Share - Be Social - Facebook - doesn't appear to work correctly

So if I am in this gallery:
and I use the "Share", "Be Social", and then the "facebook" option, I see that users now have to allow a SmugMug app in order to share a link on facebook. (I do not believe this was always the case.)
A lot of people not familiar with SmugMug will likely back out at this point since people are suspicious of allowing apps to access their personal information.
But if I do choose to "allow" permissions for the SmugMug Facebook app, I am taken to this link:
which appears to be a SmugMug home page and I am never given the option to share the original photo on Facebook.
and I use the "Share", "Be Social", and then the "facebook" option, I see that users now have to allow a SmugMug app in order to share a link on facebook. (I do not believe this was always the case.)
A lot of people not familiar with SmugMug will likely back out at this point since people are suspicious of allowing apps to access their personal information.
But if I do choose to "allow" permissions for the SmugMug Facebook app, I am taken to this link:
which appears to be a SmugMug home page and I am never given the option to share the original photo on Facebook.
The visitor must sign in to facebook in order to Share via facebook, they don't have to approve any app. Quite common, Nicole.
And if they are signed in, it just works straight away
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You do have to approve the permissions for SmugMug before using it. I am getting the same thing, and you can see I am signed in to Facebook.
If I click on the SmugMug link on that screen cap, it takes me to this Facebook App for SmugMug. But otherwise, it does exactly the same thing for me (if I allow it, it changes that small window to the SM homepage).
It works in Chrome (AFTER I approve it), so perhaps it's a Firefox/plugin issue?
Sign up for a SmugMug account and save!
? can you reply with exact steps to replicate, thanks!
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The steps are in the first post of the thread.
It appears even you did not know that you had to allow permissions to the SmugMug app AND be signed into facebook in order to "be social".
This is something that SmugMug changed, right? I did not see this last time I tested the "Share" feature.
Keep in mind, many pros do not have SmugMug branding on their site. Viewers will likely be hesitant (and wonder what the hell is "SmugMug") if they use the "Share" feature. I know many of my peers will not use features that require them to add applications to their social networking accounts.
I also noticed that you must enable the SmugMug app in Twitter as well.
Is this here to stay?
Isn't there a way to enable people to share your photos without allowing permissions to the SmugMug application? I am fairly certain that is how it was when I first signed up and tested out the features.
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Please look at NomadRip's post above. He shows you that there is an app that requires authorizing.
The same thing happens for Twitter.
Please let me know if you need screen shots, but I promise you that I tested both and both require the user to authorize an app (on Twitter and Facebook).
Please let me know if you need me to provide screen shots.
I would suggest making a brand new facebook account and then try and share a photo on facebook using the "share" feature so you can see for yourself.
Yes, if you want to "Be Social" and share links on Facebook page (which will appear on your wall) you'd have to authorize SmugMug to do so. Same with Twitter.
Sorry for my confusion!
To 'like' you don't have to do anything other than be logged into FB.
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Was this always the case? I don't remember it being like that when I first tested it when I signed up.
And did you see that Facebook "Be Social" does not work?
If anyone is testing this feature, here is what works for me, and maybe you can see why a new user would have difficulty with this, aside from people being wary of unfamiliar apps.
1 Go to her site link in post 1, or any page that has a SmugMug Share button.
2 Click share button.
3 Select Be Social.
4 Window pops up, click Facebook.
5 Click Facebook Connect Button.
6 Pop-up window appears telling me that the SmugMug Application wishes to Access My Basic Information.
7 Click Allow, SmugMug Homepage loads in that pop-up window.
8 If I click back over to main window, Facebook Connect Button still shows. If I click it, the pop-up window reappears, still on SmugMug Homepage (even if I close it, it will pop back up that way).
9 Only way out of this loop is to now refresh main window or close the "Be Social" Overlay and do steps 2-4 again.
10 Now I get another pop-up Facebook window requesting permission to post to my wall.
This screenshot shows what it says underneath the pop-up.
(clicking on the "I need Permission" link will bring up the permission to post to wall window, screenshot 2)
** For some reason, Firefox is giving me a dead window here. I can't actually click any of the buttons here, even to close the popup, and can only refresh the page, which means I am stuck completely if using Firefox. Chrome lets me select the buttons like it should. I have no ad blockers or anything like that running, but it may be another plug-in or something on mine. Anyone else have this?
11 If I click Allow on the Permission to Post window, then I get the message saying I am logged into Facebook and can type a message to post with the "Share on Facebook" button.
Once I have both of these permissions, whenever I go to use this feature it works in either browser.
Another issue I noticed could confuse someone testing this feature. If I give it both requested permissions on one test run, then remove the app in Facebook to do the entire process again, the permission to post to the wall is still there by default, so it will skip steps 10-11 and work fine in either browser.
What I mean is I go to my application settings in Facebook, the "Additional Permissions" tab shows up. It is not there if you only allow the first window, allowing access. It has the check-box selected if you allow wall posting permission.
I still have to go through all the other steps above, just not the 2nd popup if I've ever given it permission to post to the wall before.
If you remove the app from Facebook, then add permission again, the wall post permission is already pre-selected, and you won't go through this step. If I uncheck the box in the screenshot above, then remove the app, it acts as though I'd never used the app at all.
Now I have to go through both permission windows like any 1st-time user will be doing.
Sign up for a SmugMug account and save!
Let me know if they need any info about my system or anything I posted wasn't clear. I saw another post about the Firefox issue I have too.
Sign up for a SmugMug account and save!
In Firefox, the share feature freezes.
In IE, I no longer get defaulted to the SmugMug homepage, but I still can not share on Facebook. I get the message "I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to reach Facebook, as they appear to be having technical difficulties right now. Please try your request again later, or notify support if this continues to happen."
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** For some reason, Firefox is giving me a dead window here. I can't actually click any of the buttons here, even to close the popup, and can only refresh the page, which means I am stuck completely if using Firefox.
If I try with IE 6- I get the Bad Gateway error immediately - doesn't even wait for me to select facebook or twitter, etc
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I've checked this over and over again when I know facebook is up. It's up now and it still will not work. Same issue.
Nicole, it's working for us. Go to facebook, your account, and revoke the SmugMug connect. Then go back to SmugMug, and share>be social>facebook
Let us know.
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Same as I reported before (and confirmed by other users):
IE gives an error message and Firefox simply freezes and you can't press any buttons.
We have so very few reports of people not being able to connect. I turns out to be usually cookies, 3rd party cookies, cookie blasting software, or facebook being blocked by firewall or other settings.
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In IE I am able to connect to Facebook and approve the SmugMug app before I receive the pictured error message.
The problem is different in each browser:
Firefox = explained/pictured in previous post
Google Chrome = "502 Bad Gateway The server returned an invalid or incomplete response."
I know how to manage cookies, and I don't have a firewall. My browsers clear cache upon close.
I do not think the problem is on my end, and two other users are reporting similar problems in this thread.
But I am not going to sweat all these bugs anymore. I am going to report them to you and hope things get worked out.
When I am ready, I am simply going to disable and/or work around everything that is not working as it should.
I will continue to keep you informed of what I find. I test with two monitor sizes and on three different browsers.
You can decide if you want to investigate what I share further. If you ever need more information or screen grabs, please let me know.
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What are your cookie settings in Firefox? Can you please show me?
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