I've had quite a few lately that have rotated 180 when I only rotated them left or right. I thought I was losing my mind. I almost never have to use 180, only left or right.... almost always left only.
I've had quite a few lately that have rotated 180 when I only rotated them left or right. I thought I was losing my mind. I almost never have to use 180, only left or right.... almost always left only.
Good, we're both not crazy.
Someone needs to sit down at SM and do a test scenario while watching the back end to see what's happening.
Those rotation times are probably correct, but I don't think the rotations are. The original file was landscape and had to be rotated portrait, so it would have been rotated only once and only in one direction. I only had two windows open--one for left rotates, one for right. If it would have rotated correctly, I wouldn't have had to rotate it again. Even if I would have chosen the wrong side (left vs right), I would have had to rotate it 180, not 270.
I looked at the original and it needed to be rotated right. I remember reading here somewhere that a left or right is actually 3x of the other one? If that's the case, the 2nd rotation would be correct and correctly executed and the first one never executed.
90 degrees left is 270 right. I suspect you're just seeing some rotated left 90 (they show as 270) and some rotated right 90 (they show as 90).
I've never had to do so many 180 rotations since I've been with SM. Something just isn't working right.
Is this because your cameras don't have auto rotate? I'm not sure how or why 180 degree rotations are SmugMug's issue - we properly auto-rotate based on exif tags... help me understand better Samir.
Is this because your cameras don't have auto rotate? I'm not sure how or why 180 degree rotations are SmugMug's issue - we properly auto-rotate based on exif tags... help me understand better Samir.
I have to rotate because none of my cameras have the orientation bit. But I very, very rarely shoot 180, only 90. So when I do rotations they should either end up the right way unless I make a mistake in which way it needs to rotate, which again is rare since I have two windows open--one for left rotates and one for right. Right rotates on the right side, left rotates on the left--intuitive and hard to get wrong. But I've seen waaaay too many pictures end up 180 lately for me to be making this many manual mistakes.
Something is broken and unfortunately I don't have the time to go through and figure out exactly what triggers it. I know I'm not the only one experiencing it, but I'm vocal about it because I'm losing time (and money) when it doesn't work. Someone at SM needs to do the experiementation and test all the code cases to find the problem. I can't do it. I wish I could help more, but I simply can't. All I have time to do is post here and be the squeaky wheel whenever this problem makes me scream loud enough that my neighbors hear me.
I have to rotate because none of my cameras have the orientation bit. But I very, very rarely shoot 180, only 90. So when I do rotations they should either end up the right way unless I make a mistake in which way it needs to rotate, which again is rare since I have two windows open--one for left rotates and one for right. Right rotates on the right side, left rotates on the left--intuitive and hard to get wrong. But I've seen waaaay too many pictures end up 180 lately for me to be making this many manual mistakes.
Something is broken and unfortunately I don't have the time to go through and figure out exactly what triggers it. I know I'm not the only one experiencing it, but I'm vocal about it because I'm losing time (and money) when it doesn't work. Someone at SM needs to do the experiementation and test all the code cases to find the problem. I can't do it. I wish I could help more, but I simply can't. All I have time to do is post here and be the squeaky wheel whenever this problem makes me scream loud enough that my neighbors hear me.
Not to take anything away from the issue at Smugmug, but wouldn't it be faster and more reliable to rotate your photos on your PC before you upload them. In any of the tools I have (photoshop, lightroom, picasa), I can just mutli-select all the thumbnails that need to go 90 degrees right and hit the a toolbar button and they're done. If any have to go the other way just repeat the process for those and hit the opposite toolbar button (though I never shoot the other way). It literally takes me seconds to fix rotation in Lightroom.
P.S. Since my cameras have rotation sensors, this only happens to me when shooting at odd angles that confuse the rotation sensor (usually shooting up or down). But, nevertheless, I fix the issue on my PC and never have to rotate on Smugmug.
Perhaps you could avoid the Smugmug problem and save time by doing it on your PC.
I wish I could help more, but I simply can't. All I have time to do is post here and be the squeaky wheel whenever this problem makes me scream loud enough that my neighbors hear me.
Hi Samir, I'm so sorry this affects you. We don't get many rotate complaints at all, and remember, we're getting tons of photos uploaded every single day. I like John's solution, very elegant. Rotate them on your end and they should be properly set on SmugMug when you send 'em up.
Hi Samir, I'm so sorry this affects you. We don't get many rotate complaints at all, and remember, we're getting tons of photos uploaded every single day. I like John's solution, very elegant. Rotate them on your end and they should be properly set on SmugMug when you send 'em up.
Aargh. Ok, but ya know, like John said, that's not a real solution for the Smug problem. There IS something odd going on right now. I personally don't have Lightroom yet, or anything except PS. I don't even know how to rotate whole batches on PS. (yeah, that may sound crazy to you, but batch stuff isn't what I've used it for... only just beginning batch processing). I also shoot jpegs. I don't want to rotate & save rotations to jpeg, because it's another lossy step that I'm not willing to take. For the kinds of stuff I want to just get added quickly to Smug galleries, I don't want to be running whole batches through PS. (yes, at some point, when I've finished digesting all the DAM stuff I've been reading, this will change & my whole work process will be different). But for now, I would like to be able to do a trouble-free upload here & not be worrying about a simple step not working. That's not saying much to your other thousands of users either.
Remember that lot of people probably rotate their photos, then don't even go through each & every page of their galleries to check if it worked! They just assume it did. That's what happened to me in a bunch of galleries. I did the rotation & never realized til a couple weeks later that a bunch had rotated too far or something... they were upside-down instead. I'd attributed it to rotating a batch to the right, then going back too soon to rotate another batch to the left. But now I see that wasn't it. And anyway, that shouldn't matter either. That did not matter in the past--it's the way I'd done it here for a couple yrs.
...Rotate them on your end and they should be properly set on SmugMug when you send 'em up.
I surely don't rotate alot because my camera does the orientation tag and it works 99,9% of the time. SmugMug adheres to the tag perfectly and rotates for me, just works. However I have experienced problems with the rotate tool when I do need to rotate and I really don't think this is the way to address the problems. This is a tool that is a part of the product you sell us and it should either work as you'd expect or it should be removed.
I surely don't rotate alot because my camera does the orientation tag and it works 99,9% of the time. SmugMug adheres to the tag perfectly and rotates for me, just works. However I have experienced problems with the rotate tool when I do need to rotate and I really don't think this is the way to address the problems. This is a tool that is a part of the product you sell us and it should either work as you'd expect or it should be removed.
Sure - we will fix any problem we can reproduce - if you can give me specifics, Malte, that'd be awesome. Thanks.
Not to take anything away from the issue at Smugmug, but wouldn't it be faster and more reliable to rotate your photos on your PC before you upload them. In any of the tools I have (photoshop, lightroom, picasa), I can just mutli-select all the thumbnails that need to go 90 degrees right and hit the a toolbar button and they're done. If any have to go the other way just repeat the process for those and hit the opposite toolbar button (though I never shoot the other way). It literally takes me seconds to fix rotation in Lightroom.
P.S. Since my cameras have rotation sensors, this only happens to me when shooting at odd angles that confuse the rotation sensor (usually shooting up or down). But, nevertheless, I fix the issue on my PC and never have to rotate on Smugmug.
Perhaps you could avoid the Smugmug problem and save time by doing it on your PC.
If I had any real tools to work with and any real computing horsepower to throw at it, I would have a completely different workflow that wouldn't use SM tools at all. I really love how everybody thinks they can do my work better than me with the tools I have. I tell you what--have at it. Get it done faster than me and you get a cookie.
And for the record, the rotating algorithm itself isn't broken, but it's somehow when images are being submitted via the tool. It's the same problem as with the watermarking tool--when you watermark upon upload, it's fine--via the tool, not so good. It's the same with the rotate tool--rotate via orientation sensors upon upload, fine--via the tool, not so good.
I give up. This is the first time I've seen SM blatantly ignore an issue that could be re-produced on their end if someone took the time to run tests. If someone re-ran the base and test cases for the tool when it was first coded, they'll discover it very quickly.
If I had any real tools to work with and any real computing horsepower to throw at it, I would have a completely different workflow that wouldn't use SM tools at all. I really love how everybody thinks they can do my work better than me with the tools I have. I tell you what--have at it. Get it done faster than me and you get a cookie.
OK, I'm done offering you any more helpful solutions. If you want to fight a tool that doesn't work the way you want and sneer at those who offer you other solutions, that's all fine with me. Have at it. I'm done.
Pretty easy to do - when you are ready, post in Finishing School and we'll show you how, it takes a minute to learn, Anna Lisa.
As I said, I'm not going to be saving rotations to jpegs anyway.... lossy, you know. You just can't assume everyone can use the same workflow as everyone else. And imho it's kinda rude to tell Malte to give details, while Samir has bent over backwards to give you all kinds of details on the problem (way more than I would even know how to find or give) and yet you still can't give him any satisfaction that you'll put someone on this. As he said, run a bunch of real tests and you might even find the problem. I mean, just how many details can someone even give you about this? We upload photos. We rotate the un-rotated ones. They then rotate too far. And other people may not be telling you because the first few times it happens, they figure they goofed.
It's just really sad when someone takes a lot of their own work-time to try to help you guys figure out a problem, and then they get it thrown back in their face. They get told that it must not really be an issue, and here's what they should do instead of trying to use a SmugMug tool, and that they need to do even more reporting of each detail to you. What does this tell your other customers? Detailed testing on Smug's end should bear the responsibility of finding it. Your customers shouldn't have to search for it themselves, or have to recruit other folks w/ the problem to prove that it really exists.
Assuming that everyone has (or wants to use) an outside program to do simple jobs that could be done here is just wrong. You should be proud of the quality of the tools here and how perfectly they work & when they don't, put someone on it immediately (if it's as basic as rotation) rather than being smug, yes, smug, about the other ways it could be done for you. I already gave you a bunch of reasons why some of us may want to use the tools here instead, but that all got ignored. Did you ever think about it too that lots of people have more than one computer or are traveling & want the ability to have tools working correctly online??!!! I've told you guys this a bunch of times, but that's ignored too. When I was on vacation for weeks & had sporadic use of a borrowed laptop or hotel computer w/o any of my usual programs, the tools here at Smug were invaluable! And I'm only allowed one copy of PS -- it's a work-owned program. Why do I feel like I've said all this a bunch of times before....
Is this because your cameras don't have auto rotate? I'm not sure how or why 180 degree rotations are SmugMug's issue - we properly auto-rotate based on exif tags... help me understand better Samir.
I went through all this same stuff w/ you a month or so ago when I was uploading tons of back-up files. Cameras aren't perfect. Mine was the top of the line Nikon -- 10 yrs. ago!! We're not all rolling in dough here. I have to do a lot of rotating. Even the much newer Olympus Evolt I use on occasion typically needs a few photos rotated with almost every batch I upload. Why is it so surprising that a lot of photos need rotating? Just because your own camera behaves perfectly? Again, we've been through this.... this is, uh.. why you have the tool, right?? I don't see why you have to keep making customers explain this to you. Very time-consuming, very unfair, and starts to sound like a silly stalling mechanism. Maddening.
I went through all this same stuff w/ you a month or so ago when I was uploading tons of back-up files. Cameras aren't perfect. Mine was the top of the line Nikon -- 10 yrs. ago!! We're not all rolling in dough here. I have to do a lot of rotating. Even the much newer Olympus Evolt I use on occasion typically needs a few photos rotated with almost every batch I upload. Why is it so surprising that a lot of photos need rotating? Just because your own camera behaves perfectly? Again, we've been through this.... this is, uh.. why you have the tool, right?? I don't see why you have to keep making customers explain this to you. Very time-consuming, very unfair, and starts to sound like a silly stalling mechanism. Maddening.
I know it's maddening to you - and I'm sorry. I can't think of any other complaints about the tool that we're getting. Tell you what, Anna Lisa - I'm going to have our Pro Concierge team contact you and see if we can find out exactly where the problem lies, so that we can help.
I rotate photos, and the system works as expected. Doesn't mean we don't care about you - we'll keep trying to help! Stay tuned for Sean from our Pro Concierge team.
As I said, I'm not going to be saving rotations to jpegs anyway.... lossy, you know. You just can't assume everyone can use the same workflow as everyone else. And imho it's kinda rude to tell Malte to give details, while Samir has bent over backwards to give you all kinds of details on the problem (way more than I would even know how to find or give) and yet you still can't give him any satisfaction that you'll put someone on this. A
I'm sorry you feel this way Samir rotates with multiple windows open, and I can't replicate the problems using his workflow. When we are given precise, repeatable steps we can fix a problem (and we do this day in, day out). We don't like it that you and Samir are unhappy, and we would like to be able to make the tool work well for you. Stay tuned for Sean .
As I said, I'm not going to be saving rotations to jpegs anyway.... lossy, you know.
Let me correct a myth here. Rotating on your computer or rotating on SmugMug, is lossless, if the dimensions in your JPG are divisible by 8. Doesn't matter where you do it, Anna Lisa, as far as being lossless.
I know it's maddening to you - and I'm sorry. I can't think of any other complaints about the tool that we're getting. Tell you what, Anna Lisa - I'm going to have our Pro Concierge team contact you and see if we can find out exactly where the problem lies, so that we can help.
I rotate photos, and the system works as expected. Doesn't mean we don't care about you - we'll keep trying to help! Stay tuned for Sean from our Pro Concierge team.
For now, it would be best to send them to Samir, as I don't have details to give them beyond what I already have, so I can't see that helping. I also have to be back & forth too much at the computer & out for the next few days. Samir was doing a whole lot more uploading (currently). I'm only doing a few here & there. Back a month ago when I was uploading tons & reported the problem, this would have been very good. I'll let you know if I'm going to be doing large batches so that it can be trouble-shooted (trouble-shot??) Take a look at the history in this thread though. It seems like a lot of random stuff.
Exactly - what we really need is repeatable steps to recreate a problem and then we can fix 'em. I asked Sean to reach out to you because I'm confident he can help you with using our rotate tool in a way that won't cause you to have issues. I hope you'll take advantage of it!
Let me correct a myth here. Rotating on your computer or rotating on SmugMug, is lossless, if the dimensions in your JPG are divisible by 8. Doesn't matter where you do it, Anna Lisa, as far as being lossless.
What I'm rotating on Smug is always a copy of something I have on my computer, so I don't get fussy about whether it's lossy here-- one or two saves here aren't going to affect anything that matters. What I read everywhere about rotation though contradicts your statement. Even the DAM book (unless he's mistaken) tells you about soft-rotation being the only loss-less type. Whatever I'd be doing in PS wouldn't be that type. Yes, I want to get LR, and that would give a very simply soft rotation option. It's on my list. But as far as the divisible by 8 thing-- I've never heard that at all. I don't know offhand if my jpgs are... I have many different sizes of jpgs. Will check & look it up.
What I'm rotating on Smug is always a copy of something I have on my computer, so I don't get fussy about whether it's lossy here-- one or two saves here aren't going to affect anything that matters. What I read everywhere about rotation though contradicts your statement. Even the DAM book (unless he's mistaken) tells you about soft-rotation being the only loss-less type. Whatever I'd be doing in PS wouldn't be that type. Yes, I want to get LR, and that would give a very simply soft rotation option. It's on my list. But as far as the divisible by 8 thing-- I've never heard that at all. I don't know offhand if my jpgs are... I have many different sizes of jpgs. Will check & look it up.
My point though is that it's the same if you rotate on your computer or on SmugMug
Exactly - what we really need is repeatable steps to recreate a problem and then we can fix 'em. I asked Sean to reach out to you because I'm confident he can help you with using our rotate tool in a way that won't cause you to have issues. I hope you'll take advantage of it!
Andy, I think what these guys are saying is that sometimes when you hear reports of an issue and they don't know how to hand you a reproducible case on a platter, you have to report it internally as a bug and assign someone internally to go figure out how to reproduce it. If that's what you're trying to do with Sean, then that's a good start.
Where there's smoke there's fire here. There clearly is an issue. Customers are not happy and the tool is not working reliably for them. Best case, it's a UI issue that causes customers to misuse the tool (it's a tricky one because of the delayed response of the actual rotation). Worst case, there's a real back-end intermittent bug somewhere. In either case, there is a problem with the tool.
Andy, I think what these guys are saying is that sometimes when you hear reports of an issue and they don't know how to hand you a reproducible case on a platter, you have to report it internally as a bug and assign someone internally to go figure out how to reproduce it. If that's what you're trying to do with Sean, then that's a good start.
Where there's smoke there's fire here. There clearly is an issue. Customers are not happy and the tool is not working reliably for them. Best case, it's a UI issue that causes customers to misuse the tool (it's a tricky one because of the delayed response of the actual rotation). Worst case, there's a real back-end intermittent bug somewhere. In either case, there is a problem with the tool.
John, I get it - but we do not have any reproducible cases here, that's the problem
I just rotated 1000 images and they all went exactly as I wanted them to.
Anna Lisa and Samir: here's what you can do to help me to help you. The next time you have an issue - zip up the actual files from your computer that aren't rotating properly on SmugMug. Email ATTN: Andy at the help desk, and I'll give you easy instructions on how to get me those files. Then I'll do some testing to try and replicate the issue.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Someone needs to sit down at SM and do a test scenario while watching the back end to see what's happening.
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Is this because your cameras don't have auto rotate? I'm not sure how or why 180 degree rotations are SmugMug's issue - we properly auto-rotate based on exif tags... help me understand better Samir.
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Something is broken and unfortunately I don't have the time to go through and figure out exactly what triggers it. I know I'm not the only one experiencing it, but I'm vocal about it because I'm losing time (and money) when it doesn't work. Someone at SM needs to do the experiementation and test all the code cases to find the problem. I can't do it. I wish I could help more, but I simply can't. All I have time to do is post here and be the squeaky wheel whenever this problem makes me scream loud enough that my neighbors hear me.
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P.S. Since my cameras have rotation sensors, this only happens to me when shooting at odd angles that confuse the rotation sensor (usually shooting up or down). But, nevertheless, I fix the issue on my PC and never have to rotate on Smugmug.
Perhaps you could avoid the Smugmug problem and save time by doing it on your PC.
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Hi Samir, I'm so sorry this affects you. We don't get many rotate complaints at all, and remember, we're getting tons of photos uploaded every single day. I like John's solution, very elegant. Rotate them on your end and they should be properly set on SmugMug when you send 'em up.
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Aargh. Ok, but ya know, like John said, that's not a real solution for the Smug problem. There IS something odd going on right now. I personally don't have Lightroom yet, or anything except PS. I don't even know how to rotate whole batches on PS. (yeah, that may sound crazy to you, but batch stuff isn't what I've used it for... only just beginning batch processing). I also shoot jpegs. I don't want to rotate & save rotations to jpeg, because it's another lossy step that I'm not willing to take. For the kinds of stuff I want to just get added quickly to Smug galleries, I don't want to be running whole batches through PS. (yes, at some point, when I've finished digesting all the DAM stuff I've been reading, this will change & my whole work process will be different). But for now, I would like to be able to do a trouble-free upload here & not be worrying about a simple step not working. That's not saying much to your other thousands of users either.
Remember that lot of people probably rotate their photos, then don't even go through each & every page of their galleries to check if it worked! They just assume it did. That's what happened to me in a bunch of galleries. I did the rotation & never realized til a couple weeks later that a bunch had rotated too far or something... they were upside-down instead. I'd attributed it to rotating a batch to the right, then going back too soon to rotate another batch to the left. But now I see that wasn't it. And anyway, that shouldn't matter either. That did not matter in the past--it's the way I'd done it here for a couple yrs.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
I surely don't rotate alot because my camera does the orientation tag and it works 99,9% of the time. SmugMug adheres to the tag perfectly and rotates for me, just works. However I have experienced problems with the rotate tool when I do need to rotate and I really don't think this is the way to address the problems. This is a tool that is a part of the product you sell us and it should either work as you'd expect or it should be removed.
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Pretty easy to do - when you are ready, post in Finishing School and we'll show you how, it takes a minute to learn, Anna Lisa.
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Next time I have this problem I'll be sure to help out in reproducing it.
And for the record, the rotating algorithm itself isn't broken, but it's somehow when images are being submitted via the tool. It's the same problem as with the watermarking tool--when you watermark upon upload, it's fine--via the tool, not so good. It's the same with the rotate tool--rotate via orientation sensors upon upload, fine--via the tool, not so good.
I give up. This is the first time I've seen SM blatantly ignore an issue that could be re-produced on their end if someone took the time to run tests. If someone re-ran the base and test cases for the tool when it was first coded, they'll discover it very quickly.
To those that know there is a problem with the rotate tool, vote to have it fixed. This seems like the only way anyone will look into it:
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It's just really sad when someone takes a lot of their own work-time to try to help you guys figure out a problem, and then they get it thrown back in their face. They get told that it must not really be an issue, and here's what they should do instead of trying to use a SmugMug tool, and that they need to do even more reporting of each detail to you. What does this tell your other customers? Detailed testing on Smug's end should bear the responsibility of finding it. Your customers shouldn't have to search for it themselves, or have to recruit other folks w/ the problem to prove that it really exists.
Assuming that everyone has (or wants to use) an outside program to do simple jobs that could be done here is just wrong. You should be proud of the quality of the tools here and how perfectly they work & when they don't, put someone on it immediately (if it's as basic as rotation) rather than being smug, yes, smug, about the other ways it could be done for you. I already gave you a bunch of reasons why some of us may want to use the tools here instead, but that all got ignored. Did you ever think about it too that lots of people have more than one computer or are traveling & want the ability to have tools working correctly online??!!! I've told you guys this a bunch of times, but that's ignored too. When I was on vacation for weeks & had sporadic use of a borrowed laptop or hotel computer w/o any of my usual programs, the tools here at Smug were invaluable! And I'm only allowed one copy of PS -- it's a work-owned program. Why do I feel like I've said all this a bunch of times before....
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
I rotate photos, and the system works as expected. Doesn't mean we don't care about you - we'll keep trying to help! Stay tuned for Sean from our Pro Concierge team.
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I'm sorry you feel this way
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Let me correct a myth here. Rotating on your computer or rotating on SmugMug, is lossless, if the dimensions in your JPG are divisible by 8. Doesn't matter where you do it, Anna Lisa, as far as being lossless.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Samir, I just rotated this image properly
I'm not sure why or how it didn't get included when you last rotated... did you use "select all" ?
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Exactly - what we really need is repeatable steps to recreate a problem and then we can fix 'em. I asked Sean to reach out to you because I'm confident he can help you with using our rotate tool in a way that won't cause you to have issues. I hope you'll take advantage of it!
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
My point though is that it's the same if you rotate on your computer or on SmugMug
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Where there's smoke there's fire here. There clearly is an issue. Customers are not happy and the tool is not working reliably for them. Best case, it's a UI issue that causes customers to misuse the tool (it's a tricky one because of the delayed response of the actual rotation). Worst case, there's a real back-end intermittent bug somewhere. In either case, there is a problem with the tool.
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John, I get it - but we do not have any reproducible cases here, that's the problem
I just rotated 1000 images and they all went exactly as I wanted them to.
Anna Lisa and Samir: here's what you can do to help me to help you. The next time you have an issue - zip up the actual files from your computer that aren't rotating properly on SmugMug. Email ATTN: Andy at the help desk, and I'll give you easy instructions on how to get me those files. Then I'll do some testing to try and replicate the issue.
I want to help, I promise!
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