*ENTRY* Thread DSS #33: Movement (Straight Out of the Camera Challenge)
Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge #33
Welcome to Round #33 of the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges. This challenge is open to any Dgrin member. It will run from Monday, September 7, 08:00am, EDT time (GMT -4) to Monday, September 21, 08:00am, EDT time (GMT -4).
The topic ready for your interpretation: Movement (Straight Out of the Camera Challenge)
Speed, sway, crawl, or hop, movement is what you need to show, sans edit, clone, cut, or crop. Straight out of the camera means from your camera to the gallery, with no editing in between. Focus your energy on getting it right in camera. Now...get moving!
Your Judges:
Mad Cat (Winner of Round 30)
Sherstone (Guest Judge)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your entry is to be submitted directly into a Smugmug gallery. It's pretty simple, just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page: Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your exif will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge Rules, there have been some slight modifications.
Welcome to Round #33 of the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges. This challenge is open to any Dgrin member. It will run from Monday, September 7, 08:00am, EDT time (GMT -4) to Monday, September 21, 08:00am, EDT time (GMT -4).
The topic ready for your interpretation: Movement (Straight Out of the Camera Challenge)
Speed, sway, crawl, or hop, movement is what you need to show, sans edit, clone, cut, or crop. Straight out of the camera means from your camera to the gallery, with no editing in between. Focus your energy on getting it right in camera. Now...get moving!
Your Judges:
Mad Cat (Winner of Round 30)
Sherstone (Guest Judge)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your entry is to be submitted directly into a Smugmug gallery. It's pretty simple, just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page: Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your exif will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge Rules, there have been some slight modifications.
Well now that I've done the honours I think I'll get moving with training my hedgehogs again.
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good question.. unless we can submit the RAW file
I recommend reading the past threads. Does it really all need to be said again?
Thanks. Will shoot jpeg and export straight to smugmug.
Only those with super-elite ninja skills may know. :patch
I believe it's all been covered before, but if something is still unclear, do ask. This isn't meant to be overanalyzed until it gets all squirrelly. Eliminate post-production and focus on the "pre": lighting, camera filters, smearing petroleum on the lens, what have you. Be creative! And step away from the digital darkroom.
I loves it!!!
Now just to find the movement, but I do believe I can...
(I think I can, I think I can...)
My SmugMug
Oh yes--it's a kit lens--if only I had pricier glass!
Ok....thinking cap on.
Fujifilm Finepix S100fs
and my other hobby... tidewaterforge.com
Hi Grinners,
I can't participate in the current contest, - I'm one of the judges. With Kerry's permission I'd like to offer up a few suggestions. I understand that the folks in this wonderfull outfit run the full gamut from raw beginner to seasoned pro - so take what you can use and discard the rest....
I'll also add that everything I'm suggesting are only HOW I WOULD DO IT. If you try my suggestion, then try something else & you like it better - follow your eye and your heart on this one.
White balance: you have to have it right straight out of the camera this time around. So either avoid tricky lighting situations (inside churches with a mix of stained glass, flourescent, etc) altogether, or if you MUST then get out your cameras instruction book and find out if it allows you to pre-set your white balance. If you have an image where all the white walls look yellow and people's skin has a green cast to it - it's a dead give - away you were shooting under flourescent and weren't paying attention to your white balance. Some cameras actually allow you to bracket your while balance as well. One way to avoid this headache, if you're shooting indoors, is of course to use your flash. Just remember the flash can only reach out so far...
Exposure: This is a tuffy because in addition to the image having to come straight out of the camera - there has to be a sense of movement in it as well. Chances are you'll be shooting at a moving target.... Man who comes up with these contest ideas???
One last thing - I don't know if a lot of folks shot on ISO auto - personally I NEVER do. Pick an ISO and stick with it - ISO auto makes for a situation where you have one less thing under your control. Personal opinion there - like I said I never use it.... so once again... follow your eye and your heart.
This is going to a nail biting, hair pulling contest.
Get out there and kick some butt...... Wess/Mad Cat
I'm sure Kerry will answer in due course, but I can tell you that in past SOOC rounds that wasn't allowed. Unless you actually do it IN your camera... nope.
Must be in camera and at the scene, so I'd either flip yourself or the world around to avoid any post-flip need. Or submit it upside-down!
As long as it's done in camera, no. (For those of you wondering how we'd know, we're looking at the differences between the "date taken" and "date modified" time stamps.)
I love a SOOC challenge. For the first 5 years I shot digital, I shot jpg and rarely did anything but a slider here and there to adjust. Now I do shoot RAW but my personal goal includes getting it right in the camera without needing much of any adjustments from PS or LR.
I guess it comes from starting with film shooting a long time ago. But I can assure you that you will be a better photographer when you master shooting without the computer's assistance.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Also Wess--thanks for the tips--I've got an idea burning a whole in my head now and I just need to get out there and shoot.
Thanks Kerry.:D
Thanks for the challenge and helping me to find my manuals ;-)
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Thanks. I think I have something that'll work.
Fujifilm Finepix S100fs
and my other hobby... tidewaterforge.com
I also shot with film for years and sometimes miss it a lot. Once you were done with the shoot & handed off the film it was all in the hands of the photofinishing lab. Yeah a little time proofing afterwards, but nothing like the hours spent in front of the computer doing post. There's one area, I think, were film is still superior to digital - that would be long night exposures on a tripod.
I, like you try to get it right the first time, in camera. Almost every time I've gotten lazy & figured I could fix something in post - I've ended up with a time consuming mess.
You have fire in the head, huh? Sometimes I can muster enough energy and get really excited about some idea I have.... I hope you do well!!
... Except that apparently the K20D (at least) modifies the "date modified" stamp if an in-camera filter is applied.
Still Life
(ETA: Wow - I got all nostalgic browsing through the entry THREAD... the galleries are so much more elegant and easier overall, but I consider those first few threads my "launch" into photography - long before I tried an entry I would pore over them for hours trying to decide what I liked and why. Ah me....
:ruttYou're still a young 'un, Missy. Some of us have been around since the LPS days.
My Nikons do that, too, but it shows up as "Date Digitized" instead of "Date Modified" when an in-camera filter is used. Cameras are weird. :giggle
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