, Canon 50mm f/1.4, Sigma 70-200 f/2.8, Sigma 18-50 f/2.8, Tokina 12-24 f/4. Sigma 1.4 TC, Feisol 3401 Tripod + Feisol ballhead, Metz 58 AF-1 C, ebay triggers.
The word origins of Monochrome:
American Heritage Dictionary mono- or mon-
- One; single; alone: monomorphic.
- Containing a single atom, radical, or group: monobasic.
- Monomolecular; monatomic: monolayer.
American Heritage Dictionary -chrome[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin, from Greek, from monos, single, alone; see men-4 in Indo-European roots.]
- Colored: polychrome.
- Color; pigment: urochrome.
When combined the word Monochrome as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary is:[From Greek khrōma, color.]
American Heritage Dictionary mon·o·chrome (mŏn'ə-krōm')
- A picture, especially a painting, done in different shades of a single color. The art or technique of executing such a picture.
- The state of being in a single color.
- A black-and-white image, as in photography or on television.
So, no, -chrome is not dull,shiny. "Chrome" is shiny, (my motorcycle has a lot of it on it:D ), but that's a different word. In monochrome it is the suffix -chrome as noted above.[Medieval Latin monochrōma, from feminine of Greek monokhrōmos, of one color : mono-, mono- + khrōma, color.]
On a side note, have fun in the Bahamas!
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Trying to thwart Donna here by getting her confused, as I think she's on to something. If we let her go on her initial path, she might win! / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes.. / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Ok, so let me see if I got this.... just another way of photographers saying Black and White (Lack of Color) i.e., (#3), and
Dgrin decided to trick us with the usage of VERBAGE INTERPRETATION?
According to Heather (Shudderz) research...
American Heritage Dictionary mon·o·chrome (mŏn'ə-krōm')
- A picture, especially a painting, done in different shades of a single color. The art or technique of executing such a picture.
- The state of being in a single color.
- A black-and-white image, as in photography or on television.
Or we could go to the extreme i.e., (#1) and use ONE color and hit it with Various Shades/Hues of the same??Am I getting this right?
Your right Mark....My mind, as you know, is always searching and going off on so many paths, it should be illegal all the right and left turns I make...:D
Ahaaaaa so then photo "Just Lion Around" (updated version) would hit the mark i.e. definition #3....and my photo #3 "Around the Bend" would hit the mark (various shades of the same hue) as per definition #1.???
DUH, I could have had a V8
So after all of this debating/researching/pondering Monochrome, anyone else feel like just shooting a box of crayons?
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GIVING BACK - How will you give?
ROTFLMAO...Yeah Heather, you can hit me with a double shot now ...and
I bet the Gods of Dgrin are having a REAL GOOD LAUGH (I'm so ashamed for being so blonde...
Just goes to show, everything is subject to "interpretation".....