I have removed the custom domain from your account so that will help eliminate the problems it was causing.
You will get the speedboost on the johngillett.smugmug.com URL. You should be seeing that already.
But as Andy said, the forwarding can and will cause problems. That will not get the speedboost I am pretty sure.
I've tried a few variations to get both "www.johngillett.com" and "johngillett.com" to hit my site. Straight forwarding only to "johngillett.smugmug.com" (GoDaddy-no masking) doesn't work at all, and the A record/Cname only works for "johngillett.com", not "www.johngillett.com".
I do not need a Power User, nor Pro account. But I feel as if I'm being forced into it by the inability to fully forward my domain. But there must be an easy solution I'm missing. I admit, I'm no genius .
PS, I'm not concerned about having a speed boost.
PPS, After reviewing the different package details, it looks like I will have to upgrade to Power User...
I've tried a few variations to get both "www.johngillett.com" and "johngillett.com" to hit my site. Straight forwarding only to "johngillett.smugmug.com" (GoDaddy-no masking) doesn't work at all, and the A record/Cname only works for "johngillett.com", not "www.johngillett.com".
I do not need a Power User, nor Pro account. But I feel as if I'm being forced into it by the inability to fully forward my domain. But there must be an easy solution I'm missing. I admit, I'm no genius .
PS, I'm not concerned about having a speed boost.
PPS, After reviewing the different package details, it looks like I will have to upgrade to Power User...
Hi, I'm so sorry but we don't support forwarding or masking. Passwords and cookies won't work.
With a Power or Pro account, you can use our CNAME feature. Holler if you want our help, it's about 60 seconds of setup time on Godaddy for us
I just upgraded to Power, and now my johngillett.smugmug.com site has disappeared and been replaced with an old focusringphoto.com site that has long been meaningless.
I just upgraded to Power, and now my johngillett.smugmug.com site has disappeared and been replaced with an old focusringphoto.com site that has long been meaningless.
Feedburner problems
I made the change to my domain www.speaksimages.com (under Godaddy) and FeedBurner is no longer producing feeds when I update the site. I ran the check you recommend in the thread and it looks good. Any suggestions?
Thank you,
Bill Speaks
The breeze at dawn has secrets to share. Don't go back to sleep. Rumi
I made the change to my domain www.speaksimages.com (under Godaddy) and FeedBurner is no longer producing feeds when I update the site. I ran the check you recommend in the thread and it looks good. Any suggestions?
sorry that I haven´t read all off the comments in this thread.
My question:
in the past I only used my own domain www.andreaswerth.net to forward all users using the link to http://www.andreaswerth.net. With the code below they have been sent to werth.smugmug.com
In your case, all that needs to be done is to remove the custom domain from the SmugMug control panel. Only domains that are pointed correctly at SmugMug should be there. As you are using a redirect, removing it is the best course of action.
OK to have both A record and CNAME
I removed my A record (on Wolfsnap Domains) and www.mydomain.com is super fast! I even noticed the difference here at Stanford!
But my non-www URL (as expected) has stopped working (unless already cached). If I put back the A record, to return the non-WWW to functionality, which I understand will be the same slower speed -- will my www.mydomain.com also be slowed down?
I guess my concern is for users entering non-www URL and not getting resolved, thinking they have wrong info, or site is down, etc...
Chris, you really do want the A record for the non www version. I was mistaken about how it worked. As long as the www CNAMEd version of your domain is in the SmugMug control panel, you will get the speed boost.
As long as the www CNAMEd version of your domain is in the SmugMug control panel, you will get the speed boost.
... when we throw the switch to speed up custom domains, which we haven't yet. (Unless someone did it without telling me. )
Right now, only nickname.smugmug.com is speed boosted through Akamai. But the whole point of this thread and these changes is that we can't really throw that switch until most folks are configured correct... So the sooner we get the number of in-correctly configured domains down to a small number, the sooner we can throw the switch and speed everyone up.
SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support http://wall-art.smugmug.com/
Right now, only nickname.smugmug.com is speed boosted through Akamai. But the whole point of this thread and these changes is that we can't really throw that switch until most folks are configured correct... So the sooner we get the number of in-correctly configured domains down to a small number, the sooner we can throw the switch and speed everyone up.
Ben, We are still trying to get the last few users converted over. We hate to cause anyones site to go down. But, not everyone reads the email, or watches Dgrin. We will be sending notice again soon to those that are left.
Just want to confirm
Having just setup my SMP account sometime yesterday as the day is currently a blur since because of some site which I will not name out of kindness, *cough*smugmug*cough*, I was up until 9AM THIS MORNING playing and testing all the customization abilities I could...and it was quite blissful...ah, but I am meandering OT, that's not my fault as I just woke at 4PM today...
Anyway once the, ahem, unpleasantness of transferring my domain name to GoDaddy is fixed the setup info I was shown on the help pages is current now to allow me to point to the correct servers with Akamai? Don't ask me to tell you what I wrote down last night because, I still need about a gallon of Turkish grind to wake up enough to find the details. BTW, I can't have that much needed juice of life as I would be up again until 9am thank you very much...
I would be happy to check. But I need to know what your domain is. Send it to me on the help desk if you do not want to post it here. I can check.
Thanks for the quick response. As I mentioned the actual domain and transfer is in process but my old provider is dragging their feet. So, I haven't setup the actual domain records. Just wanted to be accurate for you there and not have you waste time on anything that I need not worry about until later next week.
The current domain on SM is brecklundin.smugmug.com and the domain will be www.brecklundin.com no prob posting it here as it is my domain and not worried about client issues, but thanks for considering that possibility.
Leave it to Doc
I recently was pushed http://www.nictips.com/Domain-Information/Domain-Push-Explained.html the domain I needed from its previous owner. While preparing to become master of my domain, I stumbled upon this Akamai thread. "Aka-who?" was my initial reaction. Leave it to Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akamai_Technologies.
After reading all of the posts in this Dgrin thread, as well as related domain threads and wikis, I thought it best to take Doc up on his offer to get it done correctly. Figured it might be easier than having him decode how I might manage to screw things up.
I did need to wait over 24 hours for the changes to "take." I then had to go to my SmugMug control panel and enter the custom domain on the settings tab. All's well now.
Formerly I was stuck with http://tallahasseetrails.smugmug.com/ Now I'm http://www.tallahasseetrails.com/ Yes, if they type the URL without the "www" they end up at http://www.tallahasseetrails.com/ as well.
I know all you tech-nerds understand all of this. I want to reassure any noobs it works when you take advantage of the expert help here.
Doc, you and the SmugMug support crew deserve attaboys and firm handshakes.
p.s. For your perusal, here's what I asked, and how Doc replied:
(Not that you need to know this, but I got the http://tallahasseetrails.com domain "pushed" to me yesterday by a local fellow who had parked it.)
Info you specify I provide:
1) your smugmug nickname or a link to it (not the custom hostname): see above, tallahasseetrails
2) your domain host name (who is your domain registrar): GoDaddy
3) your custom domain (some users have multiples so I need to know which to work on): see above, I want to change http://tallahasseetrails.smugmug.com/ to http://www.tallahasseetrails.com and if possible, http://tallahasseetrails.com
4) the login id at the domain host: XXXXXXX
5) the domain host password (I do not need your SmugMug login): Doc's temp password will be XXXXXXX
Good news. I have completed making the changes to your domain. Now your domain should start working in the next hour or so. But, it can take up 24-48 depending on your domain host. So please be patient as the domain updates. While you wait, I have some valuable tips to help get you started. Please take some time to look them over as they should answer some of the question you have now or soon will have.
The last step is to wait until your domain resolves correctly. You will know that it is resolving when the domain points at the SmugMug homepage.
Once the domain resolves correctly, you can go to your SmugMug control panel and enter the custom domain on the settings tab. That is all there is too it. If you have problems, please let me know.
Now that I am done with your domain, please do not forget to reset your password.
Thanks for the vote of confidence John. The changes are really simple to make. But not everyone understands how to make them. There are so many domain hosts that I cannot write instructions for all of them. That is why my offer stands. I have no desire to hack your domain or do anything other than set it up correctly. I have literally done several thousands of these in the last year. That is why it only takes me a few minutes to set most of them up. Experience helps.
The good news is that not only am I here to help Nick, Steve, Seb, Rich and some of the others heros have been trained how to do some of the domain hosts setups. I am always standing by to take the tough ones when needed.
If you have been waiting to get make the change, now is the time. Please do it right away so that your domain does not stop working when we flip the switch. The unofficial grace period has almost expired and the switch may flip at any time now.
Trying to get swopephotos.com (without www) working
I registered through domainsites.com, and have www.swopephotos.com working perfectly.
I'm trying to make "swopephotos.com" work the same way. (I'd actually prefer that "swopephotos.com" redirect to "www.swopephotos.com" but since I do not have anything hosted at "swopephotos.com", I can't do a HTTP redirect.)
Attached is how I've added some CNAMES for both blank and @ to their DNS table, but so far (20 mins) going to "swopephotos.com" still goes their landing page.
I guess what I really need is the ability to do an A record to a hostname, but no joy...I get an invalid character in response if I try this.
Incidentally, on smugmug, I entered "www.swopephotos.com" into the control panel. Should I change this to "swopephotos.com"?
Update: It seems to be working!
This is just to let everyone know that I seem to be working with domainsites.com! And it's fairly cheap, and supports both blank and @ cnames in their DNS registry!
So.... should I leave both the blank and @ CNAME entries in there, or am I doing potential harm? Should my speed be "optimal" doing this configuration?
Allen, I am not sure if using both the @ and blank would be a good idea. You can try it and see if it works. As long as they are both pointing to SmugMug, I cannot see how it would cause a problem.
Your prior post mentioned it was still not working at 20 minutes. Domain changes can take 24-48 hours depending on the host. So for others working on their domains, please keep that in mind.
Thasnk Doc!
I just wanted to thank you for helping me out at the speed of light!
I submitted a question to the help desk and almost as soon as I hit the submit button I received a response with the clarification.
Customer service is one of the main factors that people take into account when they decide to put their hard earned money into a service or company and I am blown away by the help and professionalism of all the members of Smug and of the members of the forum here at Dgrin.
It can take 24-48 hours for changes to your DNS records to propagate and reach our servers. You may need to wait a bit.
Hi Doc-
I finally had a chance to get around to making these changes via GoDaddy. I updated my primary custom domain using the ARecord @ and the CNAME now has www (host) and domains.smugmug.com (points to). Now, I notice that my site is running like a snail against a head wind. I do have four other domains fowarded to my primary domain and I noticed that the ARecord was pointed to, so I changed those to and the CNAME has www (host) and @ (points to). I still see no improvement in the speed to my site. Do I need to remove fowarding on my other domains and/or change CNAME??? Do I need to get rid of www and the ARecord on my primary domain and just use the CNAME in order to improve speed or am I just stuck?
Just here trying to get things set up correctly via GoDaddy and trying to get my speed to improve. Thanks in advance for your help.
Waded through the tutorials and updated godaddy. I'm still up so I assume I got it right. Feel free to double check me, guys...
Interiors, Exteriors & Landscape
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
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I've tried a few variations to get both "www.johngillett.com" and "johngillett.com" to hit my site. Straight forwarding only to "johngillett.smugmug.com" (GoDaddy-no masking) doesn't work at all, and the A record/Cname only works for "johngillett.com", not "www.johngillett.com".
I do not need a Power User, nor Pro account. But I feel as if I'm being forced into it by the inability to fully forward my domain. But there must be an easy solution I'm missing. I admit, I'm no genius .
PS, I'm not concerned about having a speed boost.
PPS, After reviewing the different package details, it looks like I will have to upgrade to Power User...
With a Power or Pro account, you can use our CNAME feature. Holler if you want our help, it's about 60 seconds of setup time on Godaddy for us
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Oh well, may as well upgrade to Power. But now I'm going to have to buy 20 fewer coffees this year.
I just upgraded to Power, and now my johngillett.smugmug.com site has disappeared and been replaced with an old focusringphoto.com site that has long been meaningless.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I made the change to my domain www.speaksimages.com (under Godaddy) and FeedBurner is no longer producing feeds when I update the site. I ran the check you recommend in the thread and it looks good. Any suggestions?
Thank you,
Bill Speaks
Have you updated your feed burner?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
sorry that I haven´t read all off the comments in this thread.
My question:
in the past I only used my own domain www.andreaswerth.net to forward all users using the link to http://www.andreaswerth.net. With the code below they have been sent to werth.smugmug.com
(used in index.htm)
Do I have to change something in this case, too?
Thank you in advance.
thank you for your fast response. So this should do the trick:
best wishes,
I removed my A record (on Wolfsnap Domains) and www.mydomain.com is super fast! I even noticed the difference here at Stanford!
But my non-www URL (as expected) has stopped working (unless already cached). If I put back the A record, to return the non-WWW to functionality, which I understand will be the same slower speed -- will my www.mydomain.com also be slowed down?
I guess my concern is for users entering non-www URL and not getting resolved, thinking they have wrong info, or site is down, etc...
Many thanks for all your efforts here!!
- Chris
... when we throw the switch to speed up custom domains, which we haven't yet. (Unless someone did it without telling me.
Right now, only nickname.smugmug.com is speed boosted through Akamai. But the whole point of this thread and these changes is that we can't really throw that switch until most folks are configured correct... So the sooner we get the number of in-correctly configured domains down to a small number, the sooner we can throw the switch and speed everyone up.
~ * ~ Mothers of teens now know why some animals eat their young ~ * ~
Having just setup my SMP account sometime yesterday as the day is currently a blur since because of some site which I will not name out of kindness, *cough*smugmug*cough*, I was up until 9AM THIS MORNING playing and testing all the customization abilities I could...and it was quite blissful...ah, but I am meandering OT, that's not my fault as I just woke at 4PM today...
Anyway once the, ahem, unpleasantness of transferring my domain name to GoDaddy is fixed the setup info I was shown on the help pages is current now to allow me to point to the correct servers with Akamai? Don't ask me to tell you what I wrote down last night because, I still need about a gallon of Turkish grind to wake up enough to find the details. BTW, I can't have that much needed juice of life as I would be up again until 9am thank you very much...
Just hoping to confirm is all.
Thanks for the quick response. As I mentioned the actual domain and transfer is in process but my old provider is dragging their feet. So, I haven't setup the actual domain records. Just wanted to be accurate for you there and not have you waste time on anything that I need not worry about until later next week.
The current domain on SM is brecklundin.smugmug.com and the domain will be www.brecklundin.com no prob posting it here as it is my domain and not worried about client issues, but thanks for considering that possibility.
I recently was pushed http://www.nictips.com/Domain-Information/Domain-Push-Explained.html the domain I needed from its previous owner. While preparing to become master of my domain, I stumbled upon this Akamai thread. "Aka-who?" was my initial reaction. Leave it to Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akamai_Technologies.
After reading all of the posts in this Dgrin thread, as well as related domain threads and wikis, I thought it best to take Doc up on his offer to get it done correctly. Figured it might be easier than having him decode how I might manage to screw things up.
I did need to wait over 24 hours for the changes to "take." I then had to go to my SmugMug control panel and enter the custom domain on the settings tab. All's well now.
Formerly I was stuck with http://tallahasseetrails.smugmug.com/ Now I'm http://www.tallahasseetrails.com/ Yes, if they type the URL without the "www" they end up at http://www.tallahasseetrails.com/ as well.
I know all you tech-nerds understand all of this. I want to reassure any noobs it works when you take advantage of the expert help here.
Doc, you and the SmugMug support crew deserve attaboys and firm handshakes.
p.s. For your perusal, here's what I asked, and how Doc replied:
Tried to make sense of the dgrin thread - http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=117668
Probably best if you handle my domain switch so it works with the new Akamai.
I'm wanting to switch from my current http://tallahasseetrails.smugmug.com/ to http://www.tallahasseetrails.com
If possible, I'd like for http://tallahasseetrails.com to work as well.
(Not that you need to know this, but I got the http://tallahasseetrails.com domain "pushed" to me yesterday by a local fellow who had parked it.)
Info you specify I provide:
1) your smugmug nickname or a link to it (not the custom hostname): see above, tallahasseetrails
2) your domain host name (who is your domain registrar): GoDaddy
3) your custom domain (some users have multiples so I need to know which to work on): see above, I want to change http://tallahasseetrails.smugmug.com/ to http://www.tallahasseetrails.com and if possible, http://tallahasseetrails.com
4) the login id at the domain host: XXXXXXX
5) the domain host password (I do not need your SmugMug login): Doc's temp password will be XXXXXXX
Good news. I have completed making the changes to your domain. Now your domain should start working in the next hour or so. But, it can take up 24-48 depending on your domain host. So please be patient as the domain updates. While you wait, I have some valuable tips to help get you started. Please take some time to look them over as they should answer some of the question you have now or soon will have.
I have posted the tips here on our wiki: http://wiki.smugmug.net/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4882576
The last step is to wait until your domain resolves correctly. You will know that it is resolving when the domain points at the SmugMug homepage.
Once the domain resolves correctly, you can go to your SmugMug control panel and enter the custom domain on the settings tab. That is all there is too it. If you have problems, please let me know.
Now that I am done with your domain, please do not forget to reset your password.
The good news is that not only am I here to help Nick, Steve, Seb, Rich and some of the others heros have been trained how to do some of the domain hosts setups. I am always standing by to take the tough ones when needed.
If you have been waiting to get make the change, now is the time. Please do it right away so that your domain does not stop working when we flip the switch. The unofficial grace period has almost expired and the switch may flip at any time now.
I registered through domainsites.com, and have www.swopephotos.com working perfectly.
I'm trying to make "swopephotos.com" work the same way. (I'd actually prefer that "swopephotos.com" redirect to "www.swopephotos.com" but since I do not have anything hosted at "swopephotos.com", I can't do a HTTP redirect.)
Attached is how I've added some CNAMES for both blank and @ to their DNS table, but so far (20 mins) going to "swopephotos.com" still goes their landing page.
I guess what I really need is the ability to do an A record to a hostname, but no joy...I get an invalid character in response if I try this.
Incidentally, on smugmug, I entered "www.swopephotos.com" into the control panel. Should I change this to "swopephotos.com"?
Any suggestions?
This is just to let everyone know that I seem to be working with domainsites.com! And it's fairly cheap, and supports both blank and @ cnames in their DNS registry!
Going to http://swopephotos.com ends up planting me at http://www.swopephotos.com just like I want. Woot!
So.... should I leave both the blank and @ CNAME entries in there, or am I doing potential harm? Should my speed be "optimal" doing this configuration?
Your prior post mentioned it was still not working at 20 minutes. Domain changes can take 24-48 hours depending on the host. So for others working on their domains, please keep that in mind.
I just wanted to thank you for helping me out at the speed of light!
I submitted a question to the help desk and almost as soon as I hit the submit button I received a response with the clarification.
Customer service is one of the main factors that people take into account when they decide to put their hard earned money into a service or company and I am blown away by the help and professionalism of all the members of Smug and of the members of the forum here at Dgrin.
From one happy customer,
Hi Doc-
I finally had a chance to get around to making these changes via GoDaddy. I updated my primary custom domain using the ARecord @ and the CNAME now has www (host) and domains.smugmug.com (points to). Now, I notice that my site is running like a snail against a head wind.
Just here trying to get things set up correctly via GoDaddy and trying to get my speed to improve. Thanks in advance for your help.