Heads Up: New Default Uploader

If you use our Simple Uploader, you'll now get our newest, fastest, most robust uploader :clap :clap It has support for dupes and more error checking. And it's faaaaaaast.
In IE, and FF Win, Safari Win be sure you click "Run"

On a Mac, in FF or Safari, be sure to Click "Allow" here:

Yeah, that message is scary - we don't control it, Sun Java does (we're sorry!).
Enjoy the new uploady goodness. Help pages and release notes coming!
In IE, and FF Win, Safari Win be sure you click "Run"

On a Mac, in FF or Safari, be sure to Click "Allow" here:

Yeah, that message is scary - we don't control it, Sun Java does (we're sorry!).
Enjoy the new uploady goodness. Help pages and release notes coming!
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"done" or "uploaded" behind them. I drag one or so at a time and sometimes
not sure which ones were dragged in.
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I'm using it now to upload last night's games, and I don't like it at all. Many times, I upload as I PP photos. I go through 30 or 40 shots, then start the upload. When the first upload completes, I add more. With the old simple uploader, we had the option of selecting either files OR folders. After the first upload, I could select 'add files', and it would take me right back to the game folder I was uploading from.
Now.............when I want to upload more files to the folder I just uploaded to, I can't select 'files only', and I have to start all over again, clicking through Jim-pictures-knippixels-pixie tourney-7-2 finals-et 1, then I have to click to change it from 'details' to 'list':bash .
Upload speed is not that big of a deal to me, but now, my speed at my desk has been slowed down.
Winnsboro, TX
I am also having a tough time with the new uploader. It feels slower and there are no thumbnails which adds on extra time to the process though I can drag and drop now.
You can't see thumbnails when you select files for uploading and can't see them as thumbnails in the upload screen. That makes the whole procedure a guess unless you refer back to the file containing the original images and check the filenames of each image you want to upload. Which slows you down. You also can't add the title at the time of file selection/uploading which slows the whole process down again as you now have to title them as a separate procedure after they have been uploaded.
Why not add this method as yet another way of uploading and keep the original way as it is.
Sometimes I think the staff at Smugmug have too much time on their hands!
PLEASE bring back the original 'Simple' upload method.
By the way, I'm uploading my files anyway as I have no other choice and it's taking forever - much, MUCH slower than before.
(ie8, Vista 64, 4 - 5mb jpegs)
edit - OK that took nearly half an hour to upload 6 x jpegs all of which were under 5mb. This is not good!
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I'm surprised at all the mentions of the uploader not giving an option to view thumbnails. Why not just drag and drop from a Windows explorer box with thumbnail view?
My workflow is that LR exports my files (I do 30-40 at a time similar to what others are doing) and pops open a windows explorer window, which is set to thumbnail view.
So I just drag and drop from there to the new uploader and click upload.
After the next 30-40 are edited (and while the 1st set is uploading), I export again and LR opens up another windows explorer window, and the first file in that new set is automatically highlighted, so a quick "shift+end" and the 2nd set of 30-40 files is 'selected' then I just drag and drop again.
Anyway, I don't see any negatives to it yet
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
Email me, attn: Andy at our help desk - we'll diagnose the issue.
I'm sorry we had to change the uploader. The old one was not our property and getting updates was problematic. So we invested a lot of money and built our own, which we know is faster (though I see you've experienced otherwise), is more robust, and more error-free.
Write me, we'll help!
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I haven't got an issue to diagnose other than I wanted the option of having the original uploader back. I don't really care too much about about the speed, I just want an intuitive and easy to use upload method where I can see what I am uploading and title each image as I go. I never had an issue with the original uploader - you keep mentioning more robust - what does that mean exactly? Error free? I never had a single error with the original method.
If you had to come up with your own uploader for whatever reason why did you make one so completely different if it's isn't an improvement. Speed issues apart, it's clumsy and creates more work for the user.
But if you have spent a lot of our money on it then I guess we will all just have to live with it even though it seems like a giant step backwards
I'm sure the new one will grow on you! If not, there are other options (SendToSmugMug - free app for Windows users... MacDaddy, our standalone Mac Uploader).
I hope you'll give it a good try though!
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With FF 3.0 all I get is a little red X in the upper left corner with "Applet Smug Web Uploader notinited" in the status bar.
Follow these steps to make sure your java is up to date for a PC:
1) Go to http://www.java.com
2) Click on "Do I have Java?" and wait for the test to run.
3) Follow the steps to get the latest version of Java if you need it.
If you have a Mac, it is even easier, just click on the Apple Menu and run the "Software Update" to get the latest version of Java.
Please let us know if you continue to have problems.
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Does it really say 'notinited' or was that a typo? Is the little X in the upper corner of the browser or in the upper corner of a white box located w/in the page inside the rest of the SmugMug layout? What OS is this Vista or XP or something else? Do you have any extra security settings setup? Could you tell me what version of java you're running since this is a problem across both browsers (http://www.javatester.org/version.html)?
Oh also were you ever prompted to allow the uploader 'access' and if you were did you click accept or deny?
Currently, there are only 2 errors listed so that I suppose all other photos are still uploaded successfully, but where are they? Should I stop uploading?
Is there a limit to upload photos to a gallery or has it to do with the new uploader? Or should I not worry about it. Can there be a backlog?
Thanks anyway.
Seems slower because the old loader would upload three files at a time. Will have to test it when I get more time.
Good to hear hawk, it may seem perceptually slower but it shouldn't really be any slower since if you're uploading 1 file, 3 files or 100 files its still using up all the available bandwidth. Once a file is uploaded and while it waits for smugmug to confirm that the bits arrived it starts uploading the next file so it can keep your bandwidth saturated.
Ouch, we feel your pain, but the reason we removed the thumbnails was to settle a patent dispute. It may seem hard to imagine, but there are currently 3 patent lawsuits against us at the moment and last month if I do the math correctly, our legal bills for defending ourselves against patent complaints was higher than what we spent on engineering.
The good news is on both Windows and Macs they still allow you to view the files as thumbnails despite the lawsuits against them and then you can just drag them onto our uploader. To do that, just have our uploader open in one window and whatever you use to view your pictures on your computer open in a second window. Then just hold down the shift key while you select many files to drag:
I hope this helps and sorry for the hassle.
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The upload log too is stuck at photo #468 as if there are no uploads anymore (but the uploader is still successfully uploading and while I write there still are 85 to go).
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Yes I have