*** dgrin worldwide sky shoot 2005 - comments thread ***
Well since Andy's "gone fishin'" (anyone else hear whistling? I swear I hear someone whistling...I wonder if Andy took Barney :rofl )
I thought I'd drop this in here. He can move it when he gets back-:D
I came up with this idea this afternoon for a non-competitive challenge, see what you think.
I was gazing up at the beatiful afternoon sky on my way to work realizing again there would be "no shoot for you!!!" When I thought....
"Wouldn't it be cool if a bunch of Dgrinners could coordinate a group shot of the sky above their heads at precisely the same time?"
Set it up in advance, syncronize our watches, walk out side our homes or whatever, point the camera straight up and FIRE!
Now, I'm not real educated (but you knew that DIDN'T YOU :wxwax ), but I'm not naive enough to forget about time zones. Meaning, we'd need someone real good with clocks and math (remember: reading is hard :rofl ), to work out a schedule.
IF, it could be coordinated, I think it would be a blast to see all the pics posted of what we all saw at that moment in time.
Well? Is it a rose or a fart? (we can say "fart" can't we :uhoh , maybe I should have checked first....)
I thought I'd drop this in here. He can move it when he gets back-:D
I came up with this idea this afternoon for a non-competitive challenge, see what you think.
I was gazing up at the beatiful afternoon sky on my way to work realizing again there would be "no shoot for you!!!" When I thought....
"Wouldn't it be cool if a bunch of Dgrinners could coordinate a group shot of the sky above their heads at precisely the same time?"
Set it up in advance, syncronize our watches, walk out side our homes or whatever, point the camera straight up and FIRE!
Now, I'm not real educated (but you knew that DIDN'T YOU :wxwax ), but I'm not naive enough to forget about time zones. Meaning, we'd need someone real good with clocks and math (remember: reading is hard :rofl ), to work out a schedule.
IF, it could be coordinated, I think it would be a blast to see all the pics posted of what we all saw at that moment in time.
Well? Is it a rose or a fart? (we can say "fart" can't we :uhoh , maybe I should have checked first....)
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
Be nice if we can time if to happen on a day when there's weather, but that may be too much to ask for. I assume we'll have to settle for a weekend. I can help forecast.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
ginger (for some it will be night, hope there is a moon:): )
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
Now we just need someone to make it happen... Mongrel? Pick the time place, whatever, contact a mod to set up an announcement in the challenge forum, and we'll go for it.
1/ Contact as many dgrinners in as many countires as possible, to see if they can shoot.
2/ Pick a day.
3/ Pick a time.
either everyone shoots at the exact same second (which means a lot of night sky shots)
or everyone shoots at the same time of day (say Noon in each country.)
Once we get the above logistics sorted, we can do this.
First step, bring this to the attention of members across all countries. We need a volunteer to go through the dgrin membership and make a list of folks not in the USA (I figure we won't have much troubkle getting US coverage.) Then I'll follow-up and contact them.
Any volunteers?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I didn't know about the National Geographic thing. I hope they don't mind if we borrow the concept...
Sid-you may have a point about coordinating it for noon or another time of day, it would certainly make it easier. But, if we can find a time world-wide that offers the most *light* it would be real cool to get the nightshots in.
Behr-doesn't matter that we are so close really, I've seen days where it was sunny in Medford Lakes and pouring down rain in Marlton. We just have to *believe*
Ok, so like Sid said, we need to:
1. Make up a list of *active* Dgrinners and their location.
Possible solution for that would be to start a thread asking who is interested and have them put down their name and location in the thread. We then tabulate the results from that. Give people a week or two to sign up.
2. Find out if their is a universal time over the next month or so when there will be the most available light-the longest day of the year is usually in July isn't it? Forgive my ignorance but, I don't know whether the "longest day of the year" is a world-wide phenomenom or not (I would think it would be, since it deals with the distance of the Earth to the sun). Someone should be able to answer this 'off the top' of their head I would think
3. Again, forgiving my ignorance, what time of year do the Scandinavian countries (and even Alaska if I'm not mistaken), have those like 18 hour days?
If possible we should use that to our advantage.
I appreciate the response guys, makes me feel like I've moved from the barn to the front porch
I'll be checking back in regularly....
now where did I put that atlas........
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Currently 18.15 BST (GMT +1) 09 June in the UK, 13.15 in New York And 03.15 in Brisbane, Australia 10th June
Would be delighted to do so.
That would be summer months, which is beginning now. So good timing!
I think this would be a cool idea.
A former sports shooter
Follow me at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bjurasz/
My Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/mercphoto?ref=hdr_shop_menu
Will you know when the shot to be taken is within the next 12 hours ? That way i can still shoot & post later.
I assume you want to shoot on june 21 but what time ?
I just press the button and the camera goes CLICK. :dunno
Canon: gripped 20d and 30d, 10-22 3.5-4.5, 17-55 IS, 50mm f1.8, 70-200L IS, 85mm f1.8, 420ex
sigma: 10-20 4-5.6 (for sale), 24-70 2.8 (for sale), 120-300 2.8
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
First order of business...
Second order of business....
In order to get Gus onboard I'm trying to get this set asap. After a quick look here:
I'm leaning towards 7pm GMT. Obviously, for some of us that would actually be *June 22*, but that's not what's important (I hope...)
The countries between say Saudi Arabia and central China will most likely be in darkness (unless I'm really misunderstanding something...).
Gus, for instance, depending which side of Australia he's on (my apologies here Gus...) would be anywhere from 8am and 10am June 22.
Alaska on the other side would be at around 8am or so.
Does this sound right? We should pretty much have 'good' light from Alaska to Turkey. My humblest apologies to anyone in India (it would be midnight there I believe) and any other countries affected.
Well, how'd I do
PLEASE, make any corrections or suggestions to the above as soon as you can-I want to do this before Gus "goes offline".
FORGOT: as far as facing a certain direction? Any ideas? North? South? East? West? The nearest McDonalds?
Speak up fast-Gus' time is running out.....tick...tick...tick....
Smack? I'm sorry man, I wasn't trying to *smack* you
ahhh....I hope you didn't think I was trying to say that *you don't* post photos? NO, no, no! Not my intention at all again. I just meant that the collective 'we' whoever we are (yourself included), see little glimpses of each others lives when we post shots. Sorry if you took it another way.
I hope it's not because of the above? If you don't like the idea or want to participate, that's cool. But if you are not participating because of something I said, that would be a shame. It should be nice and sunny in Fla. at that time
My apologies Gator, if I somehow offended you
It's difficult to know just where to 'draw the line'
I am open to suggestions, it seemed after looking at it for a bit that this would put most Dgrinners in daylight (even though for some it would be very *early* daylight).
If you, or someone else thinks that moving it up or back an hour or so would be better then by all means let's talk about it.
Anyone know which side of Australia Gus lives?
I like the idea of the sky...one of my favorite subjects.
Photographer and Mom of Four!
I'm going to go ahead and set the date\time on the 'unnofficial' Dgrin Sky Challenge 2005 for:
Tuesday June 21, 2005 at 7pm GMT
For some of us it will already be June 22, but that's ok
Hurry up and let me know if this is OK....
I'd like to wait until Andy gets back and make sure this is cool, and request that a Sky Challenge sign up thread be stickied. This is so we can all log in if we are going to participate and where we will be shooting from.
After giving it some thought, I think it would be best that we shoot *whatever* the most interesting view of the sky we can find for that date and time. Rather than limit it in anyway this will allow us some leeway for creativity and such. I *highly* suggest we shoot as wide as possible
(Andy will go easier on me if we do...
Thanks again for all the positive interest in this idea, I look forward to seeing the results if we can pull it off.
(Also, if a moderator would be so kind to let me know whether I have overstepped my bounds by posting and pursuing this I would appreciate it. I *honestly* don't want to appear too aggresive :uhoh )