I Hate the New Login Screen

Why in the world was this messed with? Now instead of login, tab, password, tab, space to mark the checkbox, tab, enter, I have to mouse around and wait for some sort of client-side code to check my login and put a little checkmark beside it. I need speed, not all this pretty stuff. Form-following-function, please!
So where's the html for the old login screen? I want that back.
So where's the html for the old login screen? I want that back.
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New info. When I first come to login screen, the FB stuff says "logging in" and then when that goes away, that's the moment that it clears the screen and throws away my typing. FYI, I have never in my entire existence used the FB login for Smugmug (nor do I understand why I would ever do so). But, my browser is regularly logged into FB (for FB usage, nothing to do with Smugmug).
So, I think there's some FB code in that login screen that is borking things.
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Between that and the tab issue, I have to reiterate that I hate the new login screen. :cry Not because of form, but function.
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John, did you link your Facebook account to your SmugMug login?
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There we go, now I see why you are not happy. Thanks for restating this crucial detail.
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I just want the fast login like before. I was able to login in <5 seconds before--even with typing everything in. :cry
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returning to the first in gallery. This is a huge problem when doing a quick
caption or keyword edit on a photo many pages in.
This statement after logging out is NOT correct.
Take me to the page I was viewing.
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I don't understand why you have to keep logging in? I logged into my SmugMug site sometime this year and have stayed logged in since. Unless I'm checking my site on a public computer, I don't see why I would need to log out and log back in? sorry if I'm missing the point here, I'm genuinely curious?