Akamai coming to custom hostnames

Many customers have noticed that SmugMug is much faster from yournickname.smugmug.com than from www.yourcustomhostname.com .
As soon as we can make sure everyone has their custom domain names configured in a way that works with Akamai (the company behind the speed boost), we'll Akamize www.yourhostname.com and you'll see speed. The further you are from Silicon Valley, the bigger the boost.
This thread is primarily for people whose domains are not pointed to domains.smugmug.com. They are the only ones we're notifying by email and pointing to this thread.
Nasty little detail: I'm sorry to say that if you use an A record that points to our IP address, you won't get the same speed boost that you will if you use a CNAME that points to domains.smugmug.com (huh?).
The details about how to configure your domains are here.
Edit, March 20th:
Q: When must this be done by, the email you sent was a bit unclear.
A: Do it now please, as soon as possible, your domain may stop landing at your SmugMug site. Write to us, ATTN: Doc at the help desk, or post here, and we'll help.
Q: Will moonriverphotography.com be as fast as www.moonriverphotography.com?
A: Yes, if you have Cname setup for www, and enter this as your fully qualified hostname in your SmugMug control panel, and also an A-record set up pointing to our IP Address.
Q: Is there a way I can check that my domain is setup correctly from SmugMug?
A: Yes! See these directions for details.
Let us know if you have questions!
All the best,
As soon as we can make sure everyone has their custom domain names configured in a way that works with Akamai (the company behind the speed boost), we'll Akamize www.yourhostname.com and you'll see speed. The further you are from Silicon Valley, the bigger the boost.
This thread is primarily for people whose domains are not pointed to domains.smugmug.com. They are the only ones we're notifying by email and pointing to this thread.
Nasty little detail: I'm sorry to say that if you use an A record that points to our IP address, you won't get the same speed boost that you will if you use a CNAME that points to domains.smugmug.com (huh?).
The details about how to configure your domains are here.
Edit, March 20th:
Q: When must this be done by, the email you sent was a bit unclear.
A: Do it now please, as soon as possible, your domain may stop landing at your SmugMug site. Write to us, ATTN: Doc at the help desk, or post here, and we'll help.
Q: Will moonriverphotography.com be as fast as www.moonriverphotography.com?
A: Yes, if you have Cname setup for www, and enter this as your fully qualified hostname in your SmugMug control panel, and also an A-record set up pointing to our IP Address.
Q: Is there a way I can check that my domain is setup correctly from SmugMug?
A: Yes! See these directions for details.
Let us know if you have questions!
All the best,
Also, there was some confusion early about A records. Please do not delete them. You do need to edit the A records to use the new IP address if they are used to point at SmugMug. The confusion comes because in order to get the speed boost, you must use the CNAMED custom domain in your SmugMug control panel. For most everyone that will be the www version of your custom domain. (people using subdomains will want to use the CNAME if at all possible) The A record will redirect automatically if setup correctly to the CNAME and that will give you the speed boost. I know that is probably clear as mud for some people. You do not need to understand how it works. Just trust me that it will.
So for example, if you setup yourdomain.com with an A record pointed at and a www CNAME pointed at domains.smugmug.com You then enter www.yourdomain.com in the SmugMug control panel. When someone goes to www.yourdomain.com they will get the speed boost. If they go to yourdomain.com the system will automatically switch the domain to www.yourdomain.com and they will get the speed boost as well.
As with all domain issues, I am standing by to assist via the help desk.
I do ask that you not PM me on Dgrin. I do not check my PM's frequently.
As always, we're happy to do the setup for you - it takes only minutes to do, usually. If you need assistance, I will need:
- your smugmug nickname or a link to it (not the custom hostname)
- your domain host name (who is your domain registrar)
- your custom domain (some users have multiples so I need to know which to work on)
- the login id at the domain host
- the domain host password (I do not need your SmugMug login)
Change your password it to something random and send me that new password ATTN: Doc at our help desk. When I am done, you can change the password back.Send this information via email to the help desk. Use the subject line Attn: Doc - CNAME Help. Do not post it on Dgrin for the world to see.
These changes should not affect your site visitors, any links that you have given out or posted, or anything else with your site. This only changes something under the hood that visitors do not see.
SmugMug Custom Domain Guru
That is very good news. One question. When you say - we'll Akamize - does this need to be done on a domain by domain basis, or do you mean that you will just setup the infrastructure on your side and it will start to show up for everyone (using cname)?
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
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smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
my site: www.aspectartsphoto.com
my gear: nikon D700, 70-200 mm 2.8, 24-70 mm 2.8, 50 mm 1.4, SB600, AB800
The CNAME is for either www in front, or if you use a subdomain. If you use either, they must be pointed at domains.smugmug.com
If you are using a subdomain to point at your SmugMug site, and have the domain pointed at another site do not mess with the A records, or the www CNAME. Only change the subdomain that is pointing at SmugMug.
That's all I have - smugmug is where my main domain points. Good, I won't mess with it then! Thanks so much!
my site: www.aspectartsphoto.com
my gear: nikon D700, 70-200 mm 2.8, 24-70 mm 2.8, 50 mm 1.4, SB600, AB800
speed gain using a domain and live with domain without the www not working.
My Website index | My Blog
But almost all domain hosts do not allow for a blank or @ CNAME, so you must use an A record to get your domain to work without the www. That is why I mentioned it.
Subdomains can be either CNAME or A records depending on the host. Some hosts only allow CNAME record and require that all others are A records.
Doc, do you know any domain hosts who do allow for blank or @ CNAME records?
I agree using a CNAME does reduce admin going forward and allow you guys to make changes without having to give notice etc.
The whole idea of the boost comes from the fact that there is a dynamic DNS lookup for domains.smugmug.com based on where you are. Effectively when you try to hit domains.smugmug.com for images, you will end up hitting the nearest Akamai server, which may already have a cached version of your images
With an A record, you always point to one server no matter where you make the request from
The boost is simply due to less distance to travel on fibre. That is why the boost is higher when you are farther from Silicon Valley (assuming there is an Akamai server sitting very close to you)
I may have missed some fine detail, but I think thats the basic idea.
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
They are rare... Very rare and I do not remember who they were. Sorry. I was also concerned as they also only allowed CNAMEs and not A records.
I can tell you the best thing to do is use one of the better domain hosts. That way there is less hassle making the changes in the future.
I love GoDaddy. I use them for my personal stuff and I love setting up customers that use them. I can usually make the changes in about 5 minutes or less.
Joker and Network solutions are also good.
We do... www.dnscentral.com
% host billgerrard.com
billgerrard.com is a nickname for domains.smugmug.com
domains.smugmug.com has address
Most domain registrars are just big marketing companies that quite frankly don't have a clue or care about the technical details of DNS. They are just in it to make a fast buck. Unfortunately the side effect of this is they severly limit what you can actually do in their DNS interface. They will just tell you what you want to do is not possible.
P.S. I just set up the billgerrard.com CNAME as an example. I was not using it for anything and I do not have a Smugmug site configured with it as a custom hostname.
That hostname doesn't resolve to SmugMug's CNAME (domains.smugmug.com). See our help section on custom hostnames.
Custom Hostname
A domain name you've already pointed to SmugMug using our help page.
custom hostname: Ex: www.yourdomain.com or photos.yourdomain.com (use lower-case!) - Help.
Also, when asking for help, do not forget to include your custom domain name and the smugmug account url.
I am actually finding that there are a lot more fly by night small companies that are selling domains but offering no DNS services. They allow you to point to a namserver but that is it. That is why you can get your domain name for $5.00
They also offer no support at all.
If your service is offering blank CNAMEs, I will check it out when I have some free time. The RFC rules are clear, why domain hosts do not abide them is a mystery.
Ok I did this but I want to make sure this is done correct...."
- Click Add New CNAME Record in the box labelled CNAMES (aliases). If you are changing from an existing website, or if a www CNAME exists, click the pencil icon to edit it.
- For the Name, enter only the subdomain of the address you want to use for your SmugMug site. For example, if you picked www.mydomain.com as your address, enter www here"
www, does this means i have to fill in my domain here, such as www.myname.com or only www?http://help.smugmug.com
Well, domain hosts offer what services they want to offer. Most current DNS providers don't have any technical experience with DNS protocols or history. A good test is to ask them when they started offering DNS services. Over 95% will have started in 1999 or much later.
We've been offering DNS services since early 1996 (DNS Central was created in 1997) and I was involved in the working groups that helped form ICANN in 1998 and bring to the end the government granted monopoly held by Network Solutions. I have intimate knowledge of DNS and used that when building the tools we have today. Plus we've implemented many DNS level features that our customers throughout the years have requested.
It was actually deja vu when I discovered SmugMug. I thought to myself, wow here is another company that works just like we do., which is a rarity on the Internet and even in real life...
By the way, beware of any company charging at or less than what it actually costs them to acquire the domain name for you. The rock bottom cost that a registrar has to pay to the .com registry for a domain name is currently $6.62/year. This fee is also in the process of going up as Verisign (they run the .com registry) doesn't think they are making enough money for their shareholders.
It seems important. I read the comments a few times but I dont understand a single word. Can you help me?
I also read it somewhere: "
If you get stuck making the changes, we'll be happy to unstick you. Please send via email to the help desk the name of your domain host, your domain host customer number/login ID, and set a temporary password so that we can login. Send this mail ATTN: Doc in the subject line. We will go in and make the changes for you."
What mail? What message?
Thank you for your help.
If in 1 hour or so it doesn't work, you'll get an email from me.
*note to others... godaddy changed account numbers on customers for a security update. I was locked out of my account and had to verify myself. They gave me a new account number. You'll need your last 4 digits of the credit card or your pin number.
um... what's this mean:
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I changed my settings yesterday with 1and1 Webhosting and did everything correctly as far as I can see. I did everything as it was mentioned in the tutorials for 1and1's changes. Although, I did insert the smugmug ip address according to the tutorial instructions. Does that mean that I am loosing out on the speed boost?
If you want to, I am willing to give you my login settings if you would like to check for me. I am no "expert" but can help myself around these things when instructions are simple and straight forward.. but I will never know if there are better options or not as I am no expert and mostly just follow instructions.
My smugmug custom domain is www.photographmemory.com