Also, fyi, the second time I used this new one, the "done uploading" box didn't appear. I remembered it was there last time, and the area was clickable, just no graphic...buggy.
Removed, cache, all cookies first. Switched to Simple. It's the same as the new one.
Looks like I can't get to the old Simple?
Hi Allen,
We updated the UI of the Simple Uploader to mimic the HTML5 uploader in its initial state. After looking at the screenshot you provided, I can verify that you have the java Simple Uploader loaded.
Nothing has changed in the java uploader other than the look of its initial state.
The simple uploader has the pause, dup selection box missing also.
Do not get it until photo is dragged in. And the status at bottom is also
gone. Did they dumb down the simple uploader to match the new one?
Seems so. :pissed
Are you not seeing the status bar once files start to upload in the Simple Uploader?
Without the selection you can't set "replace dups", etc. The only choice is
accept the default skip dups that zips thru quickly to complete list.
I dragged a large video in so I could at least see the settings and pause
before it uploaded. But there was not a way to delete this before adding new
photos. Only choice was un-pause.
The "skip duplicates" drop down box isn't present on Allen's simple uploader screen grab. It does show for me when I switch back to the simple uploader, as does the "pause upload" button.
Thanks, as always, for the responsiveness of the smugmug team to your users' concerns.
Are you not seeing the status bar once files start to upload in the Simple Uploader?
I now see the status after dragging in simple. But it wouldn't "replace
duplicate", only default applied, skip, when first dragging in. Have to select it
to work. At least it's available.
Sorry, but I'm having a hard time understanding your issue. The only screenshot I see is this one and that is the Simple Uploader.
Yelp, with no selections that used to be there. Means the photos are
immediately uploaded with the default settings that not everyone wants.
Why can't the selections be there and "start upload" clicked after photos are loaded in.
Makes no sense not to have to click "start upload". Completely negates reviewing what's
been added to the list.
Yelp, with no selections that used to be there. Means the photos are
immediately uploaded with the default settings that not everyone wants.
Why can't the selections be there and "start upload" clicked after photos are loaded in.
Makes no sense not to have to click "start upload". Completely negates reviewing what's
been added to the list.
We made this change based on a ton of user-testing. Unfortunately we can't satisfy everybody, but your voice still counts! Luckily the default setting is the "safest option" and we did not add anymore clicks for those who want to change the default.
I know it's a different flow than you are used to, and I apologize for the trouble that it's causing you to get used to it.
I guess the only thing I can really say is to give it a chance and if we end up hearing more and more complaints, then you know we'll just re-iterate and improve it!
We made this change based on a ton of user-testing. Unfortunately we can't satisfy everybody, but your voice still counts! Luckily the default setting is the "safest option" and we did not add anymore clicks for those who want to change the default.
I know it's a different flow than you are used to, and I apologize for the trouble that it's causing you to get used to it.
I guess the only thing I can really say is to give it a chance and if we end up hearing more and more complaints, then you know we'll just re-iterate and improve it!
Thanks for the feedback, Allen!
I agree that the start upload button is missed. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around why anyone would care about 1 more click? Who are these users you tested? Did they walk away from their computer after dropping images, come back an hour later and start cursing smugmug because they didn't think to click start? Not trying to be a jerk, but I'm not following the logic of taking away the ability to make settings before you start the upload to save a single click.
Reason I stopped into the support forum however was to figure out why my "send to smugmug" won't work with a full set of images anymore (does work with a single image), and also why (prior to turning on the html uploader) all my images came up as "file size too large".
Yelp, with no selections that used to be there. Means the photos are
immediately uploaded with the default settings that not everyone wants.
Why can't the selections be there and "start upload" clicked after photos are loaded in.
Makes no sense not to have to click "start upload". Completely negates reviewing what's
been added to the list.
Smug seems set in their ways that both a Start button and the ability to start it out paused are somehow bad. I've given them this same feedback in three different posts in this thread dating back several months. It's not new feedback and rather than listen to why we want it and think about a way to solve the issue, they continue to argue that we shouldn't have it. In my previous feedback in this thread:
Post #12 (I'd like to queue up the uploads, get it all ready and then start it later) - July 2nd
Post #13 (5th bullet point - want to start out paused) - July 2nd
Post #18 (point #1 - just allow the pause button to be active before any files are dropped in - then it's no additional clicks for people who don't want it paused) - July 12th
There are plenty of ways to have our cake and eat it too - if they want to do it. My conclusion is that this uploader isn't designed for the serious uploader. It's designed only to satisfy the needs of the unsophisticated uploader who doesn't do large jobs and thus doesn't need the things that large jobs demand (start later, better progress, more robustness when there are issues, etc...).
Smug seems set in their ways that both a Start button and the ability to start it out paused are somehow bad. I've given them this same feedback in three different posts in this thread dating back several months. It's not new feedback and rather than listen to why we want it and think about a way to solve the issue, they continue to argue that we shouldn't have it. In my previous feedback in this thread:
Post #12 (I'd like to queue up the uploads, get it all ready and then start it later) - July 2nd
Post #13 (5th bullet point - want to start out paused) - July 2nd
Post #18 (point #1 - just allow the pause button to be active before any files are dropped in - then it's no additional clicks for people who don't want it paused) - July 12th
There are plenty of ways to have our cake and eat it too - if they want to do it. My conclusion is that this uploader isn't designed for the serious uploader. It's designed only to satisfy the needs of the unsophisticated uploader who doesn't do large jobs and thus doesn't need the things that large jobs demand (start later, better progress, more robustness when there are issues, etc...).
We user test the uploaders more than any other feature. Those user tests are pretty clear - massively lower confusion and higher adoption (2X+) when we do it the way we're currently doing it.
I'm sorry that it doesn't thrill everyone, but when we used to have "Start" type functionality, we got tons of people emailing support or not uploading photos. With the auto-start method, we have dramatically lower emails and dramatically higher successful uploads.
Having said that, this is v1 of a very new direction for us, so hold your horses and give us some time to iterate... we have lots still to do, but this is a massive improvement in the war against user frustration already.
I agree that the start upload button is missed. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around why anyone would care about 1 more click? Who are these users you tested? Did they walk away from their computer after dropping images, come back an hour later and start cursing smugmug because they didn't think to click start? Not trying to be a jerk, but I'm not following the logic of taking away the ability to make settings before you start the upload to save a single click.
Reason I stopped into the support forum however was to figure out why my "send to smugmug" won't work with a full set of images anymore (does work with a single image), and also why (prior to turning on the html uploader) all my images came up as "file size too large".
Yes. They dragged photos over, sat there, complained about how long it was taking, closed their browser, and emailed our Support Heroes complaining about our slow site.
Yes. They dragged photos over, sat there, complained about how long it was taking, closed their browser, and emailed our Support Heroes complaining about our slow site.
Over and over again.
My suggestion was to just enable the Pause button before any files have been dragged. Then everyone could have their cake and eat it too. The users you tested would get the exact behavior you want them to have. Us users who want to pause it could press the pause button before dragging files into the box. The needs of everyone solved with no compromise for either party (win/win). You already have the pause button. All you have to do is enable the button when the box is empty and make sure it saves and honors the state when the first file is dragged in.
Yelp, with no selections that used to be there. Means the photos are
immediately uploaded with the default settings that not everyone wants.
Why can't the selections be there and "start upload" clicked after photos are loaded in.
Makes no sense not to have to click "start upload". Completely negates reviewing what's
been added to the list.
Yeah, I really hate that. I used to get stuff all lined up & ready to go in two windows, and keep it on hold until it made sense in my household-full of multiple computer-users, to upload them. It rots the way it just starts in since the last change. And now... ble-ech. Even more stuff missing.
Yeah, I really hate that. I used to get stuff all lined up & ready to go in two windows, and keep it on hold until it made sense in my household-full of multiple computer-users, to upload them. It rots the way it just starts in since the last change. And now... ble-ech. Even more stuff missing.
Anna Lisa - you already use the Java Simple Uploader and have been for a long time. You do not need to switch to the HTML5 uploader. Just use the pick a different uploader link and go back to what you are happy with
Anna Lisa - you already use the Java Simple Uploader and have been for a long time. You do not need to switch to the HTML5 uploader. Just use the pick a different uploader link and go back to what you are happy with
I haven't switched, as far as I know. That's not the point. Whatever I was using changed. It just automatically starts uploading immediately. I can't stave off the upload before it starts, or check the number of files. That already changed with the last change... a few months ago or whenever. There's also no "finished uploading" sign (now with the newest change).
I haven't switched, as far as I know. That's not the point. Whatever I was using changed. It just automatically starts uploading immediately. I can't stave off the upload before it starts, or check the number of files. That already changed with the last change... a few months ago or whenever. There's also no "finished uploading" sign (now with the newest change).
Hi Anna Lisa - you have a choice Please do as I said in my last post and 'try a different uploader' and choose the Simple uploader. You'll have the one you are familiar with and like.
Hi Anna Lisa - you have a choice Please do as I said in my last post and 'try a different uploader' and choose the Simple uploader. You'll have the one you are familiar with and like.
Umm, I just said.... I haven't switched! I've only done small uploads lately, but I think I used the Simple one (after clicking on "try a different...." just last night. I'm pretty darned sure I did exactly what you said. I know one thing for sure-- I never drag & drop. Are you saying the simple uploader doesn't just start automatically?
Hi Anna Lisa - you have a choice Please do as I said in my last post and 'try a different uploader' and choose the Simple uploader. You'll have the one you are familiar with and like.
You're making me feel like I'm losing my mind again. Ok, so I just went right now & clicked "upload". I clicked on "try a different uploader" and chose "Simple", which is what I always used. Well, it took me back to the same exact screen I was already at-- with the drag & drop box. I didn't use that; I just clicked on "browse files" like always. (that was already there in the first place, so I'm not sure why I had to click on "try a different..." to get to it! But anyway, chose 2 files and they immediately start uploading. Like I said, "Simple" already changed for the worse (imho) awhile back when the option to hold off the upload was dumped. Ok??? So I'm not using a different uploader! And I apparently don't need to go choose the one I'm used to... it's what comes up when I originally hit "upload" in my gallery.
P.S. Since the type of uploader is not labeled in the pop-up box that appears when one clicks on "Upload" (from one's gallery), there's absolutely no way to know what kind of uploader you've been presented with. "Simple" and "HTML 5" both look identical except that the "browse files" button appears at the upper left with "Simple" and the lower left with "HTML 5". I just normally use what appears when I click "upload", and that, for me, has apparently been "Simple" because Smuggy is smart and already knows that's what I've used forever. So, see what I mean? It doesn't matter. Auto-start still happens.
The simple loader screen shot is in post #30. It does not have a pause button and select drop. Not until a photo is dragged in. See post #33 as to why.
Post 33
We updated the UI of the Simple Uploader to mimic the HTML5 uploader in its initial state. After looking at the screenshot you provided, I can verify that you have the java Simple Uploader loaded.
Nothing has changed in the java uploader other than the look of its initial state.
And anyway-- Andy, what I originally jumped in to say, is that I really wish the upload would not automatically start on me. That definitely changed awhile back. A bunch of people have already mentioned it; it's nothing new I'm telling you... just adding my voice to the list of hopefuls-- that perhaps down the road you could have the pause button enabled (such as JFriend mentioned) before the uploade, which would allow us to keep the auto-start from happening until we want it to start. That would be great.
Yes, I know there's already a pause button that comes up later (when the upload has already auto-started) but that's a pain because then you already have a partially-loaded file (or more).
Anyway, I don't know why you were assuming I was trying to use the new uploader & not liking it. That's not the case. I think all the uploaders are great and have their place. My uploads are lightning-fast, no matter what I use. The auto-start is the only thing I don't like, but from what people are saying, they all auto-start. The simple uploader's progress meter doesn't seem to be working right, and it doesn't really tell you "uploading finished" anymore. But it sounds like that stuff is still being tweaked or something? So we'll be patient on that. I hope labels will be added to each style of uploader so that people know which one they're using. If one just pops up & the person didn't actually choose it, most folks wouldn't know which one it is.
And anyway-- Andy, what I originally jumped in to say, is that I really wish the upload would not automatically start on me.
OK thanks Anna Lisa - as Don explained, we've been doing a lot of user testing on this and we're finding that most everyone expected autostart. I'm sorry it's not your cup of tea (as well as the others that have posted here). We'll continue to monitor feedback, thanks!
My suggestion was to just enable the Pause button before any files have been dragged. Then everyone could have their cake and eat it too. The users you tested would get the exact behavior you want them to have. Us users who want to pause it could press the pause button before dragging files into the box. The needs of everyone solved with no compromise for either party (win/win). You already have the pause button. All you have to do is enable the button when the box is empty and make sure it saves and honors the state when the first file is dragged in.
Or add an "Expert uploader" to the list, and start it with all the bells and whistles turned on and visible.
Same code base, different initial state. QED.
Save $5 off your first year's SmugMug image hosting with coupon code hccesQbqNBJbc
Listening to the thoughts here, and mixed in with my own observations:
1. Interfaces for the uploaders (except maybe Olde Faithful... since it's kind of a different animal) could all look nearly identical -- except please label them with the name of the type of uploader so there's no confusion.
2. HTML 5 does not say the name of the gallery you're uploading to at the top, like Simple does. That's a bad idea. If you have a couple uploading windows going, or even if you don't, it sure is great to know at a glance which gallery it was that you were uploading to!
3. I'm not seeing a "Finished Uploading" or any progress indication here on my end, certainly not on HTML 5. On Simple, there was a non-working one. I'm on FF & Vista. Only thing I could do was scroll down to see what was checked off in green.
4. However, (along with the above) the big bright "Done Uploading" button made me think temporarily that that meant my upload was finished! (until I scrolled down thru to check, & it wasn't!) If simplification is the quest here, that's not helping! How 'bout "Return to Gallery" instead? Of course, "Return to Gallery" isn't needed either, if you just keep the clickable Gallery title link there like it is in "Simple Uploader".... but if you're afraid people won't notice that, ok... just word it differently since "Done Uploading" is confusing.
5. The "hold upload til ready" option, you gotta understand, isn't just some cup of tea preference. You do understand, right, that people doing regular huge uploads need to be able to time them? And that they may need to get one all prepared while another is uploading, without the second one starting in? And that many houses have multiple computers & people streaming movies, etc.? Ok. Just making that clear.
I forgot to say one major thing-- that is, the part that should stay exactly as is.... WOWWWwssssser!! That is some crazy-fast uploading!! :jawdrop Holy buckets; I thought "Simple" was lightning-speed! HTML5-- you don't even get an excuse to go for another latte or pet the cat! I thought I was seeing things! It must take a lot more something (sorry to be so techie!) to be uploading in the background with that than the Simple uploader takes, because I was trying to crop & arrange in another gallery at the same time & that was very slow. If that was the reason, I'll probably stick w/ the Simple uploader when doing other simultaneous work, since that's plenty fast enough. HTML5 will amazingly speed up archiving though! So, I'm blown away... while my cat would rather we go back to dial-up uploading with old faithful.
Also, fyi, the second time I used this new one, the "done uploading" box didn't appear. I remembered it was there last time, and the area was clickable, just no graphic...buggy.
The MoxieBlog
Hi Allen,
We updated the UI of the Simple Uploader to mimic the HTML5 uploader in its initial state. After looking at the screenshot you provided, I can verify that you have the java Simple Uploader loaded.
Nothing has changed in the java uploader other than the look of its initial state.
I hope this helps!
Are you not seeing the status bar once files start to upload in the Simple Uploader?
accept the default skip dups that zips thru quickly to complete list.
I dragged a large video in so I could at least see the settings and pause
before it uploaded. But there was not a way to delete this before adding new
photos. Only choice was un-pause.
My Website index | My Blog
Thanks, as always, for the responsiveness of the smugmug team to your users' concerns.
The MoxieBlog
shot in previous post, it's same for both browsers.
My Website index | My Blog
duplicate", only default applied, skip, when first dragging in. Have to select it
to work. At least it's available.
It does load the photos in a folder dragged in.
My Website index | My Blog
Sorry, but I'm having a hard time understanding your issue. The only screenshot I see is this one and that is the Simple Uploader.
immediately uploaded with the default settings that not everyone wants.
Why can't the selections be there and "start upload" clicked after photos are loaded in.
Makes no sense not to have to click "start upload". Completely negates reviewing what's
been added to the list.
My Website index | My Blog
We made this change based on a ton of user-testing. Unfortunately we can't satisfy everybody, but your voice still counts! Luckily the default setting is the "safest option" and we did not add anymore clicks for those who want to change the default.
I know it's a different flow than you are used to, and I apologize for the trouble that it's causing you to get used to it.
I guess the only thing I can really say is to give it a chance and if we end up hearing more and more complaints, then you know we'll just re-iterate and improve it!
Thanks for the feedback, Allen!
I agree that the start upload button is missed. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around why anyone would care about 1 more click? Who are these users you tested? Did they walk away from their computer after dropping images, come back an hour later and start cursing smugmug because they didn't think to click start? Not trying to be a jerk, but I'm not following the logic of taking away the ability to make settings before you start the upload to save a single click.
Reason I stopped into the support forum however was to figure out why my "send to smugmug" won't work with a full set of images anymore (does work with a single image), and also why (prior to turning on the html uploader) all my images came up as "file size too large".
Bodies: Canon 5d mkII, 5d, 40d
Lenses: 24-70 f2.8L, 70-200 f4.0L, 135 f2L, 85 f1.8, 50 1.8, 100 f2.8 macro, Tamron 28-105 f2.8
Flash: 2x 580 exII, Canon ST-E2, 2x Pocket Wizard flexTT5, and some lower end studio strobes
Post #12 (I'd like to queue up the uploads, get it all ready and then start it later) - July 2nd
Post #13 (5th bullet point - want to start out paused) - July 2nd
Post #18 (point #1 - just allow the pause button to be active before any files are dropped in - then it's no additional clicks for people who don't want it paused) - July 12th
There are plenty of ways to have our cake and eat it too - if they want to do it. My conclusion is that this uploader isn't designed for the serious uploader. It's designed only to satisfy the needs of the unsophisticated uploader who doesn't do large jobs and thus doesn't need the things that large jobs demand (start later, better progress, more robustness when there are issues, etc...).
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We user test the uploaders more than any other feature. Those user tests are pretty clear - massively lower confusion and higher adoption (2X+) when we do it the way we're currently doing it.
I'm sorry that it doesn't thrill everyone, but when we used to have "Start" type functionality, we got tons of people emailing support or not uploading photos. With the auto-start method, we have dramatically lower emails and dramatically higher successful uploads.
Having said that, this is v1 of a very new direction for us, so hold your horses and give us some time to iterate... we have lots still to do, but this is a massive improvement in the war against user frustration already.
Yes. They dragged photos over, sat there, complained about how long it was taking, closed their browser, and emailed our Support Heroes complaining about our slow site.
Over and over again.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Anna Lisa - you already use the Java Simple Uploader and have been for a long time. You do not need to switch to the HTML5 uploader. Just use the pick a different uploader link and go back to what you are happy with
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Best, Jim
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Hi Anna Lisa - you have a choice
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Post 33
My Website index | My Blog
Yes, I know there's already a pause button that comes up later (when the upload has already auto-started) but that's a pain because then you already have a partially-loaded file (or more).
Anyway, I don't know why you were assuming I was trying to use the new uploader & not liking it. That's not the case. I think all the uploaders are great and have their place. My uploads are lightning-fast, no matter what I use. The auto-start is the only thing I don't like, but from what people are saying, they all auto-start. The simple uploader's progress meter doesn't seem to be working right, and it doesn't really tell you "uploading finished" anymore. But it sounds like that stuff is still being tweaked or something? So we'll be patient on that. I hope labels will be added to each style of uploader so that people know which one they're using. If one just pops up & the person didn't actually choose it, most folks wouldn't know which one it is.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
OK thanks Anna Lisa - as Don explained, we've been doing a lot of user testing on this and we're finding that most everyone expected autostart. I'm sorry it's not your cup of tea (as well as the others that have posted here). We'll continue to monitor feedback, thanks!
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Same code base, different initial state. QED.
1. Interfaces for the uploaders (except maybe Olde Faithful... since it's kind of a different animal) could all look nearly identical -- except please label them with the name of the type of uploader so there's no confusion.
2. HTML 5 does not say the name of the gallery you're uploading to at the top, like Simple does. That's a bad idea. If you have a couple uploading windows going, or even if you don't, it sure is great to know at a glance which gallery it was that you were uploading to!
3. I'm not seeing a "Finished Uploading" or any progress indication here on my end, certainly not on HTML 5. On Simple, there was a non-working one. I'm on FF & Vista. Only thing I could do was scroll down to see what was checked off in green.
4. However, (along with the above) the big bright "Done Uploading" button made me think temporarily that that meant my upload was finished! (until I scrolled down thru to check, & it wasn't!) If simplification is the quest here, that's not helping! How 'bout "Return to Gallery" instead? Of course, "Return to Gallery" isn't needed either, if you just keep the clickable Gallery title link there like it is in "Simple Uploader".... but if you're afraid people won't notice that, ok... just word it differently since "Done Uploading" is confusing.
5. The "hold upload til ready" option, you gotta understand, isn't just some cup of tea preference. You do understand, right, that people doing regular huge uploads need to be able to time them? And that they may need to get one all prepared while another is uploading, without the second one starting in? And that many houses have multiple computers & people streaming movies, etc.? Ok. Just making that clear.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)