It's difficult to know just where to 'draw the line'
I am open to suggestions, it seemed after looking at it for a bit that this would put most Dgrinners in daylight (even though for some it would be very *early* daylight).
If you, or someone else thinks that moving it up or back an hour or so would be better then by all means let's talk about it.
Anyone know which side of Australia Gus lives?
If I'm doing this right, 7PM GreenwichMeanTime on the 21st? This would leave Gus in the dark at 5AM and myself in twilight at 7AM, but looking at sunset and sunrise times, if you move it to squeeze in Gus, say two hours to 9PM GMT, then everything east of London is in the dark... tough question... Mostly I just wanted to let you know, Gus is in the dark at 7PM GMT.
Gus and I are on the eastern side of Oz. Is the 21st 22nd of June the solstice? (summer in the northern hemisphere and winter down here?) Anyway, 8am works for me:D
Hmmm...if we move it up to 9pm GMT would that be better?
Let me go back and check my math (shesshh reading is hard )
Does 9pm GMT sound better?
Might work fine for our friends down under and a little over but many of us state siders will still be in work.
"Boss, I gotta go take a picture of the sky. I'll be right back."
If that chart is correct, in Sydney and Brisbane Australia, it will be 7am. Not so good for our friends in and around Perth-5am there.
In Anchorage Alaska it will be 1:00pm.
In New Zealand (Wellington) you should be fine-9am there.
Not so good for points east London over to Singapore (it will be 5am there).
Ok, so what do we do?
Easy: We do the 'challenge' TWICE. One for 9pm GMT and one for 9AM GMT!
This way no matter where you live, you will have a *shot* in the *dark* AND a *shot* in the *light*
Now, Behr brought up a very good point. Because this is a weekday many of us will be unable to participate due to work constraints. So....
How about we move the "Sky Challenge 2005 Part I" up a few days to Sat. June 18 at 9pm GMT? We would then be in a Sat\Sun period which may make this whole thing more enjoyable. I doubt very much we will miss the few minutes of daylight by not going for it on the 21st. And we still get a pretty chunk 'o the moon
Yes? No? Drop the whole idea? Whatcha think?
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
This sounds like an interesting idea. All of us proto astronomers pointing our glass to the sky and snapping shots at the same time. I'm in. I second the notion of moving it to a Saturday/Sunday to maximize the participation. To throw a wrench into the planning I say we use straight up 1200 Zulu just to make things easy (and to guarantee that it is either Sat or Sun everywhere).
So, how are we going to handle long exposure shots (not that my shot will be one of those shots since I live in America and this is clearly daylight biased for us)? Say you live somewhere hella dark and you want to do a very long exposure (say an hour). Should your start shot time, your mid shot time, or your end shot time be the designated moment in time?
Also I propose that we post our GPS coordinates and the true direction (as opposed to the magnetic direction) that our cameras our pointed. The really advanced people could even include such pertinent information as elevation above MSL and the angle from horizontal that our cameras are pointed. I figure that it'd be interesting to see the subtle differences in the changes in the sky based on location and elevation of the observer. Then again, I'm a nerd to knows how to navigate using the stars so maybe that's overkill -- but I'm willing to assist with how to do some of these things if people want.
Oh and by the way Zulu is military speak for GMT which is the old way to say UTC which is Coordinated Universal Time (exept the acronym is in French so it's all backwards). Also we can all synch our clocks by going here: (you'll need Java I think).
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
Ok...this is what we have so far...
1. General interest in the idea seems to be positive.
2. Weekend would be best.
We need to finalize:
1. Best time for the shot\shots
2. Whether to do the "Sky Challenge" in two phases-day\night and night\day
3. Details of *how* to set up the shots i.e.-general or specific direction
My suggestion would be to wait for Andy to get back and get his take on it. Then as he sees fit, start a new thread\s with surveys to get input from Dgrinners on the above.
Everybody pretty cool with that?
Continue to report in if anything comes to mind.
Thanks to everyone again
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
I like the idea and I think it would be better if we don't constraint the direction the shot is taken (it would be cool to see whatever part of the sky stands out to the photographer).
it would be better if we don't constraint the direction the shot is taken (it would be cool to see whatever part of the sky stands out to the photographer).
was my thought on it as well. I'd like to leave it as open as possible. If someone wants to make in a particular direction that's fine, but honestly, I'd think I'd rather *see* through the eyes of my fellow Dgrinner, what they *saw* as a photography at that moment in time.
thanks for the input...
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
was my thought on it as well. I'd like to leave it as open as possible. If someone wants to make in a particular direction that's fine, but honestly, I'd think I'd rather *see* through the eyes of my fellow Dgrinner, what they *saw* as a photography at that moment in time.
thanks for the input...
I'd like to leave it up to the photographer as well. I think it'd be cool to know the direction of the lens when it was shot (among other things).
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
1. General interest in the idea seems to be positive.
2. Weekend would be best.
We need to finalize:
1. Best time for the shot\shots
2. Whether to do the "Sky Challenge" in two phases-day\night and night\day
3. Details of *how* to set up the shots i.e.-general or specific direction
My suggestion would be to wait for Andy to get back and get his take on it. Then as he sees fit, start a new thread\s with surveys to get input from Dgrinners on the above.
Everybody pretty cool with that?
Continue to report in if anything comes to mind.
Thanks to everyone again
This is shaping up to be quite an event, if enough people see it and participate
We got the go-ahead from Andy. I appreciate him taking care of moving this and setting up the stickies.
Before I post in the 'official Sky Shoot 2005' thread, I want to put this out to any last minute suggestions or changes. Gus said he would monitor this if possible so hopefully he'll get the latest info and be able to participate. If not, he and I (and anyone else interested) will shoot on the 21st as well
Here goes:
1. 9pm GMT will be the time
2. Sat June 18\Sun June 19 will be the 'day' depending on where you are
3. Subject: *Preferably* Sky shots-i.e.-sunrise, sunset, skylines\cityscapes, moonshots. Since this isn't a challenge, I'll give ya'll leeway as to how you'd like to creatively shoot this.
The Idea: The idea is that *we* as a worldwide community can experience something at exactly the same moment and capture that moment in time using our photography.
Other notes and misc:
I think it would be best if we do this twice-once at GMT 9pm and a second time at GMT 9am. Not sure how close together we can do this, but I'd really would like *everyone* to have a chance for both 'day' and 'night' shots.
Thinking ahead:
I have great confidence in our skill level as a group. I honestly think that this project may just produce something very worthy of publishing. Now, I admit, I'm great on ideas but short on 'how-to's', but my creative imagination is picturing a coffe table book-"Digital Grin World Wide Sky Shoot 2005", sitting on coffee (or tea ) tables around the world. So SHOOT YOUR BEST!!!
Ok, that's it for now-PLEASE comment here with any last minute corrections\changes\suggestions. I really want this finalized so people can make plans in advance.
I'd like to thank everyone for such enthusiasm and support-
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
Mongrel, now I feel pressure! Shoot my best? :lol4
Do I ever not? . Is it always good "enough"? .
Jee whiz Ginger, you really know how to mess with someone's head
Look, you shoot *whatever* ya like. Don't let me put any pressure on you. As far as "Is it always good "enough"? " Well, only you can answer that. For me, my work is never good enough
On the other hand, I have not been following this meantime, greenwich thing.
Where do I go to convert that to eastern daylight time?
Right now (during daylight savings time) in order to get Eastern Daylight Time you need to subtract 4 from GMT. So 2100 GMT (9:00 PM) is 1700 (5:00 PM) EDT.
Can you please define 'sky'. Do you mean 100% of the frame needs to be sky or just most of it? Is a skyline ok? Can there be something in the foreground?
:uhoh big 'doh' on my part....
Hmmm...if we move it up to 9pm GMT would that be better?
Let me go back and check my math (shesshh reading is hard
Does 9pm GMT sound better?
The 21st will be almost a full moon!
Get those tripods dusted off!
I have to contact Gus and tell I :uhoh 'up....
Stop me if you see any other mistakes....
Mongrel (currently shopping for *Humble Pie*)
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
"Boss, I gotta go take a picture of the sky. I'll be right back."
Virginia (Boston, MA)
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Well, let's see....
In order to 'see' what time it will be where you are at 9pm GMT on June 21 take a look here:
If that chart is correct, in Sydney and Brisbane Australia, it will be 7am. Not so good for our friends in and around Perth-5am there.
In Anchorage Alaska it will be 1:00pm.
In New Zealand (Wellington) you should be fine-9am there.
Not so good for points east London over to Singapore (it will be 5am there).
Ok, so what do we do?
Easy: We do the 'challenge' TWICE. One for 9pm GMT and one for 9AM GMT!
This way no matter where you live, you will have a *shot*
Now, Behr brought up a very good point. Because this is a weekday many of us will be unable to participate due to work constraints. So....
How about we move the "Sky Challenge 2005 Part I" up a few days to Sat. June 18 at 9pm GMT? We would then be in a Sat\Sun period which may make this whole thing more enjoyable. I doubt very much we will miss the few minutes of daylight by not going for it on the 21st. And we still get a pretty chunk 'o the moon
Yes? No? Drop the whole idea? Whatcha think?
So, how are we going to handle long exposure shots (not that my shot will be one of those shots since I live in America and this is clearly daylight biased for us)? Say you live somewhere hella dark and you want to do a very long exposure (say an hour). Should your start shot time, your mid shot time, or your end shot time be the designated moment in time?
Also I propose that we post our GPS coordinates and the true direction (as opposed to the magnetic direction) that our cameras our pointed. The really advanced people could even include such pertinent information as elevation above MSL and the angle from horizontal that our cameras are pointed. I figure that it'd be interesting to see the subtle differences in the changes in the sky based on location and elevation of the observer. Then again, I'm a nerd to knows how to navigate using the stars so maybe that's overkill -- but I'm willing to assist with how to do some of these things if people want.
Oh and by the way Zulu is military speak for GMT which is the old way to say UTC which is Coordinated Universal Time (exept the acronym is in French so it's all backwards). Also we can all synch our clocks by going here: (you'll need Java I think).
1. General interest in the idea seems to be positive.
2. Weekend would be best.
We need to finalize:
1. Best time for the shot\shots
2. Whether to do the "Sky Challenge" in two phases-day\night and night\day
3. Details of *how* to set up the shots i.e.-general or specific direction
My suggestion would be to wait for Andy to get back and get his take on it. Then as he sees fit, start a new thread\s with surveys to get input from Dgrinners on the above.
Everybody pretty cool with that?
Continue to report in if anything comes to mind.
Thanks to everyone again
was my thought on it as well. I'd like to leave it as open as possible. If someone wants to make in a particular direction that's fine, but honestly, I'd think I'd rather *see* through the eyes of my fellow Dgrinner, what they *saw* as a photography at that moment in time.
thanks for the input...
Im going with mongrel June 21, 2005 7pm GMT
We got the go-ahead from Andy. I appreciate him taking care of moving this and setting up the stickies.
Before I post in the 'official Sky Shoot 2005' thread, I want to put this out to any last minute suggestions or changes. Gus said he would monitor this if possible so hopefully he'll get the latest info and be able to participate. If not, he and I (and anyone else interested) will shoot on the 21st as well
Here goes:
1. 9pm GMT will be the time
2. Sat June 18\Sun June 19 will be the 'day' depending on where you are
3. Subject: *Preferably* Sky shots-i.e.-sunrise, sunset, skylines\cityscapes, moonshots. Since this isn't a challenge, I'll give ya'll leeway as to how you'd like to creatively shoot this.
The Idea: The idea is that *we* as a worldwide community can experience something at exactly the same moment and capture that moment in time using our photography.
Other notes and misc:
I think it would be best if we do this twice-once at GMT 9pm and a second time at GMT 9am. Not sure how close together we can do this, but I'd really would like *everyone* to have a chance for both 'day' and 'night' shots.
Thinking ahead:
I have great confidence in our skill level as a group. I honestly think that this project may just produce something very worthy of publishing. Now, I admit, I'm great on ideas but short on 'how-to's', but my creative imagination is picturing a coffe table book-"Digital Grin World Wide Sky Shoot 2005", sitting on coffee (or tea
Ok, that's it for now-PLEASE comment here with any last minute corrections\changes\suggestions. I really want this finalized so people can make plans in advance.
I'd like to thank everyone for such enthusiasm and support-
when you get all sorted, pm me and i'll phone 'gus with his task list
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I've participated in something similar in the past
Mongrel and/or programming gurus - anyone know how to setup something like this:
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Do I ever not?
Coffee Table book?
On the other hand, I have not been following this meantime, greenwich thing.
Where do I go to convert that to eastern daylight time?
Harry will go nuts trying to pick his best......
Landscapes, now I am trying to figure out "which spot". I will have to see that "time" I am actually shooting.
just kidding.. I'll mark my calendar.. now wheres my calendar...
Thanks for sharing it, and for the idea. And thanks for your support
Look, you shoot *whatever* ya like. Don't let me put any pressure on you. As far as "Is it always good "enough"?
Hmmm....I don't think *anyone's* is in it-yet
Check the main thread, when I finalize the time I'll post a link there.
Take care
Welcome aboard
I appreciate your support.
Hey there, hi there, ho there!
Great, I love your excitement
Don't forget to go to to synchronize your clock before you shoot.
I´m in.
The time is no problem it is always light this time of the year in iceland.:D
Fridrik Thorsteinsson
Mongrel, a question -
Can you please define 'sky'. Do you mean 100% of the frame needs to be sky or just most of it? Is a skyline ok? Can there be something in the foreground?
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts