Share - Be Social - Facebook - doesn't appear to work correctly



  • ChristianVeeChristianVee Registered Users Posts: 6 Big grins
    edited September 28, 2010
    Andy wrote: »
    What are your cookie settings in Firefox? Can you please show me? ear.gif
  • ChristianVeeChristianVee Registered Users Posts: 6 Big grins
    edited September 29, 2010
    My cookie settings are correct as you can see in the screen-shot above. This bug happens with the default settings of Firefox. I can reproduce it in Firefox Safe Mode and I can reproduce it with a new default FF profile.

    Andy, can you or your QA people not reproduce this bug?? I can reproduce it on Windows 7 and OS X on three computers. You seem to be treating everybody as if they got their settings wrong. - (Yes, third party cookies need to be enabled - and they are enabled in all my testing. That requirement in itself is an additional bug IMHO, as many people disable third party cookies due to privacy concerns.)

    The Facebook Request for Permission dialog is unresponsive, unclickable in all cases. If a visitor using FF wants to share on Facebook trying to use this feature, they will be frustrated and usually give up.

    Apparently this has not been fixed for almost a month now!

    More of the same problem here:
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited September 29, 2010
    Christian, when testing I frequently reset everything with IE, Firefox, and Safari to make sure I am using the same things our users do. I do not see the same behavior you describe with the out of the box settings for any browser. I have also tested after being logged in as a user for a while. It works every time. One thing to remember is that if you clear your cookies each time the browser is closed, like you have indicated in your settings, a new cookie must be recreated each and every time. So you will need to go through the login process to do that. As for the Allow button not letting you click it, I also do not see that behavior. I don't doubt that you are having trouble. I am just not seeing a cause yet.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • ChristianVeeChristianVee Registered Users Posts: 6 Big grins
    edited September 29, 2010
    docwalker wrote: »
    I do not see the same behavior you describe with the out of the box settings for any browser. I have also tested after being logged in as a user for a while. It works every time.
    Thanks Doc for looking into this issue. I understand that these things are sometimes hard to reproduce for the developers. - I'm always logged in to Facebook before trying to authorize. I can reproduce the issue even with a new default profile or a virgin installation of Firefox on a brand new OS install. So it is not related to the cookie settings.

    Please check if you can reproduce this following these steps:

    Starting with a newly installed Firefox or with a new default profile...

    1. Login to a Facebook account which does not have SmugMug installed/authorized yet
    2. Go to my gallery: (its always the same whether I'm logged in to SM or not, is only my smugmug account having this problem?)
    3. Click Share -> Be Social, Click on Facebook, Click on Connect
    4. A pop-up window will request 'Access my basic information', Click Allow (this part actually works)
    5. A new 'Request for Permission' dialog appears (not a separate popup, but an overlay inside the window as shown in the screenshots above and below)
    6. Result: nothing in that dialog is clickable. Neither Allow, nor Dont Allow. (Only way to exit is to hit the X in the dialog below it.

    I used Firefox 3.6.9 or 3.6.10 - I can reproduce this on the following systems with or without FF safe mode and with a new FF profile:

    • Macbook Pro (2010): OS X 10.6.4 production partition and a test partition with a clean OS X / FF install and also on a rather unused Bootcamp partition Windows 7
    • Acer Notebook (2010) Intel i3 Windows 7
    • Desktop Mac OS X 10.6.4
    • Desktop P4 (2004) Windows 7

    It always gets stuck in the same place. In order to successfully authorize I have to use another browser. Firefox never works. The consequence is, that it is not working for me or any of my family members. We all have to switch browsers (temporarily) to get this to work. I suspect, that any visitors using FF would just give up.

    Now whose bug is it - Firefox's, Facebook's or Smugmug's?

    Another screen-shot, this time from Windows 7:
  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2010
    I am still having problems with the share feature as well.

    I asked a friend to check it out (he uses Firefox) and he encountered the same "freeze" where he couldn't push any buttons.

    He also commented how lousy it is to have to install and approve an app in order to share photos on Facebook.

    Lastly, please keep in mind that this is a feature mostly intended for site visitors. It should be implemented in a way that will work in a typical web user environment.

    And if it is bugged and does not work for many site visitors (who are likely not SmugMug customers), you are not going to get many complaints or reports about it. How many sites do you visit with non-working features and then actually take the time to report it to the web master?

    I know you all keep saying that you are working on a better Facebook implementation. I just wish something was working consistently now. As of right now the "Like" button does not work correctly, the "Share" feature does not work correctly, and you can not cut and paste directly to individual photos in a gallery (lightbox) and/or have consistent thumbnails when cutting and pasting gallery links. That sure seems like a whole lot of "fail" when other sites have been implementing these features for quite awhile.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2010
    Tecnicole wrote: »
    As of right now the "Like" button does not work correctly,

    What is the like button doing wrong for you?
  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2010
    Andy wrote: »
    What is the like button doing wrong for you?

    In a thumbnail style gallery, the "like" links back to the entire gallery rather than the photo that was liked.

    Since there is no thumbnail image on Facebook (only a link), a person has no way to determine which was the "liked" photo.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2010
    Tecnicole wrote: »
    In a thumbnail style gallery, the "like" links back to the entire gallery rather than the photo that was liked.

    Since there is no thumbnail image on Facebook (only a link), a person has no way to determine which was the "liked" photo.
    Yeah ok I remember now. We're still trying to work around some facebook stuff with regard to this, Nicole. Sorry!
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 4, 2010
    Nicole, go paste a -A-LB link from your Thumbnails gallery into Facebook wall post :D

    Scott (our Social Sorcerer) made it so pasting links now gives you exactly what you expect, AND you get to pick from all the thumbnails, too thumb.gif
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited October 4, 2010
    Andy wrote: »
    Nicole, go paste a -A-LB link from your Thumbnails gallery into Facebook wall post :D

    Scott (our Social Sorcerer) made it so pasting links now gives you exactly what you expect, AND you get to pick from all the thumbnails, too thumb.gif
    Woohoo. Works for me now. I get to pick from a whole bunch of thumbnails.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 4, 2010
    jfriend wrote: »
    Woohoo. Works for me now. I get to pick from a whole bunch of thumbnails.

    And you'll get 'em too if you paste a link from SmugMug style gallery as well thumb.gif
  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 4, 2010
    Andy wrote: »
    Nicole, go paste a -A-LB link from your Thumbnails gallery into Facebook wall post :D

    Scott (our Social Sorcerer) made it so pasting links now gives you exactly what you expect, AND you get to pick from all the thumbnails, too thumb.gif

    When I post a LB link I do get the thumbnail choice (clap.gif) but it still takes me to the gallery rather than the LB photo.

    Is that what is expected?
  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 4, 2010
    Here is my opinion on what would be ideal:

    A link or a "like" to an individual photo in any gallery style would take you to the Lightbox of the specified photo and the thumbnail would be of the specified photo.

    A link to the full gallery would take you to the first page of the gallery and give you a choice of thumbnails from within the gallery.

    Thank you for continuing to work on this as Facebook is a huge marketing tool - and not just for us to market ourselves. The ease of usability for a site visitor is imperative as well.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 4, 2010
    Tecnicole wrote: »
    When I post a LB link I do get the thumbnail choice (clap.gif) but it still takes me to the gallery rather than the LB photo.

    Is that what is expected?

    Nicole, I pasted this link to my test wall, and it works perfectly.

  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 4, 2010
  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 4, 2010
    And in the same gallery you tried:

    takes me to

    please let me know if you need screen shots or if you have the same results i do with those links
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 4, 2010
    Tecnicole wrote: »
    And in the same gallery you tried:

    takes me to

    please let me know if you need screen shots or if you have the same results i do with those links

    I do not want screenshots. I posted a -A-LB link from your gallery and it did exactly as I said.

    Maybe this will help
    that's the next link you just gave.

    Please let the exact precise steps what you are doing Nicole.
  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    I see the difference now, but the other way should still be resolved. The reason is that the average facebook user would do it the same way I did it and it doesn't work as it should.

    When you post a link to facebook, you are supposed to click on "link" next to the "Attach" section located under where you enter your status updates. That is where the link is supposed to go.

    Then you can choose to write whatever you want in the box that is supposed to be for text.

    When you enter into the field intended for link sharing, it changes it to what you are calling the "Gallery" link. This appears to be some sort of issue between how Facebook works with SmugMug lightbox links. That link should still take you to the individual photo, but Facebook must not like the way the link is coded and it chops off the coding at the end.

    What you are doing to make it work is not what most Facebook users do.

    You are cutting and pasting the link into the status update box intended for text and not into the box intended for links.

    I think this sounds confusing to explain without showing you. I hope this is clear.

    The first example is what you are doing and the second example is the way I was doing it (which is the way most people I know share links)

  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    It appears that Facebook changes everything from the # on and therefore the link defaults back to the gallery view.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    Tecnicole wrote: »
    When you post a link to facebook, you are supposed to click on "link" next to the "Attach" section located under where you enter your status updates. That is where the link is supposed to go.

    Heh, I do not think you are "supposed" to do it any sort of way. You "can" do it either way.

    Posting a Link your way, I get the LB link.

  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    I pasted the auto lightbox link in comment box, thumb generated below,
    picked a thumb. Clicked the long gallery description and edited it. Then
    deleted the original pasted in link in comment and put some text in.

    Click thumb and opens thumb photo -A-LB
    Next to thumb is gallery photo LB link and site link and short photo title.
    Can't get more cleaner then that.

    I did not click any icon, link or attach.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    So why am I unable to get the LB link when I enter the link in the link field?
  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    Andy, it works for me in your galleries, but not in mine. headscratch.gif
  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    Please try posting my LB link into the "link" field on FB:

    I can even see when I hover over the links, yours retains the LB and mine does not. eek
  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    More oddness:

    Andy, I posted a link to the LB of one of your photos:

    However, when I click on the link on the Facebook wall, it takes me to a different photo:

    Something ain't right.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    Nicole, without seeing exactly what you are doing, I can't say why you can't make it work like others can. Here's another example:


    This link
  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    That one works for me too.

    So are we going to ignore the ones that don't work? heh
  • NicciNicci Registered Users Posts: 436 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    Can you get this link to work using the link field on facebook?

    You can see that our links are behaving differently even by the fact that your second, smaller link is clickable while mine is not.

    Also, I promise you I know how to cut and paste a link. When I cut and paste one link from your gallery as shown above, it took me to a completely different photo. Did you try that specific link/photo of yours?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    Tecnicole wrote: »
    Please try posting my LB link into the "link" field on FB:

    I can even see when I hover over the links, yours retains the LB and mine does not. eek

    Take out your gallery description from a gallery. Then try. I suspect something in your code or your gallery description, I've shown you it works repeatedly on my site. Try removing things one by one until you can find the culprit in your code, try the gallery description first, since it interacts directly with Facebook.
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    Andy wrote: »
    Take out your gallery description from a gallery. Then try. I suspect something in your code or your gallery description, I've shown you it works repeatedly on my site. Try removing things one by one until you can find the culprit in your code, try the gallery description first, since it interacts directly with Facebook.
    It may be somewhat difficult to test because it has appeared to me in previous experiments with FB that they have some caching and don't necessarily go back to the site every time when they've just recently been there. So, you have to watch out for caching effects.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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