Lots of new downloads from facebook as part of your galleries
I just thought I'd post some info for folks to chew on.
If you have comments enabled in your galleries, there are now four new facebook connections that are part of your pages.
If you turn comments off, I see none of these being part of your page anymore. I guess that's because the only place they are currently used is for comments and Smugmug is smart enough to only generate them when you are using comments.
These also aren't present on your homepage or category pages.
So ... why am I posting this. I guess it's because I was surprised to see my gallery pages are now dependent on three new domains and they are domains that Smugmug does not control and I assume they are in a different part of the network world than Smugmug is. When there's a network hiccup to pixel.quantserve.com, it's a bummer to see my pages get hung up. Now, we have three new facebook domains with the same dependency. This is in addition to the normal cdn.smugmug.com, username.smugmug.com and api.smugmug.com domains that we're already dependent on. The more things we depend on just to load a page and the more network paths that must be working well, the less reliable our site will be.
If I had my druthers, I'd rather the facebook stuff not be loaded until a user hits the comments button. I haven't studied the functionality to know if that's possible, but I'd rather my viewers not have the dependency on so many facebook connections just to view a gallery.
If you have comments enabled in your galleries, there are now four new facebook connections that are part of your pages.
- One of the four files is marked for no caching so a connection for it gets made everytime you go to a gallery (with comments enabled).
- Another one of the four files is marked for about 30 minutes of caching so it gets downloaded once every 30 minutes.
- The other two have cache expirations of 10 days and 25 days so they remain in your browser cache much longer.
If you turn comments off, I see none of these being part of your page anymore. I guess that's because the only place they are currently used is for comments and Smugmug is smart enough to only generate them when you are using comments.
These also aren't present on your homepage or category pages.
So ... why am I posting this. I guess it's because I was surprised to see my gallery pages are now dependent on three new domains and they are domains that Smugmug does not control and I assume they are in a different part of the network world than Smugmug is. When there's a network hiccup to pixel.quantserve.com, it's a bummer to see my pages get hung up. Now, we have three new facebook domains with the same dependency. This is in addition to the normal cdn.smugmug.com, username.smugmug.com and api.smugmug.com domains that we're already dependent on. The more things we depend on just to load a page and the more network paths that must be working well, the less reliable our site will be.
If I had my druthers, I'd rather the facebook stuff not be loaded until a user hits the comments button. I haven't studied the functionality to know if that's possible, but I'd rather my viewers not have the dependency on so many facebook connections just to view a gallery.
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Do you know if removing facebook from the comments page stops this problem? I removed the facebook entry, and I'd hate to find that the dependency still exists.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
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And I would prefer that the connection not be made at all from my site.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
The whole page loads except for any photo and may take 30sec for any of
them to show.
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What I want to know is why is smugmug using the Facebook API in the first place? Aren't Smugmug and Facebook competitors? Did Smugmug sell out to the big corporate schmucks?
If it's just a matter of allowing some of Smugmug's customers to integrate their photos with their Facebook pages, why load the API for everyone's pages? Why not load it only for the customers that want Facebook integration? I personally have no desire to integrate my Smugmug pages with Facebook, so why should my pages be slowed down by loading the Facebook API?
Ditto on both points.
Another new "feature" I'm sure many Pros would prefer to opt out of on a site wide basis so comments could be left on without involving FB.
We wanted folks with facebook id to be able to comment, with that identity - it makes for fewer 'anonymous' comments. And increases the social use of the comments, too.
Our sorcerers are working on streamlining the facebook connect stuff.
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What can be done to get rid of this unwanted connection? Anything?
I apparently was writing at the same time that Andy was posting...
Andy -
I hope that you mean you are going to allow us to opt out of this connection.
It may reduce anonymous comments, but frankly, anonymous is preferable to me over a connection to Facebook.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
"One identity, one login" is the wave of the future. It's not clear who will win, but there won't be any site that allows commenting (like SmugMug) that won't need to accept connections from one or more of these identity providers:
Facebook Connect
Windows LiveID
There are simply too many sites and too many logins to manage our online identities. I welcome the future where I update my personal information in one place and it is thoughtfully used by other sites I frequent.
That being said, if you're not allowing comments on your SmugMug galleries then your page shouldn't require a connection to these services.
Also, why am I NOT seeing Facebook Connect on any of my pages. I would assume it would show up on my Guestbook.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Are you not seeing the button?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
But! Another problem krept up. I can't logout of my site right now when using Firefox. I tried clearing my cache, restarting the browser, etc. No matter what I do it won't log me out.
This introduces the potential for slower site loading or long stalls depending on the latency of connections with FB.
I truly hope SM will offer an opt-out option for this, but I fear it will run the same course as the iphone interface (if you don't want it there must be something wrong with you).
To each their own. I prefer to prevent cross dissemination of personal information between the various websites I visit.
Not only that check this out - once you upload YOUR photos (and all other content) to facebook THEY take ownership -great!!
tread carefully folks...
Terms of Use Update
Over the past few days, we have received a lot of good feedback about the new terms we posted two weeks ago. Because of this response, we have decided to return to our previous Terms of Use while we resolve the issues that people have raised.
Regardless, I am not impressed with what I have experienced, that being that i have experienced my smugmug pages / galleries have been slower to load, since this recent change with smugmug adding the facebook thing. And, I agree with a previous post of: "And I would prefer that the connection not be made at all from my site." ....
More importantly, I think the approach is wrong. Today there is facebook, tomorrow there will be more social networking sites (aren't there too many of them now?). If you target each one of them separately, its going to be a mess in the end.
So this goes back to Don's blog entry when he announced that smugmug is now an OpenID provider. The natural question was, why start with being a provider rather than a consumer (and the question was raised in comments on that entry). Don's response was that being a provider is step 1 and subsequently smugmug would consume too. The facebook API approach however goes in a different direction altogether. Being an OpenID consumer solves this whole issue of 'anonymous' comments in a big way, without fiddling with proprietary site APIs. That is what most blogs and comment based systems are doing or moving towards
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
Facebook Connect is a user authentication system just like OpenID, but brings 175 million users with it. I doubt that OpenID can boast of those numbers.
Additionally, I think you will see lots of blogs implementing Facebook Connect...big site like TechCrunch already do.
I have no doubt that we will become an OpenID consumer (personally, I'd like to see that) but I doubt it's the silver bullet that you are making it out to be.
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Will the fact that smugmug attempts to load some files from Facebook mean that whenever Facebook is blocked in China, my website won't display?
That raises an interesting new question. If a company blocks facebook from their internal network, but not Smugmug, will Smugmug viewing now have troubles when it did not used to?
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OK....but why wasn't that done before the Facebook Connection was implemented. As a pro subscriber, I pay a premium to have the ability to customize the items I want to use. If anonymous comments are added, I have the ability to remove them, or even leave them....who knows, if it is witty enough, it's staying...but it is my choice.
Implementing a change of this nature and then saying, "We'll need to ensure this isn't an issue." smacks of poor requirements gathering with your customers (all of us). That should have been determined as part of design and development based on solid requirements gathering.
Oh yeah, almost forgot, it doesn't actually work properly anyway. When I tried it, I got the error
"The Facebook Connect cross-domain receiver URL (http://www.doncurriephotos.com/services/fbconnect/xd_receiver.htm#fname=_opener&%7B%22t%22%3A3%2C%22h%22%3A%22fbCancelLogin%22%2C%22sid%22%3A%220.291%22%7D) must be in the same domain or be in a subdomain of an application's base domain (smugmug.com). You can configure the base domain in the application's settings."
I'm assuming this is because I'm trying this from my custom domain and not username.smugmug.com
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slowing down anything. I have no interest in anyone's ID anywhere and
want no connection or reference to FB or anywhere except Smugmug.
It also sucks memory and cache adding this CSS to my pages.
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OK, so we know there is a problem. My next question is, why hasn't the "feature" been turned off until this is all sorted out. Currently, if someone clicks on the facebook button when leaving a comment they get the error I mentioned above. Not all that professional looking to have the page throwing errors, especially since SM knows it is a problem and could disable the feature causing the problem.
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Permission denied to call method Location.toString
[Exception... "Component is not available" nsresult: "0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)" location: "JS frame :: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Mozilla%20Firefox/components/nsSessionStore.js :: sss_saveState :: line 1909" data: no]
[IMG]chrome://firebug/content/blank.gif[/IMG] this._writeFile(this._sessionFile, oState.toSource());
And my add comment button is not working in this gallery.
Edit: button works in IE6 but not FF
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I am indeed a Facebook user, but I find the whole playing favorites with a particular social network thing kinda iffy.
I'm just saying, yesterday it was Myspace, today it's Facebook, tomorrow it'll be something else. Meaning these type of social networks are really flaky. What's cool today will not be cool tomorrow. It's a guarantee.
Let's take a look: google and yahoo together may be enough to surpass any reasonable userbase we are talking about.
Take a look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenID#Adoption
Quote from above: As of November 2008, there are over 500 million OpenIDs on the Internet and approximately 27,000 sites have integrated OpenID consumer support
You talk about a specific site like TechCrunch, but you should not ignore this: http://openiddirectory.com. Look at the list there and see how much simpler this has become. Suddenly from nowhere everyone is integrating so quickly
And finally, since you are so keen to jump upto the facebook bangwagon (which I have so far not found interesting enough to sign up for), here is something to look forward to: Facebook joins openID
In the end, it's your choice to implement it as a open standard and do it once, or to fiddle with it for vendor specific APIs (which is exactly what seems to be happening right now)
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above