Wow. It's amazing how many times I've read grown men/women crying in this thread.
Does it suck that the site's down? Yeah. Does it affect our business if we aren't prepared for it? Maybe. Do we have the ability to notify clients ourselves as soon as we know of the situation? Yep. Are most clients understanding? Defininitely!
I just made my three year anniversary and I still LOVE smugmug. I'm stickin' with them...and I'm sure that that enough others will too even if one or two of you decide to leave. Truth gotta do what you gotta do for yourself. Like many have said, complaining, whining and crying isn't going to make it repair any faster so what's the point? Does it just make you feel better to b****? Be proactive and take the next step for your business. $**T DOES happen. If you go somewhere else with the false thinking that this stuff won't happen there, then you're so ..... .....!
It's almost Friday & the weekends on it's way. Think happy thoughts.
These are the down or read-only periods since August:
August 9 - Approximately 4.5 hours
August 14 - Approximately 15 minutes
September 1 - Approximately 40 minutes and another emergency maintenance of about 30 minutes
September 4 - Approximately 40 minutes
September 7-8 - Uploading issues through the night
September 8-9 - Uploading issues continued for almost 18 hours
September 19 - Approximately 30 minutes
September 30 - Approximately 20 minutes
October 4 - Approximately 45 minutes
Today - 2+ hours and counting
I disagree - I post all my images from weddings, portrait sessions, events on my smugmug site for viewing and sales. So you are saying that I need to pay for two different services? [I do pay for a pro account elsewhere for my videos/shows to provide an alternate hosting solution due to this same issue earlier in the year.]
I have been using smugmug for many years and up until this summer, I have been very pleased and bragged about them constantly. Too many times this summer/fall, I attempted to either upload images from a session or send a client to the site but found the site was done. [this is the case today]. I have multiple clients wanting to purchase items but they cannot view the images. [Yes, unfortunately, I stated their images would be available for viewing today. My mistake, but then again, I figured the site would be 'up'.] Will the client return on Friday to purchase the images? Maybe.
If I had a 'non' pro account, or an account that I didn't pay a fee, then maybe I could see your point.
However, I have a pro account for my images to be available for viewing an purchase by my clients.
For me to set-up a exact duplicate with shopping cart, etc. will take months and $$$ that I did not plan into my expenses for the year. However, it is something I MUST take into consideration for 2010.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Psalms 19:1
We now need to not destroy it and capture its beauty for all to behold.
It may be a community to you, but it is a wedding photo hosting site for me. They fiddle with it too much and it is down too much; at least for a pro site. Perhaps the solution is to separate the "community" aspect of it, which I believe is quite popular, from the pro side of it.
BTW, I do bring a second camera with me to a client shoot. Actually, I bring two backups. Evidently Smugmug's backup failed this morning. Maybe they need to heed your advice...
Yes, I agree - with regards to the Pro-site aspect.
I remember when they lauched that "thumbs up - thumbs down" thing and enabled as default. I was mortified! It took me several hours to figure out how to strip if off my site. I assume the company got an earful on that because it's the last time I remember such a thing happening.
Bottom line - if you want to be a pro then act like a pro. If you don't like the way a certain aspect of your business works or behaves, then you need to take responsibility and find an alternative solution or make a compromise.
I don't agree with your post. People who paid for service have the right to complain or file law suite if it hurts their bottom line.
Community or not and people work there are nice are not the point. We are the customers to a profit seeking company. It is their job to keep us happy and provide us top service or we will leave or better yet start our own Xmugmug.
Dude, lets not go overboard here. Even the biggest of corporations have unexpected downtimes. Sometimes theres just nothing you can do. Its not like SMUGMUG is sitting there and wanting a few HD to give out or something.
It may be a community to you, but it is a wedding photo hosting site for me. They fiddle with it too much and it is down too much; at least for a pro site. Perhaps the solution is to separate the "community" aspect of it, which I believe is quite popular, from the pro side of it.
Merriam-Webster com·mu·ni·ty 1: a unified body of individuals 2 :the people with common interests living in a particular area
3: a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society
4: a body of persons of common and especially professional interests scattered through a larger society 5: SmugMug (obviously not really in Merriam-Webster, but you get the idea)
As the ex-sysadmin of a really large online university, I'd like to humbly request some kind of explanation from Smugmug and Baldy why there is no redundancy/failover plan in place, for both planned and unplanned outages.
High availability architecture is not rocket science, and it's not "crying" to ask that a pay subscription site with professionals as a demographic be accountable for system outages.
I'm not aware of too many sites that even do planned outages anymore. You update and test one system after hours while the redundant system takes the traffic, and repeat vice versa.
Before rolling out new cool stuff like the online Vault, SmugMug needs to focus on the stability of the core business.
I think Smugmug needs to put all of the employees' names into a hat. Every time the site crashes, someone's name is pulled from the hat. That person is fired.
Wow. It's amazing how many times I've read grown men/women crying in this thread.
Does it suck that the site's down? Yeah. Does it affect our business if we aren't prepared for it? Maybe. Do we have the ability to notify clients ourselves as soon as we know of the situation? Yep. Are most clients understanding? Defininitely!
I just made my three year anniversary and I still LOVE smugmug. I'm stickin' with them...and I'm sure that that enough others will too even if one or two of you decide to leave. Truth gotta do what you gotta do for yourself. Like many have said, complaining, whining and crying isn't going to make it repair any faster so what's the point? Does it just make you feel better to b****? Be proactive and take the next step for your business. $**T DOES happen. If you go somewhere else with the false thinking that this stuff won't happen there, then you're so ..... .....!
It's almost Friday & the weekends on it's way. Think happy thoughts.
This is the first outage that has caused me to come here and b**** (as you so eloquently put it). As you suggest, I let the previous outages roll off my back. But, at some point, the length and frequency of the outages starts to become TOO annoying. Maybe that was mid-September for someone else and maybe that will be December 2010 for you. But, for me (and apparently many others), this morning's is the proverbial straw.
I do appreciate and acknowledge the fact that SmugMug doesn't like it anymore than we do, and that they are hard at work on the problem. But that doesn't detract from the fact that the outages have been increasing the last few months and THAT is a subject of greater concern to me.
And, BTW, this forum is here for everyone to share their views. I appreciate yours as well. But I don't appreciate being lectured to as if my opinion doesn't count and basically being told that I should shut up. Bad form!
Wow. It's amazing how many times I've read grown men/women crying in this thread.
Does it suck that the site's down? Yeah. Does it affect our business if we aren't prepared for it? Maybe. Do we have the ability to notify clients ourselves as soon as we know of the situation? Yep. Are most clients understanding? Defininitely!
I just made my three year anniversary and I still LOVE smugmug. I'm stickin' with them...and I'm sure that that enough others will too even if one or two of you decide to leave. Truth gotta do what you gotta do for yourself. Like many have said, complaining, whining and crying isn't going to make it repair any faster so what's the point? Does it just make you feel better to b****? Be proactive and take the next step for your business. $**T DOES happen. If you go somewhere else with the false thinking that this stuff won't happen there, then you're so ..... .....!
It's almost Friday & the weekends on it's way. Think happy thoughts.
Cute photo, Kris - rather belies that quote at the bottom of your post!
And yes, we all have the right to complain - and do nothing about it. This is America, right?
Perfectly said.....
For all of those complaining about Smugmug not having a backup plan, you are having the same issue. If you had a backup plan, you wouldn't be on the forum complaining so much.
Yes, they have been offline a few times in the past few months. Guess what, they will be offline again. Let me be the first to welcome you to the internet.
For all the threats of leaving, I see the same old names time after time complaining. If those complaining love the service over at so and why aren't you there?
I don't agree with your post. People who paid for service have the right to complain or file law suite if it hurts their bottom line.
Community or not and people work there are nice are not the point. We are the customers to a profit seeking company. It is their job to keep us happy and provide us top service or we will leave or better yet start our own Xmugmug.
If you're *demanding* 100% uptime for $150 a year - boy are you in the wrong market. I have a few websites that I pay to have hosted (not here). They're cheap. $7/month. They say "99.999% uptime." But, frankly, for $7/month, I don't expect it. I expect a bit of downtime. I've never had it - which is great. If I call them up and demand 100% uptime because it's a mission critical site, at $7/month, they will say "I've got this product that is $500 a month (or more)" - and rightfully so.
As for it being SmugMug's job to keep us happy - no, actually it isn't. Their job is to make money. Period. I'm a customer of a big cable company. I'm not happy about it - the bill keeps going up. But, it is the best option I have. In the end, the cable company couldn't care less if I'm happy or not. They care about if I pay my bill or not. Now, they realize that I need to be happy with their service to pay my bill, or they run the risk of me going to some other less desirable option, so they would like me to be happy - and they work hard to make it so. But, in the end, me being happy with them is not the crux of their business plan.
Now, all this to say that Smug is losing money right now. That, of course, isn't in their best interest. And, they are working on it - hard. They are a business, and making money is what they are all about. I am just as frustrated with things like coupons, etc that have been promised for a very long time. But, let's keep things in perspective. Smug isn't the cheapest, but it certainly could (and perhaps should) be a lot more expensive.
Keep in mind also, that they have this public (indexed by Google) forum that you can complain on. This is now public record. Anybody can see how Smug is doing at any given time. There is just as much good press as bad in here, and they don't delete it - which they could. Say what you will about the downtime, but to question whether or not they care about their customers is a far-fetched accusation.
My coworker made some remark about the Titanic and found this picture. While waiting to upload my pictures of Homer Hickam Im working in PS and making useless art that will live in these forums....
Thought I would just read through this as I'm waiting for smug to return and came across your photo. I like your "useless art" as you call it, but wish I could produce art like this
This is the first outage that has caused me to come here and b**** (as you so eloquently put it). As you suggest, I let the previous outages roll off my back. But, at some point, the length and frequency of the outages starts to become TOO annoying. Maybe that was mid-September for someone else and maybe that will be December 2010 for you. But, for me (and apparently many others), this morning's is the proverbial straw.
I do appreciate and acknowledge the fact that SmugMug doesn't like it anymore than we do, and that they are hard at work on the problem. But that doesn't detract from the fact that the outages have been increasing the last few months and THAT is a subject of greater concern to me.
And, BTW, this forum is here for everyone to share their views. I appreciate yours as well. But I don't appreciate being lectured to as if my opinion doesn't count and basically being told that I should shut up. Bad form!
Very well put Mark! I've also been silent on the past outages, etc. until now. Seems that my boiling point coincided with yours. And it's not whining or crying that I'm doing. It's voicing my opinion on a public forum.....simple as that. If someone doesn't want to hear an opinion, then what's the point in them reading a forum? To me, that is much more of a waste of time than me simply voicing my opinion on a service I pay for. Good Lord.
As the ex-sysadmin of a really large online university, I'd like to humbly request some kind of explanation from Smugmug and Baldy why there is no redundancy/failover plan in place, for both planned and unplanned outages.
High availability architecture is not rocket science, and it's not "crying" to ask that a pay subscription site with professionals as a demographic be accountable for system outages.
I'm not aware of too many sites that even do planned outages anymore. You update and test one system after hours while the redundant system takes the traffic, and repeat vice versa.
Before rolling out new cool stuff like the online Vault, SmugMug needs to focus on the stability of the core business.
My $0.02 (in addition to annual fees)
Yes, I'd have to agree. As I elluded to before, the earmarks of a small, ambitious company trying to do (too many) big things, perhaps.
Wow. It's amazing how many times I've read grown men/women crying in this thread.
Does it suck that the site's down? Yeah. Does it affect our business if we aren't prepared for it? Maybe. Do we have the ability to notify clients ourselves as soon as we know of the situation? Yep. Are most clients understanding? Defininitely!
Aren't you crying about our crying? Think about it. Maybe you have the ability to notify your clients about your site being down, but personally I have several hundred current customers and many, many potential customers that may look once and never come back again if my site isn't up. Losing money makes me cry, I'll admit it. I loose money when my site is down and I lose money due to not having coupons. Period.
Side note: Smugmug has all of our email addresses. Why don't they just send an email when the site is down. I hate having to hear from a customer that they can't get my site to load or that I have to come to a forum or blog that already have numerous pages on it saying that the site is down.
Randy Sportshooter Member
D3, D700, 24-70 f/2.8, 70-200 VR, 50 f1/8, 200-400 VR f/4, 300/2.8 VR, 400 f/2.8 VR, 85 f/1.8, TC-14E II, TC-17E II, Sigma 15/2.8 Fisheye, SB-900 (2), SD-9, SB-600, AB800 (2), misc. other stuff
Yes, I'd have to agree. As I elluded to before, the earmarks of a small, enthusiastic company trying to do (too many) big things, perhaps.
Well they have to start somewhere. You just dont go from a small company to a big company with big infrustructure overnight. You get the growing pains, FIX IT, purchase bettr hardware, get the growing pains, FIX IT, purchase even more and so far. Its how companies grow.
Side note: Smugmug has all of our email addresses. Why don't they just send an email when the site is down. I hate having to hear from a customer that they can't get my site to load or that I have to come to a forum or blog that already have numerous pages on it saying that the site is down.
I agree with that! I didnt even know as well until I went to upload a new gallery for a client.
I think Smugmug needs to put all of the employees' names into a hat. Every time the site crashes, someone's name is pulled from the hat. That person is fired.
And, BTW, this forum is here for everyone to share their views. I appreciate yours as well. But I don't appreciate being lectured to as if my opinion doesn't count and basically being told that I should shut up.
If that wasn't completely reading more into what I said. Reread my post. Lectured? :lol4 I won't even comment on that part. BUT...I did not even insinuate that YOUR opinion doesn't count nor did I even come close to telling YOU to shut up like you so boldly state. I simply asked if fussing and whining about a situation that we can do nothing about makes you feel any better. AND I wasn't directing it at YOU or any ONE person in particular so the fact that you chose to take my post personal....IS your issue. I was simply just "sharing my views" which is what "this forum is here for".
Cute photo, Chris - rather belies that quote at the bottom of your post!
Thanks Sky! Friday's rock. I seem to "can't wait" a lot of my days away though waiting on them to get here. This is the dance I'll be doing when it DOES get finally here... Have a great one!
Thought I would just read through this as I'm waiting for smug to return and came across your photo. I like your "useless art" as you call it, but wish I could produce art like this
Oh...what's in the smaller photo in the corner?
Its my "squirrel getting a nut" from last week when I was out and about. And no I dont shoot nature like that often. Just saw it walking to a job. As for useless art, it has no point and is better then our office expressing feelings at the moment.
If this thread keeps going with no resolve for the website Im sure I will make more art today lol.
Bottom line - if you want to be a pro then act like a pro. If you don't like the way a certain aspect of your business works or behaves, then you need to take responsibility and find an alternative solution or make a compromise.
Please don't lecture me or others here on being a "pro". I've paid smugmug in one form or another several thousand dollars in the last year, and my guess is that is a low number among the pro users of this site. I expect a service for those expenditures. If any one needs to step up and take responsibility for the lack of service, it is the service provider in this case and not their customers.
This is not a new issue here. It has been going for some time. I remember Andy always coming back and talking about what a great up time smugmug had when this all started, even to the point I challenged him on the statement that it was no longer true. That was months ago. It appears that all those threads on here went unheeded and you may notice he no longer offers up that statement as an answer any more........
I've been a SmugMugger for about 5 or 6 years now. I visit my site pretty much every day. I have to agree that the downtime has SHARPLY increased the last few months. Fortunately, I use SmugMug strictly for pleasure, not for business. But if I did use SmugMug for my business, I'd be pretty damn unhappy right now. Something must be done to offer enough redundancy to prevent any sort of downtime from lasting more than a few minutes. This current one has been going on for, what, 2+ hours now? Unacceptable.
Myself as well pretty much from the start of this site. Fact is I have been pretty much silent about it too. WHat I would like to see also is the option to not have the supposed new enhancements and goodies. Im sick and, tired of coming back and, having to figure out what I need to do with all the new trash. This is also apart of customer service, I once addressed this and, never got a reply. Maybe I will just find another photo server. Also as large as SM has become it would seem you would have a back-up serve that is colocated somewhere else so, that our pages never fall off except for maybe the time it would take to switch over.
Do you tell that to your customers when you have technical issues?
A person makes a choice whether to sit and be a crankmeister and complain or to laugh things off and be positive. I think complaining is a waste of time. Life is too short to get all bent out of shape over things you can't control. I'm sitting on 800 photos that need to be uploaded. Fretting, complaining and whining isn't going to make the site come up any faster. Perhaps you need a juice box and a cookie?
Complaining is exactly what you are doing. Just about complaining. What a waste of time! Try to be positive, please.
BTW...I never complained about the site being down. I certainly CAN understand for those who have.
For all of those complaining about Smugmug not having a backup plan, you are having the same issue. If you had a backup plan, you wouldn't be on the forum complaining so much.
Yes, they have been offline a few times in the past few months. Guess what, they will be offline again. Let me be the first to welcome you to the internet.
For all the threats of leaving, I see the same old names time after time complaining. If those complaining love the service over at so and why aren't you there?
Frankly, I'd rather have my most treasured photos displayed on MySpace or Flickr - NOT!
Does it suck that the site's down? Yeah. Does it affect our business if we aren't prepared for it? Maybe. Do we have the ability to notify clients ourselves as soon as we know of the situation? Yep. Are most clients understanding? Defininitely!
I just made my three year anniversary and I still LOVE smugmug. I'm stickin' with them...and I'm sure that that enough others will too even if one or two of you decide to leave. Truth gotta do what you gotta do for yourself. Like many have said, complaining, whining and crying isn't going to make it repair any faster so what's the point? Does it just make you feel better to b****? Be proactive and take the next step for your business. $**T DOES happen. If you go somewhere else with the false thinking that this stuff won't happen there, then you're so .....
It's almost Friday & the weekends on it's way. Think happy thoughts.
~ * ~ Mothers of teens now know why some animals eat their young ~ * ~
August 9 - Approximately 4.5 hours
August 14 - Approximately 15 minutes
September 1 - Approximately 40 minutes and another emergency maintenance of about 30 minutes
September 4 - Approximately 40 minutes
September 7-8 - Uploading issues through the night
September 8-9 - Uploading issues continued for almost 18 hours
September 19 - Approximately 30 minutes
September 30 - Approximately 20 minutes
October 4 - Approximately 45 minutes
Today - 2+ hours and counting
None of these were scheduled maintenance.
I hope this does not come off wrong.
I disagree - I post all my images from weddings, portrait sessions, events on my smugmug site for viewing and sales. So you are saying that I need to pay for two different services? [I do pay for a pro account elsewhere for my videos/shows to provide an alternate hosting solution due to this same issue earlier in the year.]
I have been using smugmug for many years and up until this summer, I have been very pleased and bragged about them constantly. Too many times this summer/fall, I attempted to either upload images from a session or send a client to the site but found the site was done. [this is the case today]. I have multiple clients wanting to purchase items but they cannot view the images. [Yes, unfortunately, I stated their images would be available for viewing today. My mistake, but then again, I figured the site would be 'up'.] Will the client return on Friday to purchase the images? Maybe.
If I had a 'non' pro account, or an account that I didn't pay a fee, then maybe I could see your point.
However, I have a pro account for my images to be available for viewing an purchase by my clients.
For me to set-up a exact duplicate with shopping cart, etc. will take months and $$$ that I did not plan into my expenses for the year. However, it is something I MUST take into consideration for 2010.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Psalms 19:1
We now need to not destroy it and capture its beauty for all to behold.
Yes, I agree - with regards to the Pro-site aspect.
I remember when they lauched that "thumbs up - thumbs down" thing and enabled as default. I was mortified! It took me several hours to figure out how to strip if off my site. I assume the company got an earful on that because it's the last time I remember such a thing happening.
Bottom line - if you want to be a pro then act like a pro. If you don't like the way a certain aspect of your business works or behaves, then you need to take responsibility and find an alternative solution or make a compromise.
Dude, lets not go overboard here. Even the biggest of corporations have unexpected downtimes. Sometimes theres just nothing you can do. Its not like SMUGMUG is sitting there and wanting a few HD to give out or something.
Valley Sports Pics
1: a unified body of individuals
2 :the people with common interests living in a particular area
3: a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society
4: a body of persons of common and especially professional interests scattered through a larger society
5: SmugMug (obviously not really in Merriam-Webster, but you get the idea)
High availability architecture is not rocket science, and it's not "crying" to ask that a pay subscription site with professionals as a demographic be accountable for system outages.
I'm not aware of too many sites that even do planned outages anymore. You update and test one system after hours while the redundant system takes the traffic, and repeat vice versa.
Before rolling out new cool stuff like the online Vault, SmugMug needs to focus on the stability of the core business.
My $0.02 (in addition to annual fees)
Valley Sports Pics
This is the first outage that has caused me to come here and b**** (as you so eloquently put it). As you suggest, I let the previous outages roll off my back. But, at some point, the length and frequency of the outages starts to become TOO annoying. Maybe that was mid-September for someone else and maybe that will be December 2010 for you. But, for me (and apparently many others), this morning's is the proverbial straw.
I do appreciate and acknowledge the fact that SmugMug doesn't like it anymore than we do, and that they are hard at work on the problem. But that doesn't detract from the fact that the outages have been increasing the last few months and THAT is a subject of greater concern to me.
And, BTW, this forum is here for everyone to share their views. I appreciate yours as well. But I don't appreciate being lectured to as if my opinion doesn't count and basically being told that I should shut up. Bad form!
Cute photo, Kris - rather belies that quote at the bottom of your post!
Perfectly said.....
For all of those complaining about Smugmug not having a backup plan, you are having the same issue. If you had a backup plan, you wouldn't be on the forum complaining so much.
Yes, they have been offline a few times in the past few months. Guess what, they will be offline again. Let me be the first to welcome you to the internet.
For all the threats of leaving, I see the same old names time after time complaining. If those complaining love the service over at so and why aren't you there?
If you're *demanding* 100% uptime for $150 a year - boy are you in the wrong market. I have a few websites that I pay to have hosted (not here). They're cheap. $7/month. They say "99.999% uptime." But, frankly, for $7/month, I don't expect it. I expect a bit of downtime. I've never had it - which is great. If I call them up and demand 100% uptime because it's a mission critical site, at $7/month, they will say "I've got this product that is $500 a month (or more)" - and rightfully so.
As for it being SmugMug's job to keep us happy - no, actually it isn't. Their job is to make money. Period. I'm a customer of a big cable company. I'm not happy about it - the bill keeps going up. But, it is the best option I have. In the end, the cable company couldn't care less if I'm happy or not. They care about if I pay my bill or not. Now, they realize that I need to be happy with their service to pay my bill, or they run the risk of me going to some other less desirable option, so they would like me to be happy - and they work hard to make it so. But, in the end, me being happy with them is not the crux of their business plan.
Now, all this to say that Smug is losing money right now. That, of course, isn't in their best interest. And, they are working on it - hard. They are a business, and making money is what they are all about. I am just as frustrated with things like coupons, etc that have been promised for a very long time. But, let's keep things in perspective. Smug isn't the cheapest, but it certainly could (and perhaps should) be a lot more expensive.
Keep in mind also, that they have this public (indexed by Google) forum that you can complain on. This is now public record. Anybody can see how Smug is doing at any given time. There is just as much good press as bad in here, and they don't delete it - which they could. Say what you will about the downtime, but to question whether or not they care about their customers is a far-fetched accusation.
Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.
Why do people post their equipment in their sig. Isn't it kind of like bragging? That having been said...
Canon 40d Gripped (x2), Rebel (Original), Canon 70-200 f/2.8 USM L, Canon 300 f/4, Tamron 28-75 f/2.8, Canon 50mm f/1.8, Canon 17-55 f/3.5-5.6, ThinkTank Airport TakeOff
Thought I would just read through this as I'm waiting for smug to return and came across your photo. I like your "useless art" as you call it, but wish I could produce art like this
Oh...what's in the smaller photo in the corner?
Very well put Mark! I've also been silent on the past outages, etc. until now. Seems that my boiling point coincided with yours. And it's not whining or crying that I'm doing. It's voicing my opinion on a public forum.....simple as that. If someone doesn't want to hear an opinion, then what's the point in them reading a forum? To me, that is much more of a waste of time than me simply voicing my opinion on a service I pay for. Good Lord.
Not to mention unlimited SPACE.
Valley Sports Pics
Yes, I'd have to agree. As I elluded to before, the earmarks of a small, ambitious company trying to do (too many) big things, perhaps.
Aren't you crying about our crying? Think about it. Maybe you have the ability to notify your clients about your site being down, but personally I have several hundred current customers and many, many potential customers that may look once and never come back again if my site isn't up. Losing money makes me cry, I'll admit it. I loose money when my site is down and I lose money due to not having coupons. Period.
Side note: Smugmug has all of our email addresses. Why don't they just send an email when the site is down. I hate having to hear from a customer that they can't get my site to load or that I have to come to a forum or blog that already have numerous pages on it saying that the site is down.
Sportshooter Member
D3, D700, 24-70 f/2.8, 70-200 VR, 50 f1/8, 200-400 VR f/4, 300/2.8 VR, 400 f/2.8 VR, 85 f/1.8, TC-14E II, TC-17E II, Sigma 15/2.8 Fisheye, SB-900 (2), SD-9, SB-600, AB800 (2), misc. other stuff
Well they have to start somewhere. You just dont go from a small company to a big company with big infrustructure overnight. You get the growing pains, FIX IT, purchase bettr hardware, get the growing pains, FIX IT, purchase even more and so far. Its how companies grow.
Valley Sports Pics
I agree with that! I didnt even know as well until I went to upload a new gallery for a client.
Valley Sports Pics
Man, I feel sorry for YOUR kid(s)!
If that wasn't completely reading more into what I said. Reread my post. Lectured? :lol4 I won't even comment on that part. BUT...I did not even insinuate that YOUR opinion doesn't count nor did I even come close to telling YOU to shut up like you so boldly state. I simply asked if fussing and whining about a situation that we can do nothing about makes you feel any better. AND I wasn't directing it at YOU or any ONE person in particular so the fact that you chose to take my post personal....IS your issue. I was simply just "sharing my views" which is what "this forum is here for".
Thanks Sky! Friday's rock. I seem to "can't wait" a lot of my days away though waiting on them to get here.
~ * ~ Mothers of teens now know why some animals eat their young ~ * ~
Its my "squirrel getting a nut" from last week when I was out and about. And no I dont shoot nature like that often. Just saw it walking to a job. As for useless art, it has no point and is better then our office expressing feelings at the moment.
If this thread keeps going with no resolve for the website Im sure I will make more art today lol.
Please don't lecture me or others here on being a "pro". I've paid smugmug in one form or another several thousand dollars in the last year, and my guess is that is a low number among the pro users of this site. I expect a service for those expenditures. If any one needs to step up and take responsibility for the lack of service, it is the service provider in this case and not their customers.
This is not a new issue here. It has been going for some time. I remember Andy always coming back and talking about what a great up time smugmug had when this all started, even to the point I challenged him on the statement that it was no longer true. That was months ago. It appears that all those threads on here went unheeded and you may notice he no longer offers up that statement as an answer any more........
Myself as well pretty much from the start of this site. Fact is I have been pretty much silent about it too. WHat I would like to see also is the option to not have the supposed new enhancements and goodies. Im sick and, tired of coming back and, having to figure out what I need to do with all the new trash. This is also apart of customer service, I once addressed this and, never got a reply. Maybe I will just find another photo server. Also as large as SM has become it would seem you would have a back-up serve that is colocated somewhere else so, that our pages never fall off except for maybe the time it would take to switch over.
Complaining is exactly what you are doing. Just about complaining. What a waste of time! Try to be positive, please.
BTW...I never complained about the site being down. I certainly CAN understand for those who have.
Frankly, I'd rather have my most treasured photos displayed on MySpace or Flickr - NOT!
Is it coming to a good end?