What do you mean? The light area in the middle of this picture?
You can make this in PS. I use the german version.
This is the way:
Under filter=>distortion(?) and then you can play with the settings.
You understand my bad english?
In Photoshop, I believe its under Filter - Render - Lighting Effects.
BTW....BEAUTIFUL PICS!!! I'm so frickin' jealous! I'm a motorsports fan, too, but don't have access to F1 other than on TV. I do participate at autocrosses and track events with the Porsche Club of America (with too many pics on my site to prove to prove it..... ). I occasionally attend races at our Club's regional home track, Summit Point Raceway in WV. There's something surreal about the F1 world...
Tony P. Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1) Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play Autocross and Track junkie tonyp.smugmug.com
What do you mean? The light area in the middle of this picture?
You can make this in PS. I use the german version.
This is the way:
Under filter=>distortion(?) and then you can play with the settings.
You understand my bad english?
Germany, Hockenheimring, 2006
Germany, Nürburgring, 2007
In Photoshop, I believe its under Filter - Render - Lighting Effects.
BTW....BEAUTIFUL PICS!!! I'm so frickin' jealous! I'm a motorsports fan, too, but don't have access to F1 other than on TV. I do participate at autocrosses and track events with the Porsche Club of America (with too many pics on my site to prove to prove it.....
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
this are the right words, thank you!!
ahh!!!, my favorite year watching kimi! (he had the worst of luck that year but he made some of the races extremly exciting!)