Is this chaotic enough?! (#20)

Ok, so yes, it needs a reshoot. I actually need to organise the RUBBLE in her rooom enough that I can get a relatively clear shot - at the moment, any crop which might be photographically acceptable chops off one of the many items on the floor. I think I overtilted this, too (alas, in my favorite of the batch the flash didn't fire so it's blurred. Phooey. :deal) The other nit I see is that in BW it doesn't really show up that she's using a laptop on the bed; I probably need to explore other conversion techniques to see if I can do that better.....
However, I was thinking of "Pre-adolescence" or "Transition to Adolescence" as a title. Worth pursuing? (Alternatively, I can just tell her that I died of shame and am abandoning the shoot so she MUST CLEAN HER ROOM :rofl)
However, I was thinking of "Pre-adolescence" or "Transition to Adolescence" as a title. Worth pursuing? (Alternatively, I can just tell her that I died of shame and am abandoning the shoot so she MUST CLEAN HER ROOM :rofl)

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I think the tilt is fine--adds to the chaos imho. I would like to see more of your daughter on the bed (you're right--I couldn't tell she is using a laptop). I would say you're definitely on the right track with this one.
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The clean room threat never works for me.
On a positive note, I do find it very sweet at this age that the things of childhood are still terribly important even while the tween/teen stuff starts to emerge. She MUST have her soft toys, her American Girl dolls (about the only thing she truly keeps organised) and still prefers to go to sleep with the light on even as Miley Cyrus, fashion ideas and fantasies of starting middle school next year to occupy her... Ah me. They grow up too fast!
I think I like the first image a little better...having the boots so tidily placed together in the second image kind of diminishes the chaos for me.
also, one odd thing.... for some reason i want to see where the bed touches the floor...
but maybe that is because this image is chaotic, and i am not allowed... so you have done your job...
I have to admit that both my daughter's rooms tend to resemble these photos. Even after cleaning, the organization doesn't last more than half a day.
You can also add some clothes strewn on the floor, i.e., dirty socks, jeans, sweatshirt, etc.
I like the tilt but I'm not so sure about the vignette.
Shame about the vignette -it solved so many of the cropping problems...
Ah well - back tot eh drawing board on this I think. A reshoot at the minimum, and maybe I'll have a brainwave for a better idea.....
For me I think it all has great possibilities, including the vignette...its only the chaos that needs a little organization!! (I know....that's a contridiction isn't it
Attempting to find beauty in the simple things!! :huh
Nikon D80 - Nikkor 55-200 4-5.6 VR &
Nikkor 18-70 3.5-4.5
In the first shot the Hanna Montana book was too much in focus. My eye kept getting drawn back to it. In the second shot the boots were too neatly placed to convey "chaos" but after hearing why you put them in the shot I like having them organized among the "chaos." (maybe they just need to be moved?) And it may just be me but I still have a hard time making out the laptop in both photos.
My suggestion would be to keep the items of immediate interest to your daughter (laptop, dolls, boots) organized & positioned around her & the bed while letting everything else of secondary importance lay sporadically around the room. Displaying a sort of adolescent collateral that ties into the chaos theme of the challenge while keeping your "Transition of Adolesence" theme for the picture.
Still more. Not sure I'm there yet, but having some fun with it (even if I'm now being blackmailed. "If you win anything, you can never ask me to clean my room EVER. AGAIN.". Umm...
The hardest thing is trying to come up with something that resembles organised comp WITHOUT overstaging the scenario. Not quite hitting my stride on this one
It's a learning experience.
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Good luck.
I think I know what I want from this particular shot, but I'm having a devil of a time figuring out how I can do it.
The title would be "How She Sees It". The intention is the child in a distorted clear bubble with the things of importance and relevance also clear within it (sphere + some blending glows) with the mess outside and irrelevant (distortion filter), but... Bleeeaaahhhh. This one's making me crazy cuz I can't do what I want with it....
That sphere-looking effect on the former isn't doing much for me. You're losing the chaotic element (her mess), IMO by using that.
You've put in a lot of work and it's been fun to watch the evolution! Good luck!!
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks! I'll clean up this last one and post it. I need to be DONE with this one, if only so I can get her to clean her room properly! (hhmmm... maybe there's an idea, a triptych of clean transitioning to messy..... :yikes :giggle)
I really like the current entry you have in the gallery. One thing, because I don't want you to get disqualified - it looks more sepia to me then b/w. My monitor is calibrated, and yours looked sepia (lightly) where as all the rest of the images looked greyscale. Just thought I'd let you know in case it is really an issue and not my imagination.:D
Oooo.... thanks. It's actually a standard bw conversion as far as I know, so I'm not sure what to do about that! I'll post in the thread and see if the mods have an opinion on that issue...
Thanks for the heads up!!