Html uploader not blazing fast
Guys we need an FTP uploader, badly...yes I have voted on the features site......I started a mere 600 image upload a little around 1:45am...actually restated....after about 100 images it just went poof and seemed to quit or crashed as the uploader page was I restarted around 1:45am and when I last checked the gallery it only had 218 images.....that is not blaszing fast....I use a dsl uploader and this was my first run with your HTML5 uploader and I find it absolutely no faster than the simple uploader, which shows your progress and you actually know what is happening or the other free send to SMUGMUG.
now I am reallly p*** just stopped again at 218 images......yes I am switching to another uploader.....
WE need FTP......
Guys we need an FTP uploader, badly...yes I have voted on the features site......I started a mere 600 image upload a little around 1:45am...actually restated....after about 100 images it just went poof and seemed to quit or crashed as the uploader page was I restarted around 1:45am and when I last checked the gallery it only had 218 images.....that is not blaszing fast....I use a dsl uploader and this was my first run with your HTML5 uploader and I find it absolutely no faster than the simple uploader, which shows your progress and you actually know what is happening or the other free send to SMUGMUG.
now I am reallly p*** just stopped again at 218 images......yes I am switching to another uploader.....
WE need FTP......
For a more reliable uploader and a persistent disk queue that keeps track of which images didn't get uploaded (even if the app crashes), I use StarExplorer. Smugmug seems to assume you have a perfectly reliable connection to Smugmug and that Smugmug never has any hiccups and they just don't really handle things well when conditions are not ideal - especially when doing a large upload (which is exactly when you're most likely to run into a hiccup). StarExplorer has built in automatic retries and a persistent queue. I can start an upload before I go to bed, come back the next morning and if there were any problems that could be resolved automatically, the images that didn't upload are still sitting in my queue and I can just hit upload again or see what went wrong and correct that.
For a more reliable uploader and a persistent disk queue that keeps track of which images didn't get uploaded (even if the app crashes), I use StarExplorer. Smugmug seems to assume you have a perfectly reliable connection to Smugmug and that Smugmug never has any hiccups and they just don't really handle things well when conditions are not ideal - especially when doing a large upload (which is exactly when you're most likely to run into a hiccup). StarExplorer has built in automatic retries and a persistent queue. I can start an upload before I go to bed, come back the next morning and if there were any problems that could be resolved automatically, the images that didn't upload are still sitting in my queue and I can just hit upload again or see what went wrong and correct that.
I get the same thing with send to smugmug which is free......
I still feel the answer actually lies in FTP uploading at least that way my uploader could upload to SM and also to any external processor I am send my files to for processing when I am overloaded .........
Smugmug seems to assume you have a perfectly reliable connection to Smugmug and that Smugmug never has any hiccups and they just don't really handle things well when conditions are not ideal - especially .......
Same thing I have been trying to get across. Smugmug's uploading has not had much focus for anyone with less than ideal connections. The quaility and reliability of uploading photos has dropped off with each "upgrade" of the uploading system for myself.
I am barely squeaking by using the simple uploader. I have been trying to use star explorer but it just is not working as reliable. May need to tweaking the settings.
I have been crashing consistently, getting file size too large in both html and simple, been told all files are uploaded by html when infact only half were, send to smugmug now won't do full set file transfers (only a few files at a time now). If you guys want to appeal to pros, I agree with Art. Give us an FTP upload site. That has to be easy to do, no? All the armatures can use all the point and shoot up-loaders but many of us pros would like manual functions. Not fancy, not pretty, just a simple ftp login. Don't even advertise it if you don't want to. Just make it available for us users who already know how to use ftp... If you do that you will never hear another peep out of me, but this big hotness upgrade does absolutely nothing for me or any advanced user and is just a big pita as you guys work out the bugs. I see why you need to appease the point and shoot crowd, but the rest of us would like a little love also.
I have been crashing consistently, getting file size too large in both html and simple, been told all files are uploaded by html when infact only half were, send to smugmug now won't do full set file transfers (only a few files at a time now). If you guys want to appeal to pros, I agree with Art. Give us an FTP upload site. That has to be easy to do, no? All the armatures can use all the point and shoot up-loaders but many of us pros would like manual functions. Not fancy, not pretty, just a simple ftp login. Don't even advertise it if you don't want to. Just make it available for us users who already know how to use ftp... If you do that you will never hear another peep out of me, but this big hotness upgrade does absolutely nothing for me or any advanced user and is just a big pita as you guys work out the bugs. I see why you need to appease the point and shoot crowd, but the rest of us would like a little love also.
Hi Matt, thanks for the passionate feedback - we really appreciate it! I hope one day we can do this.
Hi Folks, new update to HTML5 uploader is live on the site - give it a whirl thanks!
Why I will not use it and stick with the Simple uploader.
No progress meter of any kind except spinning circle.
No connection speed.
No pause upload button before dragging photo in.
Without the connection speed I can not check to see if my connection is
lousy and upload later. This happens quite a bit. Especially if uploading a
video. When do I give up? After 30 minutes? hour? Some videos take that
Let me start off with saying that I do not have one of the sacred T1 lines into my house with a QOS contract from ATT.
I have a lowly satellite service, it is the pro version from Wildblue.
So my connection will have high latency and possibly some dropped packets.
First test was on my Win7 64 bit desktop.
New HTML5 (latest per Andy above)
13 small files .3-.4 MB all uploaded and no errors
11 med Files ~2 MB each 6 failed:sick
8 Small files .3-.4 MB 2 failed:sick
Started off looking ok but went downhill from there.
Next test was on my laptop running WinXP.
HTML5 Uploader
13 Small files .3-.4MB 3 Failed (Slow uploading):sick
Simple Uploader
13 Small files .3-.4 MB No Errors much faster than HTML5
11 ~ 2MB files No Errors decent speed
Star Explorer
Configured as follows
3 threads 1 at a time
no error checking
no verify for replace or skip
13 small files no errors
8 ~2MB files no errors
Changed StarExplorer options
5 threads 3 at a time
All uploads failed:sick
So it still appears that the HTML5 uploader is not all that. The simple uploader is still more reliable and faster. StarExplorer was close to equal on speed and reliability when it was throttled back to uploading 1 at a time.
The new progress bar on the HTML5 uploader is nice.:D
Thanks all for the great feedback, we really, really appreciate it!
In the same upload session, skip dupes doesn't work. I clicked browse the same files several times and skip behaved like allow. If I click done and then go back to the uploader, skip works.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
In the same upload session, skip dupes doesn't work. I clicked browse the same files several times and skip behaved like allow. If I click done and then go back to the uploader, skip works.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Same as in our Simple Uploader - We only skip duplicates for files that exist at the time the uploader first loads.
It does however work with Chrome 7.0.517.41 beta for Linux.
It only allows me to drag and drop one file at a time though, don't gain much on olde faithful with that.
Also, the browser does not remember the directory where the last batch of files in a session came from, it defaults to the documents directory. Olde faithful does remember.
I have been crashing consistently, getting file size too large in both html and simple, been told all files are uploaded by html when infact only half were, send to smugmug now won't do full set file transfers (only a few files at a time now). If you guys want to appeal to pros, I agree with Art. Give us an FTP upload site. That has to be easy to do, no? All the armatures can use all the point and shoot up-loaders but many of us pros would like manual functions. Not fancy, not pretty, just a simple ftp login. Don't even advertise it if you don't want to. Just make it available for us users who already know how to use ftp... If you do that you will never hear another peep out of me, but this big hotness upgrade does absolutely nothing for me or any advanced user and is just a big pita as you guys work out the bugs. I see why you need to appease the point and shoot crowd, but the rest of us would like a little love also.
I have a problem that others may not run into much. The new uploader is a pain in the a$$ when trying to upload large (1500+ image) galleries. Little things that are VERY annoying.. assuming you are uploading tons of files:
When you use the arrow keys to scroll up and down it jumps more than one page at a time. You try to use the scroll bar and it's just too sensitive and jumps all over the place. I have 6 files that failed, no matter how I try to look at the messages I can only see 3, knowing they are all in sequence I can guesstimate that it's the 3 files following those that failed, but it would be really nice if there were a "jump to error" or something like that should there be some kind of upload issues, or a log that is visible after the upload is completed.
Also, when uploading large # of files, when completed, the uploader is unresponsive. Clicking on the X to close, or "I'm Done, Go to the gallery" does nothing.
Suggestion, if possible, let me use the arrow keys on my keyboard to scroll up and down. Keys do nothing as of now. I don't know what kind of mouse events you get, but hell, how about the scroll button on the mouse as well?
OS: Win 7 x64
Chrome V: 7.0.517.41
FYI: +1 for the FTP Upload. Uploading 6 Gigs of photos (2000 pictures total, not huge, just many) takes WELL over 24 hours to upload and I have 6 galleries to upload. This on a 1Mbit up connection should take about 12 hours, not 24, so there is a lot to be said for the speed of the uploader as well as it seems to have a lot of overhead on the upload process. FTP is simple, it goes up and done. No checking, no verifying, just up and done.
I just tried the new and updated HTML5 uploader uploading 27 photos (ranging from 5-8MB) through Google Chrome 8.0.552.200 on my Windows XP SP3 computer and everything worked brilliantly.
I was very pleased with the clean and informational interface and I'm glad you added the fine progress bars. It's cool stuff.
Of course 27 photos is not much, but still, it worked absolutely awesome and the speed was great too.
I have a problem that others may not run into much. The new uploader is a pain in the a$$ when trying to upload large (1500+ image) galleries. Little things that are VERY annoying.
FYI: +1 for the FTP Upload. Uploading 6 Gigs of photos (2000 pictures total, not huge, just many) takes WELL over 24 hours to upload and I have 6 galleries to upload. This on a 1Mbit up connection should take about 12 hours, not 24, so there is a lot to be said for the speed of the uploader as well as it seems to have a lot of overhead on the upload process. FTP is simple, it goes up and done. No checking, no verifying, just up and done.
Any uploader is not pleasent when you're uploading large amounts of data. I upload gigs every week. This week it was 6gb, but I've had as much as 14gb. And I agree with you, FTP is the solution. Exposure Manager has had this feature for years now and it worked brilliantly for the time when I had an account with them and SM.
I know the feeling of trying to upload a lot of data through a small pipe. To be honest, I wouldn't try to use this newer uploader for any critical workflow. Instead, I would use multiple instances of simple uploader simultaneously, one for each gallery.
And if you need additional bandwidth and 1Mb is all they offer, let me know. I used to use three 384k pipes to make my one 1Mb. I'll share how to do the same if you want.
The uploader largely works for me on Firefox 3.5 - however, there are a few small problems :
(1) It still fails to upload files for no apparent reason. Yes - it tells you and continues on, but in any upload of more than a few files, I always have to do 1 or more reloads to get all files loaded.
(2) When a load finishes, the close/'X' buttons don't work, and I have to refresh the screen to get the menus back. Then, I also usually have to and select 'upload' again (to complete the loading)
(3) The number of files loaded is shown as 1 too many (5/4 instead of 4/4) :
yup thats what I said I did;)
Guys we need an FTP uploader, badly...yes I have voted on the features site......I started a mere 600 image upload a little around 1:45am...actually restated....after about 100 images it just went poof and seemed to quit or crashed as the uploader page was I restarted around 1:45am and when I last checked the gallery it only had 218 images.....that is not blaszing fast....I use a dsl uploader and this was my first run with your HTML5 uploader and I find it absolutely no faster than the simple uploader, which shows your progress and you actually know what is happening or the other free send to SMUGMUG.
now I am reallly p*** just stopped again at 218 images......yes I am switching to another uploader.....
WE need FTP......
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I get the same thing with send to smugmug
I still feel the answer actually lies in FTP uploading at least that way my uploader could upload to SM and also to any external processor I am send my files to for processing when I am overloaded .........
Same thing I have been trying to get across. Smugmug's uploading has not had much focus for anyone with less than ideal connections. The quaility and reliability of uploading photos has dropped off with each "upgrade" of the uploading system for myself.
I am barely squeaking by using the simple uploader. I have been trying to use star explorer but it just is not working as reliable. May need to tweaking the settings.
Bodies: Canon 5d mkII, 5d, 40d
Lenses: 24-70 f2.8L, 70-200 f4.0L, 135 f2L, 85 f1.8, 50 1.8, 100 f2.8 macro, Tamron 28-105 f2.8
Flash: 2x 580 exII, Canon ST-E2, 2x Pocket Wizard flexTT5, and some lower end studio strobes
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No progress meter of any kind except spinning circle.
No connection speed.
No pause upload button before dragging photo in.
Without the connection speed I can not check to see if my connection is
lousy and upload later. This happens quite a bit. Especially if uploading a
video. When do I give up? After 30 minutes? hour? Some videos take that
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Let me start off with saying that I do not have one of the sacred T1 lines into my house with a QOS contract from ATT.
I have a lowly satellite service, it is the pro version from Wildblue.
So my connection will have high latency and possibly some dropped packets.
First test was on my Win7 64 bit desktop.
New HTML5 (latest per Andy above)
13 small files .3-.4 MB all uploaded and no errors
11 med Files ~2 MB each 6 failed:sick
8 Small files .3-.4 MB 2 failed:sick
Started off looking ok but went downhill from there.
Next test was on my laptop running WinXP.
HTML5 Uploader
13 Small files .3-.4MB 3 Failed (Slow uploading):sick
Simple Uploader
13 Small files .3-.4 MB No Errors much faster than HTML5
11 ~ 2MB files No Errors decent speed
Star Explorer
Configured as follows
3 threads 1 at a time
no error checking
no verify for replace or skip
13 small files no errors
8 ~2MB files no errors
Changed StarExplorer options
5 threads 3 at a time
All uploads failed:sick
So it still appears that the HTML5 uploader is not all that. The simple uploader is still more reliable and faster. StarExplorer was close to equal on speed and reliability when it was throttled back to uploading 1 at a time.
The new progress bar on the HTML5 uploader is nice.:D
Thanks all for the great feedback, we really, really appreciate it!
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In the same upload session, skip dupes doesn't work. I clicked browse the same files several times and skip behaved like allow. If I click done and then go back to the uploader, skip works.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Could this update explain why 'Send to SmugMug' has stopped working?
No, that's because of Send To SmugMug and an api issue they have. Hopefully Omar will fix.
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Same as in our Simple Uploader - We only skip duplicates for files that exist at the time the uploader first loads.
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Browser: FF 3.6.12
OS: Kubuntu 10.04 (fully updated).
Back to Olde Faithful...
It does however work with Chrome 7.0.517.41 beta for Linux.
Sssshhhh... don't tell Nikolai but I'm using it more than S*E these days. Very nice work. It's definitely the best SM uploader yet.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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It only allows me to drag and drop one file at a time though, don't gain much on olde faithful with that.
Also, the browser does not remember the directory where the last batch of files in a session came from, it defaults to the documents directory. Olde faithful does remember.
Hm, is that a Linux limitation? In Win or Mac, you can drag as many as you like at one time.
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Multi-file drag and drop is supported in Linux, so it must be something to do with the way that the html5 uploader accepts the files from Linux
I'll try it from another Linux GUI later today and let you know.
Want faster uploading? Vote for FTP!
Want faster uploading? Vote for FTP!
Want faster uploading? Vote for FTP!
When you use the arrow keys to scroll up and down it jumps more than one page at a time. You try to use the scroll bar and it's just too sensitive and jumps all over the place. I have 6 files that failed, no matter how I try to look at the messages I can only see 3, knowing they are all in sequence I can guesstimate that it's the 3 files following those that failed, but it would be really nice if there were a "jump to error" or something like that should there be some kind of upload issues, or a log that is visible after the upload is completed.
Also, when uploading large # of files, when completed, the uploader is unresponsive. Clicking on the X to close, or "I'm Done, Go to the gallery" does nothing.
Suggestion, if possible, let me use the arrow keys on my keyboard to scroll up and down. Keys do nothing as of now. I don't know what kind of mouse events you get, but hell, how about the scroll button on the mouse as well?
OS: Win 7 x64
Chrome V: 7.0.517.41
FYI: +1 for the FTP Upload. Uploading 6 Gigs of photos (2000 pictures total, not huge, just many) takes WELL over 24 hours to upload and I have 6 galleries to upload. This on a 1Mbit up connection should take about 12 hours, not 24, so there is a lot to be said for the speed of the uploader as well as it seems to have a lot of overhead on the upload process. FTP is simple, it goes up and done. No checking, no verifying, just up and done.
I was very pleased with the clean and informational interface and I'm glad you added the fine progress bars. It's cool stuff.
Of course 27 photos is not much, but still, it worked absolutely awesome and the speed was great too.
Thank you!
I know the feeling of trying to upload a lot of data through a small pipe. To be honest, I wouldn't try to use this newer uploader for any critical workflow. Instead, I would use multiple instances of simple uploader simultaneously, one for each gallery.
And if you need additional bandwidth and 1Mb is all they offer, let me know. I used to use three 384k pipes to make my one 1Mb. I'll share how to do the same if you want.
Want faster uploading? Vote for FTP!
(1) It still fails to upload files for no apparent reason. Yes - it tells you and continues on, but in any upload of more than a few files, I always have to do 1 or more reloads to get all files loaded.
(2) When a load finishes, the close/'X' buttons don't work, and I have to refresh the screen to get the menus back. Then, I also usually have to and select 'upload' again (to complete the loading)
(3) The number of files loaded is shown as 1 too many (5/4 instead of 4/4) :
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