
The 50D?



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    ShimaShima Registered Users Posts: 2,547 Major grins
    edited January 4, 2009
    Andy wrote:
    Actually, time to put 'gear' in the profile where it belongs, not in the signature deal.gif

    I don't see that in the rules: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=8985 so what is your dude pointing to for me to read? headscratch.gif

    Anyhoo, actually popped into the thread because I have Andy's former 50 1.4 and *love* it. I often swap it between my 40D and my 5D2 to get the different focal lengths. I also really enjoy it as a focal length on the 5D2 for some short movie clips.

    When I first got the 50 1.4 I did some test shots with it on my 40D: http://photos.cathoffman.com/gallery/6183438_knZ7y

    Hope that helps :)
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    NeilLNeilL Registered Users Posts: 4,201 Major grins
    edited January 4, 2009
    Thanks for the offer - I will be following up on that in the next day or so. I really appreciate it!

    You're welcome, Scott.
    "Snow. Ice. Slow!" "Half-winter. Half-moon. Half-asleep!"

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    SnowgirlSnowgirl Registered Users Posts: 2,155 Major grins
    edited January 6, 2009
    It does show up ... but where it belongs - in your profile. I think (and this is just a guess on my part) the idea is that you list your stuff in your profile so people can easily find it when they are trying to help you solve problems. It doesn't show up in your siggy and clutter your posts - more elegant that way!

    I don't see it?? I listed it on the profile page under equipment - should it be elsewhere?ne_nau.gif

    By profile I mean the box to the left of this comment - it is on my profile page.ne_nau.gif
    Creating visual and verbal images that resonate with you.
    Picadilly, NB, Canada
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    Scott_QuierScott_Quier Registered Users Posts: 6,524 Major grins
    edited January 6, 2009
    Snowgirl wrote:
    I don't see it?? I listed it on the profile page under equipment - should it be elsewhere?ne_nau.gif

    By profile I mean the box to the left of this comment - it is on my profile page.ne_nau.gif
    If you left-click (PC terms) on a poster's nickname (upper left corner of a post), a drop-down menu will appear. If one selects "View Public Profile" from that dropdown, they will see the poster's profile. A section of yours is below (it woudl appear you've done it correctlythumb.gif):
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    frelfrel Registered Users Posts: 41 Big grins
    edited January 6, 2009

    I've had the 20D (actually still have, but it's been modified for IR photography) and a pair of 30D cameras. I upgraded from the 30D to the 50D and find that the 50D is a better tool for portraits and weddings than the 30D. I shoot RAW (exclusively) and find the images are better than I was getting from my 30D. I also shoot weddings with another photog who uses a 40D and have had the opportunity to work up her RAW files as well. There is a noticable difference between the 40D and the 50D .... with the 50D winning the competition:D.

    As for noise - I find the ISO 800 on the 50D to be better than the 30D (no question) and slightly better than that of the 40D.

    Opinions differ .... these are my observations.
    This is not what dxoMark test are saying. For what I see the two camera are fairly comparable in term of noise. The only difference is that the 50D can go further in term of ISO but with a higher noise.

    I do not say that 50D i bad (having a comparable noise while increase the resolution by 1.5 is nice) but if the only objective is to have better ISO and you do not need to do laarge prints then 40D may be a cheaper but yet efficient alternative (probably the reason why they did not remove it from the catalog)
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    wesleytwesleyt Registered Users Posts: 112 Major grins
    edited January 6, 2009

    I've had my 50D for a bit more than a month now, and have taken it on three outings to SF, plus a number of holiday photo sessions at my parents' home.

    I have had my 30D for a bit more than two years now; my current P&S is a G9 (which I love and is with me always), and I started my Canon digital addiction with an S80 about three years ago.

    I haven't shot with my 30D since I received the 50D. The 50D is such a pleasure! I'm amazed at its high-ISO performance. I do use Noise Ninja if necessary, usually only on ISO 1600 + shots.

    I shot a bunch of coins this past weekend; the live view was such a big help in verifying framing. It saved me a bunch of time, as well as stress on my back from hunching over the camera and light tent.

    I shoot raw exclusively, and process 16-bit images in Lightroom and PS CS4. I output 3 MP jpegs to Flickr and full-res jpegs to Smugmug.

    Congrats on your new 50D. I hope you love it as much as I love mine!

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    jeffreaux2jeffreaux2 Registered Users Posts: 4,762 Major grins
    edited January 6, 2009
    This has all been great feedback. I have had it about a half a week. It has rained miserably everyday. I did manage to follow Scott's lead and fine tune all my lenses using the method he describes in "Techniques" for micro adjustment. Frome what I have seen from these adjustments, that feature alone makes the camera more attractive than any camera that doesnt offer it. I havent done enough shooting to say if the noise is noisier than the Xti. I just haven't taken THAT many shots. I did do the test shots though, and today shot a few more at very near the close focus distance of all of my lenses at their maximum aperture hoping to be sure I had no back or front focus issues that I had induced with my tuning. These images I did process normally. In doing that I immediately noticed that the images were able to accept a much higher level of sharpening without affecting the noise than the XTi. That is good news. I noticed this using the high-pass sharpen method that I typically use....although Lightrooms sharpen tool is slowly growing on me.

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