smugshot iphone app
the smugshot app for the iphone updated the other day. I've noticed now that it see's video clips on my iphone and also allows me to shoot video but when I "choose" it to add it to my upload queue it just exits the app.
I'm assuming it's meant to work? Anybody else noticed this? I'm excited as being able to upload video from my iphone will be great!
Anybody at smugmug know anymore?
the smugshot app for the iphone updated the other day. I've noticed now that it see's video clips on my iphone and also allows me to shoot video but when I "choose" it to add it to my upload queue it just exits the app.
I'm assuming it's meant to work? Anybody else noticed this? I'm excited as being able to upload video from my iphone will be great!
Anybody at smugmug know anymore?
I also updated my Smugshot when the update appears in the App Store. I had the same problem as you, content hits the queue and then the application quits. I fixed it by going into the Smugshot settings from the Settings app, and turning on Reset on Next Launch so that it would wipe all the preferences. You'll have to set up your login again, but it fixed the crashing.
However, I seem to still be having the same problem that caused me to stop using Smugshot months ago: When I receive the original at my Smugmug account, there's no EXIF in the image at all. Which I think is weird since there's a Smugshot setting for Always Geotag. Not sure what good that's doing if all geotag info gets stripped on the way out with the rest of the EXIF data.
Hi and thanks for the feedback. I've tried the reset you suggested but it still crashes when I try to upload a video. It says "trimming video", starts to trim and then just exits.
Anybody from smugmug know about this?
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any news on this? I also have the same problem: if I try to upload a video with Smugshot, the app crashes.
As far as I know, SmugShot currently doesn't support video uploading.
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If you film with SmugShot, yes!
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I have not updated to the new iPhone OS on my 3Gs and this new version 2.0
is only for iOS4. The previous version has disappeared from itunes so how
would anyone update or load the appropriate version?
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Update to iOS4. It's da bomb.
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app would not work. I use this a lot, is it true?
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No, Al. Sync & Backup to iTunes and then when you update all will work fine
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No offense, but I'd recommend Smugmuggers use that app until Smugshot gets this implemented.
Its out for review to Apple, give it a week.
Like I said, PixelPipe does & is officially approved in the App Store to do just that. Its a bit of false advertising IMO.
At the time I thought this was the case, upon further investigation I was wrong hence the new revision out to Apple right now.
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Searching for smugshot is working here in the US App Store. Not sure why it'd be different across the pond.
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It's painful to upload existing photos from your library. When you try to do this, it scrolls to the oldest photo in your camera roll. I almost always want to upload a photo I took recently, which is at the bottom of my roll. I have over 3000 pictures in my camera roll, so scrolling takes awhile, especially since the app is so painfully slow at scrolling (and this is on iPhone 4). Then, once I've found the photo I'm looking for and select upload, I get dumped back at the top of the camera roll again! It's so painful to use I don't know how anyone could have the patience to upload photos like this. I don't remember the previous upload process exactly, except that I could use it. The new version of the app makes it useless.
Andy - you're not quite right on this; it all depends where you search from. If you do a search through the app store on an iPad, Smugshot no longer appears, as after your most recent update(s), it is no longer compatible with that platform.
I was going to raise a separate thread on that issue, but this seems a sensible place to link it to.
Any indication of when Smugshot will work on the iPad once again?
A new version that works on OS 3.1.3, 3.2 and 4.0 is ready and about to be on review.
How bout that answer
That would definitely class as the best possible answer ;-)
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Certainly dooable, I'll put it on the feature request list and see about how to do it when I have my hands in there next.