Photos Slow To Load When Viewing

With the new look to dgrin .. which I love ... photos are slow to load on threads I visit. Any reason for this .. something I need to do on my end?
Viewing on Firefox, W7.
Viewing on Firefox, W7.
i just find all is faster then before [ guess its me ]
Darn it .. was use to just clicking on a link and poof .. there was the photo. Now photos load like it's scanning. Oh well ... it is what it is
Checked out other websites .. they're fine as long as I have Dgrin closed. If it's open in another tab .. then other websites are slower. Don't know why that is the case.
you have Firefox 5 ?
Something is wrong. I would start with deleting your cookies and cache.
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I'm almost sure I do. How do I find out?
Already tried that.
help / about firefox
Thanks .. I'm using 5.0.
Can't figure this out. Certainly has me perplexed.
temporarily disable them to see if it solves
if so , the problem is there
enable one by one to find out witch one
normally ; better use one instead many different firewalls and AV 's
otherwise , i dont know
im sure its not Firefox , nor DGrin
Yes I have all that you mentioned. Am using Trend. Thought it might be a feature it offers and I turned that off to see if it was any better. It wasn't tho. Might need to shutdown my computer and start up again.
I'll play around with things and see if it gets better. Let you know later
Just shut off Window Washer that I have. Works somewhat faster now after doing a restart on the computer.
One thing I noticed after checking some links. Seems in the left lower corner it keeps saying transferring of data from particular sites .. ex. flicker, smug, photobucket, etc. So to me it seems there is a recall of downloads vs the photos being there .. something like that anyway. I'm hoping you know what I'm tying to say
After that a box popped up in the lower right corner saying something ... about the person that had last posted, but then it disappeared. Is this a new thing too?
I did 2 screen catches of what I'm seeing. It happens to any thread I look at. Each is different in 2 ways it downloads .. one is like a scan and another has a similar look only the whole photo is is displayed, but pixelated and it loads clearer from top to bottom.
It isn't consistent either. I can look at a thread with one photo and that one photo will load like example 2 or vise-versa.
1 --
2 --
Have you checked your internet connection with I suspect something is slowing you down.
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Sometimes the photo loads quickly for me too .. the one from top to bottom. Sometimes not tho.
Will try the test .. hadn't done that yet. I'll let you know what it shows.
Ping .. 107ms
Download speed .. 0.51mbps
Upload speed .. 0.42 mbps
I've not a clue how to read these numbers
I don't think I've ever scanned my registry for errors. Is that something that should be done?
Ping: 10ms
Upload: 3.94mbps
Download: 8.64mbps
The speed varies depending on time of day but the ping times are consistent. Your 107ms ping time is cause for concern though. The up and down load speeds are also pretty slow.
How are you connected to the network? Wireless? If so, can you try a different channel on the wireless?
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I have internet through my phone .. Qwest .. I know .. not the fastest and that might be my issue. Cable connection here is worthless for the most part. 1/2 the time one can't even get online or if you can it's slow.
Never heard of this one ... better then Trend? I never know which is best and which is 'computer friendly' for working with other programs.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I'll give that a try. Restarted it about a week ago .. but it may need it again. Thanks
Trend is pretty good as far as virus scanners go. You might want to check and make sure you're not running more than one.
Also, when you say "through your phone" do you mean DSL? The 100ms latency isn't great but I've seen longer and it does affect performance.
If you can, try doing this: Open a terminal window and type "ping -t". Let it run for maybe 30 seconds to a minute then hit control C to cancel it. You'll see something that looks like this:
What you care about most is the stats on the bottom. Hopefully, your connection isn't dropping packets--if you are, that will slow things down as well.
What do you see when you do this?
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Way above my knowledge level
If you tell me how to open a terminal window I'll give this a try
Yes .. I mean DLS .. not dial up ..
Could you try looking at, say, a YouTube video and see if it is downloading at whatever normal speed is for you? Your download speed seems low to me, but maybe that's just the way it always is, dunno.
What is DNS
Youtube runs smooth and quick. Not any downloading, slow down happening.
In Windows, you'll go to the "Start" menu, click "run" and type "command" on the line. That will open a terminal window.
What happens if you try and load images from another site? SmugMug, other photo sharing site?