Can you please define 'sky'. Do you mean 100% of the frame needs to be sky or just most of it? Is a skyline ok? Can there be something in the foreground?
No, definately not *all* sky-unless that's the shot you want to take, which would be fine. I don't want this to be so limiting that it becomse *hard*. A skyline would be fine-perfect in fact Just what I had in mind.
When I first thought of this I happened to be looking up at the sky on my way to work. I was sitting in traffic wondering what all the other Dgrinners might be looking at that moment. It just snowballed from there What if we *all* were outside looking up at the sky at the same time? What would each of us see in our little corner of the world? Kind of like lovers talking on the phone long distance, and describing what the view was out their respective windows. Corny? Romantic? FUN?
Anyway, I don't think it *really* matters *what* we shoot, but *when* we shoot. The sky is a pretty basic subject (to shoot I mean, not that it's not complex artistically-wow, talk about a tangent...), so I figured it would be good to have a general focus for a group shoot-hence the "Sky Shoot" idea.
Really though, any number of 'sky' type shots will work:
All Sky-cloud formations, the view through tree branches, a BIF
Landscapes\City scapes
Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, full moon
Rain :cry
The Beach, A marina, a subway platform
Anything that would include some sky in it would be cool.
Sorry this is so long-winded. I hope there is something that answered your question in there
Take care, and thanks again for the interest Nir,
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
Well, I'm in. If I have this right I'm doing this at 2PM Saturday. Gee... Los Angeles... June...
you can count on either blue or gray sky.
Great to have you along, I can't wait to see what the view is on opposite sides of the country at the same time.
Thanks for your interest
btw-even though I haven't been commenting on your shots, I have noticed them (and looked at them), your hard work and constant shooting are paying off-some very nice urban\people work. Keep it up!
Take care,
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
I'm in
How easy could it get, Saturday 2 pm local time... that's this weekend and it's supposed to be raining or showers (flukey weather this year, normally it doesn't rain much if at all in June rainy season's supposed to be over).
I just have to pick a spot, huh? I'll double check my camera time too.
This is just where ever you happen to be at 2 pm, and have some sky in the shot, right?
Imagine a slide show of all the photos shot, setup by longtitude from Greenwich East ... 21:00, 22:00, 23:00, 00:00, 01:00, ... 19:00, 20:00 ... night goes into sunrise, then day, noon, afternoon, sunset and night again ...
The MOON, where will the moon be?
After looking at Andy's gorgeous gull and moon shot taken in the daytime, can anyone tell me what part of the sky the moon will be in at 2 p.m. near San Francisco?
When it comes to math and science I get confused. Why can we even see the moon in the daylight anyway?
After looking at Andy's gorgeous gull and moon shot taken in the daytime, can anyone tell me what part of the sky the moon will be in at 2 p.m. near San Francisco?
When it comes to math and science I get confused. Why can we even see the moon in the daylight anyway?
A Farmer's Almanac should be able to tell you where it will be. As per why you can see the Moon during the day, the reason is really pretty simple. Remember, the Moon orbits the Earth. So sometimes the Moon is on the opposite side as the Sun, sometimes it is on the same side of the Earth as the Sun. Thus, as the Moon orbits the Earth every 28 days or so, there will be some days when you see it at night, some days when you see it during the day, etc.
By the way, this orbiting the earth by the moon is also why the moon goes through "phases".
A Farmer's Almanac should be able to tell you where it will be. As per why you can see the Moon during the day, the reason is really pretty simple. Remember, the Moon orbits the Earth. So sometimes the Moon is on the opposite side as the Sun, sometimes it is on the same side of the Earth as the Sun. Thus, as the Moon orbits the Earth every 28 days or so, there will be some days when you see it at night, some days when you see it during the day, etc.
By the way, this orbiting the earth by the moon is also why the moon goes through "phases".
I'll try a google to see if I can figure it out. The moon has been getting bigger, I remember taking a pic of it a couple of days ago.
as Angelo said..
Saturday, June 18 ....9 PM GMT= 2 PM PST)
2 PM Saturday...Ventura, California
I'm in...nifty project
I just now found this thread..
Mmmm..what goes nicely with a Sunny California sky?
"All Sky-cloud formations, the view through tree branches, a BIF
Landscapes\City scapes
Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, full moon
Rain :cry
The Beach, A marina, a subway platform
Saturday, June 18 ....9 PM GMT= 2 PM PST)
2 PM Saturday...Ventura, California
I'm in...nifty project
I just now found this thread..
Mmmm..what goes nicely with a Sunny California sky?
"All Sky-cloud formations, the view through tree branches, a BIF Landscapes\City scapes Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, full moon Rain :cry The Beach, A marina, a subway platform
G'day mongrel...i have a bike carrier booked at 7am to shift my '82 Katana 11 to its new long term storage so i dont know what i will have in front of the lens but hey thats whats its all about..whats in front of us at that exact time.
I'll try a google to see if I can figure it out. The moon has been getting bigger, I remember taking a pic of it a couple of days ago.
Dee - As I left the office Friday afternoon, around 6PM, the moon (3/4 ?) was hanging low and quite clear in the southern sky. Not sure we'll see it at 2PM on Saturday... just thought I'd share.
Are we suppoesed to have our camera's time-stamp turned on?
OK just caught this. Sorry should of jump in sooner
2pm PST Saturday right ?? It's 9am now
I'll be in Topanga Canyon, Calif.......Jazz Festival
I'll point my camera at something!!
Just checked 2pm Sat it is then.
Looking forward to seeing all the images
you can count on either blue or gray sky.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Smart alleck
No, definately not *all* sky-unless that's the shot you want to take, which would be fine. I don't want this to be so limiting that it becomse *hard*. A skyline would be fine-perfect in fact
When I first thought of this I happened to be looking up at the sky on my way to work. I was sitting in traffic wondering what all the other Dgrinners might be looking at that moment. It just snowballed from there
Anyway, I don't think it *really* matters *what* we shoot, but *when* we shoot. The sky is a pretty basic subject (to shoot I mean, not that it's not complex artistically-wow, talk about a tangent...), so I figured it would be good to have a general focus for a group shoot-hence the "Sky Shoot" idea.
Really though, any number of 'sky' type shots will work:
All Sky-cloud formations, the view through tree branches, a BIF
Landscapes\City scapes
Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, full moon
Rain :cry
The Beach, A marina, a subway platform
Anything that would include some sky in it would be cool.
Sorry this is so long-winded. I hope there is something that answered your question in there
Take care, and thanks again for the interest Nir,
Great to have you along, I can't wait to see what the view is on opposite sides of the country at the same time.
Thanks for your interest
btw-even though I haven't been commenting on your shots, I have noticed them (and looked at them), your hard work and constant shooting are paying off-some very nice urban\people work. Keep it up!
Take care,
Looks like we got another smart alleck onboard
How have you been Lucky? (that sounds really wild...let's see...I've been lucky at love, lucky at craps...oops..sorry...:uhoh )
Just make sure your battery is charged and you are in position on the 18th!
Take care,
Typical Army has not changed in 25 years!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
The place where time starts and ends, and you are there! I hope you can do this Gubbs!
How easy could it get, Saturday 2 pm local time... that's this weekend and it's supposed to be raining or showers (flukey weather this year, normally it doesn't rain much if at all in June rainy season's supposed to be over).
I just have to pick a spot, huh? I'll double check my camera time too.
This is just where ever you happen to be at 2 pm, and have some sky in the shot, right?
Yes, that's all there is to it
Looking forward to your shot!
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
I've been fighting with that same line of thinking all week....
10-22? :uhoh
So far I have held my ground, hopefully until it's too late to get anything over-nighted
I just have to program my brain to remember it.
My mind is like a steel trap and keeps whatever is caught. The problem is that it's rusted shut and I can't get anything out again:D.
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
After looking at Andy's gorgeous gull and moon shot taken in the daytime, can anyone tell me what part of the sky the moon will be in at 2 p.m. near San Francisco?
When it comes to math and science I get confused. Why can we even see the moon in the daylight anyway?
A Farmer's Almanac should be able to tell you where it will be. As per why you can see the Moon during the day, the reason is really pretty simple. Remember, the Moon orbits the Earth. So sometimes the Moon is on the opposite side as the Sun, sometimes it is on the same side of the Earth as the Sun. Thus, as the Moon orbits the Earth every 28 days or so, there will be some days when you see it at night, some days when you see it during the day, etc.
By the way, this orbiting the earth by the moon is also why the moon goes through "phases".
A former sports shooter
Follow me at:
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I'll try a google to see if I can figure it out. The moon has been getting bigger, I remember taking a pic of it a couple of days ago.
I went here
Will you see the moon?
and I won't see the moon until 5:08 p.m.
Oh well, maybe someone else can use the link to see if they can see the moon at their local shoot time.
0l' andy was good enough to phone me so i didnt miss out in case i couldnt get on the net.
0zzies are we still on for 7am tomorrow being sunday ?
Saturday, June 18 ....9 PM GMT= 2 PM PST)
2 PM Saturday...Ventura, California
I'm in...nifty project
I just now found this thread..
Mmmm..what goes nicely with a Sunny California sky?
"All Sky-cloud formations, the view through tree branches, a BIF
Landscapes\City scapes
Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, full moon
Rain :cry
The Beach, A marina, a subway platform
Anything that would include some sky in it would be cool."
..will have my well used polarizer ready to go..
Great to *see* you man
Think of a place and position that presents a nice view of *your* corner of the world and fire away.
The post above by Anson gives a link to the page where I describe what kind of shots.
Looking forward to yours...
Welcome to Digital Grin, and to the Sky Shoot 2005, good to have you
Are we suppoesed to have our camera's time-stamp turned on?
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
2pm PST Saturday right ?? It's 9am now
I'll be in Topanga Canyon, Calif.......Jazz Festival
I'll point my camera at something!!
Just checked 2pm Sat it is then.
Looking forward to seeing all the images
My Galleries