>>> LPS#17 Feedback Thread

DoctorItDoctorIt Administrators Posts: 11,952 moderator
edited December 24, 2007 in The Dgrin Challenges
Hey gang, another round well done :thumb

I don't have the time to put up any of my own comments at the moment, but I'm posting this thread for the other judges. Maybe even Shay will get off his sick-bed and throw you some juicy bits of feedback.
Since 2004...


  • seastackseastack Registered Users Posts: 716 Major grins
    edited December 18, 2007
    Well ... quickly at this point ... a general observation, and obviously this may be based partially on my own bias ... but I found myself wishing a number of images had been converted to black and white - stark and dirty decay, texture. Decay, especially, seems to cry out for good black and white conversion. Some of the images were already nearly monochrome in color, so black and white would have enhanced the feeling of decay, the texture, without really losing anything by dumping the color. In fact, I often temporarily convert color images to black and white to better see if I have a good basic image. Sometimes they end up staying black and white.

    Nice images and as always, an honor to view people's work :))

  • leaforteleaforte Registered Users Posts: 1,948 Major grins
    edited December 18, 2007
    Thanks to the judges for doing such a great job on such short notice! Way to go finalists, and great job all entries.
    Growing with Dgrin

  • schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    Folks, sorry for the delay in judging this round. It really was so veryvery last-minute but congratulations to the semifinalists! thumb.gif

    In the past I know the judges have given a little feedback to everyone who entered and this is probably helpful to you. I am by no means comparing myself to Shay, but since feedback so far has been limited here are my $.02. Please take everything with a grain of salt!


    davidweaver - Middle Ground
    Very abstract. I'm at a loss...

    MJRPHOTO - The Barn
    Good concept but the composition doesn't quite grab my eye.

    Giphsub - Winters Chill
    Nice color and texture! I certainly feel chillier looking at these

    Dalantech - Inside a Soap Bubble
    I think this is a lovely shot - good patterns and details and colors but how it seemed another degree away from the theme...

    Greensquared - One-Eyed Jack
    Absolutely hilarious! Although the face is hard to see at this stage, it makes the decay more obvious.

    vinson - Inside a rotting apple
    Cool concept and the title helped me "see" what this was. composition was a bit confusing otherwise. I thought it was amber, not apple

    menebo - Great Expectations
    Great idea and great title! Image seems a little flat, however.

    Moni - Loves me not
    I think the title is great. The flowers don't look too decayed, however. :D

    Llywellyn - Fractured
    Spooky and yet very mythical also. For some reason I am reminded of the Green Man.

    bgaras2001 - tomorrows future
    Great execution of theme as well as the technical aspect. I thought I saw a shot very similar to this for the LPS4 Artificial/Organic round...

    PaulThomasMcKee - WABI-SABI WINDOW
    Great! No complaints from my end

    HoofClix - Abercrombie's Wood
    Nice forest - but not sure which object is the subject. I think the way the light/shadows are falling makes this more difficult

    Aaronzhere northere - going subterranean
    The theme is not very obvious here, though I love the scenery seen in the water drop

    RogersDA - Fading glory
    Nice treatment in PP, but I don't think the composition is quite optimal

    sherstone - Return to the beginning
    Excellent! The falling snow makes this even better

    bentnose - Growing Up is Tough!
    The image should have been embedded in the entry comment, for starters. It's a great snapshot but I feel only slightly related to the theme

    ntt - life
    This could be a great stock photo for a lab supply catalog. I find it very humorous, great lighting, nice subject

    entropysedge - fish in entropy
    I'd like to see this sculpture myself, as it's adorable. Other than the rust being there, I don't think it says "Decay," however

    tlee - Pink Bubblegum II
    Very cute! And a great take on the concept of "growth"

    hamster - Brick wall biology
    Great concept and I like the textures here. Could use a little more pop, perhaps?

    mwalters - Requiem for Decadence
    The decayed flower, I see. I do not see how the rest of the photo contributes? I seem to think that the rose is a memorial to the building, somehow.

    achambers - Vienna Barn
    I see where you were probably going with this but I think some crop & pop might gift it a lift!

    Leonardo - glow / homage to ancient craft masters
    Very moving, very somber. I assume that this was for "decay," however? I don't think it's clear

    samsplace - Dancing with Fire
    You got good movement and heat in the fire but I think there were a couple of ways this image could have been made more powerful. Fill the frame, get close, change angles, etc.

    flybynight - One Too Many
    Wonderful atmosphere. Dark, solitary, hopeless. Comp is a bit busy with all the fenceposts vs the one man.

    pemmett - Corroding the Cranium
    A bit soft but a cute snap of the girl. Very little about the theme is coming through to me, however.

    ifocus - Santa Claus and the little boy
    I admit I'm not good at these kinds of things. I like the rust and I love the color, but the Santa and the boy I'm just not seeing

    quark - The Banana Turns
    I love the classic quark diagrams. Humorous and always true!

    Shudderz - A Tractor's Sunset
    Quite obviously decay but I think the scene could have a bigger impact by stepping closer and isolating part of the machine, or maybe even b/w?

    dannymiranda - Berries in Stone
    A little soft and the large ratio of subject to background leaves me feeling a bit unbalanced

    chandi - Post-Season
    Great title and idea. I do feel the sadness of the season being over but do baseballs decay? :D

    cjmchch - divorce
    The title totally makes this shot, I think! I can't help but wish something prettier than a paper towel was used, though

    pyroPrints.com - Don't Fear the Reaper

    MrsCue - He Loves Me Not
    (Photo is not showing up for me anymore)

    pyry - Decay of Imagination.
    I think we've all been here before, which makes this a great shot!

    shatch - Cavity!...No Problem
    Great story being told here and perfect execution. I also love the take on the theme "decay"

    Rockporters - Late for Dinner
    I'm not sure what I'm looking at. Is it moldy bread or some kind of squash?

    leaforte - Sarcophagus
    A very interesting title. I wonder why the flower in the vase is on the floor?

    Red Dog - To everything There Is A Season...
    The scene seems a little jumbled to me. The stone, the leaves, the plants... which one gives the message?
  • schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    And continued...


    fashiznitsngrins - Steppin' Up
    Great concept! I just wish the bottom shoes weren't cut off and that the angle was something a little more dynamic than straight up the vertical.

    DrDavid - Death in a Nest
    I think this is perfect as is!

    millerlisa - Beauty at the Door
    A good snap of a flower on its way out. I don't see the theme in here, though

    NewCreation517 - "Everything Seems So Significant ..."
    I admit I'm confused. I think I'm missing something about the title and the subject

    Awais Yaqub - Eyes that have seen much
    Excellent use of the theme and execution of the photo!

    vandana - " I see new hair !"
    Hilarious! I love it and the eyes in the corner just make it.

    Flyinggina - Winter of Desolation
    Very desolate, indeed. A great depiction of the death of the earth during winter

    jwear - Piscine Spirit
    Nice capture, even though it wasn't exactly moving! :D Love the way the fish and the earth become one.

    nelsonstuff - Still Standing
    Lovely vista, but it seems a bit dark. Which is odd considering there so so much snow. The 50/50 composition doesn't quite work for me

    LiquidAir - Imprint
    I actually like the use of selective color because it emphasizes the contrast of the straight lines versus the circles. Very nice!

    drdane - Back to the Earth (Crispy Compost)
    This photo is very soothing and pleasing. It also looks as though the red leaves are growing out of the others, which is very cool

    MarkTodd - Salad in the Field
    Interesting perspective, and I like it! Definitely a fresh, clean view, as well as take on the theme

    Aequitas - Death of a forest
    I like the treatment and the view very much. Looks like there was some great light, too. But i'm looking for a definitive subject.

    Tentacion - Slow Death
    Powerful message! I can practically smell it from here, yikes

    The Curious Camel - Soon to be three
    Very nice expressions on their faces. I think it's a very sweet and loving photo

    Justiceiro - Still no life, with Bathtub- 9th Ward
    Great sense of humor, of course! I like the composition of the bathtub, window, building, reflections on the wall. It works really well here, even if the exposure is a bit on the dark side.

    imax - Out With The Old
    Very very interesting lighting here. I'm not sure it helps the subject, though. I'm still a bit unsure of what I'm looking at! A building or a garbage can...?

    sunita - The beginning of the end
    I like the simplicity of this shot quite a bit! It looks fresh at first, but on second glance it's anything but.

    Jet - Overgrowth
    A peaceful scene that is very rich and green for me, who is in the start of winter. It's refreshing to see, even though the scene is a bit wide for my taste and the angle is slanted.

    SunsetSailor - Up Rooted
    It's hard to ignore the sense of power in this scene. Even though the tree is on it's way out, I still don't quite think it conveys "decay"

    Remember47 - Natural Death
    Again, I'm not really feeling the theme. It looks pretty festive, though!

    annnna8888 - Untimely Kiss of Death
    I like the concept of frost growing on something that isn't dead yet. I especially like the backlighting on it! It really brings out the details.

    NanaMo - Against all odds....
    The title and the subject work together so well here. The fact that the sprouts are so delicate make the situation even more precarious. Bravo!

    jziegler - No more cows
    Nice abandonment! It's quite confusing though, again not sure what part of this I should be looking at.

    TylerW - Late Bloomer
    Wonderful! Sharp, focused, colorful, great textures and contrast. The title gives even more life to the one bud.

    photochaos - Decaying Beauty
    Quite colorful, indeed! The super-red tones contrast very well with the dull background.

    Ozone - Primary Decay
    The tilt on this shot bugs me a bit, but i love street art and the door is a nice touch.

    Nikolai - Circa 1859
    Perfect portrayal of the little things that make up history! The textures in the hook are unbelievable and the smooth BG brings this out. Great job!

    Travis - Fall of Man
    Such a striking, powerful image. To me it looks like a perfect blend between Roman warrior and modern athlete. The PP is distict but it works well here to give it that surreal edge.

    janephoto - Here today, gone tomorrow . . .
    Simple and effective. I love the drop falling off the bottom, though I wish the background were even more free of distractions.

    Me&MyCandi(5D) - 'Boy To Man'
    Great collage! A nice take on the theme. It makes me want to know what else is displayed on the wall since I know there are more artifacts out of the frame.

    Aurora- Life Cycle of the Potato
    Great concept and you're on the right track with the studio setup. But the cast gets in the way, as does the overall softness.

    TPBinKC - "I'm HOW big?"
    A good way of illustrating "growth," however without the title I would not have understood the story the shot tells. I didn't see the hand over the boy's head until just now!

    saurora - Hard To Handle
    Nice high-key street shot, and the interest in the dog creates a lot of good tension. I don't see the connection to theme in here, though.
  • TravisTravis Registered Users Posts: 1,472 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    Schmoo, thank you for the critiques! It has been quite awhile since we had a full rundown. I'm sure that it will be much appreciated by all. thumb.gif
  • schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    I hope it is in some way helpful! I did not include some of the ones that people had removed from the entry thread. I know this is partially my fault for taking so long since I know there is no requirement to keep entries after the top ten have been picked.
  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited December 20, 2007
    so many entries, so little time!

    I'm working on critiques!
  • schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    Angelo wrote:
    so many entries, so little time!

    I'm working on critiques!

  • TangoTango Registered Users Posts: 4,592 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    Schmoo, thanks for your time and effort!
    (i knew my entry was reaching for the topic...i thought it was worth a shot...water from the rain storm said growth to me....i will be more on topic with my entries...)
    thanks, Aaron
    Aaron Nelson
  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited December 20, 2007
    schmoo wrote:

    oooooooooohhhhh, schmoooolicious!


    This was a tough challenge to judge

    OK, who I voted for:


    2._____tomorrow's future____________bgaras

    10.____a tractor's sunset____________shudderz

    8._____decay of imagination__________pyry

    9._____cavity... no problem___________shatch

    4._____eyes that..._________________awais

    7._____new hair___________________vandana

    5._____piscine spirit________________jwear

    1._____still no life bathtub___________justiciero

    3._____primary decay_______________ozone


    I will add comments shortly, promise and then I'll try to get to all the other entries.
  • LiquidAirLiquidAir Registered Users Posts: 1,751 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    schmoo wrote:
    LiquidAir - Imprint
    I actually like the use of selective color because it emphasizes the contrast of the straight lines versus the circles. Very nice!

    Thanks! In this case the selective color was completely natural. The stump was old, wet (right after a rain storm) and completely colorless all on its own without any help from me. I actually had a nice chat with my neighbor who told me he decided not to remove the trunk out after cutting the tree down because the kids on our block have so much playing with it. I don't know how old it is (its been there longer than I have lived in the area) but the wood has bleached to the silver color of driftwood over the years. When it gets wet all the texture pops out as parts of the end grain turn black.
  • sunitasunita Registered Users Posts: 210 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    Thanks for the feedback, Schmoo! Really appreciate it! thumb.gif
  • photochaosphotochaos Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    schmoo wrote:
    photochaos - Decaying Beauty
    Quite colorful, indeed! The super-red tones contrast very well with the dull background.

    Thank you very much for your feedback, Schmoo!

  • LlywellynLlywellyn Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,186 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    schmoo wrote:
    Llywellyn - Fractured
    Spooky and yet very mythical also. For some reason I am reminded of the Green Man.

    Thanks for the feedback, chica! :D Your comparison is interesting--I'd actually decided a while ago to try to bring some myths to life in my photos for these entries, as I'm a bit obsessed with mythology. Nice to see it's coming through a bit. mwink.gif
  • cjmchchcjmchch Registered Users Posts: 222 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    Thanks for the feedback Schmoo. It's interesting you thought the background was a paper towel, it was actually an embroidered overlay on the bed.
    Canon - Manfrotto - Pocketwizard - Sekonic - Westcott - Hoya - Singh Ray

  • NanaMoNanaMo Registered Users Posts: 189 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    NanaMo - Against all odds....
    The title and the subject work together so well here. The fact that the sprouts are so delicate make the situation even more precarious. Bravo!


    Thanks so much Schmoo!!! bowdown.gifbowbowdown.gif

    I know everyone really enjoyed seeing your critiques! clap.gif We were spoiled and when they missed a few we all were sad. It is fun and or constructive to see what the judges saw in our entries. AND you saw just what I was trying to convey...the delicate sprouts in the snow.....

    BTW.....made a great salad! rolleyes1.gif

    Thanks for all your efforts,
  • NanaMoNanaMo Registered Users Posts: 189 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    Angelo wrote:
    oooooooooohhhhh, schmoooolicious!


    This was a tough challenge to judge

    OK, who I voted for:


    2._____tomorrow's future____________bgaras

    10.____a tractor's sunset____________shudderz

    8._____decay of imagination__________pyry

    9._____cavity... no problem___________shatch

    4._____eyes that..._________________awais

    7._____new hair___________________vandana

    5._____piscine spirit________________jwear

    1._____still no life bathtub___________justiciero

    3._____primary decay_______________ozone


    I will add comments shortly, promise and then I'll try to get to all the other entries.

    ...drat! Would really love to thank you BUT.....lol......will look forward to your comments.

    Thanks for your judging time....I am sure it is a challenge.

  • JetJet Registered Users Posts: 233 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2007
    Schmoo, thanks for the time & effort put into the feedback you givethumb.gifIt is appreciated, especially by newbies like me :D
    Haha yep everything is green here in Aus, as summer kicks in. And yes I really need to put more thought into the way I crop things headscratch.gif
    Jethro :D
    My Blog
    Jethro Kingston Photography
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  • shatchshatch Registered Users Posts: 798 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2007
    Thanks Schmoo for taking time to critique! I can only imagine the time and energy it takes to produce such a list. Thanks again!
  • OzoneOzone Registered Users Posts: 74 Big grins
    edited December 21, 2007
    Angelo wrote:

    3._____primary decay_______________ozone
    Thank you Angelo. I am honored that you liked my photo this much. :D
  • OzoneOzone Registered Users Posts: 74 Big grins
    edited December 21, 2007
    schmoo wrote:

    Ozone - Primary Decay
    The tilt on this shot bugs me a bit, but i love street art and the door is a nice touch.
    Thank you schmoo for taking the time to critique each entry. I sure don't know how I could have done it.bowdown.gif
  • pyrypyry Registered Users Posts: 1,733 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2007
    Thank you schmoo for the feedback and Angelo for the 8. place votewings.gif

    Looking forward to what you have to say :D
    Creativity's hard.

  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2007
    Thank you both for the nice comments on my pic but mostly for the time and effort you both put forth.Schmoo you really did extra workthumb.gif .Especially with the holidays this was extra effort. I am sure Doc it would have also but it is hard to type with you finger in your nose. Happy holidays to all and thanks again
    Jeff W


  • tleetlee Registered Users Posts: 1,090 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2007
    jwear wrote:
    Thank you both for the nice comments on my pic but mostly for the time and effort you both put forth.Schmoo you really did extra workthumb.gif .Especially with the holidays this was extra effort. I am sure Doc it would have also but it is hard to type with you finger in your nose. Happy holidays to all and thanks again


    T :D


    "Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
    ----Ruth Ann Schubacker
  • The Curious CamelThe Curious Camel Registered Users Posts: 943 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2007
    The Curious Camel - Soon to be three
    Very nice expressions on their faces. I think it's a very sweet and loving photo

    Schmoo, thank you for the critiques! I am glad you liked it and that you took the time to critique mine along with all the others.

    Peace, gail
  • RockportersRockporters Registered Users Posts: 225 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2007
    Thanks, Schmoo, for the feedback, it is helpful!

    Nikon D300
    Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8
    Nikon 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6
    Nikon 50mm f/1.8D

    [SIZE=-3]Mary Beth Glasmann Photography[/SIZE]
  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited December 21, 2007
    OK, here goes... Sorry for the long delay but life for a retailer at this time of year... eek7.gif

    I hope I can do myself justice compared to Steph. I refrained from reading her reviews so as to not be influenced but from the other comments I can tell she did a remarkable job.

    Merry Christmas to all!

    first; those I voted for:

    1. Still no life bathtub by justiciero

    ... interesting, eerie composition. the dimensionality of decay both within and beyond the window wall is great. good light. this could be a poster for a horror flick

    2. Tomorrow's Future by bgaras

    ...it's whimsical, creative and well executed with beautiful light and exposure. a more creative cropping would have easily bumped this to 1st.

    3. primary decay by ozone

    ...interesting, good colors and line detail and I'm a sucker for urban/architectural details.

    4. eyes that... by Awais

    ...goodness how could I not vote for this? growth (age) and decay are simultaneously displayed in this near perfect portrait. this could be a poster boy for Amnesty International. Better exposure compensation would have earned a higher score.

    5. piscine spirit by jwear

    ...kudos for making me look up the word piscine. and it took a double-take on my part to realize what I was looking at, so kudos for the abstract creativity.

    6. fractured by llewellen

    ...with the exception of the application of a very heavy facial masque this is terrific in it's simplicity. well executed and certainly thematic.

    7. new hair by vandana

    ...graphic, whimsical simplicity. comedy will always win me over especially when well executed. love the creative cropping

    8. decay of imagination by pyry

    ... I was struck by the austere, barren emotion of this shot and very good b/w conversion

    9. cavity, no problem by shatch

    ...again with the whimsy! love the expression on the kid. cavity, decay...cavity, decay... hmmmmmm - OK, I'll give it to you.

    10. Tractor's Sunset by shudderz

    ...this one just called to my visual search for decay.

    And for the other entries:

    OOPS! I'll be back with more later. sorry, work calls.


  • pyrypyry Registered Users Posts: 1,733 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2007
    Angelo wrote:
    OK, here goes... Sorry for the long delay but life for a retailer at this time of year... eek7.gif
    I didn't mind at all about that delay thing :D

    Hang on there and close the shop for the eve.
    Angelo wrote:
    8. decay of imagination by pyry

    ... I was struck by the austere, barren emotion of this shot and very good b/w conversion
    Both you and schmoo have 'got it' spot on, I'm such a happy bunny thumb.gif

    I'm off. Merry Christmas!
    Creativity's hard.

  • achambersachambers Registered Users Posts: 255 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2007
    achambers - Vienna Barn
    I see where you were probably going with this but I think some crop & pop might gift it a lift!

    Thank you for the comments
    Alan Chambers


    "The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2007
    Thanks Angelo thumb.gif:D now go wrap some presents ,you could wrap a D3 for ,me eek7.gifne_nau.gif don't use language like that I was only kidding rolleyes1.gif
    Jeff W


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