It may be somewhat difficult to test because it has appeared to me in previous experiments with FB that they have some caching and don't necessarily go back to the site every time when they've just recently been there. So, you have to watch out for caching effects.
You do have to watch for caching for sure - but I still suspect something wrong on Nicole's site.
You do have to watch for caching for sure - but I still suspect something wrong on Nicole's site.
I'm not disagreeing. I'm telling Nicole that when trying your advice there may be caching issues on repeated accesses to the same link that make it difficult to see a change that was just made to the site.
I already explained that it does not work on your site either. Now I just happened to pick this photo at random. I do not know how many are behaving this way. Sorry this is kind of a mess, but I really don't have time to clean it up. You can see in the second to last screen grab that even hovering over the link shows a different link then what I posted.
Nicole, why don't you just paste a link into your status box? I really can't say why pasting links works for me, and others (John, Allen, etc) and not you. If I get more time I'll try and look further.
Nicole, why don't you just paste a link into your status box? I really can't say why pasting links works for me, and others (John, Allen, etc) and not you. If I get more time I'll try and look further.
Again, it is not my behavior I am concerned about. It is of the visitors to my site. I can not control how people share the links and photos on my site. Out of my 1,000+ friends, I never see anyone cut and paste the link into the text field. I am not trying to be a stickler, but I read the instructions for link sharing on Facebook, and it says to use the link publisher on the wall. That is the least for me and my peers.
And even if you cut and paste into the status update field, it is confusing to others. Someone who is used to seeing the link displayed as text will click on the gallery link and not the photo link.
Are you not at all concerned that someone who wants to share a specific photo from your site will be taken to a completely different photo like what I demonstrated above?
Did you try to duplicate the issue I had on your site? I find it hard to believe I am the only one that this is not working for.
Were you able to post the links I gave you differently than I was able to?
It is very time consuming to try to solve problems this way.
I think I should stick to email support rather than on the forums.
Andy and I seem to have communication problems. I often feel my questions are unanswered and/or misunderstood.
It is too bad there is no phone support. Would save a lot of time.
I hope you will look into this issue and see that it is not something I am doing wrong. You have things to resolve on your end and I am not qualified (nor compensated) to do your QA.
It is very time consuming to try to solve problems this way.
I think I should stick to email support rather than on the forums.
Andy and I seem to have communication problems. I often feel my questions are unanswered and/or misunderstood.
It is too bad there is no phone support. Would save a lot of time.
I hope you will look into this issue and see that it is not something I am doing wrong. You have things to resolve on your end and I am not qualified (nor compensated) to do your QA.
Hey Nicole, we spent many many hours over the last week building this out because you asked for it We're being incredibly responsive. We built a whole facebook bot so that facebook can see the site in a way it understands. We'll get to the bottom of why your links posted aren't working the way you expect them to. I don't know why I can post one way and you another. We'll find out.
I've emailed the support desk in hopes of better results. I am not angry, but I have to face facts that either I am unable to communicate effectively with you on the boards, or you do not understand me a great deal of the time.
You often misunderstand what I am saying or asking and also often try to find fault with my site rather than see the problem is with SmugMug. I've wasted exorbitant amounts of time (on here, via email support, having friends and family recreate issues, on the phone with David) with more than one SmugMug bug trying to prove issues are not on my end. So far, I've been right at least 98% of the time that the problem is not on my end. And even after I jump through hoops, I am then told it is a "corner case" simply because it seems most people don't bother to test all aspects of their site and/or take the time to report them to you.
It is fine. I told you before I will just disable things or work around them if they can not or will not be fixed.
And regardless of how I obtained the links, it shows (and I believe helps to pinpoint) the problem. You've seemed to have overlooked that part of what I wrote and want to go on a "Where did you get that url" tangent that really has nothing to do with the problem at hand.
Now, I will tell you this. SmugMug has a lot of odd glitches. (Like the bad gateway error and this link issue) I don't report every bug I find, believe it or not. And sometimes SmugMug defaults to smugmug url's. Even with a properly configured domain. I've not changed the setting of my domain once, yet I occasionally see those url's and have to fix them.
As for my Nav Bar. I don't believe I've touched it since you guys changed my site and changed it back. Which means there is a good chance whoever put my site back together entered that URL. If not, then I entered it as SmugMug provided it and I didn't notice it was like that. I do not know about "hardcoding".
I do my best to deal with and work around the site issues. Overall, I think SmugMug is the best value out of what is available. I wish there could be something done to improve how these sort of things are handled so they are not so time consuming with the back and forth. Because then I start feeling like "Well, you get what you pay for...."
As for my Nav Bar. I don't believe I've touched it since you guys changed my site and changed it back. Which means there is a good chance whoever put my site back together entered that URL. If not, then I entered it as SmugMug provided it and I didn't notice it was like that. I do not know about "hardcoding".
Doesn't matter who did what I gave you a change to do that will help you Do you want me to do it for you? Just say the word, Nicole, thanks!
Where and how? We don't use those links if you have a properly configured pro domain.
Nicole already showed you where and how she got those links in post #73. I've seen this before, too, and I haven't the faintest idea what hardcoding is! Like she said, if you've set a gallery to "hide owner", the smugmug link is what you're automatically given when you click "Share", rather than your custom domain link. Try it yourself. I mean, it only makes sense, right? If SmugMug is asked to "hide owner", it does! But for some reason, those links DO behave differently in certain instances with sharing, etc. I just feel you could be a little careful about jumping to the conclusion that someone's doing a bizarre thing when they've gotten something straight from their site settings. I have a custom domain and yet have seen the smugmug link in various situations on my site. It's not that strange. I don't know why it's there sometimes, but that's not my job! At least she figured out why!
You do not have to worry, you've properly and nicely set up relative URLS on your site, Anna Lisa:
If you are getting urls then they are likely from bookmarks in your own system. Take a look.
Ok, I really don't get this. This isn't what Nicole was talking about, or me either. This is off the track. I wasn't worried about where I'm getting links. You were blaming her for doing something bizarre, and all we were both trying to explain is that if you set a gallery on "hide owner" which is a perfectly legit, legal function on Smug, then when you hit any share links, you're going to get the smugmug link.. and then share actually works better. We're not worried about anything we've put in our code... I didn't initiate this... only responding to what sounded very accusatory, as if she were doing something not kosher. It would be so much better to respond to the actual problem here. She tried to do you a favor by showing an instance where this share thing works more the way it's supposed to. You guys should focus on that, & why it works with Smugmug links, instead of this side-tracking. Maybe actually go back and read what Nicole is saying in post #70 ??? Please? I understand this-- it's pretty straightforward. The only thing neither of us understand is "why?". But that's not our jobs, right?
The only thing neither of us understand is "why?". But that's not our jobs, right?
Hi Anna Lisa, I was pointing out links to Nicole that were hard coded smugmug links in her navbar. Then you asked about what that meant, so I went to check your site and I was just reporting that you are 'all good' in that department Sorry to get you upset, just trying to be helpful. Tecnicole has carried on at our help desk, and when I have more news I'll share it. Thanks!
I have the same problem, with the be social link for facebook, as described in post #25 or #35 (can't click on a request for permission window). Having it on two different computer: win xp + firefox 3.6.10 and on a fedora linux core 10 + firefox 3.6.8. Is there any update on this issue?
I get the exact same thing as Nicole describes (post #17) and in Safari, I also get this:
Not only am I experiencing this, but so are my clients. Nicole is right about the Facebook app, and she's right about this being about the visitors experience. It needs to work for them. I can share images left, right and center in different ways, but if my clients can't then I'm losing out on a huge target market and they are losing out on sharing pics they love. Something that Facebook is sort of key for these days.
Hm, I got the 502 error there in Safari as well. I have reported it to our engineers. Can you try Firefox, for the time being? Thanks - we'll fix that as soon as possible.
Hm, I got the 502 error there in Safari as well. I have reported it to our engineers. Can you try Firefox, for the time being? Thanks - we'll fix that as soon as possible.
I would except that I can't click on any buttons with Firefox. Even after a clean start (cleared cache, etc), as soon as I get here:
the only thing I can do is close out of the window. Aside from that, my problem is still that my clients are experiencing all of the same dilemmas posted in the thread. They can't share on Facebook using the Be Social link.
Add me to the list of people who can't click on the 'allow' button.
I'm using OSX 10.6.4 and Firefox 3.6.11
Anyone got a fix for this?
We're fixing it, and we're very sorry In the meantime, on OS X you can use Safari for that function until we get it fixed. FF3 changed some of the way buttons are handled recently, we have to scramble a fix...
You do have to watch for caching for sure - but I still suspect something wrong on Nicole's site.
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It does not work.
And if you look at the screen grabs, you will see that your links and my links display differently on Facebook.
If you want to visit my test Facebook account page, you can see some of the testing I've done and how your links behave differently than mine:
Again, it is not my behavior I am concerned about. It is of the visitors to my site. I can not control how people share the links and photos on my site. Out of my 1,000+ friends, I never see anyone cut and paste the link into the text field. I am not trying to be a stickler, but I read the instructions for link sharing on Facebook, and it says to use the link publisher on the wall. That is the least for me and my peers.
And even if you cut and paste into the status update field, it is confusing to others. Someone who is used to seeing the link displayed as text will click on the gallery link and not the photo link.
Are you not at all concerned that someone who wants to share a specific photo from your site will be taken to a completely different photo like what I demonstrated above?
Did you try to duplicate the issue I had on your site? I find it hard to believe I am the only one that this is not working for.
Were you able to post the links I gave you differently than I was able to?
It only happens for me on your site. Others aren't replicating either. We'll keep looking at it!
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I will leave the examples on my test facebook page, so you can see for yourself and maybe figure out the problem.
I tried all different settings in my galleries and found some large discrepancies.
If I am in the gallery and post this link:
It works. It goes to LB view and has thumbnail choices.
But notice that it has "smugmug" in the URL.
Now, same gallery, same photo. The only difference is the URL without "smugmug"
That link will not give any thumbnail choices from within the gallery and the link does not go to LB view.
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A proper link for your navbar has photos.humansafterall blahblah
Or even smarter is this:
not this:
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Hide owner gave me those links which is how I found that the url was causing the problem.
What does my navbar have to do with it?
If I ever get those links it is because SmugMug gives them to me.
Does the info I gave you help you solve the problem?
Ironically the smugmug link works and my custom does not.
Did you see that part?
SmugMug gave me those links, I didn't look for them.
I think I should stick to email support rather than on the forums.
Andy and I seem to have communication problems. I often feel my questions are unanswered and/or misunderstood.
It is too bad there is no phone support. Would save a lot of time.
I hope you will look into this issue and see that it is not something I am doing wrong. You have things to resolve on your end and I am not qualified (nor compensated) to do your QA.
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I've emailed the support desk in hopes of better results. I am not angry, but I have to face facts that either I am unable to communicate effectively with you on the boards, or you do not understand me a great deal of the time.
You often misunderstand what I am saying or asking and also often try to find fault with my site rather than see the problem is with SmugMug. I've wasted exorbitant amounts of time (on here, via email support, having friends and family recreate issues, on the phone with David) with more than one SmugMug bug trying to prove issues are not on my end. So far, I've been right at least 98% of the time that the problem is not on my end. And even after I jump through hoops, I am then told it is a "corner case" simply because it seems most people don't bother to test all aspects of their site and/or take the time to report them to you.
It is fine. I told you before I will just disable things or work around them if they can not or will not be fixed.
And regardless of how I obtained the links, it shows (and I believe helps to pinpoint) the problem. You've seemed to have overlooked that part of what I wrote and want to go on a "Where did you get that url" tangent that really has nothing to do with the problem at hand.
Now, I will tell you this. SmugMug has a lot of odd glitches. (Like the bad gateway error and this link issue) I don't report every bug I find, believe it or not. And sometimes SmugMug defaults to smugmug url's. Even with a properly configured domain. I've not changed the setting of my domain once, yet I occasionally see those url's and have to fix them.
As for my Nav Bar. I don't believe I've touched it since you guys changed my site and changed it back. Which means there is a good chance whoever put my site back together entered that URL. If not, then I entered it as SmugMug provided it and I didn't notice it was like that. I do not know about "hardcoding".
I do my best to deal with and work around the site issues. Overall, I think SmugMug is the best value out of what is available. I wish there could be something done to improve how these sort of things are handled so they are not so time consuming with the back and forth. Because then I start feeling like "Well, you get what you pay for...."
Doesn't matter who did what
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
You do not have to worry, you've properly and nicely set up relative URLS on your site, Anna Lisa:
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/galleries">All Galleries</a></li>
<li><a href="/Portfolio">Portfolio</a></li>
<li><a href="/Nature">Nature</a></li>
<li><a href="/Flowers">Flowers</a></li>
<li><a href="/Travel">Travel</a></li>
<li><a href="/Family">Family & Snaps</a></li>
<li><a href="/Friends">Friends</a></li>
<li><a href="/Music">Music</a></li>
<li><a href="/Art">Art</a></li>
<li><a href="/Arts-and-Crafts">Arts & Crafts</a></li>
<br />
<li><a href="/Church">Church</a></li>
<li><a href="/Other">Rob, Trudy, Lydia, & Seth's Photos</a></li>
<li><a href="/Animals">Animals</a></li>
<li><a href="/keywords">Top Keywords</a></li>
<li><a href="">All Keywords</a></li>
<li><a href="/mymaps">Map & Newly Added</a></li>
<li><a href="/gallery/6794287_BLQFo">Info</a></li>
<li><a href="/gallery/4555107_j4uAz">Guestbook</a></li>
<li><a href="">Blog</a></li>
If you are getting urls then they are likely from bookmarks in your own system. Take a look.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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I have the same problem, with the be social link for facebook, as described in post #25 or #35 (can't click on a request for permission window). Having it on two different computer: win xp + firefox 3.6.10 and on a fedora linux core 10 + firefox 3.6.8. Is there any update on this issue?
Not only am I experiencing this, but so are my clients. Nicole is right about the Facebook app, and she's right about this being about the visitors experience. It needs to work for them. I can share images left, right and center in different ways, but if my clients can't then I'm losing out on a huge target market and they are losing out on sharing pics they love. Something that Facebook is sort of key for these days.
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I would except that I can't click on any buttons with Firefox. Even after a clean start (cleared cache, etc), as soon as I get here:
the only thing I can do is close out of the window. Aside from that, my problem is still that my clients are experiencing all of the same dilemmas posted in the thread. They can't share on Facebook using the Be Social link.
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Weddings | Portraits
Site & Blog
I'm using OSX 10.6.4 and Firefox 3.6.11
Anyone got a fix for this?
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But I see the Be Social feature still does not work.
Plus I believe it was mentioned that an easy Facebook share button was in the works.
Can I please get an update on these things?
Thank you!