Besides, my comment button does not work in my guestbook since it's been added.
Firefox 3.0.6 only works sometimes after a few refreshs. Works in IE6.
Allen, I was able to leave a comment without any problem. I went out and back into your Guestbook several times, and each time, the Add Comment button worked fine (although I only left one comment to spare you ).
Allen, I was able to leave a comment without any problem. I went out and back into your Guestbook several times, and each time, the Add Comment button worked fine (although I only left one comment to spare you ).
Maybe a good cache clearing?
It works here in Flock and IE6. Only FF3 it's not. Earlier I could hit refresh and
occasionally it would work. Hit refresh again and it would stop. Really weird. Clearing cookies and cache had no effect. What's really weird is the
button works is all the other galleries.
It works here in Flock and IE6. Only FF3 it's not. Earlier I could hit refresh and
occasionally it would work. Hit refresh again and it would stop. Really weird. Clearing cookies and cache had no effect. What's really weird is the
button works is all the other galleries.
I'm not sure, Allen. Weird. I was using FF3 when I was testing. Was working for me, also, in Safari and IE7.
Just open it in another tab and button worked. Added comment. Hit reload
page and stopped working. UGH
Ha! I just got the same thing. Clicked Add Comment, the dialog box opened (I didn't leave a comment), hit refresh, clicked Add Comment, and no dialog box. Pretty sure that's what you are seeing, yes?
Tried in a few of your other galleries, and didn't run into the problem. I thought it may have to do with the hack to change Gallery to Guestbook Comments, but I'm using that on my Guestbook page and am not having the same issue, so I don't think it's that.
You may want to look through your CSS for your Guestbook Gallery and see if there is anything that might be causing this. You may have already done that ...
Ha! I just got the same thing. Clicked Add Comment, the dialog box opened (I didn't leave a comment), hit refresh, clicked Add Comment, and no dialog box. Pretty sure that's what you are seeing, yes?
Tried in a few of your other galleries, and didn't run into the problem. I thought it may have to do with the hack to change Gallery to Guestbook Comments, but I'm using that on my Guestbook page and am not having the same issue, so I don't think it's that.
You may want to look through your CSS for your Guestbook Gallery and see if there is anything that might be causing this. You may have already done that ...
Aha, you got it to happen also. Thought about the script. Might remove it
and try. I removed the whole description with no change. With WebDev
removed user and theme CSS no change. Trying script next.
So we as photographers should want nothing to do with facebook considering their TOS situation - and yes I know...but, just the fact they even 'went there' should be enough to scare the %#*@ out of any self-respecting photogs (HELLO!!!).. (needed to rant - sorry!)
My main question is, as a fairly long time pro account holder (and hope to stay that way), if I don't enable (or offer) the ability to comment on any of my smugmug content do I need to worry about the situation being discussed here in this thread?
No you don't.
But you're missing out on a huge marketing situation if you don't use FB i think. You don't *have* to put images on Facebook, y'know Or if you do, you can put some small low-res watermarked copies just to show off your stuff.
I'm fine with it if there's no facebook code loading until a viewer asks to use Facebook Connect.
The site slowdown while loading a bunch of new facebook stuff and the new reliability dependency on several non-Smugmug domains just to view for every one of my galleries was my issue that triggered me to post this originally.
I love the way everyone at smugmug listens to their customers. Over at pb they just used to lay down changes and that was that. Sometimes they would reply on their forum but nothing like the service here
P.s - If there is no financial tie in and obligation with facebook would it not be better to remove all facebook links now and then run a beta test for those that are using the feature or show interest?
Ironically, over at Phanfare, which is more targeted at family & friends photo sharing vs. pro hosting, people are *raving* (happily) about their new Facebook integration that allows you to selectively upload photos from your Phanfare albums to Facebook albums:
The consensus seems to be that for people that *do* use Facebook and Phanfare, it is great not having to upload twice.
I have to concur with Andy that there do seem to be more and more potential customers on Facebook, and hanging a shingle out there can (possibly) result in more sales. I'm not saying that you have to enable this Facebook commenting thing to do so, Think of it like putting up a website (with low-res images) in a self-contained little World Wide Web. (Kind of like AOL, Second Life, etc, except this one actually has legs.)
Anecdote: after signing up for the e-mail list at a newly-opened baby/toddler store in Alameda, CA, the proprietor asked how my wife would feel if he connected with her over Facebook, as opposed to e-mail. She said she wouldn't mind, and the store owner indicated that seemed to be the prevailing sentiment.
Also: Remember back in the early 00s when it was a novelty to see or at the bottom of a print ad or in a commercial, and how nowadays, you either don't notice, or they don't bother anymore because everybody assumes that will be the right place to go (or Google will find it)? Well, nowadays, I seem to be seeing ads here and there that say "Check us out on Facebook" or "Join my Facebook group".
If part of your motivation for paying $150/year for a Pro account is to actually earn some money from selling, doesn't it behoove you to advertise your work where most people will see it? One of the features of Facebook is that when somebody becomes a "fan" of your work, that link is shown in their profile. Think of how targeted that kind of endorsement is when the only people who can see somebody's profile are their friends or family, who might just share their taste in photography.
Good god, I sound like an ad for Facebook (and I was just hating on them a mere 6 months ago). But after reading Andy's response, I have to agree, just with a whole lot more words. :-}
I think a lot of people just dont want to associate their site with a social networking site (or any other site for that matter) in any way. This is understandable, especially for Pros who have worked hard on coding their site to make it look as professional & unique as possible. Now their visitors have to see a big honking blue Facebook button on their comments page staring them in the face with no way to get rid of it. Not cool.
Also, like I said, Im a FB user & like it a lot. Have been since early 2006, back when it wasnt the cat's meow. But I also know that playing favorites with any site of this nature is probably not the best thing to do. I mean, its not like something wont take the place of Facebook in the near future. It always happens & these things lose their cool kinda fast. Imagine if everytime that happened you guys had to implement the newest, hottest social networking site in the comments section. It would start to become ridiculous. A few years ago it would have been Friendster, then Myspace, then Facebook, & so on.
P.S. Im not saying OpenID is the answer either. But until there's a clear one-login-for-all winner (if there ever is), I personally wouldnt go down that road.
+1 to peestandingup's comments, my sentiments exactly.
i joined smugmug to get my photo's out there, but obviously for different reasons, as i am a power user and not pro ...... regardless, i quit putting my photo's up on facebook, thus moving over to smugmug, and for me i do not want a facebook link on my gallery pages.
Count me among those who think Facebook is an evil company with evil, sinister practices and I have no interest in being associated with them in any way (not even by having their logo appear in my comments section!).
Still, if NONE of the code loads unless the button is clicked AND I'm able to easily hide the button - sounds like a good method of opting out to me.
Things like the most recent hubbub over their user agreement (not the first time their Terms have been obnoxious) and Mark Zuckerberg's response (Yeah, that's what the TOS say, but trust us, "we wouldn't share your information in a way you wouldn't want") reveal a company that just doesn't care about their users. Others have long pointed out that Facebook's TOS contain legally-invalid claims anyway.
How about when these MIT students showed (in 2005) just how much "private" user data they could steal using a script?
Facebook also uses information that you've asked to be "visible only to friends" for the purpose of targeted advertising. Advertisers count as friends, I guess.
And let us never forget that Zuckerberg stole Facebook. Or at least was willing to pay $65 million dollars to avoid having the issue go to trial.
That's just a few off the top of my head. Here's a Wikipedia page with more.
That raises an interesting new question. If a company blocks facebook from their internal network, but not Smugmug, will Smugmug viewing now have troubles when it did not used to?
Sorry if this has been answered, I'm reading this thread for the first time and want to address this as I'm reading it. This is the problem I have right now. I tried viewing my pages at work which blocks facebook. My photo's took up to 6+ minutes to load. How many others browse photo's at work? I do most of my work from work when we have down time (my job is feast or famine, up to a whole shift at a time, great for working on something fun like photos). This has me boiling. I have a pro account and am trying to make something of my passion. If clients are trying to view photo's from work and have facebook blocked, what are the chances they will move on to something not blocked or take up to 6 minutes to load. Minumum time was 5 minutes for me today. That won't work. I hope Smugmug gets a fix for this soon. Thank you.
We've modified this behavior guys - FB connect will only be executed if a user clicks the add comment button. We made the link and button much smaller as well.
Thanks for the feedback. We also heard the opt-in from some of you, though we aren't doing that right now. But we for sure heard you!
We've modified this behavior guys - FB connect will only be executed if a user clicks the facebook connect link. We made the link and button much smaller as well.
Thanks for the feedback. We also heard the opt-in from some of you, though we aren't doing that right now. But we for sure heard you!
I can confirm that there are no network accesses to/from facebook until you hit the comment button. Looks good here. Thanks for changing it.
We've modified this behavior guys - FB connect will only be executed if a user clicks the add comment button. We made the link and button much smaller as well.
Thanks for the feedback. We also heard the opt-in from some of you, though we aren't doing that right now. But we for sure heard you!
As a smugmug user who previously complained about the lack of the social aspect/anonymous comments, thanks so much for implementing this feature! I am a happy camper, and look forward to uploading more "group" type photos to smugmug again.
Ha! I just got the same thing. Clicked Add Comment, the dialog box opened (I didn't leave a comment), hit refresh, clicked Add Comment, and no dialog box.
I think I may have figured out what is causing this. When you click the Add Comment button a facebook connection is made. If the facebook connection is not successful, for any reason, the standard comment box does not open up. More detailed information about this starting at entry #7 in this thread.
I think Smugmug is going to look into adding logic to detect if the facebook connection is not successful to allow the standard comment box to still display.
Does anyone know why I'm not getting the facebook thing?
I'm not getting it either.
I tried it both logged in to FB, and logged out. No dice.
FWIW to the anti-Facebook folks... I booked my first true, paid job through Facebook. Short story, one of my FB friends is a girl I went to High School with over 10 years ago (knew her in HS, but we weren't tight friends or anything). Her sister is getting married, this girl had seen my website from my FB profile, and suggested me to shoot her sisters wedding.
I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I never would have gotten this gig without FB.
FWIW to the anti-Facebook folks... I booked my first true, paid job through Facebook. Short story, one of my FB friends is a girl I went to High School with over 10 years ago (knew her in HS, but we weren't tight friends or anything). Her sister is getting married, this girl had seen my website from my FB profile, and suggested me to shoot her sisters wedding.
I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I never would have gotten this gig without FB.
I think that's great! But do you notice how the way you got business from Facebook had nothing to do with slowing down other people's sites or forcing connections to their servers from our Smugmug page?
If you choose to advertise on Facebook (such as linking to your site from your profile) you've done a reasonable thing - and it was your choice. I think most of the anti-facebook sentiment in this thread is that some of us have chosen to avoid Facebook - also our choice (whether anyone thinks it's a good or bad choice matters not). Yet despite our choice, our sites were being slowed down because of Facebook features we didn't sign up for and didn't want.
I don't think anyone here would begrudge you for using whatever kind of (voluntary) advertising or networking that you wanted to do!
I'm not getting it either. /QUOTE]
Because of FB limitations on cross-domain stuff, we had to remove it when you use your custom domain. But if you use your nickname.smugmug you can see the facebook connect.
I cannot comment on anything - thanks Facebook
Right, so it's taken me 30 minutes to firstly find this discussion after searching lots of places and then go through the signup process just so I can make this comment:
The Facebook script might be a good idea for some people, but for me it sucks MAJORLY. I am sitting behind a corporate firewall which is blocking Facebook and therefore every time I try to make a comment, I simply can't.
So you've tried to increase comments and social interaction, and what you may have done is actually decreased it, especially from all those corporates who have Facebook blocked.
Can't you just make an opt-out account preference? Please?
Allen, I was able to leave a comment without any problem. I went out and back into your Guestbook several times, and each time, the Add Comment button worked fine (although I only left one comment to spare you
Maybe a good cache clearing?
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
occasionally it would work. Hit refresh again and it would stop. Really weird.
button works is all the other galleries.
My Website index | My Blog
I'm not sure, Allen. Weird. I was using FF3 when I was testing. Was working for me, also, in Safari and IE7.
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
page and stopped working. UGH
My Website index | My Blog
Ha! I just got the same thing. Clicked Add Comment, the dialog box opened (I didn't leave a comment), hit refresh, clicked Add Comment, and no dialog box. Pretty sure that's what you are seeing, yes?
Tried in a few of your other galleries, and didn't run into the problem. I thought it may have to do with the hack to change Gallery to Guestbook Comments, but I'm using that on my Guestbook page and am not having the same issue, so I don't think it's that.
You may want to look through your CSS for your Guestbook Gallery and see if there is anything that might be causing this. You may have already done that ...
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
and try. I removed the whole description with no change. With WebDev
removed user and theme CSS no change. Trying script next.
My Website index | My Blog
But you're missing out on a huge marketing situation if you don't use FB i think. You don't *have* to put images on Facebook, y'know
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Significant slowdown in my pages and especially with uploads.
This seems to be a happy medium though;
I love the way everyone at smugmug listens to their customers. Over at pb they just used to lay down changes and that was that. Sometimes they would reply on their forum but nothing like the service here
P.s - If there is no financial tie in and obligation with facebook would it not be better to remove all facebook links now and then run a beta test for those that are using the feature or show interest?
The consensus seems to be that for people that *do* use Facebook and Phanfare, it is great not having to upload twice.
I have to concur with Andy that there do seem to be more and more potential customers on Facebook, and hanging a shingle out there can (possibly) result in more sales. I'm not saying that you have to enable this Facebook commenting thing to do so, Think of it like putting up a website (with low-res images) in a self-contained little World Wide Web. (Kind of like AOL, Second Life, etc, except this one actually has legs.)
Anecdote: after signing up for the e-mail list at a newly-opened baby/toddler store in Alameda, CA, the proprietor asked how my wife would feel if he connected with her over Facebook, as opposed to e-mail. She said she wouldn't mind, and the store owner indicated that seemed to be the prevailing sentiment.
Also: Remember back in the early 00s when it was a novelty to see or at the bottom of a print ad or in a commercial, and how nowadays, you either don't notice, or they don't bother anymore because everybody assumes that will be the right place to go (or Google will find it)? Well, nowadays, I seem to be seeing ads here and there that say "Check us out on Facebook" or "Join my Facebook group".
If part of your motivation for paying $150/year for a Pro account is to actually earn some money from selling, doesn't it behoove you to advertise your work where most people will see it? One of the features of Facebook is that when somebody becomes a "fan" of your work, that link is shown in their profile. Think of how targeted that kind of endorsement is when the only people who can see somebody's profile are their friends or family, who might just share their taste in photography.
Good god, I sound like an ad for Facebook (and I was just hating on them a mere 6 months ago). But after reading Andy's response, I have to agree, just with a whole lot more words. :-}
+1 to peestandingup's comments, my sentiments exactly.
Still, if NONE of the code loads unless the button is clicked AND I'm able to easily hide the button - sounds like a good method of opting out to me.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Things like the most recent hubbub over their user agreement (not the first time their Terms have been obnoxious) and Mark Zuckerberg's response (Yeah, that's what the TOS say, but trust us, "we wouldn't share your information in a way you wouldn't want") reveal a company that just doesn't care about their users. Others have long pointed out that Facebook's TOS contain legally-invalid claims anyway.
How about their complicity with spying tools like this one? Or the spying they did themselves?
How about when these MIT students showed (in 2005) just how much "private" user data they could steal using a script?
Facebook also uses information that you've asked to be "visible only to friends" for the purpose of targeted advertising. Advertisers count as friends, I guess.
And let us never forget that Zuckerberg stole Facebook. Or at least was willing to pay $65 million dollars to avoid having the issue go to trial.
That's just a few off the top of my head. Here's a Wikipedia page with more.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Count me in (or out), I vote to have FB an option.
Thanks for the feedback. We also heard the opt-in from some of you, though we aren't doing that right now. But we for sure heard you!
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Always include a link to your site when posting a question
As a smugmug user who previously complained about the lack of the social aspect/anonymous comments, thanks so much for implementing this feature! I am a happy camper, and look forward to uploading more "group" type photos to smugmug again.
I think I may have figured out what is causing this. When you click the Add Comment button a facebook connection is made. If the facebook connection is not successful, for any reason, the standard comment box does not open up. More detailed information about this starting at entry #7 in this thread.
I think Smugmug is going to look into adding logic to detect if the facebook connection is not successful to allow the standard comment box to still display.
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I tried it both logged in to FB, and logged out. No dice.
FWIW to the anti-Facebook folks... I booked my first true, paid job through Facebook. Short story, one of my FB friends is a girl I went to High School with over 10 years ago (knew her in HS, but we weren't tight friends or anything). Her sister is getting married, this girl had seen my website from my FB profile, and suggested me to shoot her sisters wedding.
I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I never would have gotten this gig without FB.
I think that's great! But do you notice how the way you got business from Facebook had nothing to do with slowing down other people's sites or forcing connections to their servers from our Smugmug page?
If you choose to advertise on Facebook (such as linking to your site from your profile) you've done a reasonable thing - and it was your choice. I think most of the anti-facebook sentiment in this thread is that some of us have chosen to avoid Facebook - also our choice (whether anyone thinks it's a good or bad choice matters not). Yet despite our choice, our sites were being slowed down because of Facebook features we didn't sign up for and didn't want.
I don't think anyone here would begrudge you for using whatever kind of (voluntary) advertising or networking that you wanted to do!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Right, so it's taken me 30 minutes to firstly find this discussion after searching lots of places and then go through the signup process just so I can make this comment:
The Facebook script might be a good idea for some people, but for me it sucks MAJORLY. I am sitting behind a corporate firewall which is blocking Facebook and therefore every time I try to make a comment, I simply can't.
So you've tried to increase comments and social interaction, and what you may have done is actually decreased it, especially from all those corporates who have Facebook blocked.
Can't you just make an opt-out account preference? Please?