Hey, I have a potentially pointless question. I was thinking about the choice of the term "Movement" as compared to "Motion". Semantics, but my mind's warping with the difference.
Hey, I have a potentially pointless question. I was thinking about the choice of the term "Movement" as compared to "Motion". Semantics, but my mind's warping with the difference.
now u r confusing me..
if there's motion, there's movement. if there's movement, there's motion? no?
Hey, I have a potentially pointless question. I was thinking about the choice of the term "Movement" as compared to "Motion". Semantics, but my mind's warping with the difference.
The difference is as great or as little as the photographer decides to make it. At least, that's what my fortune cookie says.
Hey, I have a potentially pointless question. I was thinking about the choice of the term "Movement" as compared to "Motion". Semantics, but my mind's warping with the difference.
This challenge makes me happy to be an Olympus owner, the E-620 w/ art filters to boot
I actually don't know if this has been addressed as a question, since it's not a common dSLR option. Can I use ANY camera settings, or just the common ones?
Reason I ask is because it adds a pretty dramatic effect: Examples
I can also add together multiple exposures in my camera.
This challenge makes me happy to be an Olympus owner, the E-620 w/ art filters to boot
I actually don't know if this has been addressed as a question, since it's not a common dSLR option. Can I use ANY camera settings, or just the common ones?
Reason I ask is because it adds a pretty dramatic effect: Examples
I can also add together multiple exposures in my camera.
So does my Nikon, but my interpretation of Straight Out Of The Camera would include anything and everything you can do with the camera as long as the camera does it and no modification is done outside of the camera. "Straight out of the camera means from your camera to the gallery, with no editing in between." is straight from Kerry's entry thread.
So does my Nikon, but my interpretation of Straight Out Of The Camera would include anything and everything you can do with the camera as long as the camera does it and no modification is done outside of the camera. "Straight out of the camera means from your camera to the gallery, with no editing in between." is straight from Kerry's entry thread.
Maybe it's a question for Kerry.
I did see mention that the Date Taken and Date Modified should be the same. I looked at the Exifs in the gallery and all of those seem to qualify.
So does my Nikon, but my interpretation of Straight Out Of The Camera would include anything and everything you can do with the camera as long as the camera does it and no modification is done outside of the camera. "Straight out of the camera means from your camera to the gallery, with no editing in between." is straight from Kerry's entry thread.
Maybe it's a question for Kerry.
Art filters (in camera) are fair game.
Multiple exposures in camera are fair game as long as they are combined in camera.
If you can do it in your camera, it's fair game!
I'm not Kerry, but I verified these questions in a PM for my own entry.
Multiple exposures in camera are fair game as long as they are combined in camera.
If you can do it in your camera, it's fair game!
I'm not Kerry, but I verified these questions in a PM for my own entry.
So I can also crop in camera? With modern dSLR's there's very little that can't be done as long as you're willing to do it on a ~3 inch screen. I'd sorta thought the spirit is to get the shot right from when the shutter release is pressed.
So I can also crop in camera? With modern dSLR's there's very little that can't be done as long as you're willing to do it on a ~3 inch screen. I'd sorta thought the spirit is to get the shot right from when the shutter release is pressed.
That is the spirit of things, and I'd consider cropping going too far (I mean, nailing your composition is key, right?), but I stand by my words earlier: use what your camera gives you and nothin' else.
This isn't a challenge for nits, seriously. Getting it right in camera is a very important skill to have as a photographer. This is your chance to hone it.
I could be wrong, but I'm betting that whether we can crop in camera (I can't) or produce a good black and white or, or, or ..... will not be the deciding factor in who wins the challenge.
I'm not sure I will have a chance to work on an entry, but even if not, I'm going to find time to take some photographs with SOOC in mind, just to challenge myself. (Actually I try to do that all the time, now, just don't succeed very often.) I am going to read my camera's manual again though, and experiment, just to see what I could do!!
Oooooh, I just had an idea that I might, just might be able to try. Not til Saturday night though. Or Sunday morning. A little late. But then, it has to work SOOC or I can't enter it anyway if it needs PP. In that case, timing shouldn't matter, right?
_______________________________________________ "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
It'll be the photographer/photograph that wins, not the camera!
Fwiw, I've no intention of cropping in camera. I was just pointing out that pretty much anything is available in camera these days including stitching together panos in some of the new P&S cameras automagically. I think it's a Sony. Just hold down the shutter and sweep across the scene and it does the rest.
For me, I'm treating this as if I'd loaded a particular type of film in the camera, in my case, B&W. It just so happens that it can magically change ASA.
I'm to lazy to read all the threads that are linked in this one.
So DQ me if you have to, but I'm going to resize my shot down to 1200 on the long side.
I won't upload a full sized shot into these galleries.
Actually, my reason for whinging about not being able to crop was simply because I couldn't move the walls that kept creeping into shot when I framed it to include the entire subject. I came up with a workaround I think, however... by zooming in tighter rather than the opposite.
Which is exactly why the SOOC challenges are so stimulating. You can't just rely on your mouse finger to do the work for you!!
I'm to lazy to read all the threads that are linked in this one.
So DQ me if you have to, but I'm going to resize my shot down to 1200 on the long side.
I won't upload a full sized shot into these galleries.
I least I told you about it.:D
Assuming you use Smugmug, I don't get this? The full sized shot isn't made available on the gallery. Why do you feel that a Smugmug Gallery protected with the same methods as your own isn't ok?
Assuming you use Smugmug, I don't get this? The full sized shot isn't made available on the gallery. Why do you feel that a Smugmug Gallery protected with the same methods as your own isn't ok?
I have a better question, why is it needed if they don't allow the full size to be displayed?
Really, I'll probably just not get into the challenge.
If I have a shot done in camera RAW, is there any way for it to qualify for this challenge? Since I nominally use LR, I'm not sure it will come across as unprocessed, or how to make it unprocessed through LR.
Don't use LR because it will automatically apply your camera profile and show as edited. Either import directly into Photoshop and don't apply any changes or reshoot in JPG.
I'm so glad I do not have to worry if an image gets disqualified on this round. it sounds like we may have a few.
Just in case no one has noticed your awesome moderator Kerry has asked me to guest judge this round so you wont see me commenting on any of the threads. sorry :cry
GL to all of you, I am eagerly awaiting some awesomeness!
I just entered my image. It was in raw format and converted in photoshop over to jpeg. Let me know if there are any issues so I can fix them now.
Also if anyone is wondering. It was a 10 second exposure released by remote in a pitch black room. The flash was fired from my hand camera left 3 times with the 3 different poses. There was a reflector on the subjects lap to try to remove some shadow. The red streaks across the image is from the ready light on the back of the flash that I sweeped in front of the lens at the last moment.
I wish this was a little clearer. Sorry. It does seem like there will be several DQ's, depending on how the EXIF data is read. For example, B Rock's photo has a discrepancy between "date taken" and "date modified." Does this mean it is not SOOC, as implied in his/her message? Other entries have a date modified, date taken, AND a "date digitized," and the latter might be off. I don't even know what that date means.
Makes me want to get out my 50 year old medium format camera, load some 120 film, take a picture, scan it and upload that. But, I guess I'd have to fake the EXIF data somehow (which probably isn't that difficult).
Sorry, I don't mean to make this more difficult then it is -- I understand the theory perfectly, and look forward to trying to think of a good subject this weekend -- but I'm afraid that the various technologies might lead to DQs of people who thought they were doing it correctly.
And some have wondered why we don't do the SOOC challenge more often.
Look, the challenges are based on trust and good faith. Just take a picture. Stop worrying about this. Just go shoot!
I know cameras are different. I keep this in mind when reviewing the entries. Focus on getting things right in camera. Or in front of the camera. This is meant to challenge everyone's creativity during the shooting process and eliminate the hassle of processing. Stop creating hassle where there isn't any!
I will be looking closely at the "date modified" part of the EXIF. If yours looks off, for any reason, consider reshooting to ensure it's right or letting me know what's up. I don't know what else to say.
For further clarification, I expect to see "date digitized" here and there and that it will be different from "date taken." This level of EXIF data is added when in-camera filters or cropping are applied.
If your "date modified" is different from your "date taken," then the file went through a program on your computer before uploading. Two legitimate reasons I have seen for this are to convert a RAW straight to JPG or to resize pixels without cropping.
Sorry to drag this out...I just looked at my exif info in my smugmug gallery, just to double check my dates... only to find that the image I am considering entering does show a different modified date. I have been trying to figure how that might have happened and the only thing I can figure is that when I load it into my computer, all of my vertical shots go in as horizontal, so I have to rotate them to be vertical. Here is a link to the gallery of the shots I loaded for consideration, you can see that it is only the vertical images that have altered dates (it is the first 8 images that I am talking about)http://ic4u.smugmug.com/Dgrin/Contenders/6113559_sJMQy#P-1-24
Is this something you would accept? Sorry again, I did not know that rotating an image would be considered modifying it.
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Taking the photo through the computer is tricky for SOOC challenges, which is why I wasn't really kidding when I mentioned going straight from camera to gallery (and then computer later). Less headache involved.
I don't see this being a problem. Out of curiosity, do you have the option to rotate your image in the gallery after upload?
Taking the photo through the computer is tricky for SOOC challenges, which is why I wasn't really kidding when I mentioned going straight from camera to gallery (and then computer later). Less headache involved.
I don't see this being a problem. Out of curiosity, do you have the option to rotate your image in the gallery after upload?
I didn't realize I could load to smugmug directly from my camera, or at least I never thought about it. I do not see a tool that lets me rotate it in the gallery, but now that I know this happens, I will look into settings and stuff.
I would simply download it again, but I did the big no-no and deleted the images off my card. Anyway, if this is a big deal, I will understand, and there is still time to reshoot, so maybe I can get another shot to enter. Thanks Kerry!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
I just read through this thread and realized that Kerry's probably regretting doing a SOOC round
One thing that I found interesting is the amount of questions regarding how to do stuff SOOC. I think it's an indicator how reliant/addicted we all are to post processing - which I suppose is a shame in one way.
I've entered an image - not particularly good, but I had loads of fun doing it - thought I think the family may be questioning my sanity. I also hooked up my camera to the computer and shooting JPG images while viewing them directly on screen as I shot, which was a lot of fun as I'd never done it before.
So keep with it everyone, relax and enjoy and use it at a learning experience - like all of these challenges are supposed to be
now u r confusing me..
if there's motion, there's movement. if there's movement, there's motion? no?
The difference is as great or as little as the photographer decides to make it. At least, that's what my fortune cookie says.
"Open to interpretation."
Sports Shooter Page
Innersphere Photo
Jimmy Hickey Photo Blog
I actually don't know if this has been addressed as a question, since it's not a common dSLR option. Can I use ANY camera settings, or just the common ones?
Reason I ask is because it adds a pretty dramatic effect:
I can also add together multiple exposures in my camera.
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
What Kerry said. If it's moving, then it is in motion,and vice versa, that's what I think. w/mc
So does my Nikon, but my interpretation of Straight Out Of The Camera would include anything and everything you can do with the camera as long as the camera does it and no modification is done outside of the camera. "Straight out of the camera means from your camera to the gallery, with no editing in between." is straight from Kerry's entry thread.
Maybe it's a question for Kerry.
I did see mention that the Date Taken and Date Modified should be the same. I looked at the Exifs in the gallery and all of those seem to qualify.
Art filters (in camera) are fair game.
Multiple exposures in camera are fair game as long as they are combined in camera.
If you can do it in your camera, it's fair game!
I'm not Kerry, but I verified these questions in a PM for my own entry.
So I can also crop in camera? With modern dSLR's there's very little that can't be done as long as you're willing to do it on a ~3 inch screen.
That is the spirit of things, and I'd consider cropping going too far (I mean, nailing your composition is key, right?), but I stand by my words earlier: use what your camera gives you and nothin' else.
This isn't a challenge for nits, seriously. Getting it right in camera is a very important skill to have as a photographer. This is your chance to hone it.
At least I can do a fairly convincing in-camera monochrome
I'm not sure I will have a chance to work on an entry, but even if not, I'm going to find time to take some photographs with SOOC in mind, just to challenge myself. (Actually I try to do that all the time, now, just don't succeed very often.) I am going to read my camera's manual again though, and experiment, just to see what I could do!!
Oooooh, I just had an idea that I might, just might be able to try. Not til Saturday night though. Or Sunday morning. A little late. But then, it has to work SOOC or I can't enter it anyway if it needs PP. In that case, timing shouldn't matter, right?
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Fwiw, I've no intention of cropping in camera.
For me, I'm treating this as if I'd loaded a particular type of film in the camera, in my case, B&W. It just so happens that it can magically change ASA.
So DQ me if you have to, but I'm going to resize my shot down to 1200 on the long side.
I won't upload a full sized shot into these galleries.
I least I told you about it.:D
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Which is exactly why the SOOC challenges are so stimulating. You can't just rely on your mouse finger to do the work for you!!
Assuming you use Smugmug, I don't get this? The full sized shot isn't made available on the gallery. Why do you feel that a Smugmug Gallery protected with the same methods as your own isn't ok?
I have a better question, why is it needed if they don't allow the full size to be displayed?
Really, I'll probably just not get into the challenge.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Just in case no one has noticed your awesome moderator Kerry has asked me to guest judge this round so you wont see me commenting on any of the threads. sorry :cry
GL to all of you, I am eagerly awaiting some awesomeness!
Also if anyone is wondering. It was a 10 second exposure released by remote in a pitch black room. The flash was fired from my hand camera left 3 times with the 3 different poses. There was a reflector on the subjects lap to try to remove some shadow. The red streaks across the image is from the ready light on the back of the flash that I sweeped in front of the lens at the last moment.
Makes me want to get out my 50 year old medium format camera, load some 120 film, take a picture, scan it and upload that. But, I guess I'd have to fake the EXIF data somehow (which probably isn't that difficult).
Sorry, I don't mean to make this more difficult then it is -- I understand the theory perfectly, and look forward to trying to think of a good subject this weekend -- but I'm afraid that the various technologies might lead to DQs of people who thought they were doing it correctly.
Look, the challenges are based on trust and good faith. Just take a picture. Stop worrying about this. Just go shoot!
I know cameras are different. I keep this in mind when reviewing the entries. Focus on getting things right in camera. Or in front of the camera. This is meant to challenge everyone's creativity during the shooting process and eliminate the hassle of processing. Stop creating hassle where there isn't any!
I will be looking closely at the "date modified" part of the EXIF. If yours looks off, for any reason, consider reshooting to ensure it's right or letting me know what's up. I don't know what else to say.
If your "date modified" is different from your "date taken," then the file went through a program on your computer before uploading. Two legitimate reasons I have seen for this are to convert a RAW straight to JPG or to resize pixels without cropping.
Beyond that, it's trust and very keen eyes. :cool
Sorry to drag this out...I just looked at my exif info in my smugmug gallery, just to double check my dates... only to find that the image I am considering entering does show a different modified date. I have been trying to figure how that might have happened and the only thing I can figure is that when I load it into my computer, all of my vertical shots go in as horizontal, so I have to rotate them to be vertical. Here is a link to the gallery of the shots I loaded for consideration, you can see that it is only the vertical images that have altered dates (it is the first 8 images that I am talking about)http://ic4u.smugmug.com/Dgrin/Contenders/6113559_sJMQy#P-1-24
Is this something you would accept? Sorry again, I did not know that rotating an image would be considered modifying it.
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
I don't see this being a problem. Out of curiosity, do you have the option to rotate your image in the gallery after upload?
I didn't realize I could load to smugmug directly from my camera, or at least I never thought about it. I do not see a tool that lets me rotate it in the gallery, but now that I know this happens, I will look into settings and stuff.
I would simply download it again, but I did the big no-no and deleted the images off my card. Anyway, if this is a big deal, I will understand, and there is still time to reshoot, so maybe I can get another shot to enter. Thanks Kerry!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
One thing that I found interesting is the amount of questions regarding how to do stuff SOOC. I think it's an indicator how reliant/addicted we all are to post processing - which I suppose is a shame in one way.
I've entered an image - not particularly good, but I had loads of fun doing it - thought I think the family may be questioning my sanity. I also hooked up my camera to the computer and shooting JPG images while viewing them directly on screen as I shot, which was a lot of fun as I'd never done it before.
So keep with it everyone, relax and enjoy and use it at a learning experience - like all of these challenges are supposed to be
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