SMUGs SMUGs and more SMUGs

I created this thread as a place to centralize comments, suggestions and issues involving SMUGs (SmugMug User Groups). I'm Jeff Jochum, and its my job to make SMUGs the coolest things since, well, the creation of SmugMug itself.
While I've had a few years experience of building photographer communities (I originate and helped create the Pictage User Group network), SMUGs are still a new thingee here and I'd love to get a conversation going about what thet are, what they should be and what experiences you've had at the ones you attended.
Between April and August 2009, we will be launching the first of monthly SMUG meetings and this gives us a lot of increased opportunities to share our plans, projects and promises with y'all mug-to-mug. And, if you tell me what/who you want to hear, I will try to include it in future agendas.
Also, my sense at this time is that there are already plenty of places to just learn how to shoot more gooder, and I heard from many attendees of previous user group meeting that they welcome increased education on other stuff, including how to sell and increase their bizness success.
SMUGs Info
SMUGs Dates
You can also register with your email address and we'll keep you updated on your local SMUG or, all the SMUGs - your choice!
Remember, also follow MugToMug on Twitter for the last-minute updates and reminders.
Whaddy'all think? More bizness stuff? More "Why SmugMug" stuff? More other stuff??? Lemme hear it!
cmo | smugmug
While I've had a few years experience of building photographer communities (I originate and helped create the Pictage User Group network), SMUGs are still a new thingee here and I'd love to get a conversation going about what thet are, what they should be and what experiences you've had at the ones you attended.
Between April and August 2009, we will be launching the first of monthly SMUG meetings and this gives us a lot of increased opportunities to share our plans, projects and promises with y'all mug-to-mug. And, if you tell me what/who you want to hear, I will try to include it in future agendas.
Also, my sense at this time is that there are already plenty of places to just learn how to shoot more gooder, and I heard from many attendees of previous user group meeting that they welcome increased education on other stuff, including how to sell and increase their bizness success.
SMUGs Info
SMUGs Dates
You can also register with your email address and we'll keep you updated on your local SMUG or, all the SMUGs - your choice!
Remember, also follow MugToMug on Twitter for the last-minute updates and reminders.
Whaddy'all think? More bizness stuff? More "Why SmugMug" stuff? More other stuff??? Lemme hear it!

cmo | smugmug
Thanks for starting this thread, Jeff!
A couple thoughts jump into my mind right off the bat:
- Next meeting in San Deigo!

- More notice - I found out about the LA meeting the day of, probably around 4pm just by chance (saw it mentioned in someone's post that day). I'm not adverse to driving up to LA and would have considered it just to share the experience, but not with such short notice. Maybe I missed where it was originally announced, but still can't find the announcement. If there's already a spot, kindly point me there and check this one off!
- I'll never turn down sound advice on how to shot more gooder, but I'm trying to prepare myself & my site to upgrade to a pro account so if there was a focus on the business side of things and how best to use my SmugMug account/site to maximize profitability that would be awesome. I know there's already a ton of knowledge here on DGrin, and I've been reading through when I have the time, but reading gets tedious sometimes where as a discussion about a topic in person might sink in much more better!
Just some thoughts... but really, San Diego next!!SmugMug QA
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How about putting out a schedule (and agenda) for several months - in advance.
I found out the day before or so and would have gone but since I had no notice, I booked a client and I was not about to cancel work ...
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Totally agree. Really sounds like a great idea, but schedules fill up fast.
We need something down south! It's so much warmer in Georgia
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I was sorta on a honeymoon last week, so I couldn't make it to the LA SMUG. Haha. But I've been a happy Smugmug user since the beginning and I'd love to contribute my business model theories to any local SMUGs! I hear one is going to happen eventually in the OC area... Will keep an eye out on Twitter for such an event!
Take care,
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But, then again I may be way off base of what this thread is actually about.
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1. San Diego meeting is scheduled for June 8. Here are the deets:
San Diego - June 8 / 6PM
Guest Speaker: Dane Sanders
Hilton San Diego-Del Mar
15575 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar, CA
(858) 792-5200
2. I agree and am working on getting a community page up and running that will have dates, locations, and news about SMUGs. Stay tuned.
3. excellent! thx for the feedback.
Yeah, I'm working on getting a community site created that ill have all that info on it, many months in advance. Very soon - and I'll announce it here.
What a co-inky-dink. (I've got a 3 yr old at home, so I've got a bunch of these) We're discussing an SLC SMUG now - probably start in next 2-3 months. Stay tuned.
How about ATL?
OK, how about this?
Boston - August 3 / 6PM
Guest Speaker: Justin & Mary Marantz, Enna Grazier, Steve DePino
Sheraton Boston Hotel
39 Dalton Street, Boston, MA
(617) 236-2000
Ok, that's not too far from Chicago, which starts on Monday (April 27)... unless there's a BIG group there who wants to pahtee? Lemme know.
Yeah, an OC SMUG is imminent. First meeting witll be in May. And, the SMUG leader is... (wait for it) ... Jasmine Star! Stay tuned for more deets.
One of the coolest things about SMUGs is that its "physical", and you get the chance to meet, learn and teach mug to mug. Virtualizing it may be needed at some point, but I really want to get people together at this point. C'mon down to Mtn View on Cinco de Mayo!
Thanks for visiting beantown. I'll be there.
Is any registration required?
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No way! Since there'll be treats at the first one, its first come, first served - but there's room for EVERYBODY.
AWESOME news, Jeff!! Thanks for the update!!!
SmugMug QA
My Photos
Whooppee! I'll be there.
We just posted the first SMUG pages here:
You can see upcoming SMUG meeting info and (here's the big important part) register to receive SMUG-related news and updates. Click the "Keep Me Posted" button and you'll be in-the-loop for SMUG date, time and location changes, new SMUG launches, speaker bios, local meetup invites, surveys and other interesting stuff.
P.S. Also, remember to follow @MugToMug on Twitter to get instant news on all things SMUG
EDIT: I mean the previously listed May 11, Smug
"There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs. " ... Ansel Adams
Yeah, we have tied the SMUG launches to the dates, and they moved Tampa to Aug 17th. Sorry if it caught you off guard. We're making these changes somewhat quickly, and reactively, and forget that others are reading them. Now with the new SMUG pages and @MugToMug twitter account, we can be more responsive to getting these updates out.
P.S. In moving Tampa, note that Miami was dropped, at least for now. (Does anyone out there care?)
"There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs. " ... Ansel Adams
Sorry for the change in dates and schedule.
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Jeff- A coupla questions/ideas.
1. What happened to the OC smug? Or are we sandwiched inbetween LA and SD and should choose one or the other?
2. Don't even think about having another smug without handing out those cool SmugMug Pro T-shirts, or a camera strap, or sticker, notepad, pencil, greyscale card or at least something.
3. Create ways to find the thread(s) relating to smugs. They can easily transition into the online side of the user groups you hope to develop for each area. Some places you could add links within dgrin depending on how much support you want to give the smug idea:
- in the Quick Links drop down menu
- in the "Shooters" list so at least it will come up in search.
- on the dgrin splash page nr pro support listing
Outside of dgrin, link from the two smugs pages you have put up.
4. Since so much of the fotofusion discussion centered on the Canon, bring one and demo it. Or bring the latest dslr/video hybrid, video the smug and post an abridged version.
Paul, I can't apologize enuff for these changes. As Andy said, they're out of our control, but that doesn't let me off the hook for owning the fallout. I'm truly sorry and will do everything I can to ensure we don't pull the rug out from under y'all again. [Bartender, a round on the house for my friends]