No changes in my system, but I remained logged in for the past ten days under at least 20 separate sessions, until today. I am now logged out. Again, no changes here. Just bizarre behavior.
My Smugmug
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I have noticed that I stay logged in as long as I am logged in on only one computer. If I move to a different computer, I have to log in again. I don't know if that is what everyone else has noticed, but for me that is why I continually had to log in again (I switch between multiple computers regularly). It is really no different that having two sm accounts & not being able to stay logged in to both at the same time.
I have a two year old Windows machine, and the latest firefox version. I'm not only getting logged out of SM regularly, but also out of digital grin. This is definitely something that has been happening in the last couple of months only. For years, D grin never logged me out.
I have a two year old Windows machine, and the latest firefox version. I'm not only getting logged out of SM regularly, but also out of digital grin. This is definitely something that has been happening in the last couple of months only. For years, D grin never logged me out.
Haven't heard of that problem here lately. For what its worth, there are four domain names that set their own system cookies and are independent from each other.
www . dgrin . com
dgrin . com
www . digitalgrin . com
digitalgrin . com
Being logged in on one of these might mean being logged out on any of the others, and vice versa.
My Smugmug
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
No changes in my system, but I remained logged in for the past ten days under at least 20 separate sessions, until today. I am now logged out. Again, no changes here. Just bizarre behavior.
This would happen to me every so often even when the login was working properly. If it does it again on some sort of regular basis then it's an issue.
I have noticed that I stay logged in as long as I am logged in on only one computer. If I move to a different computer, I have to log in again. I don't know if that is what everyone else has noticed, but for me that is why I continually had to log in again (I switch between multiple computers regularly). It is really no different that having two sm accounts & not being able to stay logged in to both at the same time.
That's Interesting for sure. Each computer has its own cookie, so this is definitely not a local computer issue.
I have a two year old Windows machine, and the latest firefox version. I'm not only getting logged out of SM regularly, but also out of digital grin. This is definitely something that has been happening in the last couple of months only. For years, D grin never logged me out.
Sounds like a cookie issue for dgrin, but also check the domain names like David pointed out. That's gotten me a few times over the years, especially when clicking on links to different threads.
I've been getting logged out once again.... not during sessions, but in-between. (computer's been shut down, or I just go off the site or whatever). I'm on FireFox with Vista. I also sometimes have to fudge things when I want to do a color correction on the site, which too is something that was happening constantly. Now it's not every time. Sometimes I'll click "color effects" for one photo, and the screen just sits there; the various effects don't show up. I have to click on "Original" or whatever (the word, since there's no photo), then it brings me to the log-in page. All of this is stuff that was happening when the log-in issue was running rampant.
Ok, we're still doing this.... months and months later. I'm still getting logged out at times, especially when I go to do "Color Effect" on a photo or photos. The tool just sits there & won't do a thing until... oH phooey. Just look at my post before this. And before that. ANd before that. It's still happening. It still boggles the mind that SmugMug can't get this log-in thing sorted out for good. FF . with Vista. I'm traveling, so can't do more than that, and we've been through all the other details multiple times before.
I recently uploaded a batch using my brother's work laptop and it worked correctly. I'll have to wait to get home to see if the issue still exists for me...
Still there but less of it
Hi, the problem of being logged out is still there for me but I must say it is less frequent. From a situation where it happened about every hour we are now at a couple of times per day.
Just to let you know that things are getting better and that we are not yet where we need to be.
Greetings, Jan
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The login issue is back in full force for me. Something must have changed again at Smugmug this week.
I'm getting logged out pretty much constantly on my home PC, using Firefox & Windows 7; sometimes on the ipad mini, and frequently on the android phone.
Wow. NO response from SmugMug on this for weeks. I'm still getting logged out too, and said so back on Jan. 25. How can this go with no attention since before that?
Wow. NO response from SmugMug on this for weeks. I'm still getting logged out too, and said so back on Jan. 25. How can this go with no attention since before that?
You did not provide us with much information, except Firefox, Vista, Color Effect.
Did you shut down your computer?
Did you shut down your browser?
How long was the session active for?
We have tried to recreate this, and have many updated logs running to try to capture anything abnormal, but at this time, we are just not seeing it.
You did not provide us with much information, except Firefox, Vista, Color Effect.
Did you shut down your computer?
Did you shut down your browser?
How long was the session active for?
We have tried to recreate this, and have many updated logs running to try to capture anything abnormal, but at this time, we are just not seeing it.
It's Anna Lisa. Ok... I've been just extraordinarily busy with so much else, since August really. And that's about when this mess started. We're just all weary of it. Really weary. The problem is, I've given lots & lots of info. on many many occasions about this Log-in thing. And I'm not the only one right now... see all the posts along with mine, etc. Nothing has changed about this. I've given all the info. I know to give, time after time. I will try again.
Most nights, my computer gets shut down completely. Whether or not I've shut it down though, I'm getting logged out of SmugMug at some point. These days, when I open up my homepage, I'm often not logged in. I should be, because I never log-out before leaving my site. I don't want to ever be logged out unless I specifically log out.
I can't tell when I've gotten logged out, because it never looks like I've gotten logged out while I'm having a session. It will still say "log out" at the bottom of my screen, so if that's showing, it should mean I'm logged in like always. And it appears I am... I see all the stuff I'd only see when logged in. It's only when I go to do "color effect" & nothing happens that I have to force the log-in screen to show up. So "color effect" is one thing that evidently triggers my getting logged out. I now force the log-in screen to show up by hitting "refresh". Then I have to go back into "color effect" on my own, since I log-in & don't get taken back there automatically as I should. And like I said, SmugMug is often logging me out between sessions for some reason, whether or not I've shut my computer or browser down in-between. I shut down my browser multiple times through the day. Now and then, I shut my computer down for half a day or so too.
My computer is a PC using Vista, I'm always using FF, I don't know what else to tell you, and that's all I have time for. I've spent so many hours on this thing since last August, like so many other Smuggers. Someone's gotta be able to kick this thing. Also, it's lousy that people have been complaining about this issue again every week since Jan. 25 & this is the first we're hearing a response.
I have set up some more tests on my end to see if I can recreate this. Our logs do show this is happening to a very small subset of users now, so it isn't easy to track down the cause. I do sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this causes you, and I will keep digging to see if I can recreate, especially with the specifications Anna Lisa lists above.
Can you please tell us exactly how many users this is affecting? What system are you using to track this issue? What software controls the log outs? Please list all the possible scenarios that can cause the system to log out when the user has chosen not to allow this option.
SmugMug has shown that they are unwilling or unable to determine root cause or corrective action for this issue, so it would be appreciated if you made all of your troubleshooting information public so that the users could help themselves. Obviously SmugMug should just fix this on their own, but it is already clear that they are not capable or simply don't care enough to actually resolve anything
I remember when SmugMug was a service I was happy to pay for...
It's not just 2 of us. Please take note of Smurfy's, David's, Jan's, SlPollett's and other people's posts going down the thread in the days / months before mine. They've given other, different info on their log-in problems.
Can you please tell us exactly how many users this is affecting? What system are you using to track this issue? What software controls the log outs? Please list all the possible scenarios that can cause the system to log out when the user has chosen not to allow this option.
This is now affecting an incredibly tiny number of users. We cannot give you our testing scripts and backend information.
We are trying to track this down. We have many tests and logs that give us information. Unfortunately, the only information we are sure of, is that this is a very small number of users. We will continue to attempt to recreate this on our end, but with the sheer number of variables with systems, apps, plugins, etc, it could be an issue that will never be fully resolved for a very small set.
I am still very confused how you say you are tracking this, but you still ask the same very basic questions over and over (system, browser, version, etc). This seems like things you should easily be able to look up. If you're actually tracking any user's info on an individual basis, why is it so hard to tell what is trigger your system to automatically log off (when the user has indicated not to)? You seem to continually say it is a "small number" of users and that you're "trying to track it down", but so far I've seen absolutely nothing to substantiate this. The only responses I see are ones asking for user's system info.
Can you please at least attempt to explain what investigation you have actually done, and what data you are able to view? It really does not seem like this would be difficult to figure out with the correct data from the system. From a user standpoint it honestly feels like you are doing absolutely nothing and simply feeding us daily doses of useless comments to try and keep us at bay. Pretty much every single day my account is logged off. Usually multiple times a day. This did not happen for the last several years, until a few months ago. Just go look up what has changed and fix it, or at least give me an explanation. How hard is that?
I only asked Anna Lisa for her information, since I did not have it. We are continuing to try to recreate the issue, but as I said we are not able to. Also, as I said, based on the very large number of variables, this will be very hard to track down with such a small set of users.
We will continue to work on it, and monitor logs, but as of now, we do not have any further information to provide you.
I sincerely apologize. I know this is not ideal, but it is going to take some time to track down the cause for just a few users.
In customer service for any large company, it's usually safe to reason that for every person who brings up a problem, there are thousands more who are silently dealing with the same exact thing.
It's very unlikely that this is as isolated as the responses here would indicate. Although for the sake of others, I hope that is true.
It's happening to me on three different devices. The pc is a couple of years old, while the ipad mini and android phone are both almost new. It happened last night on the pc, and today on the ipad.
In customer service for any large company, it's usually safe to reason that for every person who brings up a problem, there are thousands more who are silently dealing with the same exact thing.
It's very unlikely that this is as isolated as the responses here would indicate. Although for the sake of others, I hope that is true.
It's happening to me on three different devices. The pc is a couple of years old, while the ipad mini and android phone are both almost new. It happened last night on the pc, and today on the ipad.
AMEN !!! I'm not sure why we so often have to point out this fact (your first sentence). It seems a no-brainer.
Checking in
Just checking in to let you know the logout issue is still alive with me. Once yesterday and twice (and many other time before yesterday although not a frequently) this morning I was logged out. I was in Smugmug, closed browser to do other things, went back to Smugmug and was logged out. on both occasions my login info and the keep me logged in check box was checked.
MacBook Pro, Safari version 6.0.2 (7536.26.17), OS X version 10.7.5, 8 GM memory. Although I have in the past I have been logged on multiple devices, (I stopped doing it), I am only logged in on my MacBook.
It would be nice to hear some details about what you are working on, what your think the problem might be, what solutions you have tried - maybe if you provided that, it might trigger some information/feedback from the users having the problem.
All I have heard from Smugmug is: (I used to be a programmer - I understand it can be hard to track down a moving target, but the following gets annoying)
1) We are aware of the problem
2) We are working on it
3) It is only affecting a small group of users
4) We can't duplicate it
This is all we get - if you can't duplicate it - how are you working on it? Have you made ANY changes to try and resolve the issue? Almost seems like you are just hoping it will go away. Something changed back in September - never had this problem before then.
My thoughts: (for what they are worth) - Have you looked at these?
1) Something is clobbering/overwriting the memory containing the keep me logged in flag. This problem is happening on Macs and PCs, so is it memory issue within the Smugmug code? Have you looked into this?
2) When I go to "Account Settings", sometimes I am required to login (i consider this a security check so I am ok with it). But......the key word above is "sometimes". Sometimes I am required to login/enter user/pwsd, sometimes I am not, sometimes when asked to login I see the keep-me-logged-in check box, sometimes don't see the box. There seems to be no consistency. Have you done a detailed analysis of ALL the areas/methods/places where a user is asked to login/enter their user/pwsd? It seems to me that this should all be very consistent. The code should all match (excepting cross-platform idiosyncrasies). Has this analysis been done?
3) What changed on the Smugmug side back in September? Something changed? Has there been a detailed analysis of Smugmug changes made and an investigation to learn if any tof the changes could have impacted the login/logout process?
Thanks for your efforts but I would love to here some details about what you have tried/changed if anything. Maybe let us know when a change has been made so we can provide feedback on the change?
^This is what I was trying to get at with my recent questioning. So far they have acknowledged an issue, and said they are working on it, but provided no details or info that would lead me to believe they are actually doing anything. It is my opinion that this is 100% completely due to a change at SmugMug, but they are doing absolutely 0 to try and fix it. I have yet to see anything that would convince me otherwise.
I made some headway today based on Anna Lisa's information. This may or may not be related to what you are experiencing, but it is something to work with. I will keep plugging away this week and keep you informed of any progress that I make.
Thank you again for your understanding, and I do apologize for the issues you are having.
So thanks to your very detailed descriptions, we were able to identify some cases where the premature log out was happening. We have implemented a fix for these cases. This should help eliminate some of the issues you were having wih the "Keep Me Logged In" feature not holding.
Please be vigilant and report back here if you still feel that you see cases of this happening. The more information the better.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding regarding this issue. This has been a beast of an issue to nail down, but I am happy to report that we have fixed some cases where this was indeed occurring.
I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Haven't heard of that problem here lately. For what its worth, there are four domain names that set their own system cookies and are independent from each other.
www . dgrin . com
dgrin . com
www . digitalgrin . com
digitalgrin . com
Being logged in on one of these might mean being logged out on any of the others, and vice versa.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Sounds like a cookie issue for dgrin, but also check the domain names like David pointed out. That's gotten me a few times over the years, especially when clicking on links to different threads.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
This is getting very, very aggravating.
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Hi, the problem of being logged out is still there for me but I must say it is less frequent. From a situation where it happened about every hour we are now at a couple of times per day.
Just to let you know that things are getting better and that we are not yet where we need to be.
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I'm getting logged out pretty much constantly on my home PC, using Firefox & Windows 7; sometimes on the ipad mini, and frequently on the android phone.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
You did not provide us with much information, except Firefox, Vista, Color Effect.
Did you shut down your computer?
Did you shut down your browser?
How long was the session active for?
We have tried to recreate this, and have many updated logs running to try to capture anything abnormal, but at this time, we are just not seeing it.
Photo Blog
Most nights, my computer gets shut down completely. Whether or not I've shut it down though, I'm getting logged out of SmugMug at some point. These days, when I open up my homepage, I'm often not logged in. I should be, because I never log-out before leaving my site. I don't want to ever be logged out unless I specifically log out.
I can't tell when I've gotten logged out, because it never looks like I've gotten logged out while I'm having a session. It will still say "log out" at the bottom of my screen, so if that's showing, it should mean I'm logged in like always. And it appears I am... I see all the stuff I'd only see when logged in. It's only when I go to do "color effect" & nothing happens that I have to force the log-in screen to show up. So "color effect" is one thing that evidently triggers my getting logged out. I now force the log-in screen to show up by hitting "refresh". Then I have to go back into "color effect" on my own, since I log-in & don't get taken back there automatically as I should. And like I said, SmugMug is often logging me out between sessions for some reason, whether or not I've shut my computer or browser down in-between. I shut down my browser multiple times through the day. Now and then, I shut my computer down for half a day or so too.
My computer is a PC using Vista, I'm always using FF, I don't know what else to tell you, and that's all I have time for. I've spent so many hours on this thing since last August, like so many other Smuggers. Someone's gotta be able to kick this thing. Also, it's lousy that people have been complaining about this issue again every week since Jan. 25 & this is the first we're hearing a response.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I have set up some more tests on my end to see if I can recreate this. Our logs do show this is happening to a very small subset of users now, so it isn't easy to track down the cause. I do sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this causes you, and I will keep digging to see if I can recreate, especially with the specifications Anna Lisa lists above.
Photo Blog
SmugMug has shown that they are unwilling or unable to determine root cause or corrective action for this issue, so it would be appreciated if you made all of your troubleshooting information public so that the users could help themselves. Obviously SmugMug should just fix this on their own, but it is already clear that they are not capable or simply don't care enough to actually resolve anything
I remember when SmugMug was a service I was happy to pay for...
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
This is now affecting an incredibly tiny number of users. We cannot give you our testing scripts and backend information.
We are trying to track this down. We have many tests and logs that give us information. Unfortunately, the only information we are sure of, is that this is a very small number of users. We will continue to attempt to recreate this on our end, but with the sheer number of variables with systems, apps, plugins, etc, it could be an issue that will never be fully resolved for a very small set.
Photo Blog
Can you please at least attempt to explain what investigation you have actually done, and what data you are able to view? It really does not seem like this would be difficult to figure out with the correct data from the system. From a user standpoint it honestly feels like you are doing absolutely nothing and simply feeding us daily doses of useless comments to try and keep us at bay. Pretty much every single day my account is logged off. Usually multiple times a day. This did not happen for the last several years, until a few months ago. Just go look up what has changed and fix it, or at least give me an explanation. How hard is that?
We will continue to work on it, and monitor logs, but as of now, we do not have any further information to provide you.
I sincerely apologize. I know this is not ideal, but it is going to take some time to track down the cause for just a few users.
Photo Blog
It's very unlikely that this is as isolated as the responses here would indicate. Although for the sake of others, I hope that is true.
It's happening to me on three different devices. The pc is a couple of years old, while the ipad mini and android phone are both almost new. It happened last night on the pc, and today on the ipad.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
AMEN !!! I'm not sure why we so often have to point out this fact (your first sentence). It seems a no-brainer.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Just checking in to let you know the logout issue is still alive with me. Once yesterday and twice (and many other time before yesterday although not a frequently) this morning I was logged out. I was in Smugmug, closed browser to do other things, went back to Smugmug and was logged out. on both occasions my login info and the keep me logged in check box was checked.
MacBook Pro, Safari version 6.0.2 (7536.26.17), OS X version 10.7.5, 8 GM memory. Although I have in the past I have been logged on multiple devices, (I stopped doing it), I am only logged in on my MacBook.
It would be nice to hear some details about what you are working on, what your think the problem might be, what solutions you have tried - maybe if you provided that, it might trigger some information/feedback from the users having the problem.
All I have heard from Smugmug is: (I used to be a programmer - I understand it can be hard to track down a moving target, but the following gets annoying)
1) We are aware of the problem
2) We are working on it
3) It is only affecting a small group of users
4) We can't duplicate it
This is all we get - if you can't duplicate it - how are you working on it? Have you made ANY changes to try and resolve the issue? Almost seems like you are just hoping it will go away. Something changed back in September - never had this problem before then.
My thoughts: (for what they are worth) - Have you looked at these?
1) Something is clobbering/overwriting the memory containing the keep me logged in flag. This problem is happening on Macs and PCs, so is it memory issue within the Smugmug code? Have you looked into this?
2) When I go to "Account Settings", sometimes I am required to login (i consider this a security check so I am ok with it). But......the key word above is "sometimes". Sometimes I am required to login/enter user/pwsd, sometimes I am not, sometimes when asked to login I see the keep-me-logged-in check box, sometimes don't see the box. There seems to be no consistency. Have you done a detailed analysis of ALL the areas/methods/places where a user is asked to login/enter their user/pwsd? It seems to me that this should all be very consistent. The code should all match (excepting cross-platform idiosyncrasies). Has this analysis been done?
3) What changed on the Smugmug side back in September? Something changed? Has there been a detailed analysis of Smugmug changes made and an investigation to learn if any tof the changes could have impacted the login/logout process?
Thanks for your efforts but I would love to here some details about what you have tried/changed if anything. Maybe let us know when a change has been made so we can provide feedback on the change?
I made some headway today based on Anna Lisa's information. This may or may not be related to what you are experiencing, but it is something to work with. I will keep plugging away this week and keep you informed of any progress that I make.
Thank you again for your understanding, and I do apologize for the issues you are having.
Photo Blog
So thanks to your very detailed descriptions, we were able to identify some cases where the premature log out was happening. We have implemented a fix for these cases. This should help eliminate some of the issues you were having wih the "Keep Me Logged In" feature not holding.
Please be vigilant and report back here if you still feel that you see cases of this happening. The more information the better.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding regarding this issue. This has been a beast of an issue to nail down, but I am happy to report that we have fixed some cases where this was indeed occurring.
I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
Photo Blog