introducing my 10-22
Sharp enough or do you need a day shot ? Totally untouched other than converted from RAW to Jpeg.
Man its a lot wider than i ever expected.
Model: Canon EOS 20D Size: 3520x2346 Bytes: 5268307 Aperture: f/5.6 ISO: 200 Focal Length: 10mm (guess: 8mm in 35mm) Exposure Time: 2.5s (25/10)Flash:Flash did not fire, compulsory flash modeExposure Program:Manual

Crop of some
Man its a lot wider than i ever expected.
Model: Canon EOS 20D Size: 3520x2346 Bytes: 5268307 Aperture: f/5.6 ISO: 200 Focal Length: 10mm (guess: 8mm in 35mm) Exposure Time: 2.5s (25/10)Flash:Flash did not fire, compulsory flash modeExposure Program:Manual

Crop of some

I have two lens on my list and the 10-22 is one
I will be looking for to see what you think about this lens
I like the shot by way too.... cool billboard
For the closeup profile of the horn player, I had the camera about a foot away. The steering wheel maybe the same. The full figure shots of the horn player, I was at most three or four feet away. Looking at the world through this lens is really a different experience.
(no, I will not do surgery on a $500 lens)
All things come to him who waits...
fixed that for ya, doc.
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and now, I wait.
Hmmm.... should I re-think my desire for the 17-40/4L?
A former sports shooter
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I gave in & now all i can hear is andys Ipod (barry manilow)
Andy has Barely Maneough on his iPod? Oh, the shame of it all... L OL!
I've heard the 17-40/4L has a special infrared coating to deal with the sensitvity of CMOS sensors to near infrared. Baldy alluded to this in a different thread. Same for the 10-22? A problem worth worrying about?
A former sports shooter
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No idea mate...i just wanted W I D E.
I do know that for me at is very easy to over think this stuff & whilst doing so, miss out on running around having fun.
Andys photo from st pats day parade swung me.
I did this one at 12mm and was standing on the sidewalk - I did touch it up a little to straight out the left side of the building - this is very cool.
I was less than 10 feet from the building, standing on the sidwalk - gonna be a great summer up on the Blue Ridge with this lens
There are a lot of elabrate methods to check a lens, (no I don't know them all), but if you want to get a pretty good real world feel for your lens I might sugest you shoot during the day and use a tripod with, if possible, a remote shutter switch. Brick walls are pretty good ( the poster would be good as well) but just set up and take a number of shots using different focal lengths and aperatures. Download them to your computer and look at them. How do they compare to your other lenses? Check the center and outside edges.
If it looks good, it's good.
Oh, and I think the 35 mm focal length equivalent for 10 mm is 16 mm. But the number isn't important. It's wide!
You'll make good use of the lens in Yosemite.
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This was a perfectly good discussion of the properties of this very interesting lens and now it has deteriated into puke emoticons. Jeez and you a super moderator and all. Maybe I'll have to switch to FM where a more sober sense of decorum prevails and perfectly interesting topics don't degenerate into personalities and threats.
looking forward to more, gus!
These are some really cool shots you guys have posted here.
I need a wider lens, and a longer lense, and a lens that shoots closer, and a faster lense, and more megapixels....
You guys are gunna bankrupt me....
But there really is no reason to expect more from you. And even you didn't bring on the puke.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
who's threatening?
but, if someone puts barry manifold on my ipod, i'll kill 'em
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'gus - this shot, says it all ya got a good lens there
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My last sentence was self referential. Get it now?
i cannot tell if you are pissed :pissed or making a joke
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Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin