I saw your post and was happy someone else liked the old journal too. I'm just getting around smug mugs customization tools. How do you make an html only gallerie and what would be the advantage?
Cynthia -
An HTML-only page is a gallery where you explicitly set the page content however you'd like. The gallery can contain photos that are set not to display (you display them explicitly with <img src= statements). You usually use HTML on those pages.
Allen has a couple of tutorials on html-only pages. Here's a link to one of them - http://allen-steve.smugmug.com/gallery/3819841. You can see others by clicking on different items on the HTML Tutors navbar entry.
The "New Journal Style" certainly shows BIG pictures well.
But while it is a very nice "Vertically Scrolling Gallery" it is NOTHING like the old "Journal Style".
Someone (?) said this a few pages back - that the "Old" (original / only) Journal Style was made to, and DID, emhasize the TEXT as much as the image.
The "New Journal Style" IN NO WAY approaches this.
Please, please, please keep the old/true Journal Style around for the writers who want to tell a story along side their pictures.
As an example, look at ANDY'S little Infrared Tutorial here
The old Journal Style is PERFECT for this (why Andy used it! ).
The new style wouldn't work nearly as well, hardly "work" at all actually.
Certainly there is no reason why the ORIGINAL Journal Style can't be kept.
"New and different" isn't always "better."
P.S. And every time I go to |Add Pictures| to a gallery, I just hold my breath that I'll find "Olde Faithful" gone.
(And you REALLY scared me recently when I found a fancy schmancy all colored up upload page.)
So... just a "related" plea on behalf another old feature.
Progress is good, but not at the expense of extant features that are serving people's needs.
Reading this with interest - the wide screen view in Slideshow mode is really great, but even at the 'fast' setting, I'm finding the slideshow very slow - is there a way to shorten the display time for each photo?
Holy cow, the new journal just rocks. I got goosebumps viewing my OWN stuff, in this gallery which has quotes as captions. Congrats and thanks to the team! http://lynnesite.smugmug.com/gallery/6797869_NJrEz
You're so funny! I do like that gallery with the new style! I saw it a few months back with the old style...this one is just...well, it kind of takes your breath away!
Danita Rogers
New Slideshow
In regards to the new slideshow, I am at a loss as to why the new strip covers the image, considering one would have the intention for people to SEE the image. My slideshow is detail intensive and requires viewers to see the whole image. Waiting for the strip to dissapear is slow, annoying, and seriously impeeds the viewing process.....
Secondly the strip is worthless in my opionion, it is too small to discern whatever the image is, from the strip I do not even reconize my own images.
It is simply a junky version of filmstrip style...... If we spend hours designing our sites, uploading photos and shaping our viewing process around the wonderfull options smugmug offers and supports, then why do you guys go and change what weve created??????
In all regards I think the old slideshow was much better. Can we keep old style options??????????
In regards to the new slideshow, I am at a loss as to why the new strip covers the image, considering one would have the intention for people to SEE the image. My slideshow is detail intensive and requires viewers to see the whole image. Waiting for the strip to dissapear is slow, annoying, and seriously impeeds the viewing process.....
Secondly the strip is worthless in my opionion, it is too small to discern whatever the image is, from the strip I do not even reconize my own images.
It is simply a junky version of filmstrip style...... If we spend hours designing our sites, uploading photos and shaping our viewing process around the wonderfull options smugmug offers and supports, then why do you guys go and change what weve created??????
In all regards I think the old slideshow was much better. Can we keep old style options??????????
Diamondback Dave
I agree. Except for the fact that Smugmug had the overlapping thumbs code hanging around from the full screen slideshow, one would never design a non-full-screen slideshow that had thumbnails on top of the image. This just doesn't make sense. Customers should have the option of having thumbnails above or below (and not overlapping the slides) or having no thumbnails at all.
In regards to the new slideshow, I am at a loss as to why the new strip covers the image, considering one would have the intention for people to SEE the image. My slideshow is detail intensive and requires viewers to see the whole image. Waiting for the strip to dissapear is slow, annoying, and seriously impeeds the viewing process.....
Secondly the strip is worthless in my opionion, it is too small to discern whatever the image is, from the strip I do not even reconize my own images.
It is simply a junky version of filmstrip style...... If we spend hours designing our sites, uploading photos and shaping our viewing process around the wonderfull options smugmug offers and supports, then why do you guys go and change what weve created??????
In all regards I think the old slideshow was much better. Can we keep old style options??????????
Diamondback Dave
Dave, thanks for the feedback. I'm going to make sure all here see it. Coupla points:
1) folks wanted a screen-filling slideshow
2) the thumbs go away when you let go the mouse - maybe it's me but is this not obvious (seriuos question) - and I feel that if folks aren't waiting the couple/few seconds it takes for the thumbs to move away that then they're not really pausing long enough to appreciate the image and at that point, does it matter? Would speeding up the 'hiding' of the thumbs help?
3) we hope to be improving the thumbs, by using some technology that will make the square crops look a 1000x better - right now, I agree, they could use some improvement, especialy wrt faces.
Customers should have the option of having thumbnails above or below (and not overlapping the slides) or having no thumbnails at all.
Thank you Jfriend, I cant agree more.
I enjoy the fullscreen slideshow and think it is a wonderfull idea. But lets do something with the thumbnails.......
A couple things I noticed, hate to be picky, but improvement is the mother of excellence.
1, The speed options are small, very hard to notice....
2, The fullscreen ioption is tucked away with the other options that viewers ignore, since most people just want to view the content.
3, The images start out small and then go large later in the slideshow, is this just me? Secondly does the image really fill that much of the page, I dont happen to think so.
How about a consise control bar that is obvious, allowing the viewer to control their slideshow experience easier, and easy to find. A Pause, Direction, Speed and Size bar centerd below, and the thumbnails (is that neccasary for slideshows?) centered above.
Oh... and thank you so much for the speedy response, one of the reasons smugmug is the best photo viewer/host out there!!!!!!
2, The fullscreen ioption is tucked away with the other options that viewers ignore, since most people just want to view the content.
Not sure what you'd have us do about this? FWIW, we get extremely few issues with folks not finding the FSSS button.
3, The images start out small and then go large later in the slideshow, is this just me?
it's a performance thing - we could wait, till we can fetch the exact custom size, but we don't because viewers would need to wait and stare at blankness - so, we fetch a premade size (e.g., -L, -XL, -X2, -X3) so we can start the show right away. After a few pics, we start filling edge to edge with custom sizes.
Secondly does the image really fill that much of the page, I dont happen to think so.
of course this depends on the size of your monitor, window, and the size of pics you allow in a gallery.
How about a consise control bar that is obvious, allowing the viewer to control their slideshow experience easier, and easy to find. A Pause, Direction, Speed and Size bar centerd below, and the thumbnails (is that neccasary for slideshows?) centered above.
Oh... and thank you so much for the speedy response, one of the reasons smugmug is the best photo viewer/host out there!!!!!!
Originally Posted by firerfoto Dave,
As Andy mentioned, it is embedded in a a personal HTML homepage, not in my smugmug site. I just followed the basic example titled "Embed Flash Slideshow" from the Smugmug WIKI. I didn't add anything special except to adjust a couple of parameters such as for size and the feed URL.
individual photo comments with Journal style
I've been experimenting today with smugmug, to replace my existing photo blog. This new Journal style is *so* close to what I'm looking for, but there appears to be no convenient way for visitors to access or comment on individual photos. They can only comment on the gallery as a whole, and they cannot access the original sized image.
In other styles, you simply click on the photo to see the original version, leave a comment, etc. Have I missed something? Is there any way to do this in the new "Journal" style? Would it be possible to enable clicking on an image to view its individual photo page, or better yet to integrate comments for each post directly into the Journal style, as with a blog?
I've been experimenting today with smugmug, to replace my existing photo blog. This new Journal style is *so* close to what I'm looking for, but there appears to be no convenient way for visitors to access or comment on individual photos. They can only comment on the gallery as a whole, and they cannot access the original sized image.
In other styles, you simply click on the photo to see the original version, leave a comment, etc. Have I missed something? Is there any way to do this in the new "Journal" style? Would it be possible to enable clicking on an image to view its individual photo page, or better yet to integrate comments for each post directly into the Journal style, as with a blog?
Oh, and lest you think I'm in a good mood today or something...
Slide show still has no option to disable that super-annoying floating thumbnail bar. I *HATE* that bar.
I want keyboard shortcuts to advance/go back, and barring that, I want to be able to click on the forward/back arrow keys and *NOT* have every image marred by that stupid thumbnail bar.
There. Back to my normal curmudgeonly self. That feels great. :-}
I agree about the floating thumbnail bar! I "know" it goes away. BUT it comes back if you happen to move your mouse. Please! Give us the option to turn it completely off.
New Journal
Having to scroll vertically is too irritating to accept. I don't mind scrolling horizontally to see an image that is too wide for my screen but when they're too tall it only takes about 3, absolute maximum, to use up my desire to look at that gallery. Or that site, if it's all that way!
Having to scroll vertically is too irritating to accept. I don't mind scrolling horizontally to see an image that is too wide for my screen but when they're too tall it only takes about 3, absolute maximum, to use up my desire to look at that gallery. Or that site, if it's all that way!
I feel exactly the opposite. Vertical scrolling is such a natural part of webbrowsing that I don't even notice doing it, looking at a big image. As long as the face/view/context fits in the browser at once, I'm perfectly happy getting that much closer.
Horzontal scrolling!? Thinking about it I guess it's like turning your head side to side to see more. Intuitive, I could imagine, at least for landscapes and panos.
Another Question
Is there a simple way to create a journal-type home-page where a large image is displayed and scales depending on the window?
Or even have a slideshow of large images that are actually centered (I tried the slideshow code that is in the help sections but it is off center if the image is larger than 700 or 800).
I'm guessing this would involve some code … so if anyone can send me in the the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
Is there a simple way to create a journal-type home-page where a large image is displayed and scales depending on the window?
Or even have a slideshow of large images that are actually centered (I tried the slideshow code that is in the help sections but it is off center if the image is larger than 700 or 800).
I'm guessing this would involve some code … so if anyone can send me in the the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
You have a couple choices. You can center the existing slideshow (even with large images) with the info at the end of the first post in this thread. Or, you can implement the stretchy slideshow that will automatically adjust the size of the slideshow to the amount of screen space available. You can find the stretchy slide as customization #20 on this page.
Thanks for the response! I was actually looking at the stuff at the exact time I received the response I think I did it correctly but I'm not sure if it is what I want (or if it in fact worked … it could have been something I missed).
I'm thinking I might like to have a single "stretchy" image that isn't part of a slideshow … I'm hoping that might reduce the "loading" time. Is that possible?
Also: While I'm being needy ... Is it possible to change the size of the gallery / category thumbnails?
You have a couple choices. You can center the existing slideshow (even with large images) with the info at the end of the first post in this thread. Or, you can implement the stretchy slideshow that will automatically adjust the size of the slideshow to the amount of screen space available. You can find the stretchy slide as customization #20 on this page.
Thanks for the response! I was actually looking at the stuff at the exact time I received the response I think I did it correctly but I'm not sure if it is what I want (or if it in fact worked … it could have been something I missed).
I'm thinking I might like to have a single "stretchy" image that isn't part of a slideshow … I'm hoping that might reduce the "loading" time. Is that possible?
Also: While I'm being needy ... Is it possible to change the size of the gallery / category thumbnails?
You haven't implemented all of the stretchy slideshow, thus it isn't stretching. You have to add the CSS to make the homepage stretch (it's right there in the instructions).
That said, if you only want one image to show, then there's no point in using a slideshow at all. It is possible to write a script that inserts the largest possible single image into the bio, but I don't think anyone has written that script. If you just want a single image, you should stop using the slideshow and just insert your own HTML into the bio:
There's a good chance that I messed up but I did put the code as described into the Top Javascript as well as use the slideshow code in the Bio. It actually seems to work, but takes a while to load. It also seems to be limited in width.:cry It seems like it should go wider.
THanks for your help. Your info is very helpful.<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/bowdown.gif" border="0" alt="" >
Also anny thoughts on increasing the size of Gallery thumbnails?
You haven't implemented all of the stretchy slideshow, thus it isn't stretching. You have to add the CSS to make the homepage stretch (it's right there in the instructions).
That said, if you only want one image to show, then there's no point in using a slideshow at all. It is possible to write a script that inserts the largest possible single image into the bio, but I don't think anyone has written that script. If you just want a single image, you should stop using the slideshow and just insert your own HTML into the bio:
There's a good chance that I messed up but I did put the code as described into the Top Javascript as well as use the slideshow code in the Bio. It actually seems to work, but takes a while to load. It also seems to be limited in width.:cry It seems like it should go wider.
THanks for your help. Your info is very helpful.
Also anny thoughts on increasing the size of Gallery thumbnails?
It is limited in width because you don't have the homepage stretchy CSS that is in the instructions. Please add this to the CSS box in your site-wide-customization:
#homepage {width: auto !important; margin-left: 15px !important; margin-right: 15px !important;}
#bioBox {width: auto !important;}
Then, it will stretch. Also, you have gallery thumbs below the slideshow. By default, the stretchy slideshow takes the whole height of the screen, pushing those thumbs down below the bottom of the screen (requiring scrolling). You can either implement a separate galleries page where you can put those thumbs or you can set the extraH parameter on the stretchy slideshow to tell it to reserve some number of pixels of space for your thumbs.
It is limited in width because you don't have the homepage stretchy CSS that is in the instructions. Please add this to the CSS box in your site-wide-customization:
#homepage {width: auto !important; margin-left: 15px !important; margin-right: 15px !important;}
#bioBox {width: auto !important;}
Then, it will stretch. Also, you have gallery thumbs below the slideshow. By default, the stretchy slideshow takes the whole height of the screen, pushing those thumbs down below the bottom of the screen (requiring scrolling). You can either implement a separate galleries page where you can put those thumbs or you can set the extraH parameter on the stretchy slideshow to tell it to reserve some number of pixels of space for your thumbs.
Sorry for the hand-holding. I was trying to do this and work at the same time so I was distracted. It seems to be working well now.
Looks great now. You should decide about the thumbs that are scrolled below the bottom of the screen. Either reserve room for them with the extraH parameter or move them to a galleries page that you can link to in your navbar.
I want change the white border lines on my slideshow
I have a second slideshow for my New Photos gallery. I used the "black and white" theme so I could get the black background behind the photos in the slideshow. It works great except for the white border on the left-side, and top-side. I tried a few things in CSS but could not get rid of them. My background color is #c8cacd
I have a second slideshow for my New Photos gallery. I used the "black and white" theme so I could get the black background behind the photos in the slideshow. It works great except for the white border on the left-side, and top-side. I tried a few things in CSS but could not get rid of them. My background color is #c8cacd
An HTML-only page is a gallery where you explicitly set the page content however you'd like. The gallery can contain photos that are set not to display (you display them explicitly with <img src= statements). You usually use HTML on those pages.
Allen has a couple of tutorials on html-only pages. Here's a link to one of them - http://allen-steve.smugmug.com/gallery/3819841. You can see others by clicking on different items on the HTML Tutors navbar entry.
On my site, my Kaleidoscope, About, and Guestbook galleries are all html-only, as is my Recent galleries page at http://www.denisegoldberg.com/gallery/3137264_NGWFU.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
The "New Journal Style" certainly shows BIG pictures well.
But while it is a very nice "Vertically Scrolling Gallery" it is NOTHING like the old "Journal Style".
Someone (?) said this a few pages back - that the "Old" (original / only) Journal Style was made to, and DID, emhasize the TEXT as much as the image.
The "New Journal Style" IN NO WAY approaches this.
Please, please, please keep the old/true Journal Style around for the writers who want to tell a story along side their pictures.
As an example, look at ANDY'S
The old Journal Style is PERFECT for this (why Andy used it!
The new style wouldn't work nearly as well, hardly "work" at all actually.
Certainly there is no reason why the ORIGINAL Journal Style can't be kept.
"New and different" isn't always "better."
P.S. And every time I go to |Add Pictures| to a gallery, I just hold my breath that I'll find "Olde Faithful" gone.
(And you REALLY scared me recently when I found a fancy schmancy all colored up upload page.)
So... just a "related" plea on behalf another old feature.
Progress is good, but not at the expense of extant features that are serving people's needs.
I love the slideshow makeover for my customers.
Is there any way I can add music to the slideshow?
It would definately increase my sales.
You're so funny! I do like that gallery with the new style! I saw it a few months back with the old style...this one is just...well, it kind of takes your breath away!
Danita Rogers
In regards to the new slideshow, I am at a loss as to why the new strip covers the image, considering one would have the intention for people to SEE the image. My slideshow is detail intensive and requires viewers to see the whole image. Waiting for the strip to dissapear is slow, annoying, and seriously impeeds the viewing process.....
Secondly the strip is worthless in my opionion, it is too small to discern whatever the image is, from the strip I do not even reconize my own images.
It is simply a junky version of filmstrip style...... If we spend hours designing our sites, uploading photos and shaping our viewing process around the wonderfull options smugmug offers and supports, then why do you guys go and change what weve created??????
In all regards I think the old slideshow was much better. Can we keep old style options??????????
Diamondback Dave
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1) folks wanted a screen-filling slideshow
2) the thumbs go away when you let go the mouse - maybe it's me but is this not obvious (seriuos question) - and I feel that if folks aren't waiting the couple/few seconds it takes for the thumbs to move away that then they're not really pausing long enough to appreciate the image and at that point, does it matter? Would speeding up the 'hiding' of the thumbs help?
3) we hope to be improving the thumbs, by using some technology that will make the square crops look a 1000x better - right now, I agree, they could use some improvement, especialy wrt faces.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I enjoy the fullscreen slideshow and think it is a wonderfull idea. But lets do something with the thumbnails.......
A couple things I noticed, hate to be picky, but improvement is the mother of excellence.
1, The speed options are small, very hard to notice....
2, The fullscreen ioption is tucked away with the other options that viewers ignore, since most people just want to view the content.
3, The images start out small and then go large later in the slideshow, is this just me? Secondly does the image really fill that much of the page, I dont happen to think so.
How about a consise control bar that is obvious, allowing the viewer to control their slideshow experience easier, and easy to find. A Pause, Direction, Speed and Size bar centerd below, and the thumbnails (is that neccasary for slideshows?) centered above.
Oh... and thank you so much for the speedy response, one of the reasons smugmug is the best photo viewer/host out there!!!!!!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Is it possible to use it in a gallery within my smugmug site, but not as the homepage itself?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I've been experimenting today with smugmug, to replace my existing photo blog. This new Journal style is *so* close to what I'm looking for, but there appears to be no convenient way for visitors to access or comment on individual photos. They can only comment on the gallery as a whole, and they cannot access the original sized image.
In other styles, you simply click on the photo to see the original version, leave a comment, etc. Have I missed something? Is there any way to do this in the new "Journal" style? Would it be possible to enable clicking on an image to view its individual photo page, or better yet to integrate comments for each post directly into the Journal style, as with a blog?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Fantastic. As soon as that's in, I plan to purchase and switch over. Looking forward to it!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I agree about the floating thumbnail bar! I "know" it goes away. BUT it comes back if you happen to move your mouse. Please! Give us the option to turn it completely off.
Having to scroll vertically is too irritating to accept. I don't mind scrolling horizontally to see an image that is too wide for my screen but when they're too tall it only takes about 3, absolute maximum, to use up my desire to look at that gallery. Or that site, if it's all that way!
I feel exactly the opposite.
Horzontal scrolling!?
Is there a simple way to create a journal-type home-page where a large image is displayed and scales depending on the window?
Or even have a slideshow of large images that are actually centered (I tried the slideshow code that is in the help sections but it is off center if the image is larger than 700 or 800).
I'm guessing this would involve some code … so if anyone can send me in the the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
I'm thinking I might like to have a single "stretchy" image that isn't part of a slideshow … I'm hoping that might reduce the "loading" time. Is that possible?
Also: While I'm being needy ... Is it possible to change the size of the gallery / category thumbnails?
That said, if you only want one image to show, then there's no point in using a slideshow at all. It is possible to write a script that inserts the largest possible single image into the bio, but I don't think anyone has written that script. If you just want a single image, you should stop using the slideshow and just insert your own HTML into the bio:
<html><img id="bioImage" src="xxxxx" border="0"/></html>
is all you need where you put in the direct URL to the size image you want to display.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
THanks for your help. Your info is very helpful.<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/bowdown.gif" border="0" alt="" >
Also anny thoughts on increasing the size of Gallery thumbnails?
It is limited in width because you don't have the homepage stretchy CSS that is in the instructions. Please add this to the CSS box in your site-wide-customization:
#homepage {width: auto !important; margin-left: 15px !important; margin-right: 15px !important;}
#bioBox {width: auto !important;}
Then, it will stretch. Also, you have gallery thumbs below the slideshow. By default, the stretchy slideshow takes the whole height of the screen, pushing those thumbs down below the bottom of the screen (requiring scrolling). You can either implement a separate galleries page where you can put those thumbs or you can set the extraH parameter on the stretchy slideshow to tell it to reserve some number of pixels of space for your thumbs.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
I have a second slideshow for my New Photos gallery. I used the "black and white" theme so I could get the black background behind the photos in the slideshow. It works great except for the white border on the left-side, and top-side. I tried a few things in CSS but could not get rid of them. My background color is #c8cacd
My website | NANPA Member
#slideshow {border: none !important;}
or gallery specific
.gallery_2473574 #slideshow {border: none !important;}
Happy birdin'
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